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Realistic or Modern Teenage Secrets



Make sure you read the rules first!

If you want to be the one sending the texts PM me










(Picture and small description)


(Don't all be the same - No one is perfect so no one who is nice to everyone all the time -not a list)


(2 paragraphs minimum)

What are they hiding about that night

(I suggest you talk to each other about this so they all merge slightly?)


(What do they think of the other characters?)




I am only accepting a certain number of people

It will be 3-4 girls and 3-4 boys​
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Christopher Oakley Reed

Chris, Oak, Oakley


March 29


140 lbs.


Dark brown hair, blue eyes.

: Christopher can be on the quiet side sometimes, but is kind and generous. He always puts others before himself and often wears his heart on his sleeve. If you’ve made him mad or said something that upset him, he definitely won’t tell you because he hates confrontations. He’d much rather pretend it didn’t happen. He likes to be in groups and is always open and searching for the next adventure. Chris is honest and loyal. He’s sensitive about his family and his past, so he won’t talk about it.

Background: Christopher comes from a well-off family and is the youngest of 3 children. His father is a surgeon, while his mother stayed home to raise the children. He had a fairly normal up-bringing, everyone was happy, loving and supportive, until his mother passed away when he was 14 in a car accident. It shook the family really hard, but his older siblings dealt with their grief and have all succeeded and moved away. His father won’t talk about his mother, even 4 years later, and rarely comes home from his office. Chris has found the bottles of whiskey hidden around the house and dumps them down the sink, but it makes him wonder how many are hidden at the office. Although he feels alone, he knows his problems aren’t as bad as others so he won’t talk about it.

Secret: Discuss first?


(What do they think of the other characters?)

Fears: death, wild animals, his father.

Strengths: physically fit, independent, intelligence.

Weaknesses: confrontation, being too generous, being too nice.​
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creed said:

Christopher Oakley Reed

Chris, Oak, Oakley


March 29


140 lbs.


Dark brown hair, blue eyes.

Personality: kind, Adventurous, fun-loving, generous.

Background: Christopher comes from a well-off family and is the youngest of 3 children. He had a fairly normal up-bringing until his mother passed away when he was 14. It shook the family really hard, but his siblings have all succeeded and moved away. His father is still depressed, although he won’t admit it, and rarely comes home from his office anymore. He’s too often left home alone and to fend for himself.

Secret: Discuss first?


(What do they think of the other characters?)

Fears: death, wild animals, his father.

Strengths: physically fit, independent, intelligence.

Weaknesses: confrontation, being too generous, being too nice.​
Can you add more detail to the background and personality please
creed said:
Sorry, hopefully that's okay. I'm just a little preoccupied trying to write a research paper.
Yeah that's good thanks, I simply meant add detail you didn't have to add it right now, whenever you are free

Ryan Crook






3rd November




8 stone.



Ryan gets dysphoric about his height easily, but his stature makes him feel better about that. He's slightly underweight but not dangerously so. He's already quite flat chested, but managed to get a good quality tank top binder with his saved money when he moved out, so now he passes completely. He can even walk around in just the binder, which he does occasionally, because it makes him completely flat and just looks like a black tank top so it's fine to walk in. He generally wears plain shirts with jeans. People say he has a baby face, but he generally tries to ignore them. Nobody apart from Zoe has ever actually guessed he's trans so he obviously passes well, which he's happy about.


Ryan is really flirty with pretty much everyone, but much more in a creepy friendly way than in a cute way. He randomly gets quite close to people quite often, and doesn't seem to have even the slightest understanding of personal space. He seems very overly confident and despite being a very average student in terms of popularity, always has a large presence in a room. Despite being much shorter than almost all other males, and even quite a lot of females, he gives the sense of being taller than people by the slightly worrying way he holds himself.

Despite his overconfident and outgoing act he puts on for others, Ryan is actually quite introverted and easily worn out by his constant acting, but it's his way of acting sightly natural, and it makes him feel more masculine, nobody tends to think of a female acting like that. He hates his high voice, but people tend to think of it as just sounding camp, which also links to why he acts so confident. Despite this he still tries his best to lower his voice, just to sound slightly more manly.


