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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)


Three Thousand Club


Please refrain from posting here until everything has been set up and characters have been accepted.

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Darrin swept past everyone in the Watchtower, the look in his face akin to annoyance of the highest kind. 'They want to watch me. To babysit me.' he thought, lifting the hood of his coat over his head. It blocked out most of his face, leaving only his piercing eyes to be seen. The ruling of the Leauge was just, as always. He just didn't have any ambition to lead the "group". He was no Robin. Darrin made sure to skip right over that part and dove right into being HellBird, another defender of Gotham. This was only going to get in the way of the grand scheme. "What do you want, Father?" he asked, feeling his presence accompanied by two others. Nightwing took one step toward Darrin, but was held back by Superman's hand and a look from WonderWoman. "This isn't a punishment. But, with Bruce being in the condition he is in, I have to take up the mantle of Batman. You understand don't you, son? This has always been the plan. And it is time for you to join the world of the living." Dick removed his domino mask to reveal blue eyes full of concern. "I worry about you, Darrin. I know the...troubles your mother faced when she was coming into her power. I lose sleep hoping you never have to face that."

Darrin knew that his father was being completely honest with those words. If only he knew the extent that has already been done. 'One more year,' Darrin told himself internally, as he turned to face his father. "You can't just spring the fact that you're resurrecting the Teen Titans. Especially since everyone is new. This is just going to be another strain on me." he replied, taking down his hood. The meta-humans looked ageless behind his father, who had grown up around them. He was a Titan, and always would be. And that was a part of his blood, just as much as the demon within.

With an irritated sigh, Darrin strode over to his father and took the mask he held out. "Give Barbra and Bruce my best." he said, changing the color of the mask with ease. "Call me once a week." Dick replied, not helping the situation with a bright smile. "Ugh, geez, Dad." Darrin groaned, turning toward the Watchtower Teleporter. "Uncle Cy, send me to the Tower." Darrin seethed, not blinking once as the light grew bright below him and flashed him out. "Love you too, Darry!" Dick called out, earning a smirk from Clark and a head shake from Diana. Cyborg just laughed, only stopping when a batarang hit his shoulder.

Objective so far:

Identify the members of the Teen Titans and become accustom to the Tower and its systems. Also, Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the members.

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Being as he was officially part of the bat family, he would have preferred to use any sort of entrance except the door. But due to the high security of the T building, it would have been practically impossible to find any other way. "Voice recognition please.." The voice at the door spoke. Robin sighed "This is so lame". "Robin, recognized" The cheerful voice stated, then opened to let the young hero in. Walking inside timidly, he grew a tad nervous on the prospect of meeting his new team mates.

He'd never really worked with more then one person before at a time. Only until he arrived at the main hall did all of his confidence restore completely. Striding in like he owned the place, he looked over the place quickly. There was Darrin, they'd never really interacted, and Robin felt slightly uncomfortable that he held the role which Darrin could very well have wanted. Shrugging it aside, he offered a smile and gave Darrin a quick pat on the back

"Hellbird! I've heard a lot about you!" He smirked "You, uh, carrying the legacy nicely!" He moved along until he was standing at the window "Antler head, welcome to the team!" he beamed, then looked around the room for Benzene. "Wait, where's,," Robin stuttered in confusion. Slowly, he realized that the person didn't exist, yet he had somehow thought so just a moment ago. "Uh,,nevermind,," The boy wonder muttered.
The room grew cold and still. "Ricardo, don't be afraid." a voice whispered to him, blowing from all corners of the room. Raven emerged from the shadows, flanked by Zatanna who looked worse for wear. The women looked drastically different, Raven with a white cloak and Zatanna with an eyepatch and runic tattoos. "That reality does not exist anymore. Through the combined magic left in the world, we fixed this timeline." Zatanna explained. Raven waved her hand and images rose from nothing, showing the exploits of the team...and the betrayal. And, in the end, a young man in full demonic form, sitting on a throne before them. And before him was all the world, even the likes of the Big 3, bowing before him.

"Robin. My child...my son...he is the leader, your. But, without your guidance, he will be lead astray. That is for sure. And the world would be plunged into never-ending darkness. You mustn't allow this to happen...or anyone to know that you know of this path. And, in turn, we shall give you a gift. We have sacrificed everything to give you another chance. Use it wisely." Raven said, waving her hand in Zatanna's direction. She glowed with power and Raven slowly diffused into nothingness.

