Terrain of Magical Expertise (Sign-Ups! All Welcome)


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot



For those of you who are familiar with TOME, then ignore the next part and skip down to the rules and character bio information. If not, then keep reading.

The following link is a basic video that will give you a basic idea of what exactly this TOME is that I speak of. You don't have to watch all of it if you don't want to, but I highly recommend it. It's a lot better at explaining things than I am.


Okay, so, TOME. An online game with nearly endless possibilities for players in terms of how you wish to play the game, as well as diversity between players' characters and abilities.

To play TOME, you obviously need a character (Duh, idiot). Your character can be created using in-game clotihng, hairstyles, body shapes, etc, but it can also be created in a much simpler manner. If you wish, you may submit a picture of your desired appearance for your character, and the game can scan the image and produce an identical digital model to use as your avatar. Of course, the model has to be approved by system administrators, first. Can't have a hundred teenagers running around as hookers. Then, you must choose a name for your avatar.

Next important category of information: the game world.

The TOME world consists of a gigantic floating island that consists of three main areas: Sanctuary, Mechcity, and Lavendera. Sanctuary is a social-only zone, Lavendera is a purely combat-oriented zone, and Mechcity is both a social and battle zone.

In Sanctuary, no characters can battle other characters, but players ARE able to receive quests from NPCs, which often require them to delve into dungeons, retrieve ancient artifacts, fight unspeakable monsters, or perhaps a combination of the above.

In Lavendera, any player is free at any time to battle another player. So, yeah, don't go wandering around unless you're confident that you can hold your own against other players in unannounced combat. There's this whole thing with rank and experience, but I'll get to that later.

In Mechcity, players can both socialize, AND battle each other, if they so desire. Battle challenges in Mechcity must be accepted by both opposing parties before the battle can begin, as opposed to Lavendera, in which any challenge cannot go unaccepted, if the challenged player does not want to lose their rank (again, I'll explain in a bit about rank).

Okay, now onto BATTLING, the part that all of you REALLY care about (haha...). Most battles between players in TOME utilize the BattleGrid system. When battling in Mechcity, or when openly challenging a player in Lavendera, such battles take place in a large...well...grid. The cage-like grid acts as boundary limits for the battle, for the sake of practicality. Battling players inside the grid cannot, under any circumstances, leave the grid unless the battle ends. Battles that require battlegrids cannot take place in areas in which the battlegrid will not fit- a cramped alleyway, for example. Players that win battles will earn experience points, which obviously cause your character to grow and become more powerful. A rank system is also utilized in battles. Winners will increase in rank, and losers will lose their current rank and drop to the next lowest rank. Rank serves as a sort of a competitive ladder.

However, battle rules in Lavendera are slightly different than those in Mechcity. Rules for battlegrids still apply, but in Lavendera, if you are challenged to a battlegrid fight by another player, you HAVE TO ACCEPT, or else lose by forfeit and drop a rank. In Lavendera, battlegrids are NOT required to fight other players, but players who win non-grid battles do NOT earn experience points or ranks, only bragging rights.


No godmodding. You will get two warnings, after the third infringement, I will assume your player is a hacker, and the TOME Game Masters will come and permaban your account. (In other words, you'll be kicked from the RP. So don't do it.) If you EVER have any questions about what is/is not allowed, do not be afraid to ask on the OOC thread (to which I will post a link below). That's what it's there for. If you read this, give the text in your character sheet a unique color scheme, or anything other than black.

You may only start with one character. If you wish to make another, you may request to do so in the OOC thread.

Quality, not Quantity. I cannot stress this enough. One of the things I CANNOT stand are people who force you to produce paragraphs of words for every. Single. Post. If there is not much to say, then you don't have to say much. As long as your posts actually contribute to the plot, I am indifferent to the length. If you have questions/comments about this, again, go to the OOC thread.

I will post a basic plot in the OOC thread. I will provide a few basic tips and suggestions on how to start the story off, but I would love to see you guys hold up the plot on your own (for the most part). The OOC thread is always there if you need to speak with other RPers about plot devices and the like.

Below, you might notice the character sheets include two undiscussed categories: "Class" and "Power". I will have information about these in the OOC thread. Seriously guys, just make sure to check out that OOC thread. It is going to be the metaphorical lubrication to make this RP run smoothly, efficiently, and enjoyably. Just go. Right now. Open it up in a new tab. Right now.

