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Fandom Teen Titans [ casual / details inside ]

I... think so.

I'll try, anyway.

Expect the role play up some time this weekend.
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I already made the thread, but I didn't tag you in it because you never showed that you read my initial blurb on the role play.
I specifically requested (in bold text) that at the very least you give me your thoughts on the plot or mention any canon character you were interested in taking and you did neither of those things.

Even after you had initially posted, I prompted you to give me your thoughts on the plot again, but you never did that.

I think it's safe to assume then in the future there are other things you won't read and respond to and I would rather not have that.

The link is in the first post of this thread now, but I'm going to be honest and say that you're going to have to provide one hell of an application for me to accept you after that.
I don't have a problem with reading and responding and you can't base that because I didnt answeR the questions. Besides I thought that part was optional. So I didn't answer.

Anyway I just don't like the fact your assuming that and the rp hasnt even started.

Oh by the way I do like all the ideas. And there wasn't really a character I wanted. I was planning on making my own.
My apologies, but I've been making and running my own role plays for years, so I've come to notice patterns and base assumptions off of that.

This role play is so underdeveloped right now, I really need people who will collaborate with me and contribute their ideas.

All I'm trying to say is that I can be a very selective person and I'm basing who I accept off a variety of things.

I would rather be honest about that than get someone's hopes up.

I can understand if this upsets you, so I'm truly sorry and would be happy to talk it over pm.

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