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Realistic or Modern Ten Years Earlier


There were flames all around him, giving him no room to escape. The smoke was making it hard to see, and even harder to breathe. He coughed violently as the heat rose, the flames closing in on him and opened his eyes... Out of breath he looked around the unfamiliar room. His fingers still clutched into the sheets that were humid with cold sweat. His eyes were still filled with fear, with panic as he scurried up to a sitting position, back against the wall. Where- suddenly he focused on his enviroment, only slowly recovering from the nightmare. That had not been a nightmare at one point before. That was right, he now lived with the Cains. They had taken him in, after they had found him beaten on the streets. He took a few deep breaths, almost jumping at the knock on the door. "Quinton? Are you awake? It will be your first day of school again?" A womans voice called out. He had been living here for two weeks now and he still had a hard time getting used to the caring enviroment. He wasn't used to that growing up to an heroin addicted whore and a pimp with lose hands. "Yes, I am awake. I will be ready in a bit!" He answered as he slowly moved out of the bed. Enjoying the cool tiles against his feet as he moved over to the closet. He was still overwhelmed by the clothes, so many different brands and soft fabrics, as he picked out some simple attire.

His feet took him to the adjoined bathroom. The luxury this people lived in, at first it had seemed so surreal. He hissed as the hot water ran over the wound on his left wrist. It stung, it didn't hurt, but it tingled, pleasantly so. After his quick shower, he took care of the wound, drying and cleaning it carefully, yet not wrapping it up. He was used of taking care of himself, his wounds, his problems. Simply because never before had any one giving a shit about him, besides his friends at school maybe, but they... they knew practically nothing of him. He slipped into the clothes, simple jeans with a neat white button up shirt, before leaving his room. The smell of pancakes making his mouth water as he moved down the stairs to the diner room where the woman was standing in the kitchen, the male reading a paper. "Such a tragical event" The male mumbled as he looked up to his wife. "Shot and burned, and nobody knows who did it" Quinton casted his eyes downwards. He knew all too well what they were talking about. His mother... and his father had been her murderer. He silently ate the pancakes he was offered, only answering the questions he was asked directly. Had he slept well? Yes. Was he excited to go back to school? Yes. Was he looking forward to see his friends? Yes. Even though they had shown him nothing but kindness by taking him in to their home, he kept bottled up. Yet they respected it, they didn't press much further on it. He had heard their hushed conversations about how he needed time to adjust, time to open up, since god knows what that kid had expierenced.

He thanked the female, Rosemary, for the delicious breakfast as he picked up his backpack. He wished the male, Christian, good luck at work and with those simple greetings he left their home. They had offered to drive him to school, but he had politely refused that. Yet he couldn't get out of accepting their money for the bus. He would pay them all back, some day. He had promised himself that as he hopped onto the bus, sitting down in the back. So, summer was over. The school would gossips with stories about Ibiza, France, Bali and other nice vacation spots, he had only heard about. What had he done all summer? Lost his mom, escaped the burning house, lived on the streets and now living with the Cains. Not quite the summer he had expected it to be, not that any of his summer had been nice and filled with vacations. He sighed as he hopped off, quickly walking the last bit towards the school entrance. If he had been honest with the couple he would have said he had felt indifferent about it. Though it was nice to see his friends as he quickly walked up to the boy with the glasses. "And ready for the last year of hell, Dennis?" He joked as he knew that school was probably not the favourite place of the other boy to be.

Skygge Vuori

One slam was all it took to shut of the annoying alarm and the young male rolled over in bed. 7.30 am... far too early. He continued to roll around, effectively throwing himself out of the bed. It didn't help with his groggy mood, but at least he was awake now. He grumbled as he moved up to a standing as he ran his hands through his hair. At least there was one good thing about this morning, his mother and stepdad were not at home. They wouldn't be until next monday, since they were on an important meeting or something for some troublesome cases. He hadn't listened when they had explained it, neither had he cared to know what they were up to. His relationship with his parents... it wasn't all that great... at all. His feet found themselves some fluffy pink slippers as he walked down stairs, wearing not much more than the Hello Kitty boxer he had slept in. Coffee... that was his first priority... and a smoke. It was almost as if he worked on automatic pilot, putting the mug underneath and pushing the button. He grabbed his cigarettes and lighter, picking up the coffee as he walked into the far too huge garden. The weather was nice, he had to admit that as he sat down in a chair. He took a sip from the coffee, still too hot, before lighting up his cigarette and taking a deep drag of it.

