Tempting as Blood


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The world of vampires, witches, and werewolves is a dangerous one. A group known as 'Yoru' wants to rule this world. The only way to do that would be to become ruler in the royal family. Yoru aims to find the Princess of the royal family who's powers had been sealed and she had been sent to live as a human. They wish to marry her to their youngest and most lethal member.(( Someone needs to create a character for this guy please!)) They are apposed by 'Hikari", a group of vampires, witches, and werewolves loyal to the royal family and protection of the Princess. '


Royal Family:


Name: Haku Namikaze

Age: 15


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.24380defb96ba8a35c220be802ae2d17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/images.jpg.24380defb96ba8a35c220be802ae2d17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Haku is head strong, but easily manipulated. She is shy but very defensive. She is rather distant and quiet in school.

Bio/About: Haku Namikaze has always been the type interested in the paranormal and what most consider impossible to exist. She only has memories from when she was about 5 but constantly has dreams. In her dreams flames lap at a mansion and red eyes gleam at her from a distance. These eyes call out ''Princess. You will come with me....'' Then a gentle hand of a boy a year older than she reaches out and takes her away from those eyes. ((Someone please create a character to be this guy!)) She keeps a note book in which she sketches what she sees in her dreams. She is now 15 and attends Lilac High school. She is the Princess she is pure blooded Vampire. Even with sealed powers the sight and smell of blood are tempting to her and she occasionally drinks blood as her vampire teeth are still present.



Hanabusa Aidou

Name: Ender

Age: 16

Species: Demon

Personality: Ender appears to be a kind, gentle, courteous man, but this is a mask. He is truly evil to the core, very manipulative, and uses his charm to get his way. He mercilessly slaughters anyone who gets in his way.

Bio/About: Ender was abandoned by his mother at birth, his father had been gone since he knew his mother was pregnant, and struggled to stay alive. He was taken in as a slave by some powerful demons and forced to do all of their dirty-work, including murdering people at the age of three years old. His heart grew cold and evil he had no love for anyone, anything. He grew a vast hatred for the world. Eventually he grew stronger and stronger from his hate, killing the demon family that 'raised' him. He learned to hide his hate behind a carefully-constructed mask of any girl's dream guy. He heard of a group called 'Yoru', and curiously joined. They planned to take over the world, but he planned to stab them all in the back and take it over himself. But for now he would follow their wishes as they still aided him, sending dreams of him saving the princess Haku. He would use her to infiltrate the royal family, claiming the world for himself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ender.jpg.beb054504492ce44a65e537876fa7e53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ender.jpg.beb054504492ce44a65e537876fa7e53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Yori Hayashi

Age: 16

Species: Vampire

Bio: Much of his past is unknown because he doesn't like to talk about it. His father and mother were violently killed when he was 12 by a vampire so his own powers remind him of what happened to his parents. They had wanted him to grow up as a normal child so he did his best to fulfill that wish. He only had a few years left till he would graduate and then he could live any way he wanted but still he fears what could happen if he loses control.

About: Yori is an interesting vampire that is very good at hiding the truth of it. he is kind and gentle and has a strong sense of justice. Almost all the time you can hear him humming his favorite tune, the song "Resonance" Because of his strong sense of justice when he sees some one in distress he always trys to help them.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/yori.jpg.6c7af467cbaa87edb56a411d64c76e3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/yori.jpg.6c7af467cbaa87edb56a411d64c76e3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I am still accepting people to be members of Hikari and Yoru.



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Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Ender

Age: 16

Species: Demon

Personality: Ender appears to be a kind, gentle, courteous man, but this is a mask. He is truly evil to the core, very manipulative, and uses his charm to get his way. He mercilessly slaughters anyone who gets in his way.

Bio/About: Ender was abandoned by his mother at birth, his father had been gone since he knew his mother was pregnant, and struggled to stay alive. He was taken in as a slave by some powerful demons and forced to do all of their dirty-work, including murdering people at the age of three years old. His heart grew cold and evil he had no love for anyone, anything. He grew a vast hatred for the world. Eventually he grew stronger and stronger from his hate, killing the demon family that 'raised' him. He learned to hide his hate behind a carefully-constructed mask of any girl's dream guy. He heard of a group called 'Yoru', and curiously joined. They planned to take over the world, but he planned to stab them all in the back and take it over himself. But for now he would follow their wishes as they still aided him, sending dreams of him saving the princess Haku. He would use her to infiltrate the royal family, claiming the world for himself.

