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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus

The Doctor

Location: Unknown

The Time Lord let out a moan in pain and rubbed the side of his head. Despite being in a daze, he managed to stand to his feet, leaning against the TARDIS console. As his vision restored to normal, he knew something was wrong. There were no lights on in the TARDIS. She'd crashed before, taken damage before, even lost power before but this was something different.

As hard as he tried to think about it, he had hardly any memory of the crash. The Doctor placed his head in his hands and ran both hands down his face, struggling to remember. The last thing he remembered was being in the 1920s, using his psychic paper to gatecrash a party. After what had happened on Mars, The Doctor felt as if he had to unwind.

Caught in mid-thought The Doctor leaned against the TARDIS console. He couldn't get wrapped up in self-reflection, not now. He had to figure out what was wrong with his TARDIS and just where she'd crashed. As The Doctor stood up straight, he heard a footstep behind him and spun around. He was greeted by a bearded man wearing a fedora and carrying a suitcase.

Upon noticing that the Time Lord was looking at him, the bearded man set his suitcase at his feet and rubbed his hands together.

"Did you do this?" The Doctor asked in a bitter tone

"Yes." The bearded man smiled, getting an angry yet horrified look from The Doctor in response "Oh, don't look so worried." The bearded man continued to speak in a jokey tone "She'll only be like that for...Let me see, a few hours at best. In case you're wondering..." He spoke with a moderate Birmingham/Brummie accent

He walked up to The Doctor so that their faces met. He learned forwards, whispering in The Doctor's ear "I took away her, well your ability to time travel." He leaned back, shooting the Doctor a child-like grin in response to The Doctor's pale and horrified look.

"That' impossible...No one has that kind of power" He muttered before his look of horror turned to one of anger "No being should have that kind of power!" He snapped

"But, what you should have the ability to alter time?" The bearded man replied sarcastically, shrugging "What was it you said...The Laws of time are mine and they will obey me!"

He spoke the words in The Doctor's voice, causing a shiver to go down the Time Lord's spine. The bearded man walked past him with a smug look as he walked towards the TARDIS doors. In response The Doctor activated his sonic screwdriver, locking the doors with a grim look on his face. The bearded man stopped in front of the doors, lowered his head and began to laugh.

"A locked door isn't going to stop me." He laughed, in what appeared to be multiple voices

"Well, you can't blame me for trying." The Doctor replied, approaching the bearded man. "What are you?"

"I'm a traveller." The bearded man admitted, shrugging "Like you, I travel across time and space. Alone. The only thing is I can handle being alone. I don't turn into a bloody megalomaniac when I'm alone, I don't"

The Doctor took a step back and pointed his sonic at the bearded man, scanning him.

"Oh...I made some...Changes to your sonic too. I won't register on it. My biology, it's as if your sonic reads me as nothin'."

He opened the door and stepped out. The Doctor peered outside to see that the bearded man disappeared. He stepped outside, licked the tip of his finger and pointed it into the air. "London, early twenty-first century...But, hold a minute, something's different here."

He stepped back inside, approaching the bearded man's suitcase only to find it disappeared as he reached for it. The Doctor quickly scanned the space the briefcase had been in to find that it read nothing. He sat down next to it and let out a shout in frustration and hit himself on the forehead as numerous theories and thoughts rolled through it. If what the man said was true, and he had taken away the TARDIS' ability to time though time, he likely had the ability to restore it.

"He only said time..." The Doctor muttered "Meaning that...Yes!" He jumped up and approached the console "There's a chance, a chance that we can still travel in space. We can find him."

The Doctor remembered that the man had specified several hours as well and so he stepped outside, locking the TARDIS doors behind him and putting his hands in his pockets. As he walked, The Doctor looked all around him, trying to absorb the atmosphere. If London was different perhaps this "traveller" had changed the timeline?

Just as The Doctor was continuing with that thought, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and approached it. In front of him was a state, standing at around six foot of a face he recognized. Pete Tyler. Pete was holding the head of a cyberman in his left hand and an energy weapon in his right.

The Doctor glared at the statue with a shocked yet curious expression. The only logical conclusion was that he had travelled to "Pete's world", a parallel dimension where...Where Rose lived. The Time Lord ran a hand down his face at the though. Of all the places for the "traveller" to leave him, why here? Was it trying to send a personal message? He placed both hands at the back of his head and walked in circles as he ran the theories through his head.

He noticed something obvious he had missed. The streets of London were empty. He knew London and the one in "Pete's world" wasn't so different. It was always packed, full of people. Something was wrong.

He ran, turning another corner.


Gregory Nelson

Location: American Frontier, 1780 (Assassins Creed Universe)

Gregory awoke to something he had not heard in years, the chirping of birds. He smiled, assuming it was some kind of dream only to feel a cold breeze move over him. The memories came flooding back in that moment, he had been in this forest for one day and was yet to find anyone, only animals and the chirping he had actually heard upon first arriving here. He was trying to get used to the nature but felt that he never would. It was unusual to him, even alien.

