Tell Me We Aren't Forgotten [Inactive]

Toxic Infinity

Shego Embodied
Lena Dewitt

Stiletto heels. That's what Lena heard at seven o'clock in the morning. It was her warning that the day was about to get started whether she liked it or not. Luckily, she was already up and ready before sunrise. She had already planned on painting the sunrise last night, and she proudly signed her name at the bottom of her masterpiece. With a deep breath she left her balcony and waltzed into her bathroom to do her makeup.

From downstairs she could hear the echo of the ringing of doorbells and the opening of doors. Lena gave a faint smile and walked out of her bedroom and straight into the hallway. She could hear the sound of heels and other shoes step into the foyer. Lena couldn't help but walk towards the staircase edge and watch as the whole town flooded her home. It was just another group party that her socialite mother held every first Monday of every other month. By now, it was practically religion for Lena. She simply straightened her outfit before she walked down the grand staircase to enter into the stampede of party-goers.

It only took three minutes -- give or take -- before a group of women started talking to her about her personal life. Reluctantly, she obliged and explained to them what's been going on lately. It wasn't as if there was much to talk about. She was a single girl who minded her own god d*mn business, unlike everyone else in this town. The ladies soon got bored in mid-conversation and walked off to harass Ms. Dewitt with personal questions, which in all honesty, Lena was perfectly fine with. She rolled her eyes and brushed through the crowds of people in order to make her way to the drinks table. She wasn't one to drink, but when it came to the citizens of St. Claire and their nosy questions, a drink was her closest friend. Lena gently leaned against the table and sipped the martini cocktail as she watched the town bustling like ants.


Asher Dewitt

Ash woke up to the sound of door bells. With a groan, he slid out of bed with narrowed eyes as he tried to focus on his surroundings. It was nine o'clock already and he was sure to get a lecture from his mother about keeping the guests waiting. Honestly, nobody came to see him except Ridley, and even then, Ridley only attended the party because his mother dragged him there. Most of the town wanted to see his mom for reasons he didn't particularly care about. Another knock at his door echoed into his room and he realized why he was out of bed. Trudging towards the door, Ash wiped his tired face with every intention to look as awake as possible in case the person behind that door was his mother. Luckily, it was Ridley, who appeared to be in a suit from the 80s and terribly greased hair. "Don't even." he replied as he barged into Ash's bedroom. Asher tried desperately to contain his laughter, but at a certain point it was to much. "Oh shut up!" Ridley yelled as he sat on the bed. "You look retarded." Ash replied as he tried to keep a straight face. Ridley rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. "Dude, Sarah Burns hooked up with my brother last night. Total score. Said they've been doing this booty call thing for like a month now." Ash just shook his head. The only problem with Ridley was that he was as in to gossip as everyone else in St. Claire, which made every conversation a bit more irritating. Of course, Ridley got the gossiping from his mother, and if anything, he put it to good use when it was needed.

After getting dressed, Ash and Ridley walked downstairs to the overly crowded foyer. Ash simply sighed and made his way towards the back of the house where all the other high school students were. It was a routine thing. The parents gossip and chat more towards the front of the house while the kids stay behind for good measure. Sadly, Lena was stuck in the middle, like always, and Ash never really knew how she could handle that kind of atmosphere. "Hey Asher." replied some of the girls from the cheer squad. It was hard not to look at them. Tight dresses, six inch heels, perfect blonde hair? Any guy was hooked. He tried moving his gaze towards his sister who was chugging down some drinks like they were nothing. It was practically routine like everything else. As long as she was drinking, she'd last longer, otherwise she'd collapse two minutes in. Though Ash stuck with Ridley at the back of the house while the rest of the town went on with their own business, or other people's business.


(Couldn't find a better gif O.o )

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Camila Hope Dallas

She swirled her brush into a pot of vibrant turquoise eyeshadows with a serene smile plastered across her lips. With a few strokes, the bold and darling color had danced its way onto her eyelids in a rhythm that seventeen year old Cami found to be the most poetic thing in the world. It was moments like these, sitting on the floor of her bedroom with dozens of beauty products askew all over the place, that she knew she was in her happy place. There was just something so amazing about starting with a blank canvas and blending your way to a masterpiece. Cami felt as if she spent the majority of her life blending her damn eyeshadow, but she wouldn't have it any other way. It kept her sane, in a way. That's how she knew that she wanted to do this for the rest of her life. She was convinced of it.