School... early mornings, boring days. He already wanted it to be over, and this was just the first day of many to follow. He hadn't been away, yet his parents had been and they had been oh so happy for the parties he had thrown. Oh yes they had been mad, screaming at him how disappointed they were and they had expected better from him, but that had been it. He had just went over to a friend afterwards, stayed over there for the night, before retuning back home again. That was the only good thing about school, he was able to avoid his parents, mostly his stepdad. He flicked the cigarette butt away, one of their gardners would have to clean it. He downed the coffee that had now cooled down, before returning back inside. A shower to fully wake him up and get him ready for his first day of school again after weeks of laziness and doing nothing. He put on some black lose jeans, taking advantage of the fact that his parents were not around to tell him how to dress, as he ignored the pile of shirts he had. He disliked them, besides there would be new students, new boys and girls to look at and hit on and well he would allow them a glance of what they could expect. He slipped into his DC's as he searched through the drawer with carkeys, finally selecting his Ferrari. Yes, his. Since his parents liked to make up for their lack of love with gifts, expensive gifts. He checked the locks on the door, before going downstairs to the garage. Pulling out in his red fury cabrio only seconds later with some music blasting loud.

It wasn't really necesarry to take the car to school. Not at all. But still he liked cars, especially fast cars and it gave him a good excuse to show off. Just a few minutes later he pulled up to the parking lot. His eyes wandering over a group of giggling girls, new ones definitely. "If you want I might take you for a ride later..." The flirting words came easily over his lips. Now the girls only seemed to giggle more as he rolled his eyes. Females, he was never gonna understand them, no matter with how many he got together. He shut off the engine as his dark brown eyes now look for entirely different people, seniors like him, his more or less friends. He knew he was not liked by all of them, but honestly that was their problem not his. He spun the keys around his fingers as his whistled a soft melody, before a grin came to his face. He quickly packed his keys as he ran forward, jumping on the back of his friends and clinging to him. "Elliot, my man... how have you been?" Now that he was awake, he bursted with energy.

Shane Westfall

Shane woke up late for the first day of school, which was very typical of her. She never cared much for attending, even with the friends she had. Groaning, Shane sat up in he bed, connecting her right elbow to her thigh and resting her head against her fist. I'm not in the mood for this. She thought, cursing mentally. Her father walked into her room to make sure she was at least awake by now, since she was already late. "Ah. Is my buttercup awake? Good! It's time for schoooool!" He sang. He was the only person in the world to give her embarrassing pet names that made her happy. Losing her mother made her relationship with her dad much easier to handle. Of course, Shane wonders where her mom left to and who she's with, or if she's even alive, but never bothers to ask. "Yep. I'm awake." She spoke in a deep, morning, groggy voice. "Did you-" Question cut short as it was answered. "Cook breakfast? Of course." Shane's father was extremely feminine, for a man who is still sexually attracted to the opposite sex. No one really knows much of Shane's background because she never talks about life at home. She learned to be very humble being that her circumstances of living are far better than most people in her area period. Shane got up to her bathroom and decided to take a quick shower and brush her teeth while she was in there. She hummed a tune she couldn't get out of her head before getting out 20 minutes later. She threw on whatever she thought was decent looking and went back to her bathroom to look in the mirror. Bed head. She thought to herself. Smirking, she tousled her hair and went downstairs to eat what her father had cooked. She then drove herself to school. She parked her simpleton car in the lot and saw a crowd of fresh new faces. "Guess I wasn't actually late for once." She spoke as she rolled up her windows and got out. She was almost immediately greeted by a group of 'nerds' and afterwards, a little swarm of 'preps'. Shane messed with her hair again before greeting everyone and asking about their summer. For someone who seemed quite mysterious, she was incredibly friendly. Shane never had an issue making friends, or hooking up with the girls at school, as those things came natural to her. She yawned and had a chat with the students that were practically huddling over her.
Raylene Perry

