[Telltale] The Walking Dead


One Thousand Club
So, the sign-ups!

Character Sheets




Appearance: (pictures preferred, but not required.)




Equipment: (nothing too spectacular)


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Name: Harry Scarcella

Age: 28

Occupation: Mafiosi (Caporegime)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/HenryTomasino-Mafia2.jpg.9b4bf4e4af0f3df340fedb61b31773e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/HenryTomasino-Mafia2.jpg.9b4bf4e4af0f3df340fedb61b31773e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Apparel: Often seen with a Suit, Tie and Dress Shoes

Personality: Harry has been known to be very reserved and had few friends. While not anti-social, he keeps a pleasant, affable demeanor when with others. Much like the old-fashioned gangster, Harry has strong morals and values. Unlike most Gangsters, Harry is very level-headed, proper and refined.

History: Harry was born into the Mob, with his Father being a powerful figure in the American Mafia. When the outbreak came, his entire family (including the Mafia), were killed in the first wave. Not much is really known about him since he does not really like to talk about his life, let alone himself. One will have to get to know him before he shares about his past.

Equipment: Bowie Knife, Machete, Hatchet (Until he can get his hands on a gun, he will use an assortment of Melee Weapons)

Strengths: Skilled Marksman, Trained in Knife Combat, Good Cardio

Weaknesses: Hesitant at times, Slow Healer




  • HenryTomasino-Mafia2.jpg
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Name: Logan Shaneson

Age: 54

Occupation: Farmer



Apparel: A very simple dresser, he wears the sweater as seen on the portrait; which was made by his mother. He also wears a blue set of jeans and also wears glasses.

Personality: A responsible old gentleman. Logan always prioritizes those who he loves or finds worth protecting before himself. Although his personality is quiet and he has low charisma. He keeps his anger to a absolute low and is a rather fast adapter to what is going on around him.

History: Born to a farmer and raised as one aswell. Logan spent his days tending to farm animals and growing crops. In his teen years his father died from cancer, leaving Logan to look after the farm and his mother. Because of that Logan dropped out of high school, although during his school years he was never an acclaimed scholar. At age 31, Logan had been set to be married to a young beautiful woman. Like him- she had been tending to farms all her life and that was the fuel to their love. However the fuel soon ran out and they got into one argument too many and he divorced her. Before the zombie incident Logan led a lonely life, taking care of his elderly mother with alzheimer's. (Who inevitably died in the first wave)

Equipment: A long steel edged Shovel with a sturdy wooden handle. He also carry around countless vegetable and fruit seeds, and around 4 boxes of non-perishable food (1 months worth). He also drives around in a old run down truck.

Strengths: Well for starters he is a farmer, his skills for food production will be valued. He is not weak and especially for his age he is very well conditioned.

Weaknesses: He is a terrible fighter, despite him not being weak at all. His skill is pitiful and his speed the same. He sometimes makes choices that do not benefit him. And he lacks the skills to be a leader of any kind, rather he is a good citizen or follower.


(his truck, he doesn't have any grains in there right now though, it's empty)

Clementine (I read all the rules but missed that one, oops.)
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Name: Athalia Markins

Age: 19

Occupation: Homeless




but much more dirty,blood stained and tattered.

Personality: She is very shy and doesn't talk much, scared easily, but very determined to survive, she tries not to let people see the real her, and she's a thief.

History: When Athalia was 16 her parents kicked her out and she's been living on the streets since then. She stole things to survive out in the world alone, food, clothes, weapons, she was good at it and it just sorta came to her, especially since she's quiet. Being on the streets was a big advantage to her, especially surviving so it just comes naturally to her. Now, she's doing good but getting lonely, so she's trying to find a group who won't kill her.

Equipment: A normal knife and a hand gun.

Strengths: Surviving without food and sneaking past zombies.

Weaknesses: Anxiety attacks caused by nervousness, and asthma.

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Name: Salem Shepard.

Age: 26.

Occupation: Medical Student.


Apparel: A simple black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black converse sneakers.


