Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)


New Member
~Character Sheet~





Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th):


Date of Birth(Month and Day):

Characters Quote(s):

Want a relationship?:

Sexual Orientation(If you want):

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):


History/Background Story:







~Change or add anything else if you want. Leave the places blank if you are thinking about putting something there but don't know yet. Delete the section if you're not going to use it for sure owo~

Here's mine~

Name: Toiren, Aine


Age: 15

Occupation: Student/ Flower Shop Worker

Grade: 10th

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 13th

Characters Quote(s): "Stay back, I may be a poisonous flower singing a beautiful lullaby."

Want a relationship?: Depends on my character and how it goes.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual



Appearance: Long straight silvery hair(as in picture), She's blind in her right eye so she keeps it covered up by her bangs. Her left eye's the only one uncovered and it's green. Wears ribbons on the top of her head. The color depends on what she is wearing. She only wears long-sleeved hoodies that go down to her thighs like a dress. Under that she wears a tank-top and shorts that cannot be seen. On her feet it differs from boots to regular tennis shoes. In a case she carries a violin around with her. Aine has a fairly large burn mark on the top of her right hand and up her wrist, concealing it with black gloves. Her left hand is fine but to even it out she wears the other glove on her left. Around her neck she wears a silver necklace with a key that has a spade on it, it's usually tucked inside of her jacket.





Personality: Stubborn, Can be lazy when she doesn't want to deal with people, shy and serious at first but once she gets used to someone she will start smiling, laughing, and talking to them, Kind, Caring, Loyal, doesn't smile or laugh much, admits when she can't do something. When she sees someone who may need help she has to help them. She can try to ignore it but she goes back to help them in a matter of seconds.

History/Background Story: Aine's mother and father died saving her and her older brother in a fire(Aine was 9 years old). They started to live with their grandmother. When Aine was 12 her brother died in a car accident. Before the car accident he gave her the spade key as a gift. Aine treasures it dearly. She still lives with her grandmother. Her grandmother runs a small flower shop and Aine helps out with it. She passed the audition with flying colors by playing her violin.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 118 lbs

Likes: Pastries or anything sweet, Reading, Nature, Birds, Singing, Pianos, Violins, Listening to others music, Looking at paintings.

Favorite flowers: Iceberg Rose and Lily-of-the-Valley.

Dislikes: Short-sleeved shirts, Perverts, Coffee, Meats, Preppy girls, Jerks

Abilities/Talents: Very athletic, very musically inclined.

Hobbies/Past-times: Baking, Singing, Playing violin and piano, Writing, helping out with the flower shop
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Name: Delilah Clark

Nickname: Dell ((She prefers to use Dell as her name.))

Age: 15

Occupation: Student and cafe waitress/cashier

Grade: 10th

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 18th

Characters Quote(s): " People think I'm quiet because I'm shy...When actually I've been silently judging you ." " My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world." " Silence is in my nature." " Judging a person doesn't define who they are. It defines who you are." " Yes I am short. Please don't take my stuff and try to make me reach for it." " No I'm not fun sized I'm short."

Want a relationship?: Unknown she doesn't focus much on relationships with other people.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual



Appearance/Other Objects:

Dell is usually wearing any kind of baggy or oversized t-shirt/hoodie/long sleeve shirt/sweater and wears any kind of shorts even when it's winter. She wears her knee high black boots and long socks that are usually white. She has two piercings on each side of her ear. She also carries around her MP3 player with her large headphones. She wears a Clark family amulet that she was left with at the orphanage. She does have freckles.





Personality: Dell is a fragile girl who is used to moving around. She never trusts anyone and is very careful around people who can harm her. Dell doesn’t talk unless addressed or unless she is forced to such as have partners or being in groups during class. She’s shy and always feels the need to help others. Dell is self-conscious and doesn't have much faith in herself. She over thinks things which is part of her trust issues with other people. She doesn't have much of a social life and doesn't have many friends and the few she does have aren't very close. She never grows on to people because she feels as if her problems would become their burden. She doesn't like having people worry about her and try to help her. Dell is also very creative and uses her free time to compose music and write. When she's alone she can let it all lose threw her creativity.

History/Background Story: Dell was born into a family in poverty and was handed over to an orphanage when she was 18 months old. She grew up being in and out of houses usually ending up back in the orphanage. All she had left of her real family was the Clark family crest/amulet. She was adopted by a young couple when she was 9 and she thought she could trust her new parents. Before they tried to sell her into child slavery. She had soon escaped her horrible life and fled back to the orphanage. Years later at the age of twelve she was adopted by a single mother with her 16 year old brother. She had issues adapting to her new family and is still distant. She started school again and didn't talk to anyone until after spring break she still hadn't made any friends though. She soon started high school just as her brother was finishing.

