Tenth Street and Eight Avenue


New Member
Tenth Street and Eight Avenue [still accepting]

(( This is a slice of life RP that mainly takes place along a strip of downtown, both sides of the street are in play. Every person can only have up to two characters. There are eight shops along this strip, eight characters in total will own a shop, you make become an employee of a shop but if the shop doesn't belong to you, you must apply to the store owner first. Literate replies only. You are not allowed to reply over two paragraph per post. When posting your characters try to include as much detail as possible. All things of life are sought out in this RP; romance (of all spectrums, if you don't prefer to see anything gay leave now because ALL romance is considered here), drama, violence if you find it to be suitable to the situation. Please not that all characters MUST be over the age of 16. ALL NPCS NEEDED SUCH AS POLICE OFFICERS NEEDED TO BREAK UP A CONFLICT WILL BE PLAYED BY ME, NO EXCEPTIONS.

::The stores::

Bakery: Oliver Williams (NotaFullDeck)

Tattoo/Piercing Parlor: Owned by Axis Barter (NotaFullDeck)

Clothing store owned by Missy Kail (@WantYourSoul)

Flower Shop owned by Caragh (@Lily)

Musical instrument/recording studio owned by Ferdinand “Glis” Glishien (@Mediocritys Muse)




When you want to own a store you must tell me what the store is. There may be only one cafe on this strip so if you want that it's first come first serve.Now I will start up with my two characters. Please note in personal information, only put in information that the other characters would know. If you have a tattoo of a heart on your inner thigh, no one's going to know that unless the characters are really close. Get it?

Name: Axis Barter


Appearance: 6'3" tall and somewhat lanky. He has long black dreads down to his ass, he keeps them tied back in a pony tail at all times.His eyes are a blue-gray and he's white. His arms are covered in tattoos, the left one has a winding emerald boa through the whole length, the head rests on the back of his hand while the Tail rests on his shoulder. On his right arm is a blue Dragon that seems to tear through his skin at parts, a huge wing goes across his back. It stretches over a castle floating on a rock that is done over the middle of his back. The back of his neck says Leo. Axis has stretched ears, one inch in diameter he hears tunnels. He has two eyebrow rings in his left eyebrow, and snake bites done. He also has a tongue stud.

Personality: Axis is chatty and likes to drink and smoke. he's friendly until irritated and will take IOUs for important work, but ONLY from in town clients. He's generous, not stupid.

Personal information:

Axis never graduated high school, he dropped out in Eleventh grade.

No one knows who Leo is. He's not going to tell you.

Axis doesn't obey no-smoking signs, and has paid fines because of it.

He has no family in town since his parents passed away.

Name: Oliver Williams

Age: 22

Appearance: Standing at 5'3" Oliver is a rather short man. He has short brown hair that is usually pretty disheveled. is eyes are a bright and lively green, somewhat dulled by the thick and perfectly round glasses he wears. He's just a tad on the pudgy side, as many lifelong fans of sweets are. Owning a bakery is another temptation all together. Oliver is a man who almost always has a smile on his face. he has a different apron for every day of the week, all of them printed very clearly with said date on the front. all of them are colorful and handmade. Oliver has his left ear pierced with a small golden ring, an exchange with Mr. Barter for three of his vanilla cupcakes. It's his one and only piercing.

Personality: Oliver is always very chipper and friendly. He has a swear jar on his counter. It's a quarter for a swear, if not paid you are right out the door with no sweets for you. Oliver will always call you by your last name with the proper title in front, he was raised like that.

Personal information:

Oliver has a big family, being the youngest of six, his older five siblings being girls. He keeps a family picture hung up in the bakery. He likes to talk about them. Oliver is gay, admittedly so but has no sweetheart at the moment and gets flustered in romantic situations of any nature.

Oliver has a black kitty named ruby who likes to sit in the window of the bakery. Ruby loves all the customers and will bug them for affection. ))

:: Starter ::

It was too damn early. Not only that but it was raining. The bell chimed as Axis opened the door to the bakery, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting outside.

"Good morning Mister Barter, how are you this fine morning?" called Oliver as he took another loaf of bread out of the oven and set it to cool on the rack. Axis approac)hed the counter.

"It's F*****g cold." He dropped a quarter in the swear jar. "I'll get a raspberry muffin and slice of banana bread."

