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Fantasy Tenbi Acadmey For The Gifted

Shinobu’s POV
Location: Auditorium
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

“It feels like they’re just letting us do whatever.” Shinobu shrugged. “It does seem a little suspicious, right?” He laughed at Arlon’s next proposal. A second later, he was a girl with long brown hair, wearing a typical japanese school uniform. Once again, her eyes were bright red. “How’s this?” Shinobu smirked, brushing hair away from his eyes. “She’s pretty cute, right?” He stood up, twirling around, before hiding his face from the embarrassment.
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Location: auditorium interactions: narcissisticnugget narcissisticnugget
“I mean there is probably a good reason for it, academic freedom?.. but yeah it is a little suspicious” he couldn’t help but laugh a little at what happened shinobu had taken his comment literally, though he did make a beautiful girl.

“Yeah you look great, definitely cute, probably could have pulled off coming here when it was all girls school..now let me try”

Ruffling through his memories alron had a difficult time finding anything similar to what shinobu had done...there was however one thing he saw once while watching some. Old anime or something, taking a few moments to shift in his strange way he ended up looking like this

“So how do I look?”
Shinobu’s POV
Location: Auditorium
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Shinobu let the air around him release the image again, still a little embarrassed. He watched as Arlon did the same, but in his power’s way. The girl now standing across from him looked familiar, but he couldn’t place his finger on it, he was already bad with names in real life, without adding anime characters.
“You look like I’ve seen you before.” He laughed, before nodding. “It’s pretty cool how you can do that.” He murmured, before suddenly remembering what Arlon had said earlier. “I mean it probably wouldn’t be hard to sneak in that way, but they probably have staff that could cancel powers. You’d get found out soon enough.” He shrugged, leaning back in the seat.

(This roleplay is pretty dead, huh?)
Carter Phillips

The green schoolyard grass swayed in the breeze as the tower bell proudly rang; calling the students to the auditorium. Admittedly spacing out during the majority of the ceremony, the stiff red chair seemed unnaturally comfortable amidst the large room filled with them. Luckily the message of the principal’s speech made it to Carter’s mind, however the small details might’ve escaped. Unintelligible language broke out among the students at the end as everyone filed out and began speaking amongst themselves. The noise slowly dissipated from the auditorium, leaving him with the only choice to follow suit.

Soon enough the dark haired student followed a pristine cement path towards the cafeteria, doing his best to ignore the two apparent shapeshifters he passed. The glass door lightly squeaked as he pushed them open, a few gaggles of people sat around the multiple round tables. Near the back laid the serving stations, a few vending machines, and a handful of drinking fountains. Casually stepping about the tiled floor, one look at the menu prices and Carter immediately turned back. The other half of a granola bar he was currently crunching on was quite dandy enough. A quick glance at the wall clock left him a bit confused as to the current schedule, pushing him towards the nearest table. Currently occupied by two other students, one of which was wearing an odd mask, he approached the table as he finished chewing: “There is homeroom right? Do you guys have any idea?” The now nearly empty wrapper flapped in his hand as he gestured towards the clock. Mentally hitting himself, his bottom lip barely twitched at the forwardness of the words.

Interactions: Ineptitude Ineptitude Emperor1 Emperor1

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