Height: 5 foot.

Weight: 108 lbs.

Likes: Snow, rain, stars, ice, books, dreams, music, and keeping to herself.

Dislikes: Heat, thunder, loud noises, yelling/screaming, the dark, nightmares, sleeping, and her dark circles from lack of sleep.

Abilities/Talents: Composing/playing music and writing.

Hobbies/Past-times: Reading, Making music, Playing music, writing, listening to music, studying, and midnight walks with a light source.
Name: Asura, Kimirou

Nickname: Miru or Asura


Occupation: Student/ Book Store Owner

Grade: 11th grade

Gender: Male

Date of Birth(Month and Day): December 21st (Winter solstice on the year he was born. The darkest night of the year.

Characters Quote(s):"Hate it for you!"

Want a relationship?: n/a

Sexual Orientattion(If you want): Will come out during rp. Due to him being secretive about his private life period.

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

Personality: Asura (Formal nickname), is very sarcastic in nature. He seems to be very confident in his skin although he actually is very sensitive. He is very protective in nature especially when it comes to those he calls friends. A lot of people also view him as a pervert, due to when he is not at school he is in the bookstore reading erotic books.

History/Background Story: The night Kimirou was born he father left his mother at the hospital never to be seen again. On his first birthday his mother was stabbed to death right infront of his eyes. The murderer left her body and Kimirou there. He watched her blood fill the floor for hours until his grandparents found them in the kitchen the next morning. After getting him back home with them they noticed that his eyes had changed to a pigeon blood ruby color. They took him to several specialists but came up with the same result. Normal. They finally gave up. At the age of three his grandparents noticed that Kimirou had an interest in music. They hired a tutor to come to their bookstore twice a week to teach him the violin. At the age of 7 Kimirou decided to switch to the cello. He instantly fell in love with the instrument's many octaves and the change possible from light to dark tones. Kimirou was known around town as a prodigy. He had over 200 offers to join symphonies. He denied each and every one of them. Kimirou felt as if his music was a connection to his mother and cherished it. Even though he is known as a prodigy he feels as if he isn't a master of the art. He decided to join the Teriel School of Art to expand his knowledge. At the beginning of his 10th year his grandparents died while on a cruise. They left the bookstore in Kimirou's name and he now lives in the apartment above it.



Likes:Reading, playing chess, researching things online, playing his cello and runing his bookstore, the colors purple and black.

Dislikes:Ignorance, stupidity, arrogant people, bullies, and interruptions.

Abilities/Talents: He is very smart due to him researching as much as he can. He is amazing with the cello and loves to make people feel his emotions through his music.

Hobbies/Past-times:Playing the Cello, Reading, research, and chess/debates.
Name: Wakai, Nadeza

Nickname: Deza-tan

Age: 17

Occupation: Cashier

Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th): 11th

Gender: Male

Date of Birth(Month and Day): February 29th (celebrates on March 1st)

Characters Quote(s): "Cash money~!" "Why can't I remember"

Want a relationship?: 'Single and ready to mingle'

Sexual Orientation(If you want): Bisexual



His cat, Tachinowarui Yatsu ("Tachino-san"):



Pros - Energetic, hopeful, loyal

Cons - Bipolar, reckless, arrogant

History/Background Story: Nadeza was born to a healthy family, living in a small apartment downtown for most of his life. Though the family didn't have much, Nadeza and his parents learned to live, and be happy with what they did have. He lived a for-the-most-part normal life, with many friends as well as being a very good basketball player.

Up until the car hit him.

At age 15, a car slammed into him as he was walking to the store. Luckily he survived with merely a broken arm and a concussion. But the concussion was just the beginning. Nadeza was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia, and was unable to remember nearly everything about his past, but retained (most of) his schooling. With time he learned of his parents and friends, and got his happy demeanor back plus his athletic skill, but still; some days he wakes up with little to no memories for a time before he comes to his senses.

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 185

Likes: Cats, soda, sports, himself, rap

Dislikes: Books, long-sleeve shirts, uptight people, pop and classical music

Abilities/Talents: Nadeza is athletic, and very quick on his feet. He is also a skilled lyricist and rapper (to him and his close friends, at least).