She added some darker colors into the crease of her big dark brown eyes and some frosty white on to the inner corners. More blending. Of course. The look just kind of fell into place, and by the time she added her signature winged eyeliner and a million and one coats of mascara, the eyes were packed with personality, just like Cami herself. After she popped a pinky-nude color on her lips, the face was complete. Cami knew she had to head off to Mrs. Dewitt's cocktail party with her mom, Lisa, soon, but she kind of just wanted to sit here and think of more things to add to the look. Glitter? False lashes? She decided to refrain. She already got enough stares because of her makeup as is. People in this town didn't really understand creativity. The only people who got it were her friends, the youth of St. Claire who wanted out just as much as she did.

Cami hopped up reluctantly and pulled a dress from her closet. She wasn't a big fan of these little functions, but she knew that going to them kept her mom off her back when it came to school. She was an awful student. No matter how hard she tried, it just didn't come naturally to her. Not like makeup did, anyway. She pulled the frock over her head and slipped into some bejeweled pumps. At only five feet tall, Cami loved shoes nearly as much as she loved mascara. Once she had tousled her hair--it kind of did its own thing most of the time--she headed downstairs to greet her mom. Soon enough, the two of them were off to the Dewitt residence.

When they arrived, Lisa made way towards St. Claire's favorite socialite to exchange those corny double cheek kisses adults liked to do to pretend that they were in Milan, not some forgettable town in Maine. Cami, on the other hand, approached Lena, who looked like there were a million other places she wanted to be right now. She didn't blame her. "Mornin', sunshine," Camila greeted her friend easily. She knew the girl must've been up for a while now. She was an artist, and her favorite time of day to paint was in the mornings. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Lena's brother Ash and his friend Ridley checking out some of the cheerleading squad from their high school. Boys were so predictable. With a bright smile in their direction to say hello--she'd hate to interrupt--she turned back to Lena. "So...are we having fun, yet?"

Milo Anthony Wolfe

He threw his backpack over his left shoulder before quickly hopping over the high school's fence with ease. The minute he heard sirens, Milo knew he had to bolt. Somebody had probably seen him spray-painting the outside wall of the gym wing and had called the cops, but he wasn't scared. This happened nearly every morning, and he never got caught. After all, he'd been doing street art for years. He had escaping down to a science. A beautiful, sightly self-destructive silence.

"Shit!" Milo muttered, noticing a scrape that hd shown up out of nowhere on his knee. That must've happened on the way down. Oh well. He was covered in various scars and bruises. If anybody ever asked, he'd make up some smooth excuse. He was an excellent liar. He could bullshit his way through anyway, which was why he was able to live in St. Claire for eighteen years with only one brief trip to juvy under his belt. Milo couldn't help but think of how much easier his little hobby would be if he'd accepted the Jeep--er, bribe--his father's new girlfriend had gotten him as a peace offering after breaking up Mr and Mrs Wolfe, but he didn't want her charity. Besides, he wouldn't be allowed to openly disrespect her like he did now if she got him a car. Until he made enough money, his legs would suffice.

Milo ran a hand through his curly hair before slipping inside his house. He stashed his bag of spray paint in the closet everybody seemed to forget about before walking into the kitchen to find something to eat. Kelsey was there eating her normal breakfast of coffee and half a grapefruit--as if that filled anybody up!--and she made some sort of back-handed comment about how he ought to get some sleep at night. He told her to go f*ck herself before heading upstairs to his room. Kelsey started telling him about some Dewitt party she was going to this morning.

"Right, because everybody in this town is just dying to down mojitos with the woman who wrecked a twenty-year marriage," Milo called back to her in a wry tone. God, she was annoying. He continued upstairs and shut himself in his bedroom. He avoided the Dewitt cocktail parties like the plague. Just a bunch of judgmental adults who were mentally stuck in the 1940s. It was the farthest thing from his scene imaginable.



Savannah groaned and sunk her head into her pillow when she heard her neighbors at the apartment next to her yelling at fighting. She tried to cover her ears to block it out but failed epicly. So she decided, maybe it's best if she got up to get ready for the day. She had a tattoo to do and a party to attend, but work comes before her fun time. She slid herself out of bed before taking a shower, doing her essentials before she tossed her hair up, putting on her work clothes which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans a a muscle t-shirt that said SINK OR SWIM.

Savannah slid into her car and grasped the wheel, trying frantically to get the piece of junk to start. She began to panic, biting her lower lip in anticipation of not being late. Finally, her car roared to life and she drove off to finish her clients tattoo, which was coloring and shading a owl the woman had gotten on her upper thigh.

