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Teen Wolf Role play

Mama Kraken

New Member
Sup, sup! I am looking for someone who would like to role play Teen Wolf with me. I love the series, or at least everything up to 3b and was hoping we could start the role play right after that and kinda of create our own season 4.

I would really like it if you would play Stiles, doubles are cool with me if that is something you would want. That way we could both play a main character from the series and then whoever else we choose.

Honestly I am just in need of some Stiles loving after watching season 4. No spoilers I promise unless you have already seen it and want to chit chat about it. ^.^

Some requirements are as followed-

Detail- I would really like a couple good sized paragraphs. One is enough as long as it is enough to keep the role play going and interesting.

Grammar&Spelling- I am by new means a perfect writer and I don't need you to be either. Just please refrain from text-talk and such

Understanding- I work full time (40+ hours per week) and go to college full time so I won't be able to roleplay every waking moment even if that is what I would rather be doing.

Mature- I need you to be okay with nudity, cussing, sex, violence etc

Lastly I would prefer to do this role play in private messaging or by e-mail. If you are interested shoot me a message or for a quicker response e-mail me at mamakraken2@gmail.com.
Hi there! :3

So glad to find another Teen Wolf fan on here - My cravings have been indulging me! xp

I'd absolutely love to do something with you, and playing as Stiles is great for me! He is my favorite as well.

I actually don't really like to do doubles though, or we could minorly play the other main characters.

But what pairing would you be looking for? Stiles x OC or perhaps Stiles x another canon character of the series?
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