HERE IS THE OOC THREAD, RIGHT HERE: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/tome-storyline-and-ooc-discussion.14757/


Character Sheets:

Name: (the name of your character IRL, their name when they aren't playing TOME)

Age: (obvious)

Gender: (also obvious)

Username: (Make it creative)

Class: (Your character's in-game class. MAKE SURE TO VISIT THE OOC THREAD FOR INFO ON THIS)

Power: (SAME GOES FOR THIS, ESPECIALLY THIS. In parentheses, briefly explain the applications of your power, tell us what exactly your powers do)

Personality: (what type of person is your character? We're talking traits, likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, personal flaws, fears, etc.)

Appearance: (your character's in-game appearance, not their IRL appearance. This RP will focus on their in-game experiences for the most part, so we won't focus on what they really look like. If you want to include an IRL pic for your character, feel free. For your in-game appearance, try to get either A) an anime-ish picture, or B) some sort of fan-art or drawing. Your character's appearance in-game doesn't have to correlate with their class and powers, but with the Mechanical and Morphological classes, appearances are somewhat restricted)

My Character:

Name: Etzenam Rook

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Username: Equalizer

Class: Fighter

Power: Music Soul (Rook utilizes emotions, feelings of excitement, and rushes of adrenaline to channel a sort of "soul power" and manifest it in the form of a fluctuating, electricity-ish type of energy that dances and pulses in time with the music that Rook listens to. This energy can be applied in tons of different ways, depending on what music he's listening to, and such unique, extra abilities only last until his current song ends.)

Personality: Rook is a free spirit, and deep within possesses a natural thirst for adventure and excitement. That promise of a rush of adrenaline is what motivates him to get up every morning. He has a passion for music that penetrates past his soul into something...deeper. Music is his very essence. When he listens to songs, every awesome beat, moving melody and harmony, and every guitar riff stimulates his essence of being in a way that he often finds difficult to explain. Rook lives a somewhat carefree lifestyle, retaining (for the most part) an adventurous and bold attitude. He believes in good luck and fortune, and believes that the outcomes of events can't always be changed, that some things were just "meant to be". He tends to follow his own, inner intuition and allow it to lead him through life's struggles. However, when engaging in simple, practical matters, Rook assumes a logical, simplistic approach to things. He is very confident and bold, but is also sometimes brash, and has an ego the size of Jupiter. He fears needles and silence, and hates nothing more than ignorance.


(normal, in-game appearance when at rest)


(example appearance when using powers)

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Name: Blaire Stark

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Username: Hallucinogen

Class: Spellcaster

Power: Hallucinations. (As her name goes, she can make hallucinations that she doesn't see, but everyone else doesn't. She can make herself appear as something that isn't the truth, and can make it so that she doesn't appear as as she is. *I am terrible at describing this, and then it turns out like this. Basically she can create hallucinations. :| *)


Traits: She has a poor habit of portraying herself as a boy. She doesn't like to play fair, and is willing to do anything to win.

Likes: Cats, good fighters, music (all types),

Dislikes: Dogs, bad fighters, girls-who-claim-to-be-gamer-girls

Strengths: Offense

Weaknesses: Defense

Personal Flaws: She has a god complex, and because of this, she is not good at dealing with people.

Fears: Losing.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2f6a7e5_Blonde-warrior-armor-girl(1).jpg.e74bb99ddab3210d6752a83cefd6f165.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2f6a7e5_Blonde-warrior-armor-girl(1).jpg.e74bb99ddab3210d6752a83cefd6f165.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I just liked what you did with the colors)



  • Blonde-warrior-armor-girl (1).jpg
    Blonde-warrior-armor-girl (1).jpg
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I like your character, but I'm curious as to the combination of a Morphological class and a Hallucinations power. Morphologicals usually have somewhat limited appearances. They literally are morphological, and thus their bodies tend to look more like blobs or silhouettes or humanoid figures that are "made out of" whatever substance their Power refers to. I don't mean to be rude, but my point is, how can someone be "made of hallucinations"? Doesn't make much sense. If you're dead set on this Power and Class, I can help you find a more fitting appearance picture. If I were you, I would probably just switch the class to Spellcaster or perhaps even Fighter, depending on whether she prefers to fight up close or from afar.

It's up to you.


Renshii Akahero








Fighter (Archery)


True Shot:

The power gives Renshii the ability to 'Aim Down Sights' with his bow allowing him to see targets further away, it also gives him the ability to shoot two arrows at the same time rather then one. The final ability the power gives him is to use his arrows twice as fast as a normal archer.


Renshii is quite calm and quiet outside of the game, he stays indoors unless he is forced to leave the house. He generally spends most of his time learning the game and studying it as much as possible, in the time he's spent playing the game Renshii has learned most of the ways to obtain easy experience and so forth. In game, he doesn't join groups and much rather prefer to push everyone away and keep his levels for himself


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Accepted, Claire.

