• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Rose I. Montgomery





Bio: Rose has bounced from relatives, foster homes, and group homes since her mom died when she was young. She recently has moved in with her grandmother, and they're trying to make things work but its difficult due to her grandmother's wild lifestyle.


Rock music









Personality: Laid back, cunning, likes to meet new people, not one to get angry easily. She also doesn't like getting too attached, or people who get too attached.

Theme Song:


~Is dumb and makes a third character...#sns~

Name: Andrea Elizabeth Simonson

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Stereotype: Goody-two-shoes.


Likes: Cake, snuggling, kids, company.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, scary things, getting into trouble, failing.


Personality: Andi is a very bubbly spirit. She always looks at the positive of things. She has confidence, but doesn't rub off as cocky or ignorant. She is unique and quirky and is very humble. She is usually called, "The Mother Hen" in the group. She looks after everyone and is told to be very mature for her age. Her smile can make anyone's day, and she brings happiness to the people around her.

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Saraya Henderson





Saraya Henderson








"I am totally 100% male.."










119 lbs

-Body Type-

Athletic, slightly curvy

-Hair colour-

Black - sometimes dyed blue or grey at the tips

-Eye colour-



A snake bite under the right side of her lip


Saraya somewhat resembles someone in their early 20s more than someone who's 18. She has a pale complexion; which some people say is ghostly. She stands above the average height and has a rather athletic yet curvy figure. Her muscles are slightly toned and has a noticeable six pack. Still, the curvy part of her is noticeable also and she isn't afraid to show it off.




Saraya is a very fun loving girl who enjoys making people laugh. She is a jokey type of person and can act immature at times, she does also love pulling a prank here and there but this reckless behaviour can cause her to get into trouble. Saraya is also very protective over those she loves: her family, friends and her girlfriend - well that's if she can get one. Saraya is the type of person who is care-free and won't get stressed out or upset over things, this isn't to say that she isn't sympathetic; she is in fact a really sympathetic person.

Adaptable and relaxed, Saraya is capable in any situation she is put in. Still, she is disorganised, spontaneous and has severe procrastination problems which lead to her normally doing nothing besides sitting on her bed watching Netflix for an entire day. It's not to like she hates going outside, she is more introverted than extroverted however, but she prefers staying inside than going out and doing things simply because it takes effort to get dressed, do her makeup and actually socialise.

She is also a very imaginative person and likes reading and writing stories when she's finally hit with motivation. Saraya is also idealistic, inventive, future-focused, and theoretical. She always looks for different solutions instead of just going for the first one that pops into her mind. She is also more concerned with involving the theory of a subject rather than it's practical application.

However like most people, she does have an aggressive side to her which she doesn't often show but she can sometimes be arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy and slightly inflexible. Due to her being care-free, she doesn't exactly get angry at people but if you provoke her too much then she will be extremely bitchy towards whoever provoked her.


Saraya was born on August 17 and is a Leo. She does have the stereotypical personality of a Leo. Saraya doesn't really resemble either of her parents or even her brother - appearance wise, her personality is slightly the same as her brothers. She had a fairly normal childhood and a very happy one at that.

Growing up in England with her mother, father and brother has gave her a bit of disliking to America. She never got used to it like her brother did and always felt like there was something missing. She preferred the forests and country aspect of England instead of the big city aspect of America. Now it was around the age of 12 she moved to America because of her mother's job which is a fashion designer; Saraya sometimes does photoshoots for the company. Due to her very noticeable English accent; she was teased for about the first or second year in America. However, this just lead her to becoming the care-free person she is today, now she sometimes gets compliments off of American guys because of the accent. Anyway, Saraya is quite well known around the school for being that fun-loving and immature type of person. However she is mistaken for being an emo or goth because of her clothing style which consists of: black eyeliner, normally black clothes and what not.

- Likes-


-Hair dye


-Horror movies

-Watching Netflix


- Dislikes-




-Wet socks



no slide

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Illusive said:

Saraya Henderson





Saraya Henderson








"I am totally 100% male.."










119 lbs

-Body Type-

Athletic, slightly curvy

-Hair colour-

Black - sometimes dyed blue or grey at the tips

-Eye colour-



A snake bite under the right side of her lip


Saraya somewhat resembles someone in their early 20s more than someone who's 18. She has a pale complexion; which some people say is ghostly. She stands above the average height and has a rather athletic yet curvy figure. Her muscles are slightly toned and has a noticeable six pack. Still, the curvy part of her is noticeable also and she isn't afraid to show it off.




