Ten, mechanically


Ten Thousand Club
Many posters have stated their beliefs that Ten Winds is not, in fact, a Terrestrial Exalt. He appears to be one, and uses charms with air-dragon flavor, but some are still not convinced. In this thread, I request that people post character builds which can replicate dragonblooded air charms both in general and in specific. Only charm replication (and aura) is necessary -- I see no reason to doubt his claim of being an Immaculate Master, as it's probably more difficult to look like you're using terrestrial martial arts than to actually be using it.
Well, it can't be a Resplendant Destiny I think, since they've been with him too long for that.

Honestly? I think Ten Winds is Kejak Chejop, having had an extreme end-of-life crisis and deciding to see if he was wrong all those years ago or not. He used his old Immaculate persona, which is a perfectly normal disguise combined with his own Immaculate MA Grandmastery. He said nothing that wasn't true, from a Certain Point of View.
He could be an Eclipse, Moonshadow or Fiend that have the needed DB charms, plus that Sidereal(?) charm that makes it possible to make your anima appear as another type.
...he could, but he's not, because that would be boring.

It'd be like the Empress turning out to be a Solar all along.
Chaka said:
Ten Winds is an Air-Aspected Dragon Blood.

You know, even if he is "just" an Air Aspect, that doesn't preclude him from being important and awesome enough that even Sidereals pay him respect. After all, we don't even know his secret, and he's still awesome enough to make us go all fan girl over him. Imagine how people who know his secret must feel.
Chaka said:
...he could, but he's not, because that would be boring.
It'd be like the Empress turning out to be a Solar all along.
Emprez was spah all along!!11!

Now, I wonder if one could 'shop in Team Fortress 2 quotes onto comics and get anything that remotely makes sense?
My Dragonblooded/Immaculate-foo is weak. What exactly is the Paragon of Air? The highest ranked Immaculate of Air Dragon Style? Just under the Mouth of Peace?
I believe the Paragons are the 5 Monks directly beneath the Mouth of Peace, but I don't have my books handy.

And yeah, that'd be far more awesome.
We should have done this as a poll. :mrgreen:

Ten Winds is?


A Sidereal?

A god?

An Air-Aspected Dragon-Blooded?

The Paragon of Air?

The Unconquered Sun?

Gaia's Joten?
We should have done this as a poll. :mrgreen:
Ten Winds is?


A Sidereal?

A god?

An Air-Aspected Dragon-Blooded?

The Paragon of Air?

The Unconquered Sun?

Gaia's Joten?
You forgot the Ebon Dragon.

Which makes the poll irrelevant because that's what he is.
It seems clear to me that Ten is really Marena. Obviously somewhere along the lines she picked up a knack that lets her take on two forms at once, probably as part of an effort to better her own "eleven at one time" record. Ten is actually a dragonblood she munched on years ago, and she knows wind dragon style, probably from observation and perhaps early training when it was expected that she'd become a dragonblood herself. She's been keeping the Ten persona out all this time as a counterpoint to herself, originally she meant it as a joke but Secret's so insecure Marena's worried that she'll get scared and run off if she knows Marena eats people, so now Marena's desperate to make sure nobody finds out Ten is really half of herself. And desperate people do desperate things. . .
It seems clear to me that Ten is really Marena. Obviously somewhere along the lines she picked up a knack that lets her take on two forms at once' date=' probably as part of an effort to better her own "eleven at one time" record. Ten is actually a dragonblood she munched on years ago, and she knows wind dragon style, probably from observation and perhaps early training when it was expected that she'd become a dragonblood herself. She's been keeping the Ten persona out all this time as a counterpoint to herself, originally she meant it as a joke but Secret's so insecure Marena's worried that she'll get scared and run off if she knows Marena eats people, so now Marena's desperate to make sure nobody finds out Ten is really half of herself. And desperate people do desperate things. . .[/quote']
This makes Karen's relationship with Ten goddamn surreal.
I explained this in another thread, but:

Pattern Spider Touch is the best disguise charm ever. If you use it on yourself (or on someone else), you can make them appear to be whatever you want. All their charms will look exactly like whatever Exalt type you turn them into. The visual impression of their anima changes. Hell, they'll even think that they were always that sort of Exalt (although you can easily work around that if you don't want that part.)

Not that I'm saying that it's the case, but it's actually real easy for a Sidereal to copy the visual thematics of any charm they desire, or to mimic the visual appearance of someone's anima indefinitely.
Aquillion said:
Not that I'm saying that it's the case, but it's actually real easy for a Sidereal to copy the visual thematics of any charm they desire, or to mimic the visual appearance of someone's anima indefinitely.
The problem I see is that this is a permanent change of someone's being, so there had better be a damn good reason for a Siddie to want someone (including itself) to no longer exist.
Aquillion said:
Not that I'm saying that it's the case' date=' but it's actually real easy for a Sidereal to copy the visual thematics of any charm they desire, or to mimic the visual appearance of someone's anima indefinitely.[/quote']
The problem I see is that this is a permanent change of someone's being, so there had better be a damn good reason for a Siddie to want someone (including itself) to no longer exist.
Well, you can be restored with anything that reverses Shaping (which Sidereals get a charm for in CPoC). But yes, it's obviously a very drastic step to take.
Aquillion said:
Aquillion said:
Not that I'm saying that it's the case' date=' but it's actually real easy for a Sidereal to copy the visual thematics of any charm they desire, or to mimic the visual appearance of someone's anima indefinitely.[/quote']
The problem I see is that this is a permanent change of someone's being, so there had better be a damn good reason for a Siddie to want someone (including itself) to no longer exist.
Well, you can be restored with anything that reverses Shaping (which Sidereals get a charm for in CPoC). But yes, it's obviously a very drastic step to take.
Okay, so Pattern Spider Touch requires Essence and MA 6 and mastering 2 Martial Arts trees, but Perfect Reconstruction Method only needs Essence 4 and 3 dots of Meds? That doesn't seem fair :P

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