Teen 1x1 [Inactive]

Hailey Tessa Rose

New Member
Hailey Tessa Rose submitted a new role play:

Teen 1x1 - This is a romance roleplay, The storyline is a high school-themed, read on if wanting to join.

I am most definitely open for anything, but this would start as a normal boarding school high school and you will make your own character do what he/she wants, as will I.
Forms: Please make a guy and a girl.




A bit about personality:

Dorm Number:

Please mention that you are either a male or a female please!
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Name: Alex Cruikshank.

Age: 17

Looks: Looks emaciated, has curly hair, a bookish face and wears round rimmed glasses.

Personality: Clumsy, quintessential nerd; who is uncannily paranoid all the time.

Dorm number: 17

P.S. This is my first time doing this roleplaying thing.
AwesomePants said:
Name: Alex Cruikshank.
Age: 17

Looks: Looks emaciated, has curly hair, a bookish face and wears round rimmed glasses.

Personality: Clumsy, quintessential nerd; who is uncannily paranoid all the time.

Dorm number: 17

P.S. This is my first time doing this roleplaying thing.
Please mention if you are a male or female, and then I will create a topic and mail it to you! 
Name: Hailey Tessa Rose Smith

Age: 16

Looks: Brown hair, curly but not full ringlets that fades to blonde at the bottom, bright blue eyes.

A bit about personality: Slightly clumsy, very friendly, not really flirt, funny as heck, sarcastic

Dorm Number: 14 
Hailey's face lit up, as she walked into her brand new school. She walked into her room, it being a plain white room with a bed and a mattress, nothing too big. She tugged in her boxes of stuff, and began to unpack. During this time, she wore her hair up in a top-bun, and a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra, with a baggy crop top. She unpacked in abut two hours, and heard a knock on her door. "Hello?" She called out, quickly putting on a jacket just in case she had to open the door. By this time, her room was completely unpacked, and she had her storage boxes away.
I knocked again, this time a little more reluctantly than before. The door opened and I saw a girl, oh no; actually a pretty female. Damn it why did it have to be a girl, I thought to myself. I tried to speak, " I umm, err... well I was...", I could feel my face going flush and my palms getting sweaty. I could not articulate that I wanted to go to the principle's office. Without thinking I ran, ran aimlessly down the hall where there were no girls or pretty ones for that matter.
Name: Max Porter

Age: 16

Looks: Messy black hair with pale skin and piercing electric blue eyes. He also has a piercing in his right ear.

A bit about personality: Max likes to be alone most of the time. He's at times quite blunt, and is oblivious to love. Though he does care for his friends, if you can be his anyways. It's kind of hard, seeing how he likes to stray away from most groups of people.

Dorm Number: 25


Frowning, he let go of the box he was carrying with a plop. Digging his hands in his pockets, he finally found the key to his dorm. Sticking the key into the lock, he opened the door. Picking up the box again he walked inside. This is so bland, he thought, but this is a school after all. Most things in school are bland. The walls were white, with a bed in one corner of the room. Walking over to the right side of the room, where his bed was, he rested the box he was carrying against the wall. Then he walked back out the door and brought back another box. Doing this a couple more times, he had all his boxes in his room. Closing the door, he saw boy run by with a flushed face. Cocking his head to the side, he shrugged his shoulders and started to unpack everything.

Once everything was unpacked, he sighed and fell on his bed. Yawning, he closed his eyes. I feel like falling asleep, which he did.

Name: Key Jones

Age: 16

Looks: red hair, glasses, braces

Personality: smart, nerdy, tomboy, rather quiet

Dorm: 13 

Fandoms4Ever said:

Name: Key Jones

Age: 16

Looks: red hair, glasses, braces

Personality: smart, nerdy, tomboy, rather quiet

Dorm: 13
Key walked into to school bored. This was her 13th school this year and she hoped this one was going to be a good one. She put down her boxes and decided to take a nap.

When she woke up she sat there wondering what to do.
I saw this boy run down the haway, and shrugged it off. I guessed to myself that he was just nervous and anti-social. I just shurgged it off, and curled up on my bed.
Key walked down the hall towards a girl with brown curly hair. Key just walked on and decided to take a look at the place. She looked around wondering when everything was built.
I quickly decided to get dressed and go out. I slid on a floral skater skirt, and a black top. I gently put on a small necklace with a small heart as the charm. I curled my hair, and brushed through it, before brushing my teeth and applying some everyday makeup. I slid on my floral flats that matched the skirt, and walked out of my room, bumping into a really attractive guy with black hair and piercing blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Hailey", I flashed a small smile at you.
"Why am I so darn weird, ugh", I uttered, still panting. I decided I'd go explore this school, while looking for the principle's office and while there were not many people around.

The school was indeed grand. Huge classrooms, a big old cafeteria, fungus grew on the school walls and there were trees around. The old look to the school was quite endearing.

I came across the library, seeing so many bookshelves in one place made me giddy with excitement, I walked in. I saw a bookshelf with books written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Oh my god, they even have his biography",I thought with childish enthusiasm. As I was looking around, the librarian came over. "Hey! You must be new here" she said. The librarian was a middle-aged women, with blonde hair, brown eyes and was wearing a cardigan and a skirt. She wore a name tag which said "Emma-School Librarian".