Raylene couldn't seem to get away from her parents fast enough that morning. Even getting dressed that morning had been a constant game of maneuvering around her mother's fussy hands and just barely evading her father's prying questions about her friends. Senior year and you'd think he had finally lightened up and accepted that his daughter was growing up, but his baby girl would never grow up as long as he had a say in her life.

"So, navy blue ruffle blouse or black button-up blouse?" Raylene turned to her sister with a raised eyebrow. "Why? I know that you said something about an job interview, but that's not until later this evening." Loria ignored her sister's questions, stubbornly holding up the dress shirts in mute silence.

"Black button-up, the ruffles are a bit much, don't you think?" Lori nodded in agreement, tossing the blue blouse onto her sister's bed without a care for the perfectly made bed. "Yeah, I thought so too, but it's so cute." Ray glared irritably at Loria as she snatched the blouse off of her bed and threw it at her sister's face. Loria just barely caught the shirt huffing at her sister's dramatics over an article of clothing. "Since you asked so kindly," She folded the shirts over her arm with a smile. "I'm going out for breakfast with Alexander." "Ooh, going out with Alexander again, I'm surprised daddy hasn't caught on to what you're up to." There was a mischievous smile on Ray's face that Loria didn't fail to miss. "Daddy's not going to find out. But if he does, you're dead." And with that, Loria sauntered out of the room with a sickly sweet smile pasted on her face for Raylene's sake.

Ray rolled her eyes, shoving on her boots and running down the stairs to the kitchen. "Hey baby." "Hi mommy, I'd love to stay and eat breakfast, but I really need to head out." She put on her best pleading smile, taking a muffin from the basket on the counter, and taking a bite. All the while, still grinning. "Meeting up with Winnie before class starts?" Raylene nodded, chewing slowly on her muffin as she waited for her mother's reply. "Go. But you're making dinner tonight, and you WILL eat." "Thanks mommy, love you!" Raylene kissed her mother's cheek goodbye and raced out the door, hopping into her car to drive to school.

She pulled into a parking spot a few minutes later and waited near the front door to catch a sight of the familiar, short, flaming red hair.

Mason Wenshall

"Don't say it..." Mason warned lowly, glaring at his sister's smug face. "You look adorable." "I do NOT look adorable!" "You can't say that you don't look adorable with that haircut, Mace." Mason resumed his hair flipping routine, attempting, and succeeding in tuning his aggravating sister out. He wrapped up in the bathroom, scowling at the recently cut locks that had been forced onto him by his mother. "I do not look adorable. Athletes aren't adorable..." He insisted to the reflection Mason with a (adorable) pout.

A small Jack Russel Terrie bounded into the bathroom yapping excitedly at Mason. Food. That's what he wanted, and Mason was the only one he wanted it from. "Okay, Terry let's go get you some food." Mason crooned to the white and tan puppy, scratching gently behind his floppy ear. Terry flounced behind his owner, tail wagging eagerly to have his bowl filled before Mason vanished for the majority of the day, and he was alone with Mason's mom.

"Morning, mom." "Morning Mace, about to head out?" Mason pulled out the dog food from the bottom cabinet, pulling out a scoop for the food. "Yep, just feeding Terry before I go." Terry stuffed his head into the bowl, the instant the kibble bits hit the bottom of the metal bowl. Mason grinned in amusement as the dog made strange whining noises as he ate, it was his own strange way of showing he was happy. "Don't forget to talk to coach about soccer scholarships for your senior year." His mother reminded as he headed towards the door. "How could I forget mom, this is all I've been thinking about since 5th grade!" Mason replied half-joking. He'd actually been thinking about the scholarship since Freshman year, but Professional Soccer had been his dream since 5th grade.