Hobbies/Past-times: Basketball, rapping, trying to remember details of his past
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Name: Yoki Tsutomu (It means cheerful worker :3)

Nickname: Yoki

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/Jobless

Grade: 11th

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: September 7th

Characters Quote(s): "People are my favorite kind of people! Not one certain kind of person... Just people in general! Oh, except negative people... And emo people... And satanic people... And evil people... Okay, MOST people are my favorite kind of people!

Want a relationship?: We'll see what unfolds in the future :3

Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfef96a56_FAHJKHL.png.1da6e4c494be5052896f5e1d73faa5a5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfef96a56_FAHJKHL.png.1da6e4c494be5052896f5e1d73faa5a5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hair - Brown

Eyes - Blue

Often wears a wristwatch and a silver necklace under his school clothes. When outside of school, he enjoys wearing, T-shirts, jeans, and a sweatshirt when it gets cold.

Personality : Very upbeat kind of guy. He's always seen with a smile on his face, and isn't afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right. However, he doesn't always think before he acts, and that can get him into some pretty bad situations. An overall funny, energetic, yet stubborn and clumsy person. His only true kryptonite is talking to girls, that makes him sweat. Like, a lot.

History/Background Story: He lives with his Aunt Aki as well as his sister and brother, Hira (9 yrs) and Dai (17 yrs). His parents work for an international fashion line and are always away on business trips.

Part of Japan you come from: Matsue

Height : 5'2

Weight: 133

Likes: Food, jokes, sleep, friends, family, screwing around, procrastinating,

Dislikes : Negativity, getting hit in the face, spicy foods, building up the courage to ask a girl out,

Abilities/Talents: Drawing, Running, Making people laugh,

Hobbies/Past-times: Video Games, Drawing again :P , Reading, Hanging out with friends,



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Name: Fukui Yukiko(means child of snow)

Nickname: Yuki

Age: 16

Occupation: student/ bakery shop worker.

Grade: 11th

Gender: female

Date of Birth: january 2nd

Characters quote(s):

"Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry" "I'm short. Deal with it" "Hey, cheer up now, it'll be fine :) "

Want a relationship?: maybe, depends on who she meets.

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.e6eabbc1f3af80af198adfc241c3443c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25063" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.e6eabbc1f3af80af198adfc241c3443c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):

Long ice-blue hair, always in one messy braid. Her eyes are just as blue as her hair, decorated by long black eyelashes. Whenever she is at home, she wears a white yukata with little ribbons here and there. But when she leaves the house, a white blouse and a short, marine blue skirt replaces the yukata.

She also owns a silver flute with white swirling patterns which she plays regularely.

Personality: Yuki is a very joyful girl outside of her home. Very outgoing and talkactive. But when at home, she might appear very shy and quiet since her father is very strict. Yuki is also very loving and caring an would gladly do anything to help someone. She's rarely sad, and when she is it's often very serious stuff on her mind. She works hard to make people keep up their good mood. When someone is sad, Yuki is often one of those who try to comfort the person.

History/Background Story: The Yamauchi family is a rich one who lives on top of the hill in the white mansion, because of the father who owns a grand electronics company. Yukis father, Hashime, is a strict person who rarely let Yuki get out of sight. That caused her to have a rather lonely childhood since she was homeschooled until the age of 9. Her mother died in leukemia when Yuki was 12 years old, . She is still very upset about it and rarely talks about her mother. w Now in the houseold, there is only her and her father, as well as two maids and a butler.

Height: 5.1"

Weight: 121 lb

Likes: playing the flute, Snow, Ice, Winter, Laughing, sweets, candy, happy people, the night sky, sunsets and animals.

Dislikes: too warm places, the beach, angry people, tea, coffee.

Abilities/talents: playing the flute and keeping people in their good mood.

Hobbies/Past-times: anything artistic, reading andlistening to music, mostly classic.



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~Character Sheet~

Name: Nichole Wift

Nickname: very rarely do people call her Nikki. If they do and she doesn't like it, she punches them on the face :)

Age: 16

Occupation: student/jobless

Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th): 11th

Gender: female

Date of Birth(Month and Day): October 13th

Characters Quote(s): "if you harm my dog in any way, you won't have a soul to live."

Want a relationship?: "try me, I may like you."

Sexual Orientation(If you want): straight (guys)

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):

Her pants arnt usually patched up but they usually have holes.

Personality: she's rich but doesn't act like it. She can be sad at times but is mostly very active. She has an attitude and a smart mouth, but hey, who doesn't! She is also very protective over her dog.