"Yep, this is my first term" I said; "I see you like Emerson's work" she said thoughtfully, I nodded. We then started to converse about literature, I think I just made my first friend and surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all!
I begin to explore this huge school, and stumble upon a library. I notice the kid from my door, and I smile big. I could finally at least introduce myself. I walk in, and begin to look for a similar book, the biography of Ernest Hemmingway.
Emma needed to run some errands, so she left. I kept touring the library, when I suddenly saw the girl from before and she was walking right my way.

"Stop being a gawk you idiot, man up and get to know some people. You don't wan't to be the guy whose only friend is the school librarian", as I was cogitating about how to deal with the situation, she walked up to me.

"Umm...errr... HI!" I said much to excitedly.
I giggled at your mini outburst of excited-ness. I smiled shyly, "Hi, I'm Hailey." I smiled, hoping I wasn't blushing but it was obvious I was.
I ruffled my hair with my hand. "I'm Alex", I said; almost robotically. Then just gaped at her and awkwardness ensued. "So you like books?", I said, half-wittingly trying to continue the conversation.
I smiled big and nodded. "I really like autobiographies and non-fiction. Some science fiction is alright, but I'm not so much for the whole vampires versus werewolves scene." I chuckle, blushing, thinking that he thought I was awkward. "What about you, what books do you like?"
"I'd read anything and I mean anything. I'm open to all types of literature, good or bad. I like to see how different writers move the plot along and build up the story and..." I realized I was now going out on a boring old soliloquy, however Hailey was listening inventively, her beautiful blue eyes locked right on me, a lock of hair falling onto her face. Oh she was so gorgeous, I almost sighed unconsciously. I wanted to run, but the same time wanted to stay there and talk.

I decided it's time I leave; while the conversation is still good and I seem half-sane. "Oh would ya look at the time I remember I gotta go see the principle" I said almost unconvincingly. "See ya around hailey", this statement was much more genuine, I almost surprised myself. I walked briskly out of the library and strolled aimlessly down the hall, with a stupid grin on my face.
I smiled, listening well at what he was saying. As soon as he said he would see me around, I smiled, blushing. I had developed a crush on Alex, easily. He was so nervous and sweet. I stayed around the library a bit, looking at some books.
Opening his eyes, Max got up and stretched. Rubbing his eyes, he walked over to his bathroom and turned on the tap. Splashing some cool water in his face, he sighed. I guess I should look around.

Walking out, he got put on a clean black t-shirt, with some black skinny jeans. Combing his hair with his fingers, he walked over to the door and put on his black vans. Opening his door, he walk out. Turning left, Max bumped into a girl with brown hair. Hearing that her name was Hailey he said, "I'm Max." Seeing how he was horrible at striking up a conversation, he hoped she would catch on. But all he heard was her say goodbye and walk away.

Maybe there's some good books to read here, he thought as he walked over to the library. One foot in the library he could already see the many rows of books. Both feet in, he walked over to the fiction. Max loved adventure stories. They got his heart racing, especially if it's a real page turner. Walking down the aisle, he looked at the books, seeing if one would catch his eye.
Looking up, he saw the girl from earlier. Hearing her say her name again, he slightly smiled. "I know, you said your name already. But, I'm Max, just in case you didn't hear me."
"You make yourself comfortable now, okay?" said the principle, warmly. "Yessir!", I walked out of the office and decided to go down to my dorm.

On my way I saw Hailey with some other people. I thought she'd now be popular and I'm going to still be talking to the librarian. I thought "C'est la vie", you'll be the socially inept nerd and she, the girl everybody knows in the school.

Downhearted I took a left and went outside to clear my mind. As I was about to go outside the school's vicinity, some husky jocks came up to me; it looked as if it was there last year in the school. "You new hear shrimp", one of them said. "Y-yes", I stuttered.

They then exchanged ominous grins with each other and grabbed me by my collar. "Why me?!", I thought to my self with great dread. They dragged me to a lake some distance from the school and threw me in, while laughing with effervescent joy; they strolled away.

I didn't know how to swim, I thought I'd drown. Struggling for air I thrashed wildly. I finally got a hold of the ground and pushed myself up wheezing and coughing. I made my way back to the school and headed for my dorm running, hoping those jocks don't see me.
I was standing in the hallway, and I saw Alex running, soaking wet. I quickly stopped him. "Hey, what the hell happened?" I asked, worried.
I stood there cupping my elbows. "Gosh darn it, now all these people are gonna think I'm a weirdo, chump", I thought. Hailey's eyes looked concerned and she was quite close, really close, "Oh god she's beauti... Snap out of it you idiot", as I was caught up in my own thoughts my eyes shifted to the girl with red hair and the guy with blue eyes.

"I-I just went out for a little dip, no biggie hahaha", I tried to sound as convincing as possible. As much of an idiot that I was, I thought should introduce myself all wet and soaked. "Hey! I'm Alex", I said hesitating, as both of them stared at me with wide eyes.

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