Ryan tries to block out his past, and he doesn't have anything to show for it either. When he was younger he was pretty intelligent, he was always ahead of his class in logical subjects, and never particularly bad at English and humanities. He stated falling behind when he was about 11, which also happened to be the time he realised he was trans. He felt alone and was depressed, and when he eventually came out to his parents, it didn't get any better.

His mum was okay. She said that she accepted him and was generally quite nice. She took him to get his hair cut and even bought him a binder. His dad said he was confused. He hated them both for 'wasting' money and always misgendered Ryan. His dad was emotionally abusive to both of them, which didn't help Ryan's already plummeting grades, but when Ryan was 14, his mum eventually got the courage to divorce his dad and move them here, away from him. He's always been stealth here, not wanting the abuse and bullying he got at his old school.

What are they hiding about that night

(I'm thinking they go into the woods or something and have an argument because she won't tell Ryan how she figured it out. Possibly Ryan was the last one who saw her? So even though he didn't do anything he knows that makes him look bad.)


(What do they think of the other characters?)


People discovering he's trans


Anything logical, maths, computing etc


Trying to be creative

Done @Kimi
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Jacob Ashwood

Nickname: Jay

Age: 18

Birthday: February 16th.

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 145


Solidly built with green eyes and brown hair that is longer on the top than the sides. His eyes don't stare deep into you, but lightly rest at a relaxed state, almost lazily.

Personality: Jay always thinks that he can do better. He blames himself for anything that goes wrong, even if there is no reason to blame. He never is relaxed, and is always concentrated on something. He is loyal to people, and will always care for them, even if it means harming others.

Background: Jay has been an older brother for as long as he can remember. He was born into a semi-wealthy family, where his mom was chill but his dad always thought they were spoiled. His dad, coming from a poor family, always thought the kids were too well off, and thought that the kids needed to do more. Jay's early years were one big "when I was your age" talk. His little brothers always slacked and were underachievers, so Jay decided to make it up to his father by working extra hard to make him happy.

Jay's family issues had effects outside the house. He had to juggle schoolwork, sports, and working around the house. He never had a lot of free time, and he has always had to be doing something, even when in truth he didn't have to. Finally, when he was 15, his father apologized to the family. Family life changed for the better, but Jay still felt that he still had to do what he was doing before. Though he let off on some of the tasks, Jay still was a workaholic, always doing things that he didn't need to do to keep the family happy. They wanted him to do something else, have fun, but he always thought that until they were truly happy he had to keep working. He only feels relaxed at the cabin, where he is isolated from everything that can worry him.

What are they hiding about that night: Still figuring out... discuss?

Relationships: Still figuring out... discuss?

Fears: People being disappointing in him, being less that what he can be, people disagreeing with him.

Strength's: Adventures, skiing, work, listening.

Weakness's: Thinking for his own ideals, lying, finding the consequences of his actions, especially his violent ones.​
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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]

Jason Espirito X.

(skullKing)Dead Eye(skullKing)


Go to sleep little and count to 10, when u woke up u will be in heaven
Dead Eye


Birthday: 7th of August



Personality:Sadist,mean,cruel,bully and most of all he is Psychopathic



Live to his abusive father who always abuse his mother Jason live with a cruel life no one have ever faced in their life as in the night his father hurt him mother in the morning before going to school his father wont give him food... not until he rob some food in some stores as he give him beer at night he have a fate that no child have ever wish to have and from all those abuse he go to school envy of the kids who have a good life that he abuse those kind in the end he become strong of hatred of his life killing police,stealing he live a bad life that he wish he never have.

one night he earn a gun that his father gave him and that gave him wide grin as he shoot his father in the head as he look at his mother scared of him as she have skin cancer of what his father did to her "dont worry mother u will suffer no longer" he said as he shoot her ending her life and gave them a proper burial and continue his life... thoe all he wanted was to be understood by the people around him but no one will.

What are they hiding about that night

he hide upon his own cuz everyone know of him as deadly but he do hide in the forest the reason was some police thought he did something that he didn't


no one yet all he wanted was to be understood.