History/Background Story: she was born into a rich family, even though she doesn't act like it. Her father said that her first job won't be working as a cashier or some peasant thing like that, he said that he will support her until she gets a real job. Nichole doesn't agree with her father. Her parents don't exactly agree with her taste in style, music, or boys, but she doesn't care about that either. She truly is the black sheep in her family. Her parents sent her to this school, hoping it would change her for the better. She's from America so she has no idea where anything is.

Height: 5'4

Weight: 108 lg

Likes: rock music, rap music, boys, flirting, holey jeans, dark colors, dogs, and cats.

Dislikes: classical music, snotty people, people who throw money around.

Abilities/Talents: she can play the guitar and sing

Hobbies/Past-times: her mother used to make her sew, so sadly she knows how to do that.

Her dog, Dakota.

Name: Allon Smith

Nickname: Al

Age: 18

Occupation: Lifeguard

Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th): 12th

Gender: Male

Date of Birth(Month and Day): February 11th

Characters Quote(s): "You look like you need a friend." "Don't talk about me, unless you know me." "Stop running around the pool!"

Want a relationship?: Why not?

Sexual Orientation(If you want): Straight

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):

He is usually wearing these types of clothes

Height: 5'10

Weight: 150

Personality: Allon is a senior, so he has refined his personality for his adulthood. He is mellow, never caught being loud or

obnoxious. He is a caring soul, but will only help when he feels he is comfortable enough to. As for the people how he handles people, he is often considered flirtatious, and often very witty when meeting them. All in all he is caring, mellow, and when he meets a girl he fancies she will know.

History/Background Story: Not much of sob story here, he has lived a normal life. When his brother died he took his favorite hobby as a singer, joining his church choir. After a service he was invited to join the school, and from there he took his life. Now a senior he has come to terms with his brother's death and lives a happy life.

Likes: Singing, rapping, tanning, swimming, and baked goods

Dislikes: Obnoxious people, rude people, someone questioning his mellow mood, or anyone messing with his necklace

Abilities/Talents: Sings and plays harmonica

Hobbies/Past-times: Reading, cooking, and swimming.
Name: Raini Grande

Nickname: Raini

Age: 16

Occupation: student

Grade: 11th

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: February 9th

Characters Quote(s): "
There's not a man alive who can tell me what to do! "

Want a relationship?: "No!" (she want's one )

Sexual Orientation: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/kanon9331.png.jpeg.png.29cbb832e12903e0b37147b0ce84eb35.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/kanon9331.png.jpeg.png.29cbb832e12903e0b37147b0ce84eb35.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance/Other Objects: Wheres school uniform that isn't required

Personality: Raini has a very independent and cocky personality, and a very confident and outgoing attitude. Being very independent, she doesn't like being told what to do. She can be a little bossy with her friends but deeply cares for them. Raini is also extremely intelligent and she tries too hard. She is observant, kind, and very open-minded. She is cooperative and patient.

History/Background Story: Raini comes from a normal middle class family she has use to live with her dad, mom, and older brother. Every since she was little she loved to sing so her parents signed her up for Teriel School of Arts and she got in she is a new student that transferred from her old high school.

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Likes: Being charge

Dislikes: Not being in charge, friends fighting, girly girls who fix their hair and make all the time

Abilities/Talents: sings, plays piano, writes music, martial arts

Hobbies/Past-times: reading, and what ever else she feels like doing



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Name: Aaron

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Gender: Male

DOB: November 15th

Character quote(s): "The pain you have is nothing compared to mine" "Life is just pain, and I've experienced pain"

Want a relationship?: No.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Appearance/other objects: He has a guitar

Personality: Aaron is an almost silent guy who has many problems. He likes music though. He, like many other people, is emo. He will not take sympathy from others. He is kind of nice, but he makes fun of others. He is a dark, sadistic, emo person. He writes about things he hates.

History: Aaron was born into a poor family. His parents abused him and pressured him into things. At 14 he started smoking. He ran away but his parents found him, beat him, and locked him in a closet with only water for a week. His parents died in a car accident when he was eight. He then only had his brother, Andrew, and Andrew was extremely nice. Now Aaron felt like he didn't have pain because he had experienced so much.

Height: '6'6'

Weight: 100 lbs

Likes: Rock, guitars, being alone, himself.

Dislikes: Most people, rap, violin, light.

Abilities/Talents: Able to play guitar well, is excellent at running, able to invent things.

Hobbies: Smoking, running, guitar.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.