Personality: Salem is your typical all-around good guy. He is charming, charismatic, and always quick with a joke. He's a genuinely good person who has a passion for his career choice and wants to do his best to help people, he does also have a slight temper but that aside he would go to hell and back twice for his friends and all in all you'd want him on your side in a jam.

History: Salem was born to a family of well-known and wealthy doctors. He had the typical childhood for someone who grew up with money such as getting everything he wanted, having the best care, education, so on and so forth and so infancy and early childhood were mostly uneventful. During middle school is when he decided he wanted to be a doctor like his parents and while his mother loved and supported his choice, his father who always seemed to hold an unwarranted resentment against him, laughed at the idea and said he'd be kicked out of medical school in a week or less. Despite this however, Salem wasn't going to let his father bring him down. Throughout his academic career he was a straight-A student with extracurricular activities such as football, debate team, and various volunteered activities. His habits didn't change when he was going through his undergraduate years in college and so when it came time to go to medical school, it didn't come as a surprise to anyone but his father, that he not only aced the exam but was the top of his class.

Equipment: A small backpack full of first aid supplies, a pouch of medicinal herbs, and a hatchet.

Strengths: Extensive knowledge of various medicinal techniques and first aid, very athletic, and good under pressure. Yet again he proved an incredibly talented and skilled doctor to be and for four years he almost blew through medical school. Then just as his luck would have it, some months before he was set to graduate and start his residency, zombies started eating people. He at first escaped his school with a close group of friends that were slowly picked off by either zombies or raiders and for a long time Salem had been traveling alone until now.

Weaknesses: Not very confident in his medical abilities, he sees the glass as half-full, and the only fight he was ever in was in middle school.
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Name: Jeffrey Webb

Age: 25

Occupation: SWAT Officer


except the shirt is black and has SWAT written on the back

Personality: Jeff is a nice guy. Sometimes, too nice. He's the type to give food when he doesn't have for himself. He often finds himself defending other people which is probably a part of the reason why he wanted to become a cop. He's level-headed and clever but can be stubborn and rash in extreme situations. He's personable and can win other people's trust easily. He's a positive person but never fails to understand the gravity of his situation.

History: Jeffrey had a relatively normal background. His parents raised him to be a good-natured kid. His father was killed by some street thief so his mother, Clementine had to raise him alone. During highschool, he played as a quarterback and had good grades. He joined the academy after graduating from highschool. He went on to become a cop. His first assignment in a new city was to control a 'mob'. This turned out to be a herd of infected people.

He survived along with a group for quite some time until they were cornered by a large herd of zombies. Jeff doesn't know if anyone else survived. He fends for himself now but he knows he wont last long alone. He's trying to look for a group to keep surviving.

Equipment: Handgun, Combat knife, and a butterfly knife.

Strengths: Military and Combat training. Athletic and great physical condition.

Weaknesses: Can be too stubborn and often thinks of other people first. He becomes rash when people important to him are in trouble.
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Name: Xobic Dex


Occupation:bounty hunter

what his face looks

and the clothes in the picture

Personality:To be revealed in the roleplay.

History:To be revealed in the roleplay.

Equipment: barrett m 107,first aid kit,big hunting backpack,old toy train,10 can canned goods,sleeping bag,can opener,bottle of Jack Daniels,Combat knife

Strengths:long range combat,running,using a sniper rifle,sneaking past zombies and people,

Weaknesses:bad under pressure,He is a terrible fighter,his anger,bad with kids


((come and join my roleplay http://www.rpnation.com/threads/a-one-piece-road-play.21095/))
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Name: Neri Serrano

Age: 23

Occupation: Bar waitress, Musician





Personality: Neri prefers to keep to herself and tends to be weary of others. Though she may come off as being rude and sarcastic she does care for others which has gotten her into trouble with another group she was with and is now very cautious with who she is around.

History: Born in the United States and raised in Central America, Neri grew up in the county side with her father teaching her about different herbs and how to take care of herself when she would wander around. When they traveled he had to teach her how to defend herself in the middle of a civil war. When her father died she was taken in by her aunt and sent back to the United States where she studied music and became a professional musician. She gave private lessons during the day and for extra money worked in her cousins bar. The day the first wave hit she was in the middle of the lesson, with little food and a machete she and the kid made it out of the city and joined a group only to have them betray one another and have the kid die in the crossfire.