"Tsk, you'd keep more money if you watched your mouth." Oliver huffed and got Axis' usual order ready.
(Clothing store, owned by Missy Kail, please. And also, would you like if I just started roleplaying, are wait until a chara sheet is up? )
Can my charictar own a florist? please?

Name: Caragh (pronounced: Cara) Jones

Age: 25 Apearence: She has tanned skin, about 6'2 she is skinny and waist length hair, which is a blood red colour and is curly. Her eyes are a strange blue with a ring of gold around the edge, she usually wears cack coloured shorts and singlet top, she has no tatoos or pearcings.

Personality: She is a happy kind person, people are naturally drawn to her as she doesent judge anyone or ask questions. She can trust to easily which can lead her her getting hur but generally wont give everyone all if her trust. personal information: She has a pet Parrot, Aladin that is trained and is always on her sholder, he wan talk or even hold a conversation, he is very protective of Caragh. She has a great love of plants and animals She moved away from her family, she was sick of all the mind games.
(( [MENTION=2986]WantYourSoul[/MENTION] I need your charecter sheet up first.

[MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] The shop is yours. Please post a starter for your charecter or reply to the starter that I have posted. ))
(If this is okay simply let me know, went ahead and typed it up)

Name: Ferdinand “Glis” Glishien

Age: Twenty Four

Appearance: He has beep blue eyes beset by onyx black hair, which is always spiked up in a haphazardly manner. He has one ear ring in his left ear-a guitar pick-it being his late sisters before she passed away. His usual clothing is typical of what you would see most individuals that would attend a rock/metal concert wearing. (Usually Affliction/Rock Revival clothing that would be commonly available at Buckle)He also always wears his trademark necklace that he is never seen without, it meaning something to him in one way or another.

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Personality: Glis is the type of person that is not afraid to beat the living crap out of you if need be, jack holes are one thing that annoy him and well prompt discipline is always a great way to correct the attitude that they seem to have. Otherwise, he is very easy going it seeming that he does not have any problem with anyone in particular unless you give him a reason. Music brings out his deeper side and always what most people never see, him as a creative entity and one of matriculating intellectual foresight.

Personal Information: He lost his sister right after he graduated high school, which left a hole in his life that took him a while to get over. They were quite the duo and always working on some musical compositions, the two of them having the nick name “Musical Houdini’s,” which was started by their mother and carried on by there friends because of the relevance. When she died he carried on their love of music by opening a musical instrument/recording studio location in town, it being open to anyone that wishes to make art in any way that they want to.
Caragh woke up and sat uo, She walked diwn from her flat into her store and got everything ready before grabbing an apple and feeding it to Aladin. As he flew onto her sholder she finished getting dressed and ready. She wandered out of the shop, and diwn the street to the bakery, she was just opening her flower shop today, but had been living here for about six months. She sat down nd waited for her turn to be served. She siled and Aladin said "Dont forget the cookies" she laughed and nidded, the look in peope faces when he talked, pricless. she giggled to herself.
Glis was already on his way to the bakery that Oliver owned walking down the sidewalk with a news paper in his hands reading what the world had gotten itself into today. This he picked up from his mother which she always did every morning, her probably picking it up from her own parents as well. “Maybe it’s a tick,” he simply said as he glanced up form the paper-as he opened the doors of the bakery-in response to Oliver’s comment, a slight grin on his face as he spoke. He hadn’t known the two of them long but he had talked with them long enough to know a bit about them, enough to kid around when he felt like it.

His eyes going to Caragh as he noticed her waiting her turn sitting off to the side with a slight grin on her lips, he rolled his eyes in a amused way as he walked to the table that she was waiting at and also sat down to wait his turn. “Like watching a play,” he paused and chuckled a bit, “Isn’t it.”
Axis was leaned up against the counter chatting to Oliver.

"Oh how rude Mister Barter, you're holding up the line now, step aside." Insisted Oliver as he shoo'ed Axis over a bit.

"F**k your line Oliver, I'll see you later." Axis flipped a quarter into the swear jar before taking leave of the shop with his purchases.

"Good morning Miss, what can I get for you today?" asked Oliver, offering a sugar cookie from the free sample jar to Aladin.
Caragh watched the man that swore with an amused expression on her face. smiled at the man giggling slightly as Aladin said "Thankyou, Sir" and took the cookie and ate it slowly "A chocolate chip muffin please" she said, smelling the aroma of the warm cakes and pastries floating arounf the bakery. She took the money out of her bag.
Oliver watched him leave with a less than amused expression. Axis had such a dirty mouth!!

