Other Tell me your description of Life !


Where did Joe come from? Where'd he go?
Greetings to you fellow Rper !

I'm kind of bored and kind of started thinking about how I see life. I see in as a labyrinth, when you enter you are born, there are big and narrow paths that you can choose from, some with obstacles and sometimes, you cross paths with others, they may stay and help you for a while, but one day, your paths will separate and you continue on your way alongside others or alone. There may be rocky paths and traps and mysteries, but when you take a step back, or take a pause and try to figure it out, you get through. Sometimes, you may find vehicles, either a lone or with someone already in it trying to figure out how to make it work, sometimes, you or the other person may give up before, some may stay and you guys "drive", but the road will not always be smooth, and the vehicle may end up stuck or broken, it's you guy's choice to try and repair it, or give up and go your separate ways.

Not sure if that makes sense, but that's how I see it. Tell me how you see life !
I see it as a never ending journey. We all have ups and downs, we cant protest that. Those things help us grow into what we are now. When we start to doubt our goal in life, it's always good to spend a little bit of our time with God. Ask Him what would he want us to do..
@Andry Djawija

Wow, I like your description. I'm not Catholic, but I found it very relaxing to read your post. I actually go to church on Sundays, I don't believe in god but it's such a nice feeling to be surrounded by people that believe in something or someone and are willing to take time and respect it. I chatted a few times with a few priests too, they are the nicest, wisest people I'be met so far.

@T h e F o o l

@Fabulous Alpaca

Good to hear pal.. Hehe.. Just keep the faith and move forwars jn your life. Everything happens for a reason..

I see life as a game of choices, where one choice leads to another, and another, and so on. Where every choice one takes lead to different result, which will affect the very flow of the plot of the story, or one's life. Where what is good and what is bad is depicted by your choices, and that everything is bound to change, even you yourself.

And of course, like most games, one should enjoy it, despite any difficulties one might have, any frustrating events, or disturbances.
Andry Djawija] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20754-the-fool/ said:
@The Fool[/URL]
Is that comment for me? Rofl.. Im not a teenager, actually..

@bloody karma

Thx for the like anyway..
For myself .-. (Is 15)
I think the most accurate description would probably be:

Eh..I'm not really against dying. I'm not much of a fan of living since the world is screwed up. If I had a choice I would like to just disappear. Not live and not die, just be gone. But hey, i'm just a teenager, what do I know right? (OuO)
Greetings to you fellow Rper !

I'm kind of bored and kind of started thinking about how I see life. I see in as a labyrinth, when you enter you are born, there are big and narrow paths that you can choose from, some with obstacles and sometimes, you cross paths with others, they may stay and help you for a while, but one day, your paths will separate and you continue on your way alongside others or alone. There may be rocky paths and traps and mysteries, but when you take a step back, or take a pause and try to figure it out, you get through. Sometimes, you may find vehicles, either a lone or with someone already in it trying to figure out how to make it work, sometimes, you or the other person may give up before, some may stay and you guys "drive", but the road will not always be smooth, and the vehicle may end up stuck or broken, it's you guy's choice to try and repair it, or give up and go your separate ways.

Not sure if that makes sense, but that's how I see it. Tell me how you see life !
Totally relatable.
It’s a living organism functioning correctly. I don’t see anything much philosophical about it all, honestly, though I appreciate that some people do enjoy searching for meaning in it all.

At the end of the day, we live and then we die and then what ever happens happens.
I view life as a test. We are here and we ultimately decide what we leave behind as our memorials - whether we've improved the world for good or for bad for generations down the line. The reason or purpose or goal of life, to me, is to change as many lives as possible for the better. No matter what we do, we're doing it anyway - either for the better or for the worse. Our goals should be to change the world around us one person at a time. Everything else is secondary.
It's a quirk of nature. If you don't make the most out of it, that's all right. Don't feel as though you've wasted it if you miss an opportunity. It is what you make it. No more, no less. We can't all change the world. We can just be us. And nobody else can do a better job.

I don't know what is after this. Our course is marked by stars. If the cycle starts again, then I will see you next time.
I'd say the best way to describe life is that it is by definition it is terrible and filled with sickness, death and suffering but at the same time it is filled with baby dogs, full moons and boy's nights. Its all ups and downs and the meaning of life of my own interpretation is that I am going to try to find something that makes the suffering not only tolerable but something that make me forget about the hell of life in general. Whether that be becoming a published writer, getting married, having a nice smoke or a good cup of coffee, or anything in between then that is why I continue to sludge through the mud.

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