When she arrived the woman was sitting there impatiently.
"How COULD you be late?! Are you stupid?!" The woman screamed at Savannah. She cringed and ignored it, unlocking the shop and walking in, allowing the woman to take a seat on the stool. Savannah slid on her gloves and got her colors ready, plugging in her tattoo machine as she assembled the pieces, making sure she got a new sterile needle, even though she wanted to stab this woman and her constant bickering. She elegantly moved the needle back and forth, wiping off access ink as she bit her tongue, watching in extreme precision was she tattooed closely, the colors blending beautifully, yellows and golds and blues is what the woman wanted, and all together it looked amazing..

After a few hours of tattooing and coloring, and not to mention screaming from the woman, Savannah had finished the tattoo flawlessly, with no tip from the woman besides her typical payment for the job well done.

She closed shop before making her way home to do her hair and makeup. She turned on her hair straightener as she grabbed her make-up kit. She did her bright eyes dark with a smokey eye, applying red lipstick to her lip as she straightened her half and half colored hair. She tossed on her dress ((down below with picture)) and adjusted herself, filling in her eyesbrows as she smiled in the mirror, and she looked FLAWLESS. She sighed and grabbed her keys and went back to the piece of junk she called her car..

After about fifteen minutes, she arrived at the house the Dewitts. She huffed and ran her fingers through her hair before giving herself a double take. Her parents would be here, and her parents already looked down on her for becoming a tattoo artist. She slid out of her car and waltzed to the door, handing her invitation off before walking into the house, staring at people who walked past her, but not really talking to anyone. She smiled and waved at a few people, her parents giving her a disappointed look before going back to talking to the Dewitts parents.. She resumed her position in the corner, biting her lower lip softly.



Clarence Hollister

The smell of oregano and thyme was something else. To Clarence, there wasn't anything that could smell better. Although, his German chocolate cake smelled pretty damn good if he could say so himself, so in all honesty, the herbs had a tough act to beat. With a slight ding from his oven, he set the bowl down on the marble counter and strode to the oven in which his pepperoni pizza was cooking. Even with a man of such talent, Clarence couldn't beat the sweet simplicity of pizza. Pulling it out with his black oven mitt, Clarence plopped the pizza on the wooden platter that lie on the counter, anticipating the deliverance of his work of art. After staring at his work for only a couple minutes, Clarence headed back to his mixed herbs in order to finish yet another order.

Once he was done mixing, he grabbed some salmon and plopped it into a pan. He slowly added the mixed herbs over the salmon as it cooked ever so wonderfully. Ever so often, the pan would make the sweet sizzling sound that soon became music to the aspiring chef. The aroma of fish and herbs filled his loft apartment to the peak of his high ceilings, and it practically felt like heaven. Before long, the fish was ready to be placed onto its canvas. Each piece was placed in a certain spot in order to give the professional appearance Clarence was hoping for. The salmon laid atop fresh dill, sauteed with an old Italian recipe, and of course, topped with the a mint leaf for an extra kick. God, it was like looking at a cookbook. Clarence smiled for a brief moment and shrugged it off before looking at the time. Sooner or later he would have to step into reality, or at least the reality St. Claire wanted people to see. To most people, Clarence was a heartless son of a b*tch that tended to get into trouble. Now, he wasn't going to deny that accusation, for the most part, it was incredibly true, but he has more to him than what meets the eye. Of course, all his friends understood that. The teenage generation of St. Claire was probably the most artistic and creative group of misfits Clarence could ever hope for. Each and every one of them knew exactly what star potential they had, and it made Clarence feel accepted. Although, these thoughts are a whole other side to him that he wasn't willing to show this morning, or ever, and he quickly shook them off for another time.

After covering the pizza in saran wrap, Clarence walked off into his bedroom in order to make himself presentable for the rest of the day. It wasn't like he had much of a reputation to go by, but that didn't mean he didn't like to rise to the occasion. He put on a simple dress shirt, along with some dress pants and converse, while topping it off with a suit jacket. Easy. With a quick hand through his hair, Clarence was ready to go.

The drive wasn't bad -- if you ignored the parking hassle to get to the god damn door -- and by nine Clarence was already inside the bustling foyer of Ms. Dewitt's place. Clarence gave a small whistle as his eyes focused on the full size of the household. It wasn't his first time at the month-to-month gathering, but he just never seemed to notice the size. All that aside, Clarence made his way to the food bar and placed his platter of salmon right smack-dab in the middle for gloating purposes. Not that he would ever admit it was his, but most of his friends would know who's it was.