Saraya is a very fun loving girl who enjoys making people laugh. She is a jokey type of person and can act immature at times, she does also love pulling a prank here and there but this reckless behaviour can cause her to get into trouble. Saraya is also very protective over those she loves: her family, friends and her girlfriend - well that's if she can get one. Saraya is the type of person who is care-free and won't get stressed out or upset over things, this isn't to say that she isn't sympathetic; she is in fact a really sympathetic person.

Adaptable and relaxed, Saraya is capable in any situation she is put in. Still, she is disorganised, spontaneous and has severe procrastination problems which lead to her normally doing nothing besides sitting on her bed watching Netflix for an entire day. It's not to like she hates going outside, she is more introverted than extroverted however, but she prefers staying inside than going out and doing things simply because it takes effort to get dressed, do her makeup and actually socialise.

She is also a very imaginative person and likes reading and writing stories when she's finally hit with motivation. Saraya is also idealistic, inventive, future-focused, and theoretical. She always looks for different solutions instead of just going for the first one that pops into her mind. She is also more concerned with involving the theory of a subject rather than it's practical application.

However like most people, she does have an aggressive side to her which she doesn't often show but she can sometimes be arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy and slightly inflexible. Due to her being care-free, she doesn't exactly get angry at people but if you provoke her too much then she will be extremely bitchy towards whoever provoked her.


Saraya was born on August 17 and is a Leo. She does have the stereotypical personality of a Leo. Saraya doesn't really resemble either of her parents or even her brother - appearance wise, her personality is slightly the same as her brothers. She had a fairly normal childhood and a very happy one at that.

Growing up in England with her mother, father and brother has gave her a bit of disliking to America. She never got used to it like her brother did and always felt like there was something missing. She preferred the forests and country aspect of England instead of the big city aspect of America. Now it was around the age of 12 she moved to America because of her mother's job which is a fashion designer; Saraya sometimes does photoshoots for the company. Due to her very noticeable English accent; she was teased for about the first or second year in America. However, this just lead her to becoming the care-free person she is today, now she sometimes gets compliments off of American guys because of the accent. Anyway, Saraya is quite well known around the school for being that fun-loving and immature type of person. However she is mistaken for being an emo or goth because of her clothing style which consists of: black eyeliner, normally black clothes and what not.

- Likes-


-Hair dye


-Horror movies

-Watching Netflix


- Dislikes-




-Wet socks



no slide


~Is dumb and makes a third character...#sns~

Name: Andrea Elizabeth Simonson

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Stereotype: Goody-two-shoes.


Likes: Cake, snuggling, kids, company.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, scary things, getting into trouble, failing.


Personality: Andi is a very bubbly spirit. She always looks at the positive of things. She has confidence, but doesn't rub off as cocky or ignorant. She is unique and quirky and is very humble. She is usually called, "The Mother Hen" in the group. She looks after everyone and is told to be very mature for her age. Her smile can make anyone's day, and she brings happiness to the people around her.


Lost track of how many girls are on this rp... So yeah. Accepted. :)
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Illusive said:
If you want another male, just say and I'll create one ^^
I mean if you're up for playing two characters be my guest. But I don't want to push it on you to have to make one. :)
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Jamie Henderson





Jamie Henderson






"I am the sister.."












130 lbs

-Body Type-

Athletic, lean

-Hair colour-

Black/Dark brown

-Eye colour-



He is very handsome and a lot of girls fall for him. His complexion is more tanned than his sisters which also gives off the impression they aren't related. Jamie also has an athletic body like his sisters but he's more on the lean side. Still, he has good muscle definition and a six pack which will definitely make the girls swoon. He stands at 5'8" which is the same as his sister, he is on the short side but doesn't let that affect him when he's teased by other guys for being shorter than they are.




Just like his sister, Jamie is a very fun loving person who will always be there to brighten the mood. No matter the situation - he'll always crack a joke here and there. Seeing people saddens him more than the average person. Known for being immature, him and his sister love making each other laugh and pull pranks on each other. This is one of the similarities they have and sometimes they even get on people's nerves due to their pranking.