"Here we go kid," Z said before he could protest. "Snaihc fo Etaf!" she exclaimed in a spell, releasing all the magic into him. And with that, she ceased to exist. And as for Green Robin? What he would do with the power to see the paths of their fate would be up to him...
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“Argh!” green blast of energy shatter a nearby boulder as two figures zoom past one in the pursuit of the other. Another starbolt is thrown from the female pursuer and the two come to a stop mid air. They charge toward each other landing blows and blocking shots. The girl grabs hold of the man and his clothing and slamming him toward the ground, but the man holds to his attacker and they both fall. The earth breaks underneath them as they land, but the man seems to hold the girl to soften the blow against her. The jump up and the girl swings her fists towards the man, he dodges her blow. They continue to fight and the girl notices the man growing weary, he is ready for this fight to be over. She flys up and the man pursues, but she takes a quick drop back down, and just as he follows she soars again into the air; as he rises one more time in pursuit of the girl, she plunges once more driving her leg down against the man, and his body slams to the ground.

The girl floats back down to expect the man, he is alright, out of breath and injured, but alright. She offers her hand to help him up, and he speaks in a language that would seems harsh and odd, but sounds beautiful to Tamaranean ears, “Well done, Princess.”

The beautiful young girl returned a gentle smile, “Thank you.”

From the sidelines a handsome Tamaranean man dressed in regal attire stepped out,”My daughter, you make me proud.”

“General Phy’zzon,” the Tamaranean soldier bowed low, the General gave a kind smile dismissing the other man’s gesture. “I have only come to congratulate my daughter and to remind her of her birthday ceremony. It's not everyday the princess and your only child turns 16.”

Luand’r followed her father back to the palace. New Tamaran had flourished under her mother’s rule, Komand’r had laid waste to their old home, and it was Koriand’r who and brought them to this new paradise.

The palace was decorated and Luand’r could smell delicious delicacies of their native home. A large and intimidating man stood outside the princess doorway his arms open wide, and Luand’r flew into them embracing the man they had nearly raised her. “Happy Birthday little one.” The large man’s eyes misted with tears.

Phy’zzon smirked at the display, “No need to get so emotional Gergf’r, she's only getting a year older.”

Gergf’r patted his eyes with his beard,”I simply just have something in my eyes.” Luand’r laughs at the two before retreating to her room to prep herself.

Luand’r emerges from her room onto the balcony, dressed in regal Tamaranean cloths. Her eyes did not fall on the beauty of the tropical paradise she called home, but searched out beyond the atmosphere to places unknown. Distracted Luand’r did not notice she was not alone.

“Hello starshine,” her mother, Koriand’r’s voice startled her. “Your eyes mimic mine today young one. It is a special day, a celebration, what is it you long for that you could not have?” Koriand’r searched her own daughter’s eyes for a look she had seen many times in her own reflection. Especially on a day like today, it was almost 19 years ago today she had left a place that had felt more like a home than Tamaran had at one point.

“Mother, I love New Tamaran, it is my life. I would live and die for my people.”

“Yes starshine, I know, but there is more you desire.”

“Mother, I want an adventure, I want what you have known-”

“Heartache.” A sad expression came over the queen’s face.

“No, mother...maybe. Mother you- you have lived a life worth storytelling. I life full of adventure and life.”

“Your father has not?”

“My father was never the crowned princess of Tamaran. He was never to sole heir to a thrown. He lived a life they way he wanted, and so did you. I want that, mother.”

Koriand'r laid her hands on her daughter’s strong shoulders,”Is this your most held wish my daughter?”



Luand'r stood in front of the spacecraft admiring its craftsmanship. She looked toward the three who stood their eyes upon her. It was not custome for royalty to display public affection, but Koriand’r hadn't been much of a traditional queen. She swept her arms around her daughter squeeze her tight and kissing her forehead,”My starshine, you will be missed.”

Next was Gargf’r and he was blubbering like a baby, he squeezed the princess tight in an embrace it took all his strength to let go,”X’hal be with you child.” He wipe his eyes on his garmets. Last, was General/King Phy’zzon, he was an uncommonly calm man for a Tamaran but he laid his hand atop of his daughter’s head petting her long red hair. His eyes began to mist and his throat was thick,”Beautiful daughter I will count the days to your return.

“He calls me emotional.” Gergf’r sniffles and they all shared a laugh. Their last laugh together for quite some time.

Luand’r boarded the starship and Koriand'r entered in the coordinates,”You’ll land just where I did when I first arrived.” Just before to cabin lid closed the queen whispered something in a foreign language(American),”Be safe and be brave Brightfire.”



"All you sinners stand up and sing Hallelujah!

Show praise with your body stand up and sign Hallelujah!"

