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Multiple Settings Tempy's Search Thread~ (Ignore Post Count)

Hi! I am an 18-19 year old roleplayer and I'm really interested in roleplaying with you. If you are interested, I am interested in doing a MxM roleplay if thats alright, but i am willing to do MxF as well :) For your plots I absolutely would love to hear your Virtual reality plot! But I also would love to do a Legend of Zelda roleplay, or create a plot with you in the fantasy/Dark lore genre! If you're interested please let me know and I'll shoot you a PM! :)
I would be more than interested to do with you, though I usually like a little darkness to go with storylines is that okay for you?
Are you still looking for partners? I would be interested in doing a sci-fi fantasy something if you're still interested.

I'm always looking for partners! Always~

Hi! I am an 18-19 year old roleplayer and I'm really interested in roleplaying with you. If you are interested, I am interested in doing a MxM roleplay if thats alright, but i am willing to do MxF as well :) For your plots I absolutely would love to hear your Virtual reality plot! But I also would love to do a Legend of Zelda roleplay, or create a plot with you in the fantasy/Dark lore genre! If you're interested please let me know and I'll shoot you a PM! :)

Absolutely, PM away and we'll go from there!

I would be more than interested to do with you, though I usually like a little darkness to go with storylines is that okay for you?

Darkness? Oh do tell, please~ ^^
I would really be interested in doubling on some dark lore fantasy rp. I'm on discord mostly please add me so we can discuss. Im a binge rper as well and a SAHM. Radientlyred#4014
or just a zombie apocalypse in general
Mafia: Yeah, I actually have a pretty thick plot for one like this. Technically, I had a group thread somewhere else for it too, but dragging characters away to 1x1 instead is always fun - and it's nice to see how other people adapt to the story/plot.
Family: I'm not talking slice of life, not really. More like something straight out of Shameless. Down on their luck, mess with each other but no one else is allowed to mess with them sort.
Hey, I'd totally be up for any of these ideas MxM style! (I saw Mafia was crossed out and I'm not entirely sure if that means it's unavailable or not.)
Is this still open? I'd love to roleplay with you! If so, feel free to shoot me a message!
hmm....I haven't tried an LOZ RP yet but I am willing to try it out
...You're avatar is Kite! I can't tell if it's Azure Kite, but it's Kite regardless! <3

it is Azure Kite just inverted the colors would of used the original but this looked so much cooler :D
It does, it looks amazing. I haven't come across anyone who even knows what .Hack is, much less flaunting awesome avatars!
well, I'm not surprised, .Hack is an old game >.> released sometime in 07

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