"ah yes, of course Miss." Oliver got the muffin and carefully put it in one of his little pink, heart covered bags. "That'll be Two seventy-five." He looked past Caragh. "Goodmorning Mister Glishien."
He waited patiently as she went up to the counter and ordered her pastries, him perusing the Local news area of the paper at the moment. Him already knowing what he was going to order when the made his way to the counter, it being what he always ordered, ‘One Chocolate chip cookie and One Sugar cookie.’ It was a habit that he had acquired over the years with his mother, she did love to make cookies after all.

He looked up as Oliver spoke, a light smile on his face as he replied, “Good morning to you as well.” He paused and stood up with the paper underneath his left arm, “I do hope that your day is going well so far, and yours as well Caragh…you too Aladin.” He grinned and awaited for their business to be concluded so he could make his order.
Caragh smiled at the men and nodded "I hope it goes well to , Im opening today, thankyou. Have a wonderfull day." she smiled and handed him the money, placing it in the bench. Aladin squawked and said "Thankyou you too" She picked up her order and started picking at the muffin as sh walked down the street
"Oh that's just lovely news Miss, I'll have to stop by later." Oliver entered the money amount into his register and put the coins in. "One hates to assume Mister Glishien but, I think your order today will be, one chocolate chip cookie and one sugar one." Oliver winked at the man and got his usual order ready and in a take out bag. "Two oh seven please. How have you been this fine morning?"

Axis opened up the parlor, the tacky neon sign shining out that it was open. He sat in the most comfortable tattoo chair and munched on his breakfast goodies.
“The usual it is,” he said with a slight roll of his eyes, considering that is always what he ordered. He handed him the amount that he asked for, Jace already having it ready considering the price didn’t change from last time. He answered his question with a light shrug and grin, “About the same as always.” He paused and took the bag with the goodies in it and added with a slight shaking of his head, “Waking up was annoying however,” he chuckled lightly and added with a nod, “I’d prefer to have simply slept for a few more hours.”
Alaura smiled and said "At least I know one person will show up" she smiled and wandered down the street she saw the sight for the tattoo parlor and started to have a mental batte Aladin rubbed his face on her side of hers and she smiled "You think I should?" she had wanted a tattoo since she left her family and even had one chance to, she smidd atbth bird and walked in as he nodded and looked around nervously
"Ah but business is business and you really can't keep the customers waiting if you want to make any money." Oliver smiled. not that he had many customers at this hour of the morning. No, they would come in a bit later. mothers would wake up and send their sons for bread, the shopping folk would wander in for treats. He was busiest midday and around closing when everyone went back to their homes. fresh baking for dinner was always wonderful. "Have a good day, next please." He did have a few paying customers left. Ruby was lounging by a window where the sun was just starting to creep in.

Axis rose from his seat as he heard the bell to his store chime. "Caragh, what a surprise to see you of all people in here." He smiled and put his breakfast down on the front counter. "Time to get your ears done? All the young ladies these days have it done. You'll fit right in. I even have some lovely gem ones right now." Axis gestured under the glass of the counter where the stud earrings sat.
“You as well,” he said and nodded slightly as he looked behind himself to see that there was a few more customers in the shop, him stepping off to the side and allowing someone else to move ahead in line. Jace made his way to the doors of the shop and scratched Ruby behind the ear just before he did, just as he always did every morning. On his way back to the studio/store he wondered what he would do for today, there being no scheduled individuals to come into the studio section for today which he thoroughly enjoyed doing. He unlocked the door of the store section and made his way inside, noticing that the tattoo local was getting an early customer a light grin appearing on his face as he noticed who it was. He put the sugar cooking in-between his teeth and lifted a violin, starting to fill the place with the music that was accustomed…him mixing it up with every day, you’d never know what the day would bring if you come into Glis’.
Caragh shook her head smiling slightly "No, I am just living up to the title family rebal" she flashed Axis a smile and said "A tattoo actually, o my back i have a picture. She pulled out her phone an git up a picture of a dragon nd the words above it "unforgiven II" meaniv her family "Think you could do it soon?" her shop opened at midday
Oliver attended to all his customers and the baking that needed to be done. He cheerfully swept out the place but as it began to drizzle outside it became more and more dreary. He pet Ruby and snacked on a sugar cookie. "hm." He grabbed his umbrella and made his way over to the music store, leaving a handwritten 'Be back soon' note on the door. he came into the store and shook the rain from his umbrella. "Mister Glishien? I was wondering if you had any of your own work recorded? I would love to buy a CD to play in the bakery on a dreary day like today. might lighten up the mood."