He usually acts like a child and is the type of person to burst out into a song for no reason. Jamie gets caught up in excitement of the moment, and wants everyone to feel that way as well. He is very generous with his time and energy when it comes to encouraging others, and no one else does it with such irresistible style. He considers himself a born entertainer and loves being the centre of attention and in the middle of the 'spotlight'. His sister regards him as a born actor, he will typically put on a show for his friends, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel like a bit of a party.

Like Saraya, he has that imagination and loves doing anything that involves creativity. He also has a very strong, aesthetic sense. From grooming outfits to a well-appointed home; Jamie has an eye for fashion. He will know what's attractive the moment he sees it and isn't afraid to change his surroundings to reflect his personal style. Jamie is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.

But what is behind that exciting exterior? An observant and sensitive person who just wants to help others. He is often the first person to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing support and practical advice. However, despite the fact he likes the drama and a little passion, he won't address a situation head on if it's about him; more likely to avoid a conflict altogether.


Jamie was born on August 17 and is a Leo - the exact same as his sister. His personality resembles his sisters a bit and his mother quite a lot. Always looking out for people and caring about them dearly. Him and his sister don't look the same which sometimes makes people think they're boyfriend and girlfriend or really good friends if they don't know them.

Growing up in England with his mother, father and sister - he was able to fit into America unlike his sister but he still tries to encourage her to like it. Due to being extroverted, he enjoys the big cities and going outside with his friends to all these interesting locations. Moving to America at 12 made him get used to it rather quickly, he is actually glad they moved to America because he feels it has improved the chance of him achieving his dream career - an actor. His English accent isn't as noticeable as his sisters, his is starting to develop into an American one. But whenever his sister was teased because of her accent, he always stood up for and made her feel safe. Like his sister now gets compliments off guys, he also gets compliments off of girls for his accent. He is known around the school for being that exciting guy who always puts a smile on people's faces, he really only hangs out with the goth type kids because of his sister. He prefers being with the popular people who enjoy a good party.

- Likes-

-Going out with his friends


-Helping others




- Dislikes-



-Thunder storms



-Rough textures

no slide

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Illusive said:

Jamie Henderson





Jamie 'Jay' Henderson




"I am the sister.."












130 lbs

-Body Type-

Athletic, lean

-Hair colour-

Black/Dark brown

-Eye colour-



He is very handsome and a lot of girls fall for him. His complexion is more tanned than his sisters which also gives off the impression they aren't related. Jamie also has an athletic body like his sisters but he's more on the lean side. Still, he has good muscle definition and a six pack which will definitely make the girls swoon. He stands at 5'8" which is the same as his sister, he is on the short side but doesn't let that affect him when he's teased by other guys for being shorter than they are.




Just like his sister, Jamie is very fun loving person who will always be there to brighten the mood. No matter the situation - he'll always crack a joke here and there. Seeing people saddens him more than the average person. Known for being immature, him and his sister love making each other laugh and pull pranks on each other. This is one of the similarities they have and sometimes they even get on people's nerves due to their pranking.

He usually acts like a child and is the type of person to burst out into a song for no reason. Jamie gets caught up in excitement of the moment, and wants everyone to feel that way as well. He is very generous with his time and energy when it comes to encouraging others, and no one else does it with such irresistible style. He considers himself a born entertainer and loves being the centre of attention and in the middle of the 'spotlight'. His sister regards him as a born actor, he will typically put on a show for his friends, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel like a bit of a party.

Like Saraya, he has that imagination and loves doing anything that involves creativity. He also has a very strong, aesthetic sense. From grooming outfits to a well-appointed home; Jamie has an eye for fashion. He will know what's attractive the moment he sees it and isn't afraid to change his surroundings to reflect his personal style. Jamie is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.

But what is behind that exciting exterior? An observant and sensitive person who just wants to help others. He is often the first person to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing support and practical advice. However, despite the fact he likes the drama and a little passion, he won't address a situation head on if it's about him; more likely to avoid a conflict altogether.


Jamie was born on August 17 and is a Leo - the exact same as his sister. His personality resembles his sisters a bit and his mother quite a lot. Always looking out for people and caring about them dearly. Him and his sister don't look the same which sometimes makes people think they're boyfriend and girlfriend or really good friends if they don't know them.

