Other Tell us about your pet peeves!

When coworkers let petty squabbles get in the way of doing their job. Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to personal real life problems that affect everybody, depending on temperament and support system some are more affected by others.
What I am referring to is two trained and educated psychologists get the same office, right? And this one psychologist (lets call her P1) pulls me on a smoke break and tells me how much of a bitch her new coworker is (P1 was here 6 months before P2 came). Despite the new coworker being 10 years her senior. I won't get into what she told me because it's disinformation at best, but she was suggesting something along the lines "I'll make sure she doesn't stay here long."

Then the other psychologist (I'll call her P2) sits with me at the table and now I need to pretend I didn't hear the most horrid gossip known to man about this individual. We start talking and over the months we've spent together the "bitch" is actually an assertive woman who has clear boundries and is actually quite a pleasant human being to be around. So I get the impression P1 felt threatened that she has to "compete" with a coworker.

Call me a tattletale, but I explicitly warned P2 in confidence about what P1 told me (omitting some more... brutal comments. But I conveyed the message that P2 is pulling some sneaky shit). Thankfully instead of mutual sabotage, they settled their score with a verbal argument and at the principals office. Today they are doing fine tolerating eachother, because at the end of the day both realized they should work together.

Thats my pet peeve, when you work in a work enviroment where cooperation is needed and appreciated, but some coworkers like P1 feel the need to outcompete or flex their experience or 200 IQ. Put your fucking ego aside in the workplace, jesus.

I work at a school. I am not a teacher I organize busses and help with classes and school activities.
Answering the phone when you're not actually available to talk, and then getting mad at me. If you aren't available to talk, just don't answer the phone -.-
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Answering the phone when you're not actually available to talk, and then getting mad at me. If you aren't available to talk, just don't answer the phone -.-
Totally. Except if the person calling you is your older sister who calls, and if you don't answer, texts repeatedly until you answer her to say your busy, at which she replies, "What is so important that you can't carve 20 minutes out for me?"
honestly, primarily, i'm a pretty relaxed and laid-back person. i don't have too many pet peeves that i can't get over. i will say that people chewing with their mouths open, and spilling things (like drinks, food, whatever) initially irritates me quite a lot. but i always manage to just move past it.
People putting something gross and inappropriate on art sharing websites without tagging it properly so that I dont have to see it. I dont comprehend why theres so many people who will just put outright pornography in the middle of an otherwise innocuous portfolio of art, all without tagging it as such. I don't want to see that, especially not with the kind of things I'm actually looking for!
People putting something gross and inappropriate on art sharing websites without tagging it properly so that I dont have to see it. I dont comprehend why theres so many people who will just put outright pornography in the middle of an otherwise innocuous portfolio of art, all without tagging it as such. I don't want to see that, especially not with the kind of things I'm actually looking for!
I feel like Google Images could certainly try and implement some sort of censoring system for nude/inappropriate images. There were several times when I was just looking up perfectly innocent pictures of Lapras or some of my favourite characters and I'd get something pretty spicy/inappropriate.

Also, people not tagging posts and reblogs with ships on them on sites like Tumblr with the ship name will be the death of me. And Reddit, Twitter, etc. don't even have a proper tagging/filtering system. AO3's exclude system isn't permanent -- not even in the sense that you can remove the filter should you decide "actually, I think I want to see this", but it just doesn't stay at all --, and can't be accessed unless you access the fics in a certain way, which is frustrating when you have ships you are uncomfortable with to the point where just seeing the name leaves you nauseous and in physical pain.

I feel like the story and art-sharing sights and search engines should have a filter system and some system that recognises and blurs out inappropriate stuff unless you specifically turn that filter off.

And I don't mean to seem like a prude because I can actually take some enjoyment in all of that - the ships, heck even some of the inappropriate stuff - but there are people who don't like that, and even for me there's such a thing as too much at the wrong time and in the wrong place. (And possibly, with the wrong ship.) In general, the internet should have a better system in place so that it can better cater to all people.
I believe I have misophonia so a lot of small sounds drive me up the wall, but I can't stand it when you're working in a mutually shared space with a coworker and they keep sighing and talking to themselves. 😐
this one might be a little harsh but when people don't know a word or a concept and they just don't google it. like they'll post a comment instead or something. just google the word
When your best friend has a mental breakdown and breaks up with you cause he decided to kill all "non-sorcerers" and you try and kill him but you can't do it cause it's your best friend and now you're mad at yourself cause you couldn't save him and now it's your fault he burnt down a fucking village.
This is really a whole set of peeves but ;

All the rules explicit and not about what you can do as a male and if you break them, you are harrased about your sexuality/people assume and label you because of it (sans your input).

Please direct me to the science on why heterosexual males exclusively listen to male musicians and certain genres of music.

Surely there isn't any science behind being gay and liking the sound of female vocalists/ballads?
Me: *Obviously had a bad day*

Person: “So how’s your day?”

it just annoys me beyond words
People who cause issues laying the blame on others. Take responsibility for your actions.

Here's one: My effin knee!

When im working out or doing any little sport and tweak it just right, it acts up and like I'm limping for days.

Guess who's limping today? Ughs.

1. This thread is specifically for general, RL-related pet peeves. Please do not post pet peeves related to online life, writing, or RPing. Threads for those can be found here and here.

2. Outside of brief 'I so relate to this' or 'that reminds me of this' type of posts, please do not reply to others' peeves and engage in lengthy discussions- this is not the place for them.

3. This is also not a place for judgment, criticism, or disagreements- merely a space for people to safely vent about things that annoy them in dealing with people and everyday life.

If you understand and agree to abide by these rules, then please post and peruse at your leisure!

Everyone's got things that just drive them up the wall- tell us about yours!
Laugh, cry, commiserate and rage together. Sometimes, it's just good to get it out! ;P

I think possibly the one that drives me craziest is people being in the way.
If you're walking, or standing, it is my personal opinion that you should never do so in a manner or location which is going to get in other people's way! ><
I feel like so many people do this all the time, with no regard for others, and it drives me absolutely crazy xD
bringing up politics at work!! why?? i cant escape you!!
People who are telling me stuff, asking for my opinion but continuously talk without letting me even ask or say anything. Can you shut up for a second? Is this even a conversation?
I've gotten less rage-y about this than I used to, but it drives me up the wall when people never close drawers or cabinets after opening them.
Tip option EVERYWHERE.

Past 2 that pissed me off. An art store where I went and grabbed my own ish and paid like at any old store. And then like at a fast food mall spot.

Right. Fr tho yeah like wtf. I worked as a server and bartender. I busted my ass off to make your experience more enjoyable. Tf does getting served by a NPC at the cashier, picking up and carrying my own then cleaning up after myself need a tip?
Okay, this one isn't a pet peeve so much as it is a 'I just saw it today and can't believe someone would do this', but blocking one lane out of a two-lane two-way in a parking lot to load up your truck when there are open spots literally feet away and you can just roll your purchases to your truck in the cart that they are sitting in (which is literally what shopping carts are for)- I can't even x.x

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