Fears: remembering his past, people speaking about his past

Strength's: to all his experience i think u know

Weakness's:people who lie to him, the people who he will be trusting and just going to die or disappear the worst if a person he can trust will soon try to back stab him.

Why would Zoe be friends with a psychopath? Anyways add more detail to personality please

Also can you check it makes sense ~ Can you please change the spelling as I don't really like having text speak in a CS
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Name: Amanda

Nickname: Amy

Age: 17

Birthday: June 2nd

Height: 5'4

Weight: 115 LBS





Personality: Amy has been a fighter from day one. She is adventurous to the point where some people would say she is "Recklessly impulsive" (Although she deny's this adamantly.) She tends to believe fully that her gut feeling is correct, she actively searches for danger, being a thrill seeker such as herself. An ideal life situation would be to travel the world, never being in the same spot for too long, she needs new environments to keep her thirst for adventure satisfied. She is also a very tricky person,thinking in out of the box ways to get in and out of situations.

History: Amy's family, her father mostly, all had their own less than respectable ways of getting money. Her father was a scam artist, to put it simply, and while some of his trickery rubbed off on her, she doesn't respect him and if asked about it would deny it full heartedly. Because of her father's brilliant techniques, she grew up in an above average household to run free. But, both of her parents worked long jobs to keep their house, and being an only child, Anya was free to do what she pleased for most of her days. She spent her time exploring areas of the town she lived out, going deeper and deeper into a small cave out the outskirts of town each time (Never far enough to get lost, though.) She learned to take care of herself fully, though she would rather be with her friends.



Relationships: Amy tends to be a very kind person, finding the best in everyone. She understands that they all have their flaws, but tends to overlook them by their strengths.

Fears: Being alone, The dark, Spiders, Being forgotten.

Strength's: Amy is a very agile and strong person. She also outgoing, and finds it easy to talk with strangers and make new friends. Most of all, she is generally a great leader of follower, finding both jobs easy.

Weakness's: Deathly curious, Amy is usually inclined to not think very much about the consequences of her actions. She also does not work very well under extreme presure, and finds it hard to function without a friend by her side.

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]well to make the rp more interesting beside there is no such thing is a perfect friend so yeah and dun worry ma'am ill add more detail

I still don't really think these normal teenagers would be friends with a murderous psychopath
SimpleReading said:





Name: Amanda

Nickname: Amy

Age: 17

Birthday: June 2nd

Height: 5'4

Weight: 115 LBS





Personality: Amy has been a fighter from day one. She is adventurous to the point where some people would say she is "Recklessly impulsive" (Although she deny's this adamantly.) She tends to believe fully that her gut feeling is correct, she actively searches for danger, being a thrill seeker such as herself. An ideal life situation would be to travel the world, never being in the same spot for too long, she needs new environments to keep her thirst for adventure satisfied. She is also a very tricky person,thinking in out of the box ways to get in and out of situations.

History: Amy's family, her father mostly, all had their own less than respectable ways of getting money. Her father was a scam artist, to put it simply, and while some of his trickery rubbed off on her, she doesn't respect him and if asked about it would deny it full heartedly. Because of her father's brilliant techniques, she grew up in an above average household to run free. But, both of her parents worked long jobs to keep their house, and being an only child, Anya was free to do what she pleased for most of her days. She spent her time exploring areas of the town she lived out, going deeper and deeper into a small cave out the outskirts of town each time (Never far enough to get lost, though.) She learned to take care of herself fully, though she would rather be with her friends.



Relationships: Amy tends to be a very kind person, finding the best in everyone. She understands that they all have their flaws, but tends to overlook them by their strengths.

Fears: Being alone, The dark, Spiders, Being forgotten.

Strength's: Amy is a very agile and strong person. She also outgoing, and finds it easy to talk with strangers and make new friends. Most of all, she is generally a great leader of follower, finding both jobs easy.

Weakness's: Deathly curious, Amy is usually inclined to not think very much about the consequences of her actions. She also does not work very well under extreme presure, and finds it hard to function without a friend by her side.

Accepted, nice character

creed said:

Christopher Oakley Reed

Chris, Oak, Oakley


March 29


140 lbs.