Adriana Romero




18 (she can pass off as 21 though)


Student, Ex-Gang member, Kickboxing instructor and part time mechanic





Date of Birth:

April 16th

Characters Quote(s):

”Is your a** jealous of the amount of sh** that’s coming out of your mouth?”

Want a relationship?:

”You want a fist shoved down your throat? No I don’t want a d*** relationship.”

Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual, leaning more toward women




Adriana is a tough women who doesn’t take crap from anyone. She’s resilient and intense, able to make someone back off with just a glare. Adriana is also frank and doesn’t sugar coat anything or dance around the subject. Usually she gets what she wants with force and being incredibly stubborn. She’s known to pack a punch and is too hot headed for her own good. Brash to a fault she tends to rush into things without thinking ahead. A lot of times she can be cynical, not trusting others. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to have fun, she loves living on the edge and making sarcastic jabs to other people and teasing, she's also incredibly sassy. However Adriana has some naivety toward the supernatural, she believe in good luck charms and fortunes, she takes a medium's words to heart. Overall Adriana is a fiery woman who can hold her own in a fight.

History/Background Story:

Adriana was born in Brazil, she didn’t know her parents and doesn’t really care. All she knows is that her father was a deadbeat alcoholic and her mother was a bartender. During her childhood she lived in an orphanage and she joined a gang. While in the gang she learned how to fight, use knives, and fire a gun. However the gang dissolved when she was around 16 years old. So Adriana ditched the orphanage and moved to Japan with her cousin who only recently found out about Adriana. Adriana claims that the reason she left that the orphanage was because ‘it was full of lifeless dolls who lost all hope in the world and wallow in self pity, plus I had no reason to be in that sh**hole anymore.’ Staying with her cousin tried to shape her up, made her quit smoking and stop drinking and enrolled her in school. While in Japan she got into Kickboxing and eventually became an instructor and basically cleaned up her act, aspiring to become a Kickboxing champ, though even then she still starts fights from time to time.


Fighting, drinking and smoking (however she doesn’t do those things anymore), driving around on her blue Moped, kickboxing, traveling, clothes, jewelry, her cousin, and partying.


Tea, school, studying, books, being bored, being stuck in one area, people who are whiny, self-centered, wallow in pity, and stuck up.


She is an excellent fighter, flexible, strong, she can repair a lot of automobiles, and is a pretty good shot


Fixing up her Moped, traveling, shopping and Kickboxing.

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Drake Grey






Student and is found working at many places, he cant hold jobs very long.

Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th):




Date of Birth:

November 24th

Characters Quote(s):

"If I am weird then what are you?" "Deep down you love having me around...." "See what I do is not stalking, see stalking has a purpose, I just follow and creep on people because I feel like it...." "Might look and seem glum but stay a while, If you don't I don't care, just follow you..." "I may appear to be everywhere at once..well..I kinda am so I would not talk about me, I'm probably eavesdropping"

Want a relationship?:

"Bluh..Who needs love when you can follow people, girls will ruin that stalker vibe I emit.."

Anyone can try but its gonna be Hard

Sexual Orientation:

"That's a good joke, what do you think"




Appearance/Other Objects:

Always has headphones around his neck normally flipped outward so others hear his music, and carries a guitar on his back a lot, normally never leaves his side. 6'2, 160lbs. Always has his hands in his pockets


Grey is really odd for a guy, he just is weird. Grey can look and seem gloomy with his monotone voice and gloomy look but he is really funny and nice but you can rarely see him smile, normally he only smirks and continues on, he looks sad most of the time and depressed but thats just how he looks and his voice always has a twinge of sadness in it. Grey loves to Easedrop and follow people, its just how he is, he seems to be everywhere at once, one second you are looking at a store then you turn around and turn back and hes right there in front of you, most people think he stalks to get that close but he normally does not, he likes to make friends and is always freaking people out with his everywhere at once feel to him and he gives off a slight mean look. Grey is just all around odd and his personality is hard to explain.

History/Background Story:

Little to nothing is known of greys past other than he is alone, most don't even think he lives in a home but they are wrong, he lives in his old parents mansion far far from town, he gets around by skateboard for the most part. Grey seems to have no family left in lives in a big old mansion alone outside of town, it even has a gate with a big G on it but the mansion and gate are all covered in overgrown plants giving the home an eerie feel to the place, Grey seems to emit that same feel when people are around him, currently he has no friends and seems to be a loner and a new kid to the school, his old school seemed to have shut down so now he goes to this one.