Growing up in England with his mother, father and sister - he was able to fit into America unlike his sister but he still tries to encourage her to like it. Due to being extroverted, he enjoys the big cities and going outside with his friends to all these interesting locations. Moving to America at 12 made him get used to it rather quickly, he is actually glad they moved to America because he feels it has improved the chance of him achieving his dream career - an actor. His English accent isn't as noticeable as his sisters, his is starting to develop into an American one. But whenever his sister was teased because of her accent, he always stood up for and made her feel safe. Like his sister now gets compliments off guys, he also gets compliments off of girls for his accent. He is known around the school for being that exciting guy who always puts a smile on people's faces, he really only hangs out with the goth type kids because of his sister. He prefers being with the popular people who enjoy a good party.

- Likes-

-Going out with his friends


-Helping others




- Dislikes-



-Thunder storms



-Rough textures

no slide

Accepted! Jump on in with your two characters whenever! :)


Carter Brooke










Rich Kid

-Appearance(No anime)-





Carter was born into a wealthy family, and because of this he was always considered 'Popular'. This coupled with an outgoing and happy personality meant Carter grew up a happy child.

Unfortunately as Carter reached his teen years he began to see just how much people used him because of the wealth of his family. This began to make Carter quieter, more withdrawn. He began to shut off who he really was and show a persona that many would expect from a wealthy kid. He began to become Haughty and full of his own self importance.

He became friends with the popular crowd but they never got to see who he really was inside, showing his persona which kept him squarely in the popular crowd. He always made sure to have the latest gadgets and tech that money could buy. Of course this was all a glass empire he built for himself. One that could all fall down if his mask slipped.


Despite the changes in his life Carter's love for photography never left. It had all started with an amateur photography competition that he had won. His victory encouraged him to carry on with photography. Once a month he heads out for a weekend and uses it camera to develop a portfolio of pictures he takes. This is what has several colleges interested in him, as a major requirement for any top college is a hobby that you win awards for.

Carter has also been known to swim, while he may not be on the swim team he is a strong swimmer since he was a child since he lives so close to the beach. He was taught to swim in the ocean instead of a swimming pool which is why he is more adapted to the tides and strength of the currents when he does swim out in the ocean.


Since he became old enough to be aware of it, Carter has hated people who only try and use him for his families money. At first it was controllable, however as it went on and he could see more and more people were revealed to have been his friend simply because they thought he would start throwing around cash.

This made him fall in with the popular crowd as he was not friendly enough to be used for his money, instead the popularity they all had made them naturally come together as a clique.


At first Carter was a happy outgoing child, helpful to a fault and always willing to step in and help out if he could.

However over time he began to see that more often than not he was being taken advantage of.

This made him begin to act like a typical rich kid, spoilt and haughty. He began to stick with the popular kids.

His powerful status in school protecting himself from being used and from his sexuality from being wielded as a

weapon against him.

-Theme song-


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Character Sheet

-Name- Adel Evans

-Age- 16

-Gender- Female

-Sexuality- Straight

-Grade- Junior

-Stereotype- Cheerleader

-Appearance(No anime)-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.dba0346300bf84afb83249f74c702c4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.dba0346300bf84afb83249f74c702c4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Bio- Adel was born at Sweden to family of one older sister and parents. Her family moved to USA when she was five. At their new home her parents enrolled her into gymnastics. After four years of that Adel fell of the beam what leaded into braking her arm. After that she refused from going to gymnastics again but she loved tumbling. So Adels parents but her into tumbling class. There she was until Adel went to the high school.




Working out




Shy people




Adel is kind of bitchy. She likes to talk s*it behind peoples back. But thats only for girls. When boys are around Adel is super nice and tries to get boys attention. With close friends she shares even her big secrets.

-Theme song-



Tries to get to be the captain of the cheer team. Is unhopely looking for a boyfriend.



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[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]


Name: Gabriel (Gabe) Polagani

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 12

Stereotype: Preppy Film Kid
Hair Colour: Light Blonde

Eye Colour: Sea Green

Height: 5'11

Weight: 145 Pounds

Frame: Lanky

Born into a rather well off family, Gabriel was always a happy kid growing up. He went to the local public school and met some cool people. The coolest of which was Violet Springs. The pair got along swimmingly from the moment they met in pre-school and to this day enjoy each other's company. Gabriel was raised in a white-picket fence kind of family. He had two older sisters and a stay at home mom. From the day he could remember his mother and father were always very loving towards one another and their children. His father always found time for his family between the hours at the bank he worked at. So Gabriel never really knew what a bad household looks like.

