Terror: Terrible or Terrific? [Inactive]

Music Maniac

Music Master
I was on the floor of an unheated, concrete cell with a sac over my head. I was in the corner of the room, but that was all I knew, since It was too dark for me to make out anything through the holes in the sac. "Oh, I've been kidnapped? How... Interesting. Who is the host of this... this action, if I may ask?"
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I was on a concrete cell along with another figure who happened to be.... (Anyone)... "H-hello. Where.... where are we?" She asked. She heard no response and curled up in a ball. She was really scared
Slowly coming awake, "Have I been in an accident?" Maddie thought to herself, cold and struggling to move. The last thing Maddie remembered was waiting for her father to pick her up from gymnastics practice. He never showed. She opened her eyes to realize the room was pitch dark. As she struggled to move, she realized her arms and legs were bound with chains. Panic rose in her chest and she started to scream.
Jordan smiled and appeared outside of the cells from the shadows. "Hello, my audience", he said with a cackle, it was nearly pitch black other then a low hanging light bulb that showed only his dark figure. "Or should I say.. my victims.."
Edward sat there, confused. "Nine, Nine, You have it all wrong. You fool! We are subjects. Victims? Come on, are you some kind of mediocre villain?" Happy with himself, he laughed.
"Please please, whoever you are let me go." Maddie wailed. She couldn't think, she couldn't breath.
Angel squealed as she heard a mans voice. It freaked her out. It was Edwards. She ran in a direction. She then tripped on Edward. Angel cut her leg.
"Well I can't see. I'm BLIND! Hahahaha." He felt a warm puddle of blood start to touch his leg. "You know, Mr. Person, you should really remember to lock up all the people, instead of leaving one loose. Or separate us into different rooms." Amateur, he thought.
"Heh.. subjects? I like it.. Well.. here we go.. before I release you into my little maze.. I have a warm up.. and a proposal.", Jordan said with a laugh. He pressed a button and beetles began to fall from the ceiling in the cells, yet they were all mushed up and dead, like some kind of weird oatmeal.

"The last person alive will leave with their life, killing is not against the rules and is highly recommended."
Feeling the shower of what must be some kind of dead insect, Maddie is thankful that she isn't very squeamish when it comes to bugs, but killing? No way! Yet, she knows she must make it out alive. Somehow.
"What makes you think we will listen? So, how many of us are there? I've heard 2 other voices, but is anyone asleep?" Still waiting for someone to take off the sac from his head.
He laughed. "If you don't listen I will simply leave you here until you starve.. or I'll chase you down myself..", he said with a sigh. "You either kill and live, or don't and die."
He kept his mouth shut, and stood up. His arms were still attached to the wall. He bent as much as he could and shook his head vigorously until the sac fell off. "Well, this is nice and cozy and all, but I'd prefer a carpeted floor, with a fridge, and possibly a heater? Don't forget the bathroom or shower."
Jordan glared and pressed a button, releasing a tiny amount of neurotoxin to terrorize the man's lungs. "Control your mouth", he said with a growl, taking out a knife. "Or I'll cut out all of your tongues, everyone's tongues, if YOU don't shut up."
"How can you joke at a time like this!" Shaking her head bewildered. "You can't do this to us you know! You are sick!" She shouts at their captor.
Jordan began to laugh. "Keep talking, two more sentences, I dare you, any of you", he said with a growl. He then smiled and stood there for a minute. "Anyone want to try talking? Set an example?"
Maddie quickly shuts her mouth but gives him a death stare to let him know exactly what she is thinking, trying to hide the fear.
Jordan stared back at Maddie, and smiled as he approached her cell step by step, his knife drawn. He then pulled out a key. "You want to set an example then?", he asked, already putting the key in the hole in means of scaring her.
She shakes her head and tries to scoot back against the wall, as close as she can get. "I am sorry, I am sorry." She blurts out before she can stop herself.
"Sorry won't cut it..", he said.. "Well... I'm feeling merciful.. for now..", he said with a laugh, then jerking his head at light speed into Edward's direction, pulling out his cell's key and approaching his door. "Shall I cut that smile off of your face, and then put you through a world of pain, or will you try and be a polite guest?"
Maddie sucks in a huge breath trying to still her shaking body. She knows she has to get it together, she has to think. The man was insane and dangerous. How do you appeal to a mad man?
Jordan then smiled at the German's words. "Then you will love this.. Now then.. here are the basics.. This facility once a mental asylum is now my playground, my maze. You will either find the exit or kill the others to escape. There are weapons and creatures scattered about this place, and your goal is to survive, a basic instinct.. I will be watching your every moves through many cameras hidden in every room and hallway.", Jordan then began to laugh as he walked off and into a room to the right of the cells, in front of the cells were many paths into the maze. He locked the door behind him in the bunker kind of building and pressed a button, the cells opened. "Fight or die", he whispered with a maniacal laugh. He then pressed a series of buttons which opened a hatch from the ceiling above the pathways, dropping a live bomb set to detonate in ten seconds.

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