Here's the picture<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ender.jpg.24660a135106c28fdfc4517bf3c77f97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ender.jpg.24660a135106c28fdfc4517bf3c77f97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Yori Hayashi

Age: 16


Bio: Much of his past is unknown because he doesn't like to talk about it. His father and mother were violently killed when he was 12 by a vampire so his own powers remind him of what happened to his parents. They had wanted him to grow up as a normal child so he did his best to fulfill that wish. He only had a few years left till he would graduate and then he could live any way he wanted but still he fears what could happen if he loses control.

About: Yori is an interesting vampire that is very good at hiding the truth of it. he is kind and gentle and has a strong sense of justice. Almost all the time you can hear him humming his favorite tune, the song "Resonance" Because of his strong sense of justice when he sees some one in distress he always trys to help them.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Anime-Guys-male-anime-characters-17560236-570-427.jpg.cbfe395f92ed5b4c2215681f1caccb93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Anime-Guys-male-anime-characters-17560236-570-427.jpg.cbfe395f92ed5b4c2215681f1caccb93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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accepted! with that we can begin the RP! 
Haku sat in class looking out the window. She had recently began having a strange dream. She pulled out her notebook. A cheetah print composition notebook. Opening to the first page she began to draw, beading red eyes gleamed from behind a fire while a gentle hand took a small girls, her as a child's hand. What was this? The bell rang. She headed into the hallway, when suddenly she bumped into someone. Her notebook fell to the floor opening to that first page where the picture was drawn.
Yori looked up. He had been reading his book, trying to fight of the feelings he was having when Haku bumped into him. He was usually pretty good at avoiding others even when he wasn't paying attention and wondered why he hadn't with her.

He bent down and picked up the notebook, seeing the drawing inside. He closed it and handed the journal to her. "That artwork is really amazing, sorry if you didn't want me to see it." He said kindly.
Haku took her notebook. ''Th-thank you. It's not really much, just something I remembered is all. Oh!" She bowed politely. "Sorry for bumping into you." She looked up and met his eyes. An emotion flooded from them, one Haku felt from time to time but his was deeper. Tears formed in the corner of Haku's eyes though she was unaware of it.
(Sorry I'm late, I forgot to follow the thread DX)

Ender sat in the room, surrounded by his minions of the Yoru. "Did you send her the dream again, sir?" One asked, keeping his head down like the rest. Ender smirked. They all must've known that although he acted kindly, he was really anything but it.

"Of course I did. I'm on your side, plus I want the princess to trust me. Being in her dream is an excellent way to earn her trust since I'm not the bad thing." Lies. He wasn't on their side, nor the royal side. Ender was on his own side, but he was playing along with the Yoru to get with Princess Haku. Not only to get into the royal family, he truly found her captivating. Perhaps he could get her to go along with him and be the queen of his new world once he captured this one and made it his.
Haku turned and ran down the hall. Why did this weird stuff only happen to her. Craving blood, seeing spirits, not to mention telling ones emotions if they drop their guard the slightest. She turned into the room of the school Ender was in and shut the door, unaware of anyone being there. She turned and saw him and a few other people. "Oh, I-I'm sorry." She bowed slightly.
(oh well they could be checking at the school and haku runs into them.)
(Okay that makes sense)

