Other Tell me about yourself and ill tell you if id date you

ITT: People explaining themselves to a 14 year old to see if they're dating material.
I mean I'm not going to change my opinion that it's gross that some adults are trying to appeal to a kid.
"Funny game" or not.

You all do you but the point still stands;
I thought of this like when my friends little boy, age 4, says we're dating. Obviously not true but there's no harm in playing pretend with him. If you can separate jokes from reality, I think you're fine.
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Hey, I haven't been here in awhile. I didn't even get notified about this little fight. What I'd I wanted to be a apart of it? But yeah, this was all fun and games. I hate everyone and I'm not looking to get some romance.
Also! Anyone who can cook is already the best. Especially when guys can cook. It's pretty hot when a guy can cook lol

I shall commit fully to the meme.

Guten abend, my fellow human being. *Tips hair* I am a something something year old wannabe of the arcane arts of music and designing various elements for what I consider games. I actually managed to learn how to play the piano, flute, and I had some lessons with the drums but could never finish due to life. Alongside this, I know a basic level of coding and have made some personal titles as experiments. But have since moved to a platform for designing games which technically is a kids-dominated site in the hopes of innovating, such as creating actual practical Mecha for servers larger than five people. I believe realism is top priority, and therefore my designs are over engineered in order to surpass the current iteration of the site's physics limitations. Merged with this, I'm also a person that likes to play "actual" games and test their features. I tend to therefore enjoy titles like Red Orchestra, overgrowth, From the Depths, etc.

Due to circumstances since around 2012 to present, I tend to be more quiet and apathetic of certain matters in life. I have no time for what I view as trivialities. There's no greater pleasure known to me than to achieve that against the odds or stated improbable. Though because of that mindset however, I have grown into indirectly adopting a unresolved element. I will tend to occasionally gravitate towards new horizons merely to be presented a challenge to overcome. When I'm bored I either write immensely, s-post on forums, or make written parodies of songs where the lyrics try staying true to the original beat.

I view matters under a more multi-option method, and sometimes switch out for a more pragmatic argument. I personally view my better feats as persistence and commitment to a goal, and my scholarly which has been refocused to knowledge on the subjects associated to tanks and naval vessels. I'm also fond with learning tactics and strategy, which tend to be utilized in RPs I participate in, though not often due to how easy and unadapting some in my community were. Though one would assume I would of ended up with a superiority complex in reality and online, I just tend to feel worse the more I achieve something. Though it mostly happens whenever it's consecutively. If I intentionally try giving someone a hand to beat me at some way, it just irks me even more when they still fail at it, and then I feel worse if they outright lose it. It is odd to me, but whatever.

I also believe in the helping of others, but under a lense of moderation. There's plenty of subjects in life I find absolutely trivial, idiotic, and/or a waste of time for the progression of humanity. Just look at Europe for example. It's a joke and I love and hate that. And finally to complete the thread's meme, I view myself a oxymoron, because the same thing that can make me feel worse, also amuses me greatly when I can obliterate some spoiled brat with a indestructibility or even superiority complex. Whether it be some unfounded argument IRL or online, in RP, or beating them at a task they thought they were better at.

I also have more than one persona online. One of which is an exaggerated joke with a superiority complex that taunts a lot and also mocks, with the explicit purpose of trying to get someone to one up/beat me based on their own merit. Fun times, but one could argue that it makes me appear more of a sado-masochist. Especially the times where someone is real close to defeating me, and I keep going on about how I want to be absolutely destroyed when someone gets suspicious of me enjoying it a little too much. I still await the day someone actually goes full out rather than messing themselves up, or being "merciful". I find it quite insulting by that point.

I tried keeping this as related to here as possible, which basically for now is still my life. So lol.
My god.......too many words.......my laziness is defeating me. You've won this battle. You are........marriage material....ugh *dies*
Sorry bucko, but you're not a cyborg.
And thus so it was, Hans had finally fallen in battle. He would then go on to fight alongside the ghost stormtrooper and the British divisions in Valhalla.


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