Jordan woke up to a musical start with her alarm playing her favorite PATD song. The song was shortly cut off when she was getting a phone call. Jordan quickly rubbed her eyes to wake up and answered the ringing phone. "Hello?" Valentine asked groggily. "Ah, Miss Quinn! You've been assigned to a new task." The voice started into a evil yet cheery voice then turned into a just boring one. Jordan instantly knew who it was. "What is it Waller?" Quinn asked in a stubborn tone. Her voice deep like her mother's doctor voice. "You are going to the new Teen Titans league under my command. Disobey and your head will explode. Understand?" Waller asked in a monotone. Quinn just sighed and hung up of the fat whale of a woman. Quinn went to her wardrobe and pulled out the

outfit she wore yesterday, feeling too lay to pick a new one. Quinn went into her half renovated bathroom and went straight to her shattered mirror. A smile drawn in red lipstick was stained on the mirror where Quinn's lips were. Jordan quickly tied her hair into two mini buns. She grabbed her sunglasses and left her apartment. Jordan ran over to her Harley Davidson motorcycle and drove out of the parking lot.

Jordan managed to find the TT tower. Jordan parked her bike and went up to the tower. A confused look came upon her face. "What the fuck?" She asked in a puzzled tone. "Voice recognition please." A robotic spoke. Jordan jumped back a bit then looked at the thing. "The fat Whale sent me here." Quinn muttered. "Welcome Miss Quinn!' The voice said in a happy cheerful voice. Quinn rolled her eyes and entered the elevator. She hated them but it seemed like the only way up. Closing her eyes, Quinn hummed to herself to calm down her nerves. The horrible trip in the elevator was finally over, the tight grip on Jordan's bat slowly relaxed as she walked into the main room. Seeing Green Robin and Hellbird. "Fuck..." Jordan muttered. Aiming her bat, Quinn jumped over the bat and onto the couch nicely. "So... Where's Waller the Whale?" Quinn asked with a smile. Jordan dumped her bat next to her and huffed.

Tags: Darrin -

@RedIncubus | Ricardo - @Knightling

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"Woah,,," Green Robin gasped in amazement as he stood there and witnessed the entire scene, like a book story unfolding before his very eyes. Now that all of the events were replayed, the memories instantly flooded back like they were yesterday. In a way, it kinda Was yesterday for him, but it never was anymore. "Wait! Don't go!" The young man exclaimed desperately as they disappeared. Realizing that he was reaching towards nothing, he looked around for them, and realized that they were gone for good.

Before he could have the chance to think things over, he realized that Valentine had showed up. "Uh, welcome,,,Avalon,,er,,Valentine,,," he stuttered, not his usual self at the moment "Eh, Waller's,,dunno,,not here" He stated, unsure of what was what. Still at a loss for words he looked down, starting to fully understand the sacrifice that had been made.

"Jeez" Robin muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck, then he cast a cautious glance at Darrin. In a way, he was a little bit wary around him now, considering how he knew what he was capable of. Not sure what to feel right now, the boy wonder sat down on a chair heavily and leaned his head against his arm, thinking things over. If anything, this felt like a very bizarre trip, because he had literally been moved not only into the past, but an altered time line. He desperately wanted to talk about it with somebody, but knew that he couldn't do such a thing.
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"Make yourself comfortable." Darrin chimed in, stepping down from the teleporter. He hadn't even had an opportunity to settle himself down in the tower before it was being filled with the future members of his team. He adjusted the cowl scarf around his neck, nervously noting the way Green Robin was looking at him. It was easily unnerving, but his resolve quickly returned and he sat down at a nearby table.

"Ricardo. Jordan. How are things in Gotham lately? I haven't had the luxury of staying there long enough to visit." He drew a circle in the open air, unveiling his personal portal space for storage. He reached in and grabbed a bag, with the portal snapping shut rather quickly. From his bag, he drew an old leather book from which he opened without touching.

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T e r r a L o g a n


"Yes dad I am fully aware of what I told you exactly one year ago. Yes, yes, yes, I remember exactly every single word you said. You said, and I quote, 'if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to talk to ol' Beast Boy, and don't you go joining any groups!'" The girl seemed to smile lightly as she walked down the street, phone in hand. "I may or may not have exaggerated the last bit, but yes dad I will be perfectly fine. I won't shift more than fifteen times, like you said, and I'll always stay with a buddy." The last few bits echoed in her head throughout the day. On the phone, Beast Boy's voice seemed to tense slightly, "Terra, I love you." Terra smiled as she looked up at the rather large tower that lay before her eyes. Titan Tower. "Love you too daddy."