Skateboarding, scaring people, easedropping, music, playing his guitar, being alone even if hes already lonely, Grey loves hugs but refuses to admit it, watching people, cooking, reading, doing jobs, shy girls


Being in big groups, People touching him, people following him, his own gender for some reason, tough girls, people touching his stuff, people touching his soft hair.


Amazing at playing the Guitar and skateboarding, being everywhere at once, very agile, can dodge attacks with his hands in pockets most of time, fighting just using his legs and not his hands, Getting fired.


Age:18 1/2


Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th):



Date of Birth(Month and Day):november 4

Characters Quote(s): "I never trust anything to survive" / " Nobody can find me here this is my secret place no one knows and no one will"/ "ill leave you nothing to take anymore"

Want a relationship?:hes not rally searching and is infact a tough one to get.


Sexual Orientation(If you want):


Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/PicsArt_1403977245985.jpg.a60ce778230297a824aced3dac2a5fef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/PicsArt_1403977245985.jpg.a60ce778230297a824aced3dac2a5fef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):His ttattoo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/large-9.jpg.833b291c826016532191fbdb8e814c12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/large-9.jpg.833b291c826016532191fbdb8e814c12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: easily angerd/distant/smart ass/

History/Background Story:elementary he was the picked on kid he was chubby, short, wore glasses, he was loved by most of the students he was extremly hapoy go lucky child till the class bully came to him and pushed him on the play ground. Tjat marked the day of his downfall.

Middle school Was no different accept the torment got worse they escalated to holding him down kicking him burining him with cigarettes and just leaving him in a mess everyday yet he still came to school with a smile and when people asked he said nothing

Highschool already an outcast all the friends he thought he had didnt talk to him theu were with there 'cliques' so he went his own way he didnt make any friends and he beleived tbat his bully was long gone that was a releif but he was wrong. They got him when he was walking Home and dragged him in an alley and beat him near death. They left him there with several broken ribs and both his eyes swollen shut he was cut up and badly bruised a woman found him and when police asked he said nothing.

He then later joined a gang to get respect that he never had Thus gaining the tattoo on his back the principal makes him cover it with a huge bandage.

He healed but didn't return to school He began working out and getting his body up to pat filled with hate and anger he changed his ways. He failed the 11 grade because of this and has to repeat He just decided to come back to the school that brought him so much pain.




Likes:Sweets/keeping to himself/dogs/fighting/singing/gutair/music/piano/curvy figures/cute things/

Dislikes:Bullies/know it alls/boring/crying/

fools/being touched/ect

Abilities/Talents:Fight/Sing/playing gutair, piano

Hobbies/Past-times:Singing/writing/playing music/swimming/working out.



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Aaron walks into music class, talking, "Sorry I'm late." He then takes an empty seat next to a tall boy who looked like a senior. He propped up his guitar on the back of his seat, and looked at his scars on his hands.

Aaron keeps hearing curses coming outside the music room, and hears violin music. He then put his head down. After all, violin music was terrible to him, his parents listened to it. Aaron felt miserable for some reason.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
Don't know if I can sign-up, but here's a CS if I can.

Name: Sai Mirikuari

Age: 17

Occupation: None yet

Grade: 11th

Gender: Male

Date of Birth(Month and Day): June 25

Characters Quote(s): "You shouldn't drop something because it's hard. Drop it because you completed it and move to the next project."

Want a relationship?: Depends on progression of RP.

Sexual Orientation(If you want): Heterosexual



Personality: Sai can be quite the handful for people. His attitude usually gets him into more bad situations than good ones, but he stays pretty optimistic when he gets in trouble. Though he can seem scary to others by first appearance, he is truly a nice guy, trying to make people laugh, even when he himself is feeling down. He never feels like he belongs, though, so he can be very distant when he himself is being addressed.

History/Background Story: Sai had many near death experiences through his childhood. When he was born, his heart stopped, leading to him being resuscitated and brought back to life. When he was three, he was almost run over by a car, and when he was 5, he nearly drowned. Through all this, Sai never stayed long in the past. He prefers to hold on to happy memories rather than bad ones.

When Sai first entered school, he was a large troublemaker. He was kicked out of three different schools before ultimately getting put in homeschooling. Up until high school, Sai was content with this type of learning. He enjoyed his tutor, which happened to be his uncle, and loved the books his uncle would bring him. Sai was put in Teriel School of Arts after his parents and therapists decided he was ready to go back into public schooling.