Equipment: Machete, knives, and a handguns

Strengths: She's pretty good with short sharp weapons more so than a gun but she is not a lousy shot either.

Weaknesses: She tends to lose we temper in a stressful situation and as such her judgment can be clouded. She has a soft spot for children.

Name: James Wilson

Age: 15

Occupation: Student


Apparel: pretty simple, a pair of jeans, beige boots, a t-shirt, a jacket and a thick coat. He stands at five feet and seven inches

Personality: James is a genius, but he's also a complete and utter psychopath. He enjoys inflicting pain on people, and likes to play games with them before he kills them. He enjoys making elaborate traps, and knows never to underestimate how painful it can be to die by zombies ripping you to shreds and eating you alive.

History: He was pretty much born this way, he aced every single class, still top of his year after being moved ahead by two years. He realised how fun it was torturing and killing people first with his hamster, then fellow pupils, and eventually becoming a successful murderer. He was never suspected because he was so small and young.

Equipment: he carries a silenced glock pistol, and a large dagger, both of which he is well-practised with. He also can make traps a lot, so he rarely needs them.

Strengths: he is a devious genius

Weaknesses: he isn't that athletic, preferring to find an ingenious hiding spot and cover his trail than to simply run or even fight.
Name: Matthew Andrews

"Name's Matthew. Nice to meet ya'."

Age: 29

Job/Occupation: Surgeon

"Give me a hammer, a knife, a some Big League Chew and I'll see what I can do."

Appearance: He has blond hair that isn't really too long, but isn't exactly short either. It is also greasy from lack of bathing. He doesn't look strong, just how the average joe's muscles would look. Sorry about no picture, couldn't find one to suit this character.

Apparel: Blue baseball cap, a black hoodie and normal looking jeans. Under the hoodie is a gray t-shirt with the Batman cowl on it.

Personality: Outwardly, he seems relatively happy with himself and life, and is willing to help at a moments notice. However, on the inside he is a depressed and troubled man, who is scared what would happen to himself if anyone else close to him died. He also blames himself for his wife's death.

"Don't you dare question my goddamn actions, you don't know what I've been through, hell, you don't know what any of us have been through!"

Bio: Matthew was married at the age of 21, very early for most men. The reason they got married so fast was learning about how his wife got pregnant unintentionally, and eventually gave birth to Cynthia. Soon after Cynthia was born, Matthew had to support his wife and child somehow, so he became a surgeon. Soon, he got a good apartment, and the family had a good life. Until the outbreak, that is.

Items/Equipment: Currently has a First Aid Kit Jr., a backpack, a few cans of food, a baseball bat, and some water bottles.

Strengths: Matthew is extremely well-off with melee, is a fast runner, and can drive cars well.

Weaknesses: Not too great with morals, was extremely protective over his daughter, and can become deeply depressed over her and his wife's death.

(Oh, and to Kawashima, yes this is the same character from Surphobia. But since I never got to use him, here he is! Minus Cynthia though.)
Name: Vladimir Georgiev

Age: 24

Occupation: Economics Student

Appearance: Vladimir is 187cm(6"2), 78kg(171lbs), blue eyes, brown hair


Apparel: Reading glasses, red hoodie with a plain white T-shirt under it, track pants, regular brown shoes

Personality: Vladimir is an introverted person, who is very hesitant when meeting other strangers, sometimes to the point of being considered rude, as he has had a bad experience with a group when the apocalypse started. He very much misses his family which is still in Bulgaria, but has a feeling that they are alright. He can hold up well in a fight, as he has been in a few of them in high school, all of which he didn't want to start. He became fluent in English in his mid-teens, although still having a noticeable accent, and knows a fair bit of Russian.

History: Vladimir was born in Bulgaria, 1 year before the communist regime fell. His mother and father were both factory workers, earning just above minimum wage. Though his family wasn't the richest, he had a very happy childhood. He still remembers all the cheerful moments when he was still a child, wishing he could go back to them.