Ever since Gabriel was a child, he's loved TV and movies. So much so that he's wanted to make them. He doesn't have the creative mind of a writer, but can visualize a picture with a camera beautifully. Thus he set about learning how to use one. The day his father got him a film camera Gabriel hasn't put it down, and he has countless films in his room, ranging from Violet dancing around his room to some more raunchy things done with past girlfriends under the covers.
Likes and Dislikes






Dressing Well

Orange Flavoured Popsicles


Low Batteries on His Camera

Poor Shots

Dirty Clothes


Waking up Early

Gabriel is a happy guy. He always enters a situation with a positive attitude and tries to make the best of things. He also enjoys exploring quite a bit, which is something Violet taught him, from climbing trees to breaking into abandoned buildings he's always searching for something to record. Due to living in such a sheltered way, Gabriel is a bit naive and thinks the best of people even if they don't have good intentions, causing him to get into rather sticky situations.
Theme Song

Theme song:




Name: Violet Springs

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: 12

Stereotype: Over active art kid

Appearance: 5'2, 110 pounds
Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Dark Brown

Height: 5'2

Weight: 115 Pounds

Frame: Pear Shaped

Violet loves dogs. Her family surrounded her with them when she was a child, and to this day she's got a lovely little chihuahua named Bob Fish. Her father died a month before Violet was born, so she never knew him, although when Violet was six months old her mother remarried to her childhood friend, so Violet never went through a phase of hatred towards her step parent. The three of them were a happy family, and when it became four, Violet was overjoyed. She watched over her younger brother with great care, and has always enjoyed his company.

When Violet entered pre-school, she met a boy named Gabriel. The pair hit it off, and Violet showed him how to be more adventurous. She knew he had it in him, because he'd always pretend to be filming things with his fingers. Ever since Gabriel came into her life, he never really left, and the pair learned to mould and mend to suit the other. It was Gabriel in fact who introduced Violet to writing, as she soon discovered he was horrible at making stories, but she had a knack for it.

In her spare time, Violet enjoys writing down interesting things she sees, the people she passes, and the ideas she has. She has countless diaries in her house documenting her adventures, some of which have unfortunately been eaten by her dog. But it's never bothered her much.
Likes and Dislikes

Fizzy Drinks


Colourfully Dressed People



A Good Time

Dirty Jokes

Exploring New Places


People Who Hate Dogs

Lactose Products

Sour Things

Sitting Still

Violet is a very bubbly kid. She's always quite well energized and some think she may be running on a constant sugar high, when in reality her mind just runs a bit quickly. Violet has a very care free attitude, she enjoys going with the flow and cracking jokes along the way, although she doesn't tolerate rudeness and gets quite feisty despite her small size.
Theme Song

Theme song:



Name: Winnie Harvard

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Grade: 11

Stereotype: Femme, Rich Girl


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/CZpwyR0UsAEzZUj.jpg.6f1c549ce119b9189efe2661df39dcad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/CZpwyR0UsAEzZUj.jpg.6f1c549ce119b9189efe2661df39dcad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Winnie is spoiled and always has been. She shops till she drops, is a part of the popular cool kids, and will inherit millions of dollars someday. But, she is also intelligent, and wants to be like everyone else, but of course, she's smart and gay, so it feels impossible.

Likes: Shopping, hanging out, math, the beach, Queen, Blondie, making out, social media.

Dislikes: Homophobes, death, pop music.

Personality: extroverted, funny, girly.

Theme song: Call Me by Blondie, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.





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killerqueenie46 said:
Name: Winnie Harvard
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Grade: 11

Stereotype: Femme, Rich Girl


Bio: Winnie is spoiled and always has been. She shops till she drops, is a part of the popular cool kids, and will inherit millions of dollars someday. But, she is also intelligent, and wants to be like everyone else, but of course, she's smart and gay, so it feels impossible.

Likes: Shopping, hanging out, math, the beach, Queen, Blondie, making out, social media.

Dislikes: Homophobes, death, pop music.

Personality: extroverted, funny, girly.

Theme song: Call Me by Blondie, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.



Accepted, but where's her appearance?
[QUOTE="Haus Of Alaska]
Carter Brooke










Rich Kid

-Appearance(No anime)-




Carter was born into a wealthy family, and because of this he was always considered 'Popular'. This coupled with an outgoing and happy personality meant Carter grew up a happy child.