"Yeah, yeah dreamer. Get going before you're late." Mason waved goodbye to his mom, giving her a swift peck on the cheek before walking to the school. He arrived just in time to see Skygge Crowkey pull up, and leaping onto Elliot's back once he had exited his car. Mason dragged his gaze away, not wanting to look at or think about that particular guy on his first day of school.
-| 'Quinn' Fowler |-

When Natilie woke up on that dreadful Monday morning, it wasn't because of her alarm clock going off but the booming voice of her step-father and the sound of bottles breaking woke her. "Not this shit again.." She thought as she quietly climbed out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. She tried to take her shower as quickly as she could in fear of her step-father walking in on her...again. It had happened twice before and the chance of it happening again was likely and Natilie was terrified of what could happen. She dried her hair, brushed it out, and threw on a pair of jean capris, a white tank top and a red flannel. She applied a little make up I'm hope of covering a fairly fresh cut on her forehead. She was used to having to cover wounds up and it worked; people barely noticed.

She sighed and decided to venture down to the kitchen. The stairs creaked as she walked down and the scene she found was something she regularly saw. Her mother was pressed up against the counter, clenching her head as blood trickled down from her hairline. Her step-father stood over the woman with a scowl on his face. He was about to smack her again when her mother spoke up, "N-Natilie honey.." She said, her voice shaking. He turned around and frowned, "You, missy, should be going to school." He spat out in Nat's direction. "Well I was bu-" "No buts! Get goin'!" He shouted at her and lunged forward. Natilie quickly grabbed her bag from the table and bolted out the door. She ran down the side walk, breathing heavily, but looked back every once in a while. This was a regular occurrence and she was still scared shitless. She spotted the school in the distance and laughed, "At least I'll be away from him.."

She walked across the school's parking lot and smiled when she saw her friends. She had rarely seen them during the summer and was quite relieved to be back. She noticed Skygge on Elliot's back and laughed, and then looked over at Mason. She ran over to him and smiled wide, stuffing her hands in her pockets, "Long time no see stranger."
"Stranger? Oh, I'm anything but a stranger, sunshine." Mason teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I would have messaged you or something, but my mom shipped my sister and I off to some camp this summer, and it was one of those "No cellphones allowed. You need to be more in touch with nature" type camps." Mason let out a dramatic sigh, hugging Natalie loosely. Most people found it surprising that Mason, with his ,sometimes, unapproachable attitude was actual a very touchy-feely guy. He liked being given hugs and giving hugs in return; as long as he knew the person. And the reason for that is because he's a major momma's boy and is constantly hugging, kissing, and hanging off of his mother whenever he gets the chance to be near her.

She acts like she can't stand it, but whenever she scolds him (which is very often) it's with a big smile gracing her lovely face. "So, what did you do this summer, Quinn?" He turned to look down at his shorter friend with a grin. "And don't leave out any juicy details. I want all the tidbits!" He exclaimed in a girly voice, placing his hands under his chin in a V Shape with a mock-dreamy expression on his face. It was somewhat amusing to think that Mason was going into his senior year, and still the same as ever, save for his unusual haircut. He missed his long, curly hair, but he had to admit that the haircut did look very attractive on him.

But maybe that's because he's just very attractive in general. The haircut is just a booster on his attractiveness level. "Wait, before you tell me anything. Do you think my hair looks okay? My mom forced me to get a haircut against my wishes, and now I don't know what to think." He complained in a soft, whining voice.

Winnie Keir

‘You were supposed to be awake 18 minutes ago!’ The graveled voice of Uncle Al boomed into Winnie’s room, jolting her from a light sleep. She jumped just slightly at the intrusion, looked at her alarm clock, and sighed, falling back into her pillow.

‘Eighteen minutes, huh...’ she mumbled.

‘And... 37 seconds! You’re late, Winifred, out of bed this instant!’ Winnie groaned into her pillow and shook her head.

‘But it’s so warm...
She was right about that... until she and her bed sheets were soaked in ice-cold water. In less than a second, Winnie was sitting straight up in her bed, gasping and sputtering in shock. She looked at Uncle Al, who was holding an empty pail in his shaking hand. He didn’t show any expression on his face, but barked the words, ‘get up’ before exiting the room.