Vladimir wasn't a popular boy in high school, but was still respected, as he was in the Track & Field team between 10th and 12th grade. After finishing high school, he had good enough grades to get accepted into university in the US. In his last year of study is when this all happened. He and a 8 other people from his class set-up a group and camp near the university.

After seeing 4 people die in the first two weeks, all from zombie bites, he calls the group leader and starts an argument, which ended in Vladimir getting hit in the left arm with a lead pipe. The night after that he decides to leave the group, he steals food, a handgun and some ammo and leaves the camp as it's falling apart and it would be best for him to try his luck on his own.

Equipment: Large backpack, Baseball bat (inside his backpack), handgun, canned food

Strengths: Speed, endurance, willpower

Weaknesses: Socializing, getting along with people

Name: Jonathan Taylor

Age: 21

Occupation: PhD Student/ Campus Store Clerk.

But, with regular glasses. (That picture looks like Ben Paul, kinda.)

Apparel: Glasses, a university hoodie and jeans.

Personality: The opening events of the outbreak have changed the finer parts of his personality. He is harsher to react, but still thinks about his actions. Mostly introverted, he dislikes strangers.

History: He had lost her. Just lost her. His mother was a single parent. After trekking in back alleys he had found his home abandoned. She had done everything for him, paid for his schooling. Getting out of the city was the hardest thing he had ever done, he doesn't like talking about it. (Perhaps to be revealed... Eh?)

Equipment: A pistol, a kitchen knife in a plastic sleeve and a backpack.

Strengths: Slightly above average intelligence. Active Problem Solver.

Weaknesses: Below average physique. Can't use guns very well. Can't see that well without his glasses.

Clementine: Clemmy-clue.
Name: Aylaela (Ay - Lay - Luh) Rivard

Age: Nineteen.

Occupation: Farmer


Apparel: A simple T-Shirt of stating "I like big books and I cannot lie", though it is worn and faded from it's original state. Simple green cargo pants is her preferred clothing choice, simple and useful.

Personality: A quite girl, though very morally centered due to her mother's religious teachings, and attempts to treat situations fairly. Though she may not be aggressive, if she disagrees she will stand firm in her decision.

History: Aylaela had spent her whole life on the quiet farm that her family had owned for generations, a simple place tucked away from the bustle of society. Her younger sister Claeria and herself were home schooled, only keeping the company of each other and the few neighboring children down the road. When the outbreak began, the Rivards were unconnected, confused at what was happening but otherwise untouched by the widespread panic. Though when the first of the dead came on their property, the family was not prepared, and the youngest daughter Claeria was felled by the creatures.

They mourned, but survived, until a small horde came through the area, snatching Aylaela's last family from her and forcing her from the only life she'd known on the Rivard's farm and onto the road.

Equipment: Only armed with a light sharpened shovel and large kitchen knife, she's largely unprotected.

Strengths: Knows how to navigate land and locate edible plants, strong arms and great endurance from the long hours in the fields.

Weaknesses: Can't swim, soft-hearted, passive, prefers to run rather than confront/attack, naive.

Notes: Clementine
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Oh, and just a suggestion, do you guys think you could have your characters appear at Crawford? Just a suggestion though, do whatever you want with your characters! :)
Name: Tommy Johnston

Age: 28

Occupation: Professional Boxer

Appearance: Brown flat wavy hair, tall and lanky (6 foot tall) with some muscle tone, green eyes

Apparel: leather jacket with blue jeans and timberland beige boots

Personality: Charming, Makes the best of every situation, Caring, Funny, Can be quiet at times, Seperation Anxiety

