Terrestrial and Celestial Shards; Underworld "Terrestri

You might say... that they were always agents of death?! :shock:

The taint goes deeper than we suspected!
One thing about underworld analogs of terrestrials, regardless of implementation, that I think is interesting setting wise: after a while of dropping coy hints, then obvious hints, then coming right out and saying that the Five Elemental Dragons are Gaia's component souls, the implication is that the Dragon-Blooded, unlike the celestials, are ultimately direct descendants of Primordials.

If duality holds, then the source of "underworld terrestrials" (labyrinthines? stygians?) would ultimately be the Malfeans, not the deathlords. This could have interesting political ramifications. It might also mean that the "terrestrials" were around prior to the deathlords, which would probably mean that the deathlords would have had to fight them at some point. Unless they were already subjugated by the nephracks.
That is a cool thought.. Although that argument might be more appropriately applied to a direct offspring of the malfeans, rather than converted ones of Gaia, who's still around. However, they would make interesting antagonists.

On that train of thought you propose, consider an alternate setting where Gaia becomes covered in Shadowlands, effectively dying, or where she dies by having her component souls slain.

The DBs would automatically become these Underwold DBs we're discussing, no? Because unlike the celestials, they are tied to Gaia herself, as I understand it?
Samiel said:
The DBs would automatically become these Underwold DBs we're discussing, no? Because unlike the celestials, they are tied to Gaia herself, as I understand it?
I suppose it depends on what you think happens to, say, first circle demons if all the component souls of their Yozi were killed. Do they remain as they are? Vanish? Translate into something else? It's the same situation with DBs.

Well, almost.

Demons don't breed true. Could be that the DB's ability to do this indicates that they are "detatched" from Gaia in some way.

So, basically whatever would make a better story. I think if you went this way, it would be cooler of some DBs held off the corruption, while others weren't able to. Sort of like Blood Elves in Earthdawn.
T'would certainly be interesting at any rate. And yea, that "holding off the taint" idea smacks of great story potential. Someday I may run it as a "Last Redoubt" style game in the underworld of a cadre of living untainted DBs struggling against the underworld and fallen DBs..
I'm sort of experimenting with the idea of Deathlord Terrestrials quite literally in fact. One of the “side plotsâ€

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