Experiences Tell a moment in your RP that was so sad, you literally cried IRL

oh. oh man. i have so many, but i will limit it to at least two.

1. this involves my favorite marvel oc i've ever created in my entire life. he was incredibly close with his mother, and the two still lived together as he was helping take care of her. writing out her funeral, and his descent into mental instability afterwards, was the hardest thing i ever had to write in my entire life. it took me a couple hours to even finish the damn post cause of how hard i was crying.
2. writing one of my character's wedding vows. less sad, more sweet, but still had me bawling like a baby.
3. an oc of mine finding out that his childhood best friend had passed away due to a drug overdose.
I have had quite a few of these moments. Particularly when I was writing some more intense pyschological and physical torture scenes with a partner. It was my character’s turn to be tortured by the villian, and I legit started to tear up while writing. Another moment, was when one of my characters was in a sorta angsty chat with his Dad. The dialogue, I wrote made me cry, cause I just got so emotionally invested in my character’s story,
Ohhhh yes, I’ve had quite a few like that.

The most recent was where my character (who had already lost her brother and entire family) watched while her fiancé’s very pregnant sister died in front of him while the physician performed an emergency procedure to try and save the baby. Ugh, it was so incredibly heartbreaking... especially since my girl had been willing to put her life on the line to rescue his sister from her psychotic husband, only to completely fail and have to watch her die.
Not to mention the fact that her death was directly linked to the fact that my character’s fiancé wouldn’t hand her over to psycho king to be murdered so he killed his own pregnant wife instead.

Between the guilt my character felt, the heartbreaking agony of watching a brother lose his beloved sister, and just the general awfulness of the whole situation I was 100% crying.

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