"I never told you this, but you've always acted just as your mother did. God I miss her."

"I promise, if I ever find out what happened, you'll be the first to know." They were both silent for a few minutes before Terra broke the silence, "I gotta go Dad, I love you." Hanging up, she looked the tower up and down before letting her voice out in a small whisper, "hello?"

"Welcome Terra!" The voice was awfully chirpy and the girl seemed to frown, there's a code? Shrugging her shoulders, the young titan entered and looked around.


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Jordan sighed as she tapped the tips of her fingernails on the leather couch. She had to admit it was a nice couch, better than the one in her apartment. "Ricardo. Jordan. How are things in Gotham lately? I haven't had the luxury of staying there long enough to visit." Darrin asked. Jordan shrugged. "Eh, nothing new. Dad's in Arkham again. Jack and Jesse are tryin' to break him out." She smirked, knowing that her twin brothers were useless for the job. She smiled at the thought of her brothers getting caught as well Jordan's father and mother haven't admitted that they have kids, yet. Jordan sighed, she was bored out of her mind. Out of nowhere she imagined a boy coming with a white horse into the tower. "As if.." She muttered to herself. Soon Ricardo spoke "Uh welcome.. Avalon.. er.. Jordan" Ricardo stuttered. "What's wrong Bird-brain? You look like ya seen a ghost!" She joked with an evil smile. All of a sudden another girl came into the tower as if she was lost. "You okay sweetie?" Jordan pouted with a small giggle. "Name's Jordan, what's your's Brownie?" Quinn asked with a smile.

Tags: Ricardo - @Knightling | Darrin - @RedIncubus | Terra - @Pyromaniac
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T e r r a L o g a n


By the time the girl walked into the tower, she was beyond astonished. It was exactly how her father described it. Except for a few bits and pieces, but it was still pretty big. Turning slightly, she heard a feminine voice ask her name, and Terra smiled politely, "It's Terra. Terra Logan. Pleased to meet you." She flashed a straight bright pair of teeth before giving the tower and the other boys in the tower one last glance, "I was worried I was in the wrong T-tower." God, how lame was she? She flashed another smile to hide her awkward phrase and sat down quietly, looking down. She couldn't even think about what she wanted to say. Everybody seemed to intimidate her.


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"Uh, if you knew the Half of it,," Robin chuckled nervously, the images and events still flashing through his mind as if it had happened a moment ago. It wasn't every day that he experienced a few years worth of memories in a few minutes, it was a little bit of load on the brain. That wasn't even the hard part, he needed to figure out how to go about things differently so that it didn't end up the same way. Fortunately, that process had already been started, with the mere existence of some individuals having ceased.

It wasn't completely difficult to fathom either, since he found himself somehow capable of remembering This timeline as well as the past timeline, like he had lived in both of them his entire life. Robin sighed with relief when Jordon got distracted by Terra, this wasn't exactly a topic he could linger with. "You're at the right place, Terra,," The boy wonder gave the girl an encouraging nod, then looked back over at Darrin. If this timeline was different, would that change Brightfire in any way? Did they even exist anymore? That was an unanswered question he would have to wait for later.

As of right now, he needed to start getting acquainted with the leader. Standing up, Robin up to Darrin "Hey" He gave a half friendly smile. They had never been on good terms, nor bad terms, they'd never really bothered to associate with each other up until now. "Listen, I know this is a pretty new team, It's good to see you've got some leadership. Ugh, I'll get to the point: If you need anything, I've got your back. I've seen Other teams fall apart, you Never know what could happen" Robin folded his arms, not exactly sure if he was saying what he was trying to say.



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"Um...thanks Ricky." Darrin replied, raising an eyebrow. They'd never gotten along swimmingly, due to some issues over the position the other man held. But it was nice to know that he had someone to fall back on for support. The fact that it was Ricky gave him some solace as well--the guy was sorta anal, but he knew his shit. Darrin gave him a smile and a nod before giving the new girl his attention. While He, Jordan, and Ricardo had history she was brand new territory. And he had a reputation for being standoffish with new things.

"I'm not surprised, with all of the 'T' shaped buildings on the block." Darrin chuckled. Picking his large book up with one hand, he strode over to the girl whom he almost towered over. "Hi, I'm Darrin Grayson...or Hellbird. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. You must be Uncle Garffy's kid." he said, shamelessly using his childhood nickname for the man to address her father. It was better than Toaster(poor Cyborg). He reached in with his free arm and hugged the girl. "Wow, you're pretty nervous." he noted, not having to touch her to feel her emotions at the time. "You're among friends. Ricardo is someone my father trained personally. He's as good of a Robin as any other. And her," he nodded toward Jordan--who was probably being wacky, as usual--"She's harmless...especially with that bomb in her head. But we'll take care of you. How about you tell us about yourself?" he suggested, stepping back to give Terra some space.