Unfortunately as Carter reached his teen years he began to see just how much people used him because of the wealth of his family. This began to make Carter quieter, more withdrawn. He began to shut off who he really was and show a persona that many would expect from a wealthy kid. He began to become Haughty and full of his own self importance.

He became friends with the popular crowd but they never got to see who he really was inside, showing his persona which kept him squarely in the popular crowd. He always made sure to have the latest gadgets and tech that money could buy. Of course this was all a glass empire he built for himself. One that could all fall down if his mask slipped.


Despite the changes in his life Carter's love for photography never left. It had all started with an amateur photography competition that he had won. His victory encouraged him to carry on with photography. Once a month he heads out for a weekend and uses it camera to develop a portfolio of pictures he takes. This is what has several colleges interested in him, as a major requirement for any top college is a hobby that you win awards for.

Carter has also been known to swim, while he may not be on the swim team he is a strong swimmer since he was a child since he lives so close to the beach. He was taught to swim in the ocean instead of a swimming pool which is why he is more adapted to the tides and strength of the currents when he does swim out in the ocean.


Since he became old enough to be aware of it, Carter has hated people who only try and use him for his families money. At first it was controllable, however as it went on and he could see more and more people were revealed to have been his friend simply because they thought he would start throwing around cash.

This made him fall in with the popular crowd as he was not friendly enough to be used for his money, instead the popularity they all had made them naturally come together as a clique.


At first Carter was a happy outgoing child, helpful to a fault and always willing to step in and help out if he could.

However over time he began to see that more often than not he was being taken advantage of.

This made him begin to act like a typical rich kid, spoilt and haughty. He began to stick with the popular kids.

His powerful status in school protecting himself from being used and from his sexuality from being wielded as a

weapon against him.

-Theme song-


Juliette "Julie" Sky Royce

Age: 17 (birthday is in 6 days)

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight (secretly bi)

Grade: 11th (junior)

Stereotype: good-girl

Appearance: Julie is tiny, standing at 5'2 and only 103 lbs. She has blonde hair that ends around her ribs, and steely blue eyes. She is fairly tan, and has straight teeth that three years in braces created. She is curvy, and has thicker thighs than she'd like. She dislikes that she isn't built like the ballerina she is, and often feels fat.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.7627082806e4514071d4f39b7707d8e3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.7627082806e4514071d4f39b7707d8e3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Juliette lives with her father, since her mother and he divorced about four years ago. Her father is a corporate big-wig, and her mother is a stunning model, who is now in L.A, married to some rich playboy. She is an only child, and often wonders how her two amazing parents could have produced someone so plain. She has only had two boyfriends, and has gone out on a measly handful of dates. She is rather smart, though, and often tutors students for exams. Everyone wants a tutor sesh with this girl, and she doesn't get why. She just transferred from a Christian school, since her dad wanted to engage her in "public school life", and she's kind of excited.


•ballet/dance in general (ballet is her favorite class)

•big sweaters

•coffee and chai tea




•bad boys


•showers and baths




•being called dumb

•rude people


•her body

•pad Thai

Personality: sweet, innocent, naïve, kind, intelligent, easily hurt.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.427c4385f6d4625f9279c231565b308f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.427c4385f6d4625f9279c231565b308f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme song: [media]




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Name: Freddie Lundt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Grade: Junior/11

Stereotype: Bookworm


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tyler.jpg.6144f191bb68d27b502e52b1db2174bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tyler.jpg.6144f191bb68d27b502e52b1db2174bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Freddie has ADHD and Asbergers syndrome, which is on the autism spectrum. This means he hyperfocuses on things (and the opposite), has a genius IQ, and has little social skills. Growing up, he has had to deal with stuff about it from bigots who think it's fake. He even had to watch videos on how to have feelings as a baby, which caused him to be overemotional.

Likes: Reading, birdwatching, TV, movies, music.

Dislikes: Bigots, people getting hurt, people being upset with him.

Personality: Overemotional, quiet, shy.

Theme song: Keep Yourself Alive by Queen




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Skylar Anne Kennedy











~Dumb Blonde




Beautiful blonde hair that falls just short of her bum. Shimmering blue eyes. Slight freckles.





Skylar was born in Ireland to an all Irish family. She moved to America with her father when he was offered a position in a higher firm. He willingly took the position and asked his daughter is she would like to see a new country. Skylar was so happy the moment she moved. She speaks fluent Irish and English, so it didn't take very long for her to adapt to the ways of life in America.