Height: 6'1"


Likes: Music (Mostly rock), books, challenges, comedy, basketball, kickboxing

Dislikes: Sour or spicy food, writing, peer pressure

Abilities/Talents: Quite good at basketball, and at kickboxing

Hobbies/Past-times: Swimming, reading, exploring places he hasn't been yet.
Are you still accepting? It's late where I am, so if you are still accepting, I have to give in my CS tomorrow...Is that okay?
Name: Haruka Takahashi (Serephene Everglaze) (you can call her either one)

Nickname: Haru (Sereph) -anything people choose to call her-

Age: 14

Occupation: Student (may be updated--she's looking for a job)

Grade(If student: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th): 10th (she skipped a year)

Gender: Female

Date of Birth(Month and Day): June 1st

Characters Quote(s):

- "Is there any food?"

- "...it's yummy."

- "Judging others doesn't define who they are. It defines who you are."

Want a relationship?: "Sure. As long as it doesn't bother anyone."

Sexual Orientation(If you want): Heterosexual

Appearance (Please use an anime picture. You may use more than one if you'd like):

Appearance/Other Objects(More description if it's not in picture.):

This is the color of her hair and eyes. She wears these glasses only when she is studying/reading for an extended amount of time.

Personality: It's long. You can just say she's bad with people and has no facial expression.

Haruka is a quiet girl with a stoical manner, rarely expressing herself, whether it's through verbal communication or facial expressions. Despite her distant nature and seemingly cold-hearted character, Haruka is a gentle, caring person, though she doesn't look at herself that way, and is polite. She lacks experience in love, which includes family affection, BF/GF love, or friendship, and is completely clueless to such topics. She can be blunt at times, and her answers are always straight-forward, but she is surprisingly selfless, willing to give her life for her (to be) friends' well-being and happiness. She is quick to react, especially in dangerous situations, and has a tendency to think too much about a topic. Overall, Haruka is a mature and patient person, but can be a bit childish when it comes to food. (find out her "inside" character in the RP)
History/Background Story:

Haruka was raised in a wealthy, powerful household, and was kept away from society as much as possible, and educated by a tutor. Since she was young, Haruka took an interest in music and the arts, as well as learning itself, and progressed in those subjects, building up her intelligence level. Haruka's parents were almost always away, and if they were home, it would only be to tell their daughter that she needs to live up to the family name. Her parents died in an accident when she was 11, and lived with her relatives, who were just as harsh and cold-hearted. Haruka closed herself off from her family, feeling that she'd only be a burden to them, and studied as much as possible so she could get into a good school, even though her family already had the money for it. She entered her school hoping to find out more about the world that she had been missing out on as a child as well as escape the loneliness of her home. Being said that she was always home-schooled, her first year in high school is her first year in a school system. (Her intelligence level is a level higher than those her age)
Height: 5'2" (156 cm)

Weight: 90 lb (41 kg)

Likes: Food (especially sweets/desserts), animals, the arts, cooking, reading, swimming, ice-skating, company, sleeping, pillows

Dislikes: Spiders, certain bugs (ex: centipedes), rough physical contact (ex: shoving), crowds, noisy places (her ears are sensitive), being suddenly grabbed/pulled from the back

Abilities/Talents: Cooking/baking, making/playing music, ballet, drawing, combat, sword-art (combat)

Hobbies/Past-times: Reading, writing music, playing instruments (piano & flute), thinking

Weaknesses: Spiders/(certain) bugs, horror, gore (to the point when guts are shown/blood is okay, but prefers to the minimum amount), thunderstorms (sometimes), almost all sports (she can't do sports at all)


-She only has enough strength to flip an opponent, though she can't coordinate that strength to help her lift heavy things (physically weak)

-She tends to daze off a lot, deep in thought, and she might wander off while doing so

-She has a lot of endurance, but has a weak point in athletics. (Ex: she can run fast, but not for a long amount of time)

-Find out more and CS will be updated
(I was feeling strangely enthusiastic when I was filling this out, so some things may sound...cheesy. I'll wait for an "accepted" before I join the RP. And of course, only if you're still accepting)

Ayaka Koizumi (Setsu Amaterasu)












Date of Birth

December 27th

Characters Quote(s)

'Bunny you are under arrest... For being so cute!!!!'

'Please, let me stay up a bit more~'

'Oh! I want it!'

'Can I bake some Cream Puffs?'

'Momo you can't drink cream past 10:00!'

Want a relationship?