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T e r r a L o g a n


"Uncle Gar.." She was hesistant about the name, not sure who he was referring to, until it dawned on her. With a chuckle, "oh Garfield! Sorry, a little slow here. Yup, he's my dad." Smiling, she innocently raised an eyebrow at the boy who seemed to be the leader of the team, "Darrin Grayson." She tested his name on her tongue, becoming familiar with it. She let herself be embraced, "how obvious was it really? When I heard there were other teens like me, I couldn't help but wanna find them." When he said the words friends, Terra gave out a sigh of relief, her shoulders slumping down. She had been in a physically uncomfortable position, but knowing she was around familiar people calmed her, just a bit. But she reverted back to her original stance when she heard the word bomb. How could a girl so innocent looking like Jordan have a bomb on her. She decided it be best not to question it, who knew what could trigger someone. She let out a quiet a sigh, "hm, what is there about me?" It took her a few seconds before her eyes brightened, "I used to be part of the circus, but then my powers started to pop out of nowhere..." Realizing that the story could go on forever, she cut herself off. "Basically, Beast Boy found me, figured I was his daughter, and here I am!"


[FONT='Times New Roman'][COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]
@RedIncubus [/COLOR][/FONT]

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Jordan zoned out on Terra after she heard the word 'I'm'. She wanted to break something but then again she's wasn't in her apartment. Jordan swung her baseball bat back and forth as if she was hitting a ball shaped as Waller's head. "And her, She's harmless...especially with that bomb in her head.' Darrin spoke. Jordan turned around and winked at Terra with a small click from the tongue as well. Jordan tried not to snicker when Terra mentally freaked out about her neck bomb. "Don't worry Brownie, I ain't going to explode!" She squeaked. Quinn puffed her cheeks outs and pretended to exploded, she flopped onto the couch and balanced her bat on her finger. "When are going to do something Darry?" Quinn whined. 'This is boring!" She pouted, turning her head to face him. "I wanna play!"

Tags: Ricardo - @Knightling | Darrin - @RedIncubus | Terra - @Pyromaniac

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"Oi Tiger!" A guard yelled. Tigerlily didn't flinched. Her delicate hand patting her precious plant. "It's all right my darling." She cooed. "These idiotic meat sacks aren't going to hurt you." Lily smiled evilly. The guard called to her again. Tigerlily frowned and turned around on her bed. "Yes Gary?" Tigerlily fluttered her eyelashes, a flirty smile. Tigerlily stood up and slowly stretched her arms, giving a seductive look as well. She smirked at the memorized guard. "What's wrong Gary?" Tigerlily pouted, slowly moving forward to him. Tigerlily gripped onto his jaw and pressed her lips against his. Gary began to peck at her lips. Tigerlily smiled when she watched the guard struggled to breathe. She releasedher grip and the man fell to the ground, green faint veins coming out of the outside of his lips. "Shame, he was kinda cute." Tigerlily shrugged and left her cell.

Tigerlily looked around the hallway, making sure there weren't any guards. Tigerlily touched her wall and venomous and mutated plants followed her hand. Tigerlily smiled gleefully as she watched her plant grow higher, breaking the roof of the asylum. Tigerlily laughed as she heard one of her plants growling then chomping up a guard in half. Tigerlily raced out of the asylum and into the forest. She began to strip off the ugly jumpsuit, she listened to the crunching of thin twigs underneath her bare feet. Finally, Tigerlily got to her home in the toxic wastelands. Tiger went up to the door and kicked it down. She yawned once more before heading into the garden house. "Hello mother, how are you?" She asked with no reply, typical. Tigerlily went up to her room and changed into a better outfit.

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Footwork... Movement... I need to concentrate... Time was up, the sword struck down with incredible strength, causing Ryan to hop back as he threw out his own blade in a parrying motion. "Focus on my blade, Ryan." Slade spoke calmly, as he paced towards the teen once more, his arm preparing for a second assault. Once more, father and son engaged in combat - colliding in a flurry of shouting steel - the swords connecting with audible clangs.