@Kiro Akira

Power isn't something you activate, it indicates the general "theme" surrounding your character, like "Weather" or "Colors" or even something more complicated like "Evil King". 
That's all you really need to change, everything else is fine.
Name: Elias Kelham

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Username: Inquisitor

Class: Spellcaster...Of an unorthodox application.

Power: Doom Blades. Tap two Swamps and destroy target non-Black creature...No,I kid. The Doom Blades are blades made of malicious magic and intent. Manifesting as bastard swords made of a quasi-solid matter that seems to absorb all light that strikes it. The blades can be thrown or used in melee,however,upon striking an opponent (not their weapon),the blade explodes in a burst of energy. The blades,when conjured,come in batches of ten,and when not held in his hands,they float at his back like a set of wings.

Personality: Elias values thought and agency over all else. In his opinion,if you can't think and act for yourself when it's time for it,you're not worth the air you breathe. When he does find people who can think and act for themselves,he considers ingratiating himself with them,and calling them "Friend". He values such people,and will do what he can to ensure their well-being.

Inquisitor stands six feet tall,and weighs 195 pounds. His physique is best described as lean and carved. His eyes are green,and his thick,cheek-length hair is a dark red,sometimes mistaken as brown. His clothes are remarkably ornate and functional.

His clothes consist of trousers,a shirt,and a robe,as well as gloves,boots and a belt. The robe is made of two layers of medium leather,fused with thread,containing chainmail between.

The trousers are a deep red with golden trim at the cuffs,along the seams,and at the waist. They are made of a light cloth.

The shirt is much like the trousers,is made of light cloth and follows a red and gold colour theme. The sleeveless shirt sports a high collar,with the gold trim around said collar,running down the button-up front,and coming down the hem of the shirt. The front of the shirt extends down to just below the knees like a tabard,and it bears the image of a golden sword,blade pointed down. Along the seams of the shirt is also gold,as are the arm openings. Finally,the neck bears a clasp,made of gold,bearing a miniaturized version of the image on the tabard.

The boots and gloves are black,made of heavy cloth,with gold highlights. Furthermore,the backs of the gloves feature intricate runes in red thread. The gloves are fingerless,and reach the elbows.

The robe is made of two layers medium leather fused at the edges by heavy duty thread,containing chainmail betwixt the layers,providing hidden protection from most bladed strikes. Dyed red with golden trim identical to the other clothes. The sleeves reach the elbows,and the robe has more material on the sides and back,with the sides reaching to just below the knees,and the back reaching just above the ankles. The back of the robe bears the emblem of the sword once more,as do the cufflinks. The hood,as well as having the chainmail present throughout the entire robe,is reinforced with steel wires,making it impossible to be pulled down...Or over his eyes.

The belt is a massive cord of heavy leather with a heavy clasp,with a prominently featured emerald in the buckle. The clasp appears to be made of brass.
Yes, Kiro, I suppose that will do. You and Riddle are both accepted. 
I'll have the actual RP thread up in awhile, sit tight in the meantime. 
Okay, so here's the deal.

As I began to type the opening post, I thought about the RP's potential (or lack thereof :/ ) and realized that the RP was not going to progress in the fashion that I had originally envisioned. Factors such as a low amount of participators and obscurity of the fandom in question, I realized, would prevent the RP's plot from playing out as I imagined, with the drama and inter-character relations that I imagined. If we had more people, perhaps it might have worked out, but as it is, the RP isn't on the scale that the plot was intended to work on, so I'm gonna have to put this RP out of its misery.

So, yeah. Sorry.

*shoots the RP* 
I apologize if I came off as fickle or indecisive, and can understand if you feel frustrated. After all, I was so insanely enthusiastic about promoting my idea, but then right when the RP was to start I shut it down.

It's been awhile since I started an RP of my own, and as a result I think I rushed this idea.
No, it's okay. In retrospect, the way I envisioned the RP to go probably wouldn't have worked anyways.

However, I DO have an idea for another fandom-based RP, but I'm going to take my time with this one. It's going to be as in-depth as possible, so I want to take my time and see how many people are interested before I leap into the fray with wild abandon like I did with this one. Send me a PM, and I can give you more info if you're intrigued.
Perhaps if I find a way, I might resurrect this one in the future.

The other RP idea I had was a Homestuck RP.
*sigh* And here I was getting all excited... Oh well, don't feel bad. TOME is a vast realm full of secrets and areas to explore, it would be hard for anyone to go and capture it all with this website.

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