Ender smiled politely at the girl. "It's no worries, we were just finishing up." She looked like the princess, but only her name could confirm her true nature. Ended smirked to himself. If she was it would be easy to win her over with his charm and fake personality, she looked like a shy girl who would be submissive. "My name is Ender, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said. "What's your name?"
Haku stopped bowing and looked up. "Haku Namikaze." She had never seen this guy before. He seemed nice, but Haku could tell he was shrouded with mystery. "Are you new here?"
Ender smiled again kindly, but on the inside he laughed evilly. It was the princess, princess Haku! "Yes, I transferred here today." He lied, but he already had his sheets filled out to transfer if she was actually here. "I'm a little lost, these guys were just telling me a little about the school and the programs it has. It's a pleasure to be your schoolmate, Miss Haku." He said nicely, bowing a little. This would go as planned, he knew it.
Haku blinked. Someone actually being friendly. A nice change. "Well its fine by me. Not many people have much to do with me here. They call me creepy. I mind as well tell you or you'll get it in the form of a rumor. I see spirits.'' She didn't know why she was so intent in telling him herself. Maybe because he was actual nice to her and she didn't want a rumor to twist the truth and change that. Her notebook dangled carelessly on the outside of her bag.
Oh yes. This was definitely her. "Spirits? You must have some kind of special gift then! That's amazing, I heard some people could. Personally I can't, but I'm not normal either." He paused, and the rest of the Yoru who were already in this school left, one heading straight to the office to make him a student with his paperwork. "Are you, by any chance, a vampire?"
"vampire? well i do sometimes crave blood but really i dont know." the thought had crossed her mind before but she couldnt be sure.
"I see. I was just thinking, since seeing spirits is sometimes a power vampires may have. And craving blood too, of course." He said. "Actually, I'm almost sure you are.. And even if you're not, you probably aren't completely human. But there's nothing wrong with that, I can sense there are other non-humans at this school too." Ender said. It wasn't a lie, there was at least one other vampire and he felt like there could be other werewolves or witches too but wasn't sure.
Haku propped her chin against her thumb. ''Interesting..... You know I should be alarmed by that kind of question but it feels completely natural.'' The door opened. A girl with short black hair and purple eyes stepped in the room. "Oh hi Tae." Haku said happily.

''Who is he?'' Tae asked. She knew he wasn't human, because she wasn't human. Tae was a werewolf and a member of Hikari. The pendant attached to her pants proved that.

''This is Ender. He is knew to the school. Can you believe he doesn't find me seeing spirits strange!"

''Oh I see. So boy why are you here alone with Haku.'' Tae stood slightly in front of Haku. The time had come for Haku to awaken by the smell of it.
Ender shrugged. "I was talking to her about some stuff I don't think she would want other people to hear." He said, smiling at Tae. "It's nice to meet you." It wasn't nice at all, actually . She was wearing a pendant that proved she was in the Hikari. He was technically against them, not just because he 'joined' the Yoru but because they might try to stop him if they knew who or what he was. But he always had his guard up, no one would see past it. And if one person ever did, he would kill them and plant evidence on someone else, taking the blame off him.
Haku looked at Tae. "Tell me Tae! Am I a vampire?"

"Haku.....the answer...you already know. I mean think about it you crave blood. Not human." Tae bit her lip

"you lied to me for 8 years then Tae! You always said humans sometimes do crave blood, see spirits, tell emotions and such with the slightest drop of ones guard. Leave! I will be fine continuing my conversation with Ender!" Haku walked around Tae over to Ender.
Ender frowned, seemingly apologetic and worried. "Oh dear, I really do hope that I didn't ruin your friendship.. Bt you should really be allowed to know what you are." He took a step closer to Haku. "Let me tell you something else, Haku. You're not only a vampire. You're a special one. A vampire princess, the princess of the royal family. Did anyone ever tell you that?" He hoped that his revealing it to her would awaken her. "I've been looking for you. I've had strange dreams about you, too. There were these scary red eyes, I would always save you from them. Tell me, Haku." He leaned a little closer. "Did you ever have a dream like that, too?"
"h-how did you......does that mean....." Haku felt a strange pulse through her body. She clawed at a spot on the top of her hand that shone. The sealing symbol. After a moment it vanished and Haku was shrouded in a black aura. Small amounts of memories returned to her. She was three running through the palace....her mother kissed her hand.......the fire, those eyes and the gentle hand that took hers. The face of the boy unknown. The aura dispersed, and Haku bean to fall forward loosing consciousness.

Tae gasped. "Crap. I have to report this to headquarters now and inform the other members stationed here at school." Tae took off out the door.
Ender reached out and caught her before she could hit the ground. He turned her over so that she was facing him and, brushing some hair out of her face, leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, precious..." He whispered. "And when you awaken to my face, know I will be the one you love." He walked out of school, back towards his temporary house in this area, and laid her down in 'his' bed. He sat down beside her, prepared to wait as long as he had to for her to awaken. Everything was going as planned.
Haku had that same dream several times. Each time it seemed the boys face became even more clouded. She constantly smelled blood. Blood. Blood. It echoed in her head. Slowly she opened her eyes, sitting up she looked around. She was in a home unfamiliar to the small shrine she stayed in at the top of the mountain on the edge of town. "Where am I?" she whispered looking straight at Ender,but still so aloof she barley noticed him.

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