"Agh!" Ryan growled fiercely, clenching his teeth and panting heavily. Sweat pouring down his face, whilst Slade looked to be well-rested. "Relax your mind, control your emotions. Fight with grace, not strength. Use your intelligence." Slade advised once more, as they two began to engage for a third time. Truth be told, Ryan was struggling to keep up with his father, which was puzzling; since logic dictated that he should have the physical edge, he was younger and much fitter, and had the same benefits from the serum. Alas, he lacked the perfection of technique, and the decades of experience Slade had. At least he was holding his own.

Taking a deep breath, Ryan gazed at his fathers face, his eyes studying the older mans weakness - limited vision, in mere seconds his intelligence allowed him to formulate a plan to exploit Slade's lack of sight, and defeat him using his own technique.It was a long shot, but it was worth a try.
"You're slower than I thought dad. Old age catching up to you?" The teen taunted, a smirk playing at his lips. Yet he utilized the speech to launch an immediate attack - beginning just as he taunted his father. A dance of steel death ensued as the duo countered each swing, and each sweep - yet despite Slade's superior skill Ryan gave no room for a counter-attack.

It was then, he pulled his move. Hopping back, Ryan allowed Slade to rush forward for a counter attack, but predicted the swing and glided under it with great speed, the movement forcing his father to turn left, exposing his weakness. With Slade's vision limited, Ryan feigned a strike, causing his father to raise his sword-arm to block an attack that never came, resulting in an unbalanced position - which his son capitalized on with a fast, firm, leg sweep. Slade his the floor with a crash, and before he could react; Ryan's blade was at his throat.

For the first time in years, Slade smiled.
"Good, very good. You're ready." Slade took to his feet, before motioning for Ryan to follow. Whilst he had already earned the Deathstroke alias, this was his final leap to fulfilling the role. Entering a digitally locked room - it soon became apparent why. Stacks of weaponry climbed the walls, a high tech monitoring station sat in the middle of the room - whilst a mountain of contracts piled over a nearby desk - then it ht him - Slade was giving Ryan his home.

The teen stood there for an exceptionally long moment, his mouth agape and face struck with shock.
"Father..." His single word was interrupted by Slade's raised finger, "Don't. You are Deathstroke, this is Deathstroke's home. Don't try to reach me after this, I'll be a long way away." Picking up a simple suitcase, Slade gave the teen one last smile, Ryan had hoped that his father would embrace him, tell Ryan to make him proud, but no such thing came. Slade simply walked out; for good. Ryan slumped down into the chair, his emotions now raging in conflict. But he understood one thing clearer than ever; he was Deathstroke.

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Darrin placed his book down on the table beside him, recognizing that he might not have the time to study spells for the moment. "Well, now we get to have fun." he replied to Jordan, a half smirk forming on his face. "JASPER?" he called to the AI system, the likes of which he'd had the luxury of letting two people he held dearly to his heart test out on his room back at Wayne Manor. A tone rang off, letting him know that it wasn't in sleep mode anymore. "Hiya Darrin!" a disembodied voice replied, sounding chipper as ever. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Can you ready a training room at Level Zero? I'd like to get some demonstrations of what my team mates are capable of. To be clear: no guns, lasers, or goons. Just platforms." He requested, stroking his chin like a madman. JASPER was totally unique and very helpful, but she tended to be like a genie sometimes. If you didn't specify all the details to her, it could mean mayhem. "No problem! I'm on it!" she replied, followed by the sound of a
whoosh letting everyone know she was working in another room.

"That was JASPER. Everyone here has access to her--but that's for a later conversation. Right now, let's get to that room." Darrin held out his hands before himself, concentrating slightly. The space filled with an energy, which was a red tinted black color. He'd only done this twice before, and his known maximum carrying capacity was 3 people. He strained a little harder, capturing Terra in the spell too. "Hold on." he warned as he bent the space around them and carried them directly to the room of spoken choice. Upon landing, he let himself lie on the ground, slightly spent. "Whew...that was great." he exclaimed, a smile reaching his slightly flushed face. He didn't even mind that he'd brought a chair along for the ride.

Completed Objective: Introduction of the Titans(so far:)
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Robins eyes widened at the mention of the Training Room. He remembered All Too Well how that went down last time, when everyone played the game of 'lets gang up on robin'. Giving a nervous smile, he stepped away from them all carefully. That was definitely an experience he Never wanted to go through again in any way, even if Sage no longer existed. Now that he could redo everything, he knew which mistakes to avoid and how to go about it a better way.

"Yeah, you guys have fun" he waved quickly "I think I'll sit this one out" he quickly made up an excuse on the spot "I'm only used to training by myself, so don't wait up for me" It was the best he could offer without revealing the actual truth. Telling anybody what had actually happened would probably make them think he was crazy. As long as he never stepped foot in the training room with them, he saw no chance for animosity to grow.