‘I’ll want you to be downstairs in no more than five minutes!’

Winnie gave a deep sigh. Uncle Al had all sorts of tricks up his sleeve, including a bucket of ice water; Winnie should’ve expected it, but then she shouldn’t have been sleeping so late in the first place. She got the message: get up on time, or else you’ll drown in ice water.

Life with Uncle Al was much different from life with Winnie’s parents back when she was younger, but it wasn’t really like she minded (how could she) -- it was just a different setting. Instead of a shoe-box room, Winnie had her own aired-out space, with a desk and even her own bathroom. Thing was, though, that the only reason that the room was so ‘aired out’ was because the house was drafty as Hell. The walls were wooden to match the floors, and paint jobs just didn’t exist in a house with no fire escape. Where there was paint, it was peeling, and where there wasn’t, it was rotting. But Uncle Al didn’t have time or patience to make things look nice; Hell knows what he’s seen in his younger days. So Winnie never complained, even when the roof leaked onto her forehead in a storm. The house was probably as old as Uncle Al, and that was saying something.

Needless to say, Winnie was wide awake (and soaking wet) after that wake-up call, and she was racing down the stairs within 4 minutes. Uncle Al was sitting at their little two-seat kitchen table, sipping black coffee and reading the last week’s newspaper. Winnie ran out to their broken front porch, and fetched the current day’s paper, switching the old on for the new one. She took a piece of burnt toast from the toaster and munched on it casually.

‘Can I take the Dodge to school today?’




‘Please... Sir?’

Uncle Al looked at Winnie from over his newspaper. She raised an eyebrow at him with a cheeky grin.

Say yes.


‘Why not?’ she groaned, ‘it’s my Senior Year, I know how to drive, and it’s a sick-as-Hell car!’


‘You never drive it.’ Uncle Al shook his head.

‘That’s because it’s a piece of junk that’s been gathering dust for the last 30 years. Don’t you have a bus to catch?’ Winnie peered out the screen door to see a short school bus rolling up to her stop.

‘Oh shhh... Language, I know!’ Winnie grabbed her bag and broke into a jog out the door, towards the road. ‘See ya, Uncle Al!’

‘My name is not Uncle Al! It is General Alexandr Kriegel the...’

‘Second,’ Winnie finished his fading words as she hopped on the bus and fount an empty seat.

Uncle Al was obviously a traditional man. He liked silence, adored respect, and worshiped discipline. And just because he was nearing his seventies with a faulty leg and bad hearing, didn’t stop him from showing those opinions with pride. This morning was one of the many examples of that -- it sometimes scared Winnie for self-explained reasons... but even so, Uncle Al wasn’t too bad of a guardian, and even if he didn’t admit it, Winnie could tell that he really did like nicknames.

The ride to school was unfortunately short, with Winnie being in a no-traffic zone; unsurprisingly, as Uncle Al hated disruption. But soon enough, they were pulling up to the school, and kids filed off the bus into the mass diaspora. Winnie looked around herself, at unfriendly cliques and pothead groupies. She was practically invisible to others as she walked through. Everyone was there for the first day of school: Mathletes, Football Stars, Head Cheerleaders... and Freshman. Eugh. But Winnie wasn’t concerned with any of them, either. All she was looking for was...

Ah, found them. Friends.

Winnie quickened her pace as she saw everyone (well, not everyone) in a huddle infront of the school doors. There was the ‘I-give-no-shits’ Skygge, piggybacking on black-haired Elliot; A small Dennis and an admittedly smaller Quinton stood together; Mason, with a considerably well-done haircut, was slung over Natilie, smiling and joking; And Raylene, Win’s best friend of them all, was peering over heads, looking into the crowds. Winnie broke into a smile and pushed through to her before she ran up and squeezed her in a hug.

‘Ray! she beamed, ‘Summers OVER! Ugh, I need an Advil and class hasn’t even started.’
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