Teenage Superhero Team


A Lost Kid With No Purpose In Life

Director Person: Groh

Superteen 1: Thieve

Superteen 2: Transparent

Superteen 3: Cyber Shock

Superteen 4: Delta V

Superteen 5: Lady Ombra

Superhero name:

Secret Identity:

Age (14-18):


Appearance (both in costume and not):


How they got superpowers:

Breif 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero:



One Pointless Fact:

Anything else?:

Read more about this role play...
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Superhero name: transparent

Secret Identity: Jason Summers

Age (14-18): 16

Gender: male

Appearance (both in costume and not):

The costume:

the person (also what he looks like out of costume and underneath the cloak):

how he got powers: i guess it was this one time when he was a baby, he poked his hand in a biohazaqrdous wast-basket in the hospital, and got a mixture of left over blood, serum, and vaccines at the same time, it also has to do with why his left hand is slightly scarred and sensitive.

Powers: transparency, while transparent he can fly, and cannot pick up items, but he may pack a etherreal icy punch! he is still developing his powers, he may learn more.

Breif 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero: jason was a happy boy, just finding his powers out, playing with them, he only had tranparency at first, then, two years later, he was able to develop flying, but he learned the hard way (a broken leg and a hairline fracture on his fore-arm) that only while transparent, but when his parents found out, his mother was horrified and wanted to keep it a secret, his dad wanted the publicity (we later find out he wanted to get money from it because he was fired a week ago and didnt have the balls to say anything.) they split up because his mum wanted to keep him safe and quiet and out of the public's radar. jason still feels as if it was his fault for the divorce, and to be honest, he was 1/4th right...

Personality: queit, stoic, keeps to himself, and once you get to know him, he is loyal, nice, but still quiet, and he would kill someone before they even touched his freinds in a harmful way.

One Pointless Fact: jason has one streak of blue hair on the back of his head, but he wears the cloak too often in public for anyone but his amigos and roomies to have noticed.

Flaws: he cannot pick up items whilst transparent, he can attack though, but its more light he freezes you and it hurts immensely. he is vulnerable to "waterlogging" with too much air in his system if he is transparent while concious for too long.

Anything else?: jason has a pet robin who delivers small messages when needed, the robin keeps to herself unless she is called with the 6-note whistle.
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Superhero name: Thieve

Secret Identity: Teagan "T" Harlow

Age: 16

Gender: agender (usually masculine pronouns)

Appearance (both in costume and not): ok bc fuck technology i cant paste the picture here for whatever reason so here http://writingaling.tumblr.com/tagged/oc-223

Powers: shapeshifter, is able to 'steal' specific traits from people. For appearance things, he just has to know what the person looks like, but for other things they have to have met the person, and have had physical contact with them.

How they got superpowers: Born with them, some sort of alien abandoned on earth as a baby

Brief 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero: Her human parents were really bad parents, abused her mentally and emotionally. She got pretty wrathful because of that, and in an outburst she discovered her powers, and was told she was adopted. She lives by herself now, and even though her parents will occasionally call or something, she completely ignores them.

Personality: In school, he just does his work (and gets A's in everything but history) and avoids people as much as possible. But if he's stuck with someone long enough for him to trust them, he'll open up and show them the entirety of his smart-alecy, sassy, sarcastic, and vaguely rude personality.

Flaws: kinda an asshole, arrogant, short temper, too logical for their own good (as in wont believe in magic even if its right in front of them)


Anything else?: doesn't have much motivation to find out about where their powers came from. They just assume they're an alien and that's that. 

1) ok youre accepted but while i was filling mine out i realozed i had to add a few things, how they got powers and flaws, so can you add those?

2) they're agender, which means they don't have a gender. After realising they were an alien, they decided they didn't have to conform to human genders and decided that their gender is nothing. Something like that. Probably less dramatic though. They'll use he, she, or they for pronouns.
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Superhero name: Cyber Shock

Secret Identity: Spencer Staton

Age (14-18): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (both in costume and not) Spencer's costume seems pretty simple but at night his whole costume glows with binary code. The glowing alternates between the colors silver, green and black. (I'll see if I can make a drawing of his costume. :3)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6336f5e_cybershock.png.08c7b8ac1dad921ab50c9811763c02b7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6336f5e_cybershock.png.08c7b8ac1dad921ab50c9811763c02b7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: The ability to control and use technology with his mind.

