Other Tell us about your pet peeves!

I have my faith, which I choose to keep to myself and those I'm close to. I don't like when overly religious people think their beliefs, should be my own. Or people who never think they are wrong.

Lastly, those unable to have a civil discussion and resort to name calling, etc.
This aligns with Chained Echoes, I have a huge pet peeve of anyone who thinks they are above it all, right , or know it all. I certainly detest myself when I do this enough - goodness gracious. I'm so happy I'm someone who doesn't know everything makes mistakes countless times a day and am always learning something.

Sometimes the always learning part is annoying but at least I'm doing it. I'm accepting I often know nothing and if I do it's so terribly wrong. That's okay.

I feel you on that peeve
I don't understand why people, if they don't understand something, just don't ask for it to be explained instead of coming in hot. A bit of civility goes a long way.
Some people have some really weeeeird reactions to hearing world-shaking news, and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it lol
When I got leukemia and my family and I had to spread the word about it, there was a diversity of reactions
Like a good friend bringing up how someone they knew died of leukemia
Or sending a letter to me about their dog with cancer
Or going on about how healthy their new vegan lifestyle is
Or trying to come up with something I did wrong in my lifestyle to bring this upon myself, like... not having enough milk? lol
I had someone online call me a self centered crybaby for not wanting people to shave their heads for me 😐

Obviously these all vary in weirdness, and a lot of them are well intentioned
I get it's hard to grapple with deadly circumstances but dang
Still peeves me, deep down XD
(Pretty outdated vent over)
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Lack of communication.

I planned a roleplay fandom pairing i have been craving so hard that i couldnt find anyone for finally. We talked for hours last night and plotted so much out. Found out i was blocked afterward. No communication. No discussion. No expression of feelings.

I dont normally let ghosting effect me but i am on the verge of tears rn because of this specific one. I was so excited beyond belief. And i know i probably wont find a partner as enthusiastic as her for this plot and pairing. It feels like there's a pit inside me and like I'm going to be sick.

For anyone reading this - Just please communicate. It's hard to confront people with your feelings esp if theyre negative but it's much better than hurting someone.
My hugest peeve is social manipulation. I have a really difficult time when anyone uses the ego/emotion to propel an argument or image.
Believe me, I even peeve myself when I do this but I quickly adjust my thinking to being a constructive one. Because as Helen Keller put it best. Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world.

I think this makes a lot of sense. Helen could no become successful when her anger took control of everything she did. Surrendering to anger gave her a completely new perspective on life. She learned how to : sign, speak, lecture. An amazing person in history.

Perhaps this is a bunch of ramble but it's a peeve transformed into a bit of a philosophy for me.
My peeve of social manipulation and the ego has made me very aware on when it's activated in myself and others and learning how to step away from it.
When it's being a nasty loser.
Some people have some really weeeeird reactions to hearing world-shaking news, and I have a hard time wrapping my head around it lol
When I got leukemia and my family and I had to spread the word about it, there was a diversity of reactions
Like a good friend bringing up how someone they knew died of leukemia
Or sending a letter to me about their dog with cancer
Or going on about how healthy their new vegan lifestyle is
Or trying to come up with something I did wrong in my lifestyle to bring this upon myself, like... not having enough milk? lol
I had someone online call me a self centered crybaby for not wanting people to shave their heads for me 😐

Obviously these all vary in weirdness, and a lot of them are well intentioned
I get it's hard to grapple with deadly circumstances but dang
Still peeves me, deep down XD
(Pretty outdated vent over)
I can’t wrap my mind around this. Some one making it about their friend and another saying you brought this onto yourself. Sorry Daisie, that you had to deal with that while going through treatment. Wow some people are just.. wow stay classy.

I can’t wrap my mind around this. Some one making it about their friend and another saying you brought this onto yourself. Sorry Daisie, that you had to deal with that while going through treatment. Wow some people are just.. wow stay classy.

The first one, I don't think it was as bad as it sounded. The guy who talked abt the kid who died from leukemia WAS a really good dude, I just think that when he heard the news, he did a search through his brain and automatically pulled up whatever experience he had with it, lol
I mean, it was still hurtful, but... it's a little better knowing it was nothing more than a brain short XD
We just don't handle the idea of death well, I think.
I hate when people are rude and/or condescending to customer service representatives. If a service person can't help you, chances are they aren't trying to be annoying or deliberately obtuse; they might be confused, or they simply cannot help you without putting their job at risk. People are just trying to get by. It costs nothing to be kind.

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