History: Tommy was born and raised in Toronto Canada by foster parents. Tommy and his brother were put up for adoption by his unknown real parents when he was 7 and his brother was 11. When Tommy's brother turned 18 he left Tommy and his foster family to attend college in Atlanta,Georgia and also because he hated it there. Around this time in Tommy's life he became very quiet he didnt want to get to close to people because he felt like everyone around him was leaving him and didn't want to be around him. Turned out he had seperation anxiety which means he HATES being alone. When Tommy turned 18 he moved to Atlanta Georgia to find his brother. After 3 months of searching for his brother he found out he died in a car crash a year after he moved to Atlanta. Tommy needed a way to take his anger out and so he joined a boxing club right across from his sketchy apartments in Atlanta. He was a natural at it, he also became very close with his coach. After 2 years of boxing training Tommy's coach put him in his first match, he knocked him out in the first round. Tommy was put into many fights after that and quickly became one of the best in amateur boxing. He moved in with his coach to train 24/7 and because they got along well. Eventually he made it to Professional Boxing and was making very good money. When Tommy turned 23 his trainer was diagnosed with lung cancer. Tommy tried to donate as much money as he could but by the time Tommy turned 25 his coach died from it. Tommy then realized that life just goes on and nobody around you is there to stay, and so he decided he didn't want a family because he felt like they would just leave to. Tommy sticked with boxing though, only for his coach.

Equipment: Backpack with 2 water bottles one filled up all the way the other a little bit above half way, a multi tool / swiss army knife and a lead pipe at hand.

Strengths: Power,Speed,Cardio,Strength

Weaknesses: Seperation Anxiety, Trust Issues, Is a terrible shot

Name: Ryker Tharp


Occupation: Part Time Grocery Store Worker/ High School Student



Apparel: : A hoodie, jeans, a back pack, and running shoes.

Personality: Ryker is an interesting combination of thoughtful and rash. Ryker can sometimes spew useless information as well as deep proverbial sayings or worldly observations. Aggressive when threatened but wants to see the best in people.

History: Ryker was out of town visiting some friends when the world came crashing down around him. Ryker tried to get back home but failed miserably and ended up getting two of his friends killed. After that Ryker made his goal survival, he jumped from group to group for awhile but in the end opted to travel alone (he blamed himself for surviving when the groups failed to).

Equipment: Crowbar, backpack, canteen, longbow, three arrows. (Ryker shot traditional longbow on a recreational archery team).

Strengths: Ryker is a survivor a Boy Scout as well as being incredibly intelligent has helped him greatly.

Weaknesses: Ryker wants to see the good in everybody and luckily for him he's never been confronted with the task of killing another human being if the situation was right Ryker might be able to do it but it would likely destroy him. Also he does not have a cut throat attitude typical of survivors.
Name: Samuel "Sam" Albus

Age: 18

Occupation: High school-student



Apparel: Clementine underwear, V-neck, hoodie, vest, bandanna wrapped around his neck, jeans, sneakers,

Personality: Sam is sociable and friendly, but careful. He hates silence and the idea of being lonely. Sam is good at being a friend but he's not good at making many. His father's Christian background and morals brought him to become respectable and smart in the face of crisis.

History: Sam is the middle child in a family of 5. They all lived together in a mansion in Nashville, Tennessee; his dad, mom, older brother Ian, and younger sister Anna. Sam went to the track on the day of the outbreak to practice for a track meet that weekend. On the walk home, he witnessed a taxi swerve and flip multiple times. The driver was killed instantly and the passenger was paralyzed. Sam approached the overturned car to help but the driver was reanimated and began to attack his passenger, successfully eating him. Sam, horrified, ran home to find the house empty, his family nowhere in sight. He found a note from his dad that explained what was happening and said his father, his mom, and Anna had left for their summer home in Savannah, Georgia and to look for them there. The note said, they were unable to get a hold of Ian and he was supposedly still in the city. Shocked and confused, Sam gathered supplies he could find and left.

Equipment: School book bag with some survival materials. Sam and his father used to go up north in the fall to hunt and so he went into their hunting gear storage and grabbed a large knife, and a rifle. He only has so many rounds for it so he tries his best to conserve.

Strengths: Physically fit and athletic, smart, determined to find his family

Weaknesses: Sometimes doesn't trust people enough, other times too much. Low endurance - cannot run for long periods of time. Fears loneliness and death.
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Name: Evan Mills.