Dark brown hair, blue eyes.

: Christopher can be on the quiet side sometimes, but is kind and generous. He always puts others before himself and often wears his heart on his sleeve. If you’ve made him mad or said something that upset him, he definitely won’t tell you because he hates confrontations. He’d much rather pretend it didn’t happen. He likes to be in groups and is always open and searching for the next adventure. Chris is honest and loyal. He’s sensitive about his family and his past, so he won’t talk about it.

Background: Christopher comes from a well-off family and is the youngest of 3 children. His father is a surgeon, while his mother stayed home to raise the children. He had a fairly normal up-bringing, everyone was happy, loving and supportive, until his mother passed away when he was 14 in a car accident. It shook the family really hard, but his older siblings dealt with their grief and have all succeeded and moved away. His father won’t talk about his mother, even 4 years later, and rarely comes home from his office. Chris has found the bottles of whiskey hidden around the house and dumps them down the sink, but it makes him wonder how many are hidden at the office. Although he feels alone, he knows his problems aren’t as bad as others so he won’t talk about it.

Secret: Discuss first?


(What do they think of the other characters?)

Fears: death, wild animals, his father.

Strengths: physically fit, independent, intelligence.

Weaknesses: confrontation, being too generous, being too nice.​
@Kimi Finshed CS

@Astaroth Suzumiya I can barely read your cs, but what I can tell is that this guy is still crazy. You can call him not a psychopath, but it does not change the fact that he shot his father. This RP is supposed to be about friends who are tight but then rifts form between them because of untold secrets. Your character doesn't really fit. If he's wanted by the police, then that's a pretty obvious secret. Why would the characters want, or even allow, a possible murderer go with them in a cabin in the middle of nowhere?
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]okey ma'am im gonna edit him then i got another cool idea for him

Your secret doesn't really make any sense, after all the secrets are all about that night and the disappearance, also it isn't realistic that a character who is a murderous evil person is friends with normal teenagers. Im sorry but your character doesn't fit, also I asked you to make sure it made sense and your CS doesn't make sense. You need to check your grammar as well as the actual character, as I cant understand most of it. And I set a limit for the personality, one sentence doesn't cut it. So unless you fix it your denied sorry.
Foundry said:

Jacob Ashwood

Nickname: Jay

Age: 18

Birthday: February 16th.

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 145


Solidly built with green eyes and brown hair that is longer on the top than the sides. His eyes don't stare deep into you, but lightly rest at a relaxed state, almost lazily.

Personality: Jay always thinks that he can do better. He blames himself for anything that goes wrong, even if there is no reason to blame. He never is relaxed, and is always concentrated on something. He is loyal to people, and will always care for them, even if it means harming others.

Background: Jay has been an older brother for as long as he can remember. He was born into a semi-wealthy family, where his mom was chill but his dad always thought they were spoiled. His dad, coming from a poor family, always thought the kids were too well off, and thought that the kids needed to do more. Jay's early years were one big "when I was your age" talk. His little brothers always slacked and were underachievers, so Jay decided to make it up to his father by working extra hard to make him happy.

Jay's family issues had effects outside the house. He had to juggle schoolwork, sports, and working around the house. He never had a lot of free time, and he has always had to be doing something, even when in truth he didn't have to. Finally, when he was 15, his father apologized to the family. Family life changed for the better, but Jay still felt that he still had to do what he was doing before. Though he let off on some of the tasks, Jay still was a workaholic, always doing things that he didn't need to do to keep the family happy. They wanted him to do something else, have fun, but he always thought that until they were truly happy he had to keep working. He only feels relaxed at the cabin, where he is isolated from everything that can worry him.

What are they hiding about that night: Still figuring out... discuss?

Relationships: Still figuring out... discuss?

Fears: People being disappointing in him, being less that what he can be, people disagreeing with him.

Strength's: Adventures, skiing, work, listening.

Weakness's: Thinking for his own ideals, lying, finding the consequences of his actions, especially his violent ones.​
Accepted, the only thing I would ask is for a little more detail in the personality. But otherwise its good

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