Axis took the picture of the dragon and studied it, then looked at Caragh. he looked back at the picture. ".......you do know this s**t is permanent, right? you want this dragon on your back when you're eighty?" Axis sighed. "And it hurts a whole lot. I can run a dry needle on you if you don't believe me because it hurts like f**k. not to mention a design like this would take at least a week to compleatly finish and color...."
Caragh gave him a dirty look and said "Of course i kniw that sh** is perminant! and i know it hurts, never had one done but I have had a needle jabbed into me, yes a tattoo one, an i was seven, I think i can handle it." she didt mention anything about who or why she had a needle stuck in her arm, but her father had done it, and because she was 'bad' "I can wait but nit today, past midday im opening shop." she smiled sweetly at him and waited for a reaction
He sat the Violin aside and paused for a moment before saying as he made his way over to the counter in the corner of the large space, it being next to the assortment of guitars that were on the walls for sale. “I believe I do, it is something to do on a slow day,” he searched through a drawer and pulled out a compact disk that was in a case which had the names of the songs on the case 1 through 10.

1.) Just Memories 2.)Holding On 3.)Linger 4.)Just Enough 5.) World in Ashes 6.) Bogyman on the Inside 7.) Ice Cold 8.) Around and Back Again 9.) Get Away 10.) Waking Up

Those songs were made with his sister before she passed-Her name ahead of his in the bottom right corner of the cd, Felicia Glishien-but he felt that they should be shared with everyone that wanted to listen so, he went ahead and put them on a disc. Her voice can be heard on every one of them right along with his own, each song a combination of violin, bass, drums, piano, and guitar, copulation of various instruments was their trademark. He handed the disck to Oliver and said with a nod, “Will that do.”
Axis sighed. "Allright. I can start on it today, get the outline done at least. It's a two hundred dollar deposit, non refundable. when the tattoo is finished you can give me the other eight hundred this is going to cost. That's for full color and shading by the way." Axis went over to the tattoo and set it back so it became more of a table. "I take cash only."

Oliver looked over the CD he was handed and read all the track list. "Yeah, this will do just fine! I'm sure you and this woman on here.....I'm guessing your sister or your mother..." Oliver had never heard Glis speak off his family before. "Will sound absolutely wonderful. Maybe the music will even attract some customers. How much is it?" Oliver reached into his apron pocket to get a small clasp, one made for a girl that was red with yellow polka dots on it. Not to be fooled, he had fifty dollars in small change and bills stored inside.
Caragh nodded, she wasnt going to push it, she held up one finger and said Just a sec" she ran our and to tge ATM she then took out the money and ran back, handing if to him as she entered the shop once more and said "there"
He shook his head and said with a light smile, “There’s no need to pay for it.” He paused and closed the drawer where he got it from adding with an at peace look upon his face, “It is what Felicia would have wanted anyway, she did love to play for the fun of it.” He laughed lightly and said with a shake of his head, “I actually think she was allergic to accepting money for playing or something.” He then sighed and made his way over to the lights, turning the ones that were in the back of the shop on to get ready for the day. “Just play it and I’m sure she’d be happy,” he said looking back at Oliver with a light smile on his face as he straightened up the items on the shelf.
Axis put on spandex gloves and got his tattoo needle, brand new and sterilized, ready with black in. "Allright then. Make your bird stay over there or at least off you, take off your shirt and your bra, and lay down on your stomach on the tattoo chair." Axis gestured at it and sat down on his artist's stool.

"Oh, hogwash." Oliver unclipped his little clasp. "money makes the world go round, what is happiness if you can't put enough food on the table to feed your family." He took out three fives. "Here you are, if nothing else come back and spend it at the bakery. Fresh bread daily." Oliver left the money on the counter and went back into the drizzle with his umbrella. He was looking forward to hearing the music.

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