Skylar's father makes a good amount of money. They live in a high end apartment building in the downtown area.

And then the divorce happened.

Skylars mother had been caught cheating by her older brother, Shawn. Skylar had cried for days. And then the doorbell rang, and Shawn was sitting on the doorstep. Hatred in his eyes. Skylar knew that her brother had left their mothers home and come to America to live with their father.

And now the siblings are closer than ever.

Over the past few months Skylar had been going to school alone. Had been sitting alone, eating alone and being alone. Not because she smells, or because people don't want to be around her... But because she doesn't want to be around anyone else.

Skylar had been alone because she knew what everyone else thought about her. And she didn't want to make fake friends.

One more thing. When Skylar was young, she was in an accident. An accident that damaged her hearing. She is now deaf, but not dumb.




~The color purple






~Fake people




~Snotty girls

~The color brown.


Skylar isn't your typical blonde girl. She smiles only when she has a genuine urge to smile. She is a happy girl that hides herself behind big sweaters, that listens to music all the time and hides herself from people.

-Theme song-


She has a pug puppy names Wrinkles

~She had braces when she was 15

~When she sees the one, her eyes shimmer.


KawaiiDemonQueen13 said:


“Love, I’m a black soul hidden behind a pastel rainbow.”

✦ Name ✦

Lilith Ophelia Hyde

♡ Age ♡


✦ Gender ✦


♡ Sexuality ♡


✦ Grade ✦


♡ Stereotype ♡

Borderline between Popular Girl and (Pastel) Goth. She despises labeling herself, as she just hangs out with whoever suits her fancy.

✦ Appearance ✦

Lilith has a curvaceous and fit figure, she has fair and pale skin and stands at 5’3” with a weight of 135 pounds. Her eyes are blue and her hair is pastel pink, however before she dyed it in her Junior year, it was light brown.


♡ Bio ♡

One would say that Lilith had the stereotypical “rich kid gone bad” backstory. Her father is a well-known Senator named Richard Hyde, and her mother is Amelia Cadwell, a Music Professor in one of the local colleges. Due to this, their family name had a ton of reputation. She grew up in a fairly crowded family, with her eldest brother Ronan (who is 21) being the first. When Lilith was in Elementary school, she had a younger twin brother named Lukas. The pair had to part ways so tragically, however, when Lukas caught a bad case of Pneumonia, and died.

For a long while, Lilith was placed through therapy, and even developed depression and anxiety throughout middle school. She was happy on the outside, but only those closest to Lilith would see her crying. Now, she helps take care of her four younger siblings at home when their parents aren’t around. They have a nanny, sure, but Lilith doesn’t trust other adults with the youngest siblings. Once she finally found stable ground, Lilith’s grades picked up again. However, she didn’t completely return to the old girl her parents and older siblings once knew; during her period of depression, she discovered rock and roll, which Lilith found was a true outlet for her emotions. Now she enjoys playing the guitar, as well as singing and writing her own music. One day, she hopes to be successful enough to start her own band.

In her Sophomore year, she got in a relationship with one of the former Senior jocks, who ended up using her and taking advantage of her. Because of this, she has a high distrust for jocks.

✦ Likes ✦

ღ Pastel and dark colors

ღ Flowers

ღ Wine

ღ Rock n’ Roll and Classical music

ღ Sweets

ღ Poetry

ღ Singing and playing music

♡ Dislikes ♡

Ϟ Girls who act stuck up

Ϟ Ignorant people

Ϟ Feeling lonely

Ϟ People seeing her cry

Ϟ People who take advantage of others

Ϟ Disrespectful people

Ϟ Cheaters

✦ Personality ✦

♪ Affectionate

♪ Distant at first

♪ Stubborn

♪ Sweet

♪ Funny

♪ Determined

♪ Anxious

♪ Motherly towards children

♪ Ambiverted

♡ Theme songs ♡






✦ Extra ✦

∞ She has a black kitten named Thirteen, and a white kitten named Pandora

∞ She's always writing songs no matter what

∞ She is one of 8 children

∞ She's always willing to get into fights when she feels it's needed
RandomFoodGirl said:


Skylar Anne Kennedy











~Dumb Blonde




Beautiful blonde hair that falls just short of her bum. Shimmering blue eyes. Slight freckles.