How they got superpowers: He found a broken computer on the side of the street as trash. Being a computer nerd, he decided to repair the computer for his own use. When working on the computer, he suffered through an electric shock when he tried removing something that didn't seem to have any use. He later discovered this shock gave him his powers.

Breif 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero: Spencer was bullied throughout high school because he was unfortunately the only open gay kid in his school. One day Spencer noticed a kid getting bullied by his regular tormentor. He knew he had a problem standing up from himself but he knew he could stand up for others.

Personality: Spencer typically likes to see the best in everyone, the those who try to make an enemy of him. He's significantly nerdy and pretty much loves everything in nerd culture. When Spencer makes his mind up about something, it's been made and it's typically hard to sway what he's already concluded.

Flaws: Spencer's pretty stubborn and unintentionally self-centered. Even though he likes to see the best in people, he's quick to call out their flaws.

One Pointless Fact: Spencer owns thousands of comic books and almost obsessively collects them.

Anything else?: Spencer has a cat named Anakitten who he cares about a lot. His family is completely unaware that he any powers of any kind.

(If for any reason there's a lack of girls. I'll be more than happy to change my character.)



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Superhero name:

Delta V

Secret Identity:

Violet Rogers

Age (14-18):




Appearance (both in costume and not):

(Just the costume not the person inside it xD )


She can shoot balls of energy out of her hands. She uses the suit to control and monitor her energy, so she can have full control of it and it won't go haywire.

How they got superpowers:

Her father used to work at a nuclear facility. Once day, when she was sick, he brought her there. She was a troublesome kid and liked to explore and adventure. She snuck out when her dad wasn't looking and she went into the control room. She ran her hands along the big buttons of the control board and she heard an alarm go off and lots of shouting. She covered her ears and hid under the desk. Soon, a big green gas infiltrated the room. She was immersed in the gas and she passed out from not being able to breathe in the thickness. Hours later, she woke up and fled the building that held her dead father in it.

Breif 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero:

Her father died from the gas. Why? He was trying to find her. She felt so very guilty. She wanted to use her newfound powers to help other people and show that she could make her father proud.


Somewhat self centered, caring, boastful, brave, confident.

Flaws: She doesn't have great peripheral vision.

One Pointless Fact: She made her costume xD

Anything else?: Nope

Boo!! Just in time!!

Superhero name: Lady Ombra

Secret Identity: Dolores Bonavinne

Age (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance (both in costume and not):
(without the mask and cat ears)

Powers: She can become a shadow, or control them

How they got superpowers: She was left alone in the dark for most of her life, as such, she befriended things called the shadow spirits. She believes they gave her the powers, but really, she doesn't know if she made them up in her subconscious and had the power all along, or if they're real

Breif 'tragic backstory' like the motivation to be a superhero: Her father is a famous political figure. He didn't want the baby, but he was stuck with her because he was well off, her mother died, and it'd look bad if someone found out he had abandoned her. So he kept her, but shut her away so he wouldn't have to deal her. She wants to believe that there are people worth protecting, like the spirits told her, and she'll see that if she fights for them.

Personality: She's kind of spacey, and quiet, but her face is very expressive. She has a huge imagination, to a fault. She's always awkward, though she does like nice and funny people, and she has a great tolerance

Flaws:When she becomes a shadow, she must follow the person she became a shadow of, and cannot touch anything

One Pointless Fact: When she first escape, she went to the library and looked at books of animals. She now is obsessed with giraffes

Anything else?: She really wants a cat, someone buy her a cat
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(she has a prosthetic left arm)

Director Harley Groh

Female, 29

She doesn't let people know anything about her, except for when necessary. She's not in charge of the entire agency, but is pretty high up. She is strict, and is highly trained, so despite not having superpowers, she's more powerful than any individual here. She has a calming voice, and a strangely good sense of humor.

The only thing that she'll tell you about her past is that she had a harder life than you, and you need to suck it up.



That's all done, so I'll post something within a few days....it might be a while because i have finals coming up ^^"
Alright I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to do anything here for a while. I have hella work to do today, and I'm on a trip for the next week. I may or may not get a chance to start this, sorry I know I said a few days but then I had summer work and trip and ugh

So this'll be on hold for another week probably, just letting you know what's up

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