Gregory had woken up here almost naked and lying in the snow, thankfully he had woken up with a black duffel bag containing his clothes and all of his standard gear as even when on his ship, he still carried everything in a bag. Old habits died hard. Gregory reached into his bag and pulled out his helmet, putting it on before he continued walking. His theory was that either he was under an intense Curabitur illusion or he had been taken from the ship and dumped onto a nearby planet which just so happened to be full of creatures from Earth before the war.

He spent most of the day running around, confused and trying to figure things out but he had come to eventually. After some time to think Gregory's first objective was to find some kind of shelter, he had spotted wolf tracks yesterday so if he was unable to find shelter he told himself he would be killed in his sleep by a wolf or by something else.

Gregory noticed smoke in the distance and began walking towards it. Was it a sign of a crash, or of civilization on this planet?


Max Valentine

Location: London, Earth, 2196 (Mass Effect Universe)

Max sat in the crowded bar with Bishop lying at his feet as both tried to ignore the commotion, slouching over his drink instead. It had been five days since the two had walked through what some were calling a "portal", others a "hole" and some simply called it a "tear". Max decided he was going to go by the third name he heard.

An Asari sat down at the table across from Max, five days ago he had never seen an alien before but he seemed to take it a lot better than Bishop did who at the first sight of a Krogan he had barked like crazy until the Krogan had ordered Bishop to "can it"

"So I hear you're from the other universe?"

"The other what?" Max replied, spitting out his drink. This was the first he'd heard talk about universes, but he told himself that he hadn't been paying much attention either.

"So you haven't heard, then." She smiled

"Heard what?"

"The...What do you call them."


"The tear you stepped through led to this universe. As if the tear is like some kind of...Gateway between universes."

Max sat up straight in his chair

"Shit." He spoke before taking another drink "That's mighty interesting, but how can you prove it?"

"Well you've never seen other species before. The humans in your universe and ours have a different timeline. How else do you explain it?"

A silence followed before she spoke again "Can I ask you a few questions...Questions about the unive..."

"No." Max replied, finishing his drink and standing up "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd better get back to my own universe. I have some business to take care of."

Bishop followed Max out of the bar and onto the crowded streets of London, it was full of people, both alien and human going about their lives, getting drunk. While there hadn't been much chaos caused by the "gateway", Max and Bishop were both on guard. With such a revelation, someone would snap eventually and cause some kind of chaos. Max wanted no part in the chaos in this universe and instead wanted to focus on his mission. If there was chaos back on New Cape Town and he assumed there would be at least some he could use it to his advantage.

Bishop stopped in his tracks, his ear's pricking up as across the street in a clothes shop that had closed for the night a tear began to open, lightning struck the ground next to the shop and continual lightning struck the windows. Finally the tear opened, obliterating the entrance to the shop and it's windows, causing both glass and the nearby people to scatter. Max on the other hand, continued to stare at it.

"What the hell?" He muttered.
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Within the Beser universe, a tear forms and releases the massage space hulk known as the Devourer of of Stars. Inside of the massive space vessel, the ten foot deamon prince known as Angron observes his new environment for a few moments before ordering the Devourer of Stars to fly towards one of the nearby plants with the intention of collecting skulls for the Blood God.

Ultimate Warrior

Location: New York, 2015 (MCU)

Warrior landed on the roof of some office building. He shouted "WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!" as he ran through the building, knocking normals on their backs. There was an elderly man with a mustache near the exit that replied "This is New York! 'Nuff Said!" he knew that much, but this was different. It looked cleaner, somehow.

There was this giant building in the distance. It said Stark. Whoever that was, they were important.

New York was no stranger to the Warrior. It's where he wrestled Undertaker, and Teamed up with Hulk Hogan to fight Sgt. Slaughter and Col. Mustafa. They had a third guy but no one cared about him.
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Vance Cloverfield


Vance slowly woke up in the middle of the woods. His head pounded in pain and his body ached. The last thing he remembered was being sucked into something and rolling down a hill. Its probably how he got here. Vance couldn't feel himself healing yet and wondered why that was. He shifted into his half werewolf form and was flooded with an almost uncontrollable torrent of rage and anger. Vance quickly reversed the shifted and fell back against a tree. Where the hell was he? And what was happening to his wolf? He had almost lost control right there. But he had also felt much more powerful. Vance shook his head and got back up. He needed to get into town for now. His nose picked up the scent of people and he began to walk towards them.

Robotic Onslaught

Location : San Francisco (Terminatorverse)

Ultron is testing his prime body when the tears are formed. And that time he was suddenly in a location that looks like a nuclear wasteland. "What the..." He said as he tried to transfer his concussion to his other sentries, but just as he tried to do that somehow the connection was disturbed and he was pushed back to his Prime Body.

When He looks around he found some robots that looks like human skeleton are holding some machine gun searching for something. And just as he saw that, some air plane are seen flying towards him.
Warrior continued walking down the street. He walked into a bodega, bought some Slim Jims and an energy drink, wolfed them down, and asked the clerk "CAN YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE EARLY 90'S AND/OR LATE 80'S?!" He didn't care how specific the answers were, anything would do. There were a lot of specifics, but one thing stood out to him. "Super Heroes exist now."
Nikola Tesla

Location: New York, 2015 (MCU