Skylar was born in Ireland to an all Irish family. She moved to America with her father when he was offered a position in a higher firm. He willingly took the position and asked his daughter is she would like to see a new country. Skylar was so happy the moment she moved. She speaks fluent Irish and English, so it didn't take very long for her to adapt to the ways of life in America.

Skylar's father makes a good amount of money. They live in a high end apartment building in the downtown area.

And then the divorce happened.

Skylars mother had been caught cheating by her older brother, Shawn. Skylar had cried for days. And then the doorbell rang, and Shawn was sitting on the doorstep. Hatred in his eyes. Skylar knew that her brother had left their mothers home and come to America to live with their father.

And now the siblings are closer than ever.

Over the past few months Skylar had been going to school alone. Had been sitting alone, eating alone and being alone. Not because she smells, or because people don't want to be around her... But because she doesn't want to be around anyone else.

Skylar had been alone because she knew what everyone else thought about her. And she didn't want to make fake friends.

One more thing. When Skylar was young, she was in an accident. An accident that damaged her hearing. She is now deaf, but not dumb.




~The color purple






~Fake people




~Snotty girls

~The color brown.


Skylar isn't your typical blonde girl. She smiles only when she has a genuine urge to smile. She is a happy girl that hides herself behind big sweaters, that listens to music all the time and hides herself from people.

-Theme song-


She has a pug puppy names Wrinkles

~She had braces when she was 15

~When she sees the one, her eyes shimmer.



Accepted ^-^
killerqueenie46 said:
Name: Freddie Lundt
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Grade: Senior/12

Stereotype: Bookworm


View attachment 252999

Bio: Freddie has ADHD and Asbergers syndrome, which is on the autism spectrum. This means he hyperfocuses on things (and the opposite), has a genius IQ, and has little social skills. Growing up, he has had to deal with stuff about it from bigots who think it's fake. He even had to watch videos on how to have feelings as a baby, which caused him to be overemotional.

Likes: Reading, birdwatching, TV, movies, music.

Dislikes: Bigots, people getting hurt, people being upset with him.

Personality: Overemotional, quiet, shy.

Theme song: Keep Yourself Alive by Queen


Yessss, you're using Evan Peters :) . But besides that you're accepted!
Rui said:
Juliette "Julie" Sky Royce
Age: 17 (birthday is in 6 days)

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight (secretly bi)

Grade: 11th (junior)

Stereotype: good-girl

Appearance: Julie is tiny, standing at 5'2 and only 103 lbs. She has blonde hair that ends around her ribs, and steely blue eyes. She is fairly tan, and has straight teeth that three years in braces created. She is curvy, and has thicker thighs than she'd like. She dislikes that she isn't built like the ballerina she is, and often feels fat.

View attachment 252988

Bio: Juliette lives with her father, since her mother and he divorced about four years ago. Her father is a corporate big-wig, and her mother is a stunning model, who is now in L.A, married to some rich playboy. She is an only child, and often wonders how her two amazing parents could have produced someone so plain. She has only had two boyfriends, and has gone out on a measly handful of dates. She is rather smart, though, and often tutors students for exams. Everyone wants a tutor sesh with this girl, and she doesn't get why. She just transferred from a Christian school, since her dad wanted to engage her in "public school life", and she's kind of excited.


•ballet/dance in general (ballet is her favorite class)

•big sweaters

•coffee and chai tea




•bad boys


•showers and baths




•being called dumb

•rude people


•her body

•pad Thai

Personality: sweet, innocent, naïve, kind, intelligent, easily hurt.

View attachment 252970

Theme song: [media]

Accepted :)
Potatohead said:
Character Sheet
-Name- Adel Evans

-Age- 16

-Gender- Female

-Sexuality- Straight

-Grade- Junior

-Stereotype- Cheerleader

-Appearance(No anime)-

View attachment 252696

-Bio- Adel was born at Sweden to family of one older sister and parents. Her family moved to USA when she was five. At their new home her parents enrolled her into gymnastics. After four years of that Adel fell of the beam what leaded into braking her arm. After that she refused from going to gymnastics again but she loved tumbling. So Adels parents but her into tumbling class. There she was until Adel went to the high school.




Working out




Shy people




Adel is kind of bitchy. She likes to talk s*it behind peoples back. But thats only for girls. When boys are around Adel is super nice and tries to get boys attention. With close friends she shares even her big secrets.

-Theme song-



Tries to get to be the captain of the cheer team. Is unhopely looking for a boyfriend.
Accepted :)

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