"I'll, uh, go check out the security system, make sure it's up to date. We do have a computer techie coming in within a few days, but I can still give it the basic check so that we're good until he arrives" Robin shrugged, figuring that would work as a good excuse. "Call if you need anything" he turned and headed the other way towards the security office.



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T e r r a L o g a n


The brunette was about to speak, not aware of the spell Darrin was enacting and before she knew it, she was in a completely different room. As if on command, the girl shifted into a cat, completely shocked as to what happened. Everything was so... different from what she was used to: the high tech, the spells, the automated voice, the girl with a bomb on her neck. Her only response to when she got overwhelmed was to just...shift. A natural flight response, but it still bothered her that she was out of the loop. She felt like she was part of a lower league and that everyone has their stuff together. Letting out a small hiss of annoyance, the now black cat version of Terra jumped onto one of the platforms pretty easily and sat down, flicking her tail slightly, a sign that she was either familiarizing herself to the space, or simply annoyed with all the changes.

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Kylie shut off the engine for her
Ducati motorcycle and hit the kickstand. She was here for one reason and one reason only: To give Ricardo her father's flash drive. On it were serious codes and prompts, as well as files containing dossiers on most of the villainous thugs that the Justice League had come across. And the contingency plans on how to stop everyone. To gain access, they needed three access codes, on the usb drives of those he trusted more than anyone. Dick Grayson obviously had one and now so did Rick.

Kylie sighed, walking up the steps to the Tower. Had she stuck with the crime fighting motif she's probably be behind those doors now. She shook her head at that senario. She refused to be within the shadow of Batman's wings. She wanted to be her own person, even if it was a bad person sometimes. Dispelling all thoughts of the place, she reached for the door only to notice it needed a key card.

"Of course." she sighed, reaching in her back pocket for her wallet. She took out her ID, which she had taken the time to convert the metallic strip into a 'skeleton key'. She lived up to the hacker title of Batgirl in her day, having learned tricks from both Barbra Gordon-Grayson and her son. She slipped past the automatically opening door and began to make her way through the halls of the famed Titans Tower to find her old partner.

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Alec check himself out in the mirror. He looked very nice. It was a nice button up shirt and some khaki's. It wasn't the nicest thing he owned but it got the job done. He came out of the large bathroom in the hall of justice. He walked to the doors and opened it going into the room with the members of the Justice League. They cheered and clapped as he made it to the front. He smiled standing in front of his Mom and Dad.

"You look good son." His father said beaming. "Look at my boy!" he said with a chuckle, slapping Alec's back and sending him forward a few steps.

"Thanks dad." he said blushing a little bit and looking down. It was kind of embarrassing. Alec's dad had a knack for embarrassing him in front of hot guys, like Shazam.

"Remember my son, you are going to defend justice. Always remember your truth my son. And so you always remember your truth. Im giving this to you..." His mother said taking the lasso of truth from behind her back and hugging Alec.

"Thanks mom! But... I thought you gave this to Alena?" he asked raising an eyebrow and taking the lasso.

"You need it more than she does. Take it and do good my son. I love you." Wonder Woman said and kissing her sons cheek.

Superman wrapped his arms around Alec and squeezed him as hard as he could and then dropped them. Alec smirked a little and got onto the teleporter and crossed his arms as the teleport scanned him.

"Recognized... Wonder Boy.." the machine said as it teleported him to the Teen Titan Tower.

He looked around and stepped off the teleporter. He didn't see anyone so he just wandered around, checking everything out. He finally made his way to a door with his name on it. The door moved up into the frame and Alec went into the room. It was already decorated with Navy, Gold, and Red. It had pictures and artifacts to remind him he was home. There were Themysciran Swords and Shields on the walls, and all his clothes were already packed away. His mother did a great job. He flopped on the comfortable bed and sighed.

Alec slowly lulled off to sleep and took a short nap with his door wide open.

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Darrin sensed the tension in the newcomer, sitting up as she leapt up to a beam in her feline form. He immediatly felt bad because he was a part of the blame. Inadequacy was something he dealt with as a child. He knew all too well the feeling of never living up to the standards set in place. Gritting his teeth, he resolved to make this girl feel like one of them.

"Hey, Terra! I know Jordan might not be able to but can you keep up with my acrobatics?" he challenged, wagging his eyebrows to Jordan. It was a challenge to both girls, with hopes that it would be as fun as is was exercising. Darrin then ran and launched himself into a double layout, landing beside the 'cat' on her platform. "I'll even let you use a cheetah." he added, upping the ante.