She does want one, but tries to act like she doesn't

Sexual Orientation




Appearance/Other Objects


(Her special key)






Ayaka (Setsu) is a quiet girl to everyone at first and seems very unapproachable, but once she opens up to someone she is very fun, spunky, outgoing, and loves being the best at everything. Though she cries easily because she hates being yelled at or getting pressured into doing something. Being both intellectual and athletic seemed unusual at her middle school so she never really fit in. Since she basically succeeds at everything she does she took up boxing and martial arts. She can be very cold and dramatic at times, but she blends well with all kinds of people especially shy people. She can very angry easily and breaks under too much pressure. She also gets fevers if she is over working herself and is overly stressed. She loves her kitten Momo to death and sometimes Momo goes to work with her.

History/Background Story

Ayaka (Setsu) is the oldest child of a very successful family. She has a younger sister named Hana and she is a 'little demon' according to Ayaka (Setsu). She has moved around a lot due to her parents jobs and her getting bullied. She always wants to be the best of the best because she feels like that's the only way she'll be noticed by anyone. Before she transferred she was invited to a party by her 'friends' and it ended up being a setup to prank her. After that she became very quiet and seemingly unapproachable, but she doesn't mean to seem so 'I don't want to talk to you' she just naturally is like that. She uses her real name as her show name. She is actually a model and Idol. Of course she never uses her alias name because she doesn't think she is ready for the world to know who she is. Her real name is 'Setsu Amaterasu' and she makes sure that she changes her hair and puts on makeup when she is preforming. She also strives to be an actress and so far is succeeding. Her talents as an artist are a secret at school because she hates standing out. Her intellect surpasses everyone's because she studied so hard since she learned to read. She tries to act like she isn't very smart because she feels like she will make people feel dumb since they aren't up to her level. Her best friend is her totally adorable kitten Momo. She got her on the first day of school and they are very close friends. Momo loves Ayaka (Setsu) to death and same goes for her owner. Her parents aren't usually home and if they are it's normally her mom. She is very close to her manager Fumiko and they have a strong bond along with Setsu and her maid Izumi.


5'7 1\2


120 lbs






-Being the best

-Likes boys





-Anything cute!





-Sour things



-Being ignored


Very athletic

Very intellectual

Very musically inclined

Very talented in almost anything



Music (violin, piano, guitar)








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Name: Kuroha Kokonose



Gender: Male

Date Of Birth: June 6th

Character Quote:"Takane, I may not understand why you're so worried but... it's not like I'll hate you or anything, no matter how much you change. So don't be so down about it!"



Relationship?: No.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Home: Dorms, no roommates

Personality: Usually quiet and withdrawn, but has multiple personality disorder.

Background Story: Kuroha was taken in by scientists, and does not remember life before this. His true body remained in a lab, and they transferred his body into what it is now. His original name was Haruka, and all he remembered after the change were the words; "I want to have fun with my friends." He soon learned about what they did, and went into a rage. The scientists were killed, and he has tried to live a normal life ever since. A transfer student.

Family: ???


Weight:120 lbs.

Likes: cats, anime, music, etc.

Dislikes: crowds, helplessness.

Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music.
Name: Robin Foxx

Nickname: Bird


Occupation:student/comic book store clerk

Grade: 11th


Date of Birth: Feb, 10th

Characters Quote(s): "I really don't have time got to go study"

Want a relationship?:Yes

Sexual Orientation(If you want):Hetrosexual

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-17-37.png.2800f7866a1c1adf238ac1b9a9064d57.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-17-37.png.2800f7866a1c1adf238ac1b9a9064d57.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

/Other Objects<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-25-16.png.4f9aad9143243c61f8c196b0e940300e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-25-16.png.4f9aad9143243c61f8c196b0e940300e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>his glasses

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-27-35.png.326b28c5029f79e561357ee8fcc46778.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-15_17-27-35.png.326b28c5029f79e561357ee8fcc46778.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>his backpack

Personality: Calm,Caring,Smart,and Warming but anti-social

History/Background Story: He never really had a social life his mother allways badgering him to finish his homework. It sort of worked he loves homework now but the real problem is trying to get some social life, sure he has a job but still always has his nose in a book. He hates anything illogical leaving him anti-superstisious and very cold acting even though deep down inside he is a warm loving person.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 170


Dislikes:Idiots,physical contact,superstisions,and people who try to hard to be romantic smokers

Abilities/Talents: His brains

Hobbies/Past-times:Reading comic,studying

Home:His own rented apartment



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[QUOTE="Ayaka Koizumi]((Ooh I like it)) 
((Though I must ask if he will always hate physical contact))

((I included that because i didnt want anyone to make a relationship go to fast and so i thought that would help))

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