He was talking it up with a middle-aged beauty who tended to ramble on about crap Clarence didn't pay much mind to at the time. It was a fine conversation until his eyes wondered just a little to low for her taste and she walked off disgusted. A man could only dream. He rolled his eyes with a smirk and was offered some odd looking dessert by some caterer, and considering his eye for food, he obliged and ate the strange offering. It ended up tasting like egg and cherry sours -- which isn't the best pairing of flavors -- and he tried ever so kindly to look like he "enjoyed" the dessert.



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Melissa Kellough

The big black Cadillac that Melissa was currently primping herself in slowed to a stop in the great driveway of a large mansion. Of course, it was none other than the Dewitt's home, with it's fancy architecture and beautiful furniture just beyond the big doors. She finished lathering on her Wet N Wild faint but bright pink shade that wasn't exactly sparing on the sparkles, and stepped out onto the gravel after having the door opened for her by the chauffeur, her white five inch heels hitting the ground with a bit of a thud.

As she walked into the house along with the other party guests, Melissa took a moment to admire the home. Everything about it seemed magical, it was the kind of home she had always wanted to be raised in as a little girl. It wasn't hard to spot Lena, who looked stylish in a black leather skirt. Melissa had known Lena for a while, they had been classmates. But Melissa, never really being anything but a tiny bit popular among her schoolmates, doubted that Lena would recognize her too well.

Melissa made her way to the parlor, or a parlor where some other guests she knew seemed to be gathering. Who knew how many were in this house. "Oh. My. Gosh." Melissa looked behind her shoulder at the stunned girl with her ruby red lips ajar in surprise. It was Jenna Lermen, from the sixth grade. Jenna had moved away when they were younger, and she and Melissa had been best friends. Of course, she looked stunning in aqua open toe heels and a white strapless dress that stopped just above her knees. Her hair was up and off her neck in milkmaid braids. Typical Jenna, still managed to look stylish while probably being as comfortable as if she were wearing sweatpants and a baggy t shirt.

"Jenna!" Melissa nearly screamed, throwing her arms around someone she had not expected to see here. "What on earth are you doing here?" You can imagine what this lead to. Jenna brought Melissa over to an open couch and sat her down, they talked for about fifteen minutes, getting into the mindless chatter just like they used to.


Danielle Pruditz

The sound of her heart thumping rang through Dani's ears. It sounded as if her whole body was hollow and her heart beat was echoing inside. She had just finished up her morning run and knew she was going to be late to the Dewitt's party, but she didn't care. To her it was just another snobby party she didn't want to attend, but went to anyways just to see her friends. The beads of sweat that had collected on her forehead immediately cooled her when she stepped into her air conditioned house. Letting out a long, heavy sigh, she sank to the floor and pulled off her shoes. She sat on the floor for a moment or two until she could muster up the will power to lift her tired body to her feet again.

Dani hated events like these. Even though this was more of a casual brunch setting, they were still too uptight and fancy for her taste. She didn't like spending her mornings sipping some fruity alcoholic beverage from a champagne glass and eating small crumpets or some shit like that. And it wasn't just the food, it was the people. She always felt like the adults looked down on her since she didn't come from the same social standing as them. It was all just a mess to her. A living hell.

After taking a quick shower Dani tromped down the hall, leaving small water droplets behind her as she walked. Still wrapped in a towel, she stood in front of her closet, examining her clothing. She settled on a simple
outfit in hopes that it would help her blend into the background. The last thing she wanted was to be noticed by any of the elders. Quickly drying off her body she slipped on the dress and pulled her damp hair into a top knot. She didn't really care that her hair was a bit damp from the shower. It was too early for her to care what it looked like. It was a miracle that she even cared how she dressed.

Once pleased with her outward appearance Dani shoved her phone and sunglasses into her bag, and high tailed it out of the house. It had taken her about an hour to get ready, so now the sun was out and in full swing beating down on her as she stepped out the front door. Slipping into her old beat up truck, she turned the ignition key and listened to the deep rumble of her truck trying to turn over. Dani loved her truck almost more than she loved dance. Before it was her's, it was her fathers first car when he was 16. Her brother passed up the opportunity to own it for some god forsaken reason that she didn't understand. This truck was amazing and it had so much history, what was there not to love about it?