Jordan @lostviolence | Terra @Pyromaniac
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Jordan smiled when she heard they were going to have fun. It was about time. Jordan stood up and started to head towards the elevator when Darrin began to cast a spell. Jordan's smile turn into a frown as they slowly lifted up from the ground. Jordan vision blurred as she somehow entered the training room sitting a chair. Her expression was puzzled. "What the?" She asked, she turned her head to see Darrin lying on the ground, flustered and smiling. Quinn smiled along with him until she saw the platforms. Her smile grew even larger as she dropped her bat and began to run to the platforms. Jordan ran as fast as she could, placing her hand down and front flipping over it landing on the first platform. She noticed that the next platform was higher. Quinn quickly a back flip, quickly pulled the gun from her hostler as she rolled onto the next platform.

She at the highest platform. Jordan smiled as she ran, jumping up into the air, her hands grabbed onto the gun and curled around it. Jordan's body flipped over the gun and landing in a position as if she was aiming to shoot. "Bang!" She yelled. "Hey, Terra! I know Jordan might not be able to but can you keep up with my acrobatics?" Darrin challenged Jordan, wagging his eyebrow at her. Jordan smirked. "Ya on birdy!" Quinn yelled, she jumped from the platform into a flip and landed onto the other platform. Quinn ran again up against the wall then jumped onto the platform Darrin was on.

Tags: Darrin - @RedIncubus | Terra - @Pyromaniac

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Robin sighed in relief as he sat down on chair in front of a few security screens. All around were buttons and other electronics, ready to go once activated. Also in this room was the Central drive for JASPER, which had to be kept safe at all times. It was obvious that if anybody found this room, JASPER could be eliminated easily, which is why the program was going to be upgraded. It was going to be turned into a Network of computers, A collective group of Hard Drives throughout the entire building that would comprise the AI. It would work like a Hive mind, so that if One of JASPERs computers were to be destroyed, there would still be plenty of others in the building to keep things running with ease. Of course, Robin wasn't suited to do that sort of job, he only intended to make sure things were basically okay. Once Max arrived, he would start fixing up all the technicalities. Though Robin was typing on the computer, his mind was wandering back towards the Other timeline. He was still slightly traumatized at the events that had happened then, and knew that he had been at fault. He had finally come to terms with the fact of what he had done, by leaving the team and going his own way.

Due to escalating hostilities with the Titans, Ricardo had renounced his title of Robin. He had rejected the life of a Vigilante by Red Hood, and rejected the life of a hero by the Titans, leaving him one more option. Tossing all his cares aside and abandoning sanity itself, Ricardo donned the suit of Red X. He began wreaking havoc in every way possible, with every whim that came to mind. That was when the downfall began, Darrin gave up hope, the rest was history.

Ricardo shook his mind "Things are different now" he said to himself "I will hold to my sanity, Red X will never make an appearance (Of course, he had no idea that somebody else would take up the cowl this time). "Intruder identified!" JASPER chirped cheerfully, pulling Robin out of his brooding. "What?" He muttered, startled as he stared at the screen. "Alarm will be initiated" JASPER stated, not losing it's cheerfulness even in the event of a break in. "Uh, No!" Robin quickly ordered the AI "No need for the alarm, I'll go handle the situation, I don't think she's a threat" With that, he stood up and walked out into the hallway. Now his mind was brought to the past, his brief romance with Kylie as they prowled the rooftops of Gotham together. They seemed to be the perfectly made match, Robin and Batgirl, as classic as it could get. They made the best team, and probably Still would have been high school sweet hearts if he had not broken up with her. With a twinge of regret, Robin continued to head her way, he wished things could have stayed like the old times. Ricardo hadn't even wanted to stop, he had been strong armed into doing so. The moment she retired the Batgirl title and became Alleycat, she had been deemed by his mentor to be a bad influence. Dick had given Ricardo the strait forward choice in the end, Give up Kylie or give up Robin. He had chosen the latter, and now he lived with that decision everyday, whether it had been the best choice or not. Part of him also felt bad for ending it with such a brief explanation, having never given her the complete truth, yet he'd felt it the best thing to do. With a sigh, Robin tried not to reflect on the bitter past for too long, and spotted Alleycat as he rounded the corner. "Uh, hey Kylie,," he smiled awkwardly, really not sure what to say to her after such a long time "You, um, shouldn't be here. You know that, right? You could've gotten in trouble if the others saw. What're you doing here?"

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