Age: 13, nearly 14 (I will take the risk ;) )

Occupation: Used to help his father on the farm.

Apparel: A dagger, a small backpack with small loot like a can of beans, a lighter, compass, a few socks and some pictures of his family.

Personality: Evan teeters between being upfront and being introverted. When it comes to matters close to his heart, he will not hesitate to voice his opinion or crack a joke. However, in places he doesn't know he's much more to himself, though he won't shy away from having a conversation. Growing up on a large farm in Arkansas has taught him many of life's lessons at an early age. He knows how to take care of himself and wasn't not afraid of getting involved in petty brawls. with his peers. But every since the outbreak, things have changed dramatically. With no one to really look after him, he feels lost and vulnerable like prey. He's become very wary of strangers and it will take a lot to earn his trust.

History: Evan was raised on a farm in Arkansas by loving, caring parents. Since the outbreak things went downhill fast he fled with his parents and younger sister in their pick-up truck. For a month or so they managed to survive, but then they started to run low on supplies. Forced to move out in the open they were overrun by walkers whilst checking a pharmacy for loot. His little sister lost her live to the Walkers but his father and mother held the walkers off for long enough so that he could escape. That was a week ago. He's very low on supplies and desperately needs help. He has no idea if his parents are still alive, and due to the rush in which they separated he deems it unlikely they'll meet again.

Strengths: He can take care of himself and is adapt at avoiding the walkers (stealth).

Weaknesses: Very much to himself, often thinks he knows better and is poor at trusting anyone but himself.

Equipment: Dagger and his dad's old .45 with only two bullets in it.

Notes: Clementine


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Occupation:Fry Cook

Appearance: (pictures preferred, but not required.)

Stereotypical Asian Woman

Apparel: An brown army duster with a Recon Sniper Symbol on it.

Personality: Extremely annoying at times but also very nice.

History: Worked at Burger King until the first wave of the outbreak killed everyone in her location. She ran and found her equipment but neer became 100% sane again.

Equipment: 2 combat knives 1 handgun.

Strengths:Stealth and hand to hand combat.

Weaknesses: Grudges.
Name: John Harker

Age: 29

Occupation: Mathematician


Apparel: (showed above)

Personality: He's cold, calm and usually quiet. He doesn't like to get involved on the group decisions or even socializing with others in any way. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor and takes everything very seriously. He makes his decisions based on logic and it's always very clear and straight to the point on his doings. He's a big fan of scientific endeavours of any kind, and studied a lot of medical, biologic and chemistry related subjects. He gives ultimate value to the life of children and pregnant women.

History: He was born on a poor neighbourhood, son of a waitress and an ex-math teacher. His dad was an alcoholic, and used to spank him on a daily basis, during the time he was drunk. However, when he was sober, he was a mathematic genius, and everything he knew he taught to John. John was also a genius since he was very young, but his father had to much envy of him, and kept pushing him down and pushing him away from school, making him work on every kind of jobs, to help bring money to the family. At the age of fourteen, his mother made him go back to school, where he met a thirty year old teacher, a woman named Lucia. He fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him too. Meanwhile, his father died due to liver complications and his mother was entering a deep grief. John ran away with Lucia, and they became lovers on another city. She educated him better, and he started to follow the way of mathematic. He worked for an university for a year, and at the age of twenty two, he married Lucia. They tried to have a child for a long time, before discovering they were both sterile. Lucia went mad and killed herself when she heard this. John kept working for the university for another two years before he went insane. He entered a mental institution until he was twenty eight, when he was finally considered healthy and ready to return to society. That’s when the zombie outbreak happened, before they even filled the papers to his return. He’s been roaming around aimless ever since, trying to survive as much as he can.

Equipment: Small axe, military knife, bow and quiver (six arrows) and .357 S&W revolver (never used, fully loaded).

Strengths: Great runner, useful picking supplies and escaping places.

Weaknesses: Poor social skills, panic attacks.

Oh, and also, CLEMENTINE
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@gilwaybetternow we're on episode 2 of this game now. This one's closed. I'll see if I can get you the link in a sec

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