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the large and extravagant Dewitt mansion. Rolling her eyes she pulled in behind a new, shinny, black Rolls Royce. Her truck was bound to be the sore thumb here. As she stepped out and walked up to the front door, she examined the exterior of the house. Even though it was much to extravagant for her taste, it wasn't as bad as she remembered it to be. The soft murmur of people talking grew louder as she approached the front door. Pausing for a moment with her hand on the knob, she took a deep breath in and entered the house. Step one, enter unnoticed -- check. Now she just needed to get through the rest of morning the same. Weaving in and out of the crowd she made her way over to the bar and ordered herself some tea. Most of the people in the room appeared to be drinking various forms of alcohol. It was too early for her to even think about drinking, she didn't get how these people could do that.

Felix had always been a morning person, and today was no exception. He leaped out of bed, grinning, and, after patting his orange tabby QB on the head, who replied with a soft purr, headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, brush his hair, and the like. He was in there less than five minutes (he hated wasting water or electricity or anything), and came out with his hair dry and neatly parted under his signature blue baseball cap, already dressed. His eyes twinkled as he sat down to eat his breakfast of toast. QB hopped up onto the table, softly meowing. Felix rubbed the cat's back affectionately, though it was obvious he just wanted food.

"Okay, little guy," the boy chuckled, getting up to rinse his plate off. "Let's get you some breakfast." He prepared the cat's food and then, grabbing his jacket, said goodbye politely before leaving the house. As the door closed behind him, he took a deep breath and then let it out. He was, of course, heading over to the Dewitt's house. They were having a party, and he'd been invited. After a bit of consideration, Felix decided to walk there. After all, walking wasn't so bad. He actually liked walking more than driving, but his friends always assumed the opposite, and he didn't have the courage to tell them otherwise. Driving was fine too, he supposed, but walking was just so much more...refreshing. He could just breathe, let his mind wander, relax. Before he realized it, he found himself outside his destination. He took a deep breath. "Well, here goes nothing," he grinned genuinely, before stepping up to the door.


Lena Dewitt

The crowd that formed within Lena's foyer seemed to grow bigger every minute. Each and every one of the guests knew exactly where to go in a gathering such as this. Everyone except Lena. It seemed as though every other month was harder to keep up with. As if each time her mind was somewhere else while her body was still stuck in St. Claire. Such thoughts were pushed aside once Lena heard the sweet, yet familiar, voice of Camilla Dallas. It's amazing how one person could clear the floor without even realizing it. The girl could clear a room if she wanted to. She had the looks, the style, the creativity, and most definitely the attitude. Cami was one of the few reasons why Lena was still sane in such a small little town like St. Claire. Her and the occasional exception of Ash, but it all depended on her mood. Lena smiled softly at Cami as she made her way over. Once the girl ended with the words "having fun yet" Lena rolled her eyes. "If fun means consistently telling every older woman that I am still, and will forever be, single. Than yes, yes I am." she replied with a smirk. It seemed as though everyone wanted to know whether or not the famous Lena Dewitt finally got up the courage to ask a guy out. In all honesty it felt like a broken record that wouldn't stop repeating itself. Though Lena shook her head and watched hoard of partygoers. Most of the people she recognized, though some were a bit fuzzy to remember. "So, what has the famous Camilla Dallas been up to lately? Getting around a bit, I presume?" Lena replied as she gave a big smirk.


(Ash is going to stay at the back of the house until something/someone needs him. Feel free to jump at the opportunity.)


Savannah scoffed as she wondered off, shoving her way through the crowd of minions that and people that were determined to talk to the owners of the household. Of course, she was really a nobody to this town, just some little tattoo artist not many people depended on. She wasn't a huge part of the town anyways. She had a glass of champagne as she made her way through the crowd, not really drinking it, just having it in her hand to make herself seem somewhat fancy. But she wasn't that big of a drinker anyways.

It didn't take her long until she made it to the back of the large room, people dancing and talking towards the front. She watched people, especially women, try to flirt or get in rich mens pants. She laughed to herself quietly, shaking her head at the people wondering around, some people similar to her, looking lost and not really sure where to go.

In no time she came face-to-face with a persons chest. She scoffed and looked up, a sneer on her pale features as she began to speak to the chest's owner,
"What do you think you're do--" Her mouth quickly shut when she realized it was one of the Dewitt's kids. She quickly covered her mouth as she took a few steps back, looking down in somewhat shame, and embarrassment as a blush emerged against her pale cheeks, seeming to light up her face. "Sorry." She apologized quietly under her breath. She wasn't one to be rude and disrespectful to someone within their own house. She gave him an awkward smile and nodded once.



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