
T1-ET = Evolved Technology

This form most resembles the style of T1: ETHS (Evolved Technology, Human Standards) while fixing some of the many errors that had ensued, such as... Human Standards.

ET allows the use of technology-based energy weapons and defenses as well as prospective scientific efforts in the form of cloning, Human and Genetic Modifications, Androids and Cyborgs, Super-suits and Exoskeletons, Quantum-Mechanics, Space Travel, Time Travel, Inter-dimensional Networks, et cetera, as long as they are properly explained with a scientific basis. This doesn't allow for overpowering or significant UM, MP, and PC racial/enhanced abilities or traits to factor, and such concepts will be grounds for DQ under godmodding. Any concepts that mistakenly edit the nature of currently-known theories, laws, astrological nomenclature, (or any other miscellaneous scientific strata) due to error (such as mistaking Mars as a Jovian rather than a Terrestrial planet) are subject to omission or disqualification for blatant disregard of science/physics, depending on the severity of the case. There are no available magical, philosophical, spiritual, religious, or otherwise inexplicable forces in this style of role play.

Ex: Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek,


Rules (revamped)

No God-modding; is when someone's character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. In saying that this also applies to lack of detail. Without proper post length and explanation you are eligible for disqualification. This also prohibits the unexplainable method of having super reaction and reflex times to avoid unseen attacks. There is of course obvious restrictions to this involving real-time movement of your RPC. This should be used sparingly as over-usage and statement would make a judge or your opponent believe it to be merely SR&RT due to lack of anything else happening. You must post in explicit detail how you evade/dodge/counter your opponent's attack.

No Auto-hitting; is a term used to describe when a character automatically hits another player. This also ties in to the rule known as puppeteering but on a more severe level considering auto-hits usually mean death, and in some cases, go back to the breaking of the god-modding rule.

No Puppeteering; you can not in any way, shape or form control any aspect of another’s character, even energy based attacks of all kinds. (This excludes pre-meditated discussion OOC and is feasible IC.) Assuming your energy is greater than your opponents with no explanation or complete detailing of elemental mix-n-matches will be grounds for disqualification. The same goes for things attached to the character including; clothing, nanomachines, and weaponry. Puppeteering also involves that of your opponent’s whereabouts and assuming that they didn't move during your preparation and or time it took to go from point A to point B to attack.

No Meta-gaming; the act of using outside or previously gained knowledge within a gaming universe for personal gain or advantage. For example if a demon were to fight a unique combat droid with energy specifications to which was mentioned in the post. The demon can't impose demonic knowledge in to know weaknesses and metal compounds and chemistry lessons 101. Demons would not have gone to school, lest born in to a human realm (Which will be stated otherwise in character history) and brought up in a human way. The same is less severe for the robot unless the demon is a one-of-a-kind thing; meaning the robot / android / technological being would have implanted data.

No Multi-attacks; the action used when a person makes their character use more than one attack in a single turn. Meaning, in a small lacking detail; Impaling a character in the chest, jumping back, launching / running toward the other character to attack. And so on and so forth, the point is in proper role-play of all forms, a single attack and a single attack only must be posted. Using any more than one would also be a form of puppeteering. How? You imply you have enough time and they didn't counter in time to intercept you with their own attack.

No WMDs; No weapons or powers of mass destruction. The term "weapon of mass destruction" usually refers to nuclear, radiological, biological, or chemical weapons. A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) or (WoMD) is a weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans and/or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere in general. -- wikipedia. Powers of mass destruction apply to the same principle, except it's supernatural.

Hypotheticals; A hypothetical is where Person A posts that, should Person A dodge to the West, he will bring his sword across; a hypothetical is a follow-up, a move that will happen if one or more conditions are met. Hypotheticals imply forethought, so they can be considered planned moves IC, and therefore do not demand the same conscious considering that would otherwise be demanded; also, hypotheticals might account for where a given attack would land if such and such defense were performed, like having a thrust to the stomach being displaced to the neck if the foe ducks.

Use of Porting; probably the rule that is neglected the most out of the rest by those who use methods of teleportation and movement in combat for sheer convenience for their lives. When using a portal of any sort for a mid-battle maneuver that involves the teleportation of your characters body, and then proceeding to attack in the same post is a violation of this rule. And depending on the type of portal may even require preparation through links to magic and planar modification.

Equipment and Armor; both put weight on your character and will slow their movement time greatly, even if proficient enough weight factors in to speed in relation to your characters size. Armor must also be specified in regard to materials used and just how much of the body is covered and where. Equipment shares the same principal.

Specifications; If you do not specify everything about your characters position, defensive stance, attack angle and strength, speed and sight, hearing -- Then it can and probably will be exploited. You are not within your rights to complain about the exploitation and addition to the situation because you yourself are responsible for the world you write up during a role play. In combat this is VERY important, especially in terms of hand to hand situations.

Setting; You're within your rights to utilize the environment, destroy it, modify and bend. But as a guideline it's recommended to focus on hitting your opponent. It doesn't matter if you blow up a thousand buildings; you should focus on blowing the opponent up a thousand times. All in all it makes you and your character look messy and unprofessional.

By showing up in character, the combatants agree to follow all the rules listed in the rule-set.


I hope the post is okay. Forgive me for not going into excat details of the storage space as i've forgotten if it's TB that is the standard storage space used or something else. Hope it's okay for Zoalex to be a decent cook. And the amount of tech in her room.
So, I'm assuming there are no humans on earth 2, where the story is (right now anyway) taking place? 
Oh, I didnt even see the spoilers.

Quite a bit to read here 
So where could a human who didnt defect from the EFEC be placed?
Sorry about the inactivity. Have been busy for the past week or two and have been thinking about what to post due to the virus taking me by surprise.
Any ideas on how to start off my character? You showed slight interest, if you wanted a certain thing then I can comply, if not I will start by myself.
I'm going to post an event and you're going to meet up with the one known as Zoalex as you are offered your first position as an O'Shem leading a small group of O'Sekra and a Mecran.
I hope my last post is okay. I'm just trying to come up with ways to deal with the virus whilst remaing lore friendly. If it's unacceptable, i'll rewrite the post. :)
I am put in charge of the assault team, but it is you who control my assault team's characters correct?
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Have to admit I'm also wondering what I should do with Kylee. Premature ending of transmission just outside the Johnson gate. I'm pretty sure there's a joke in there but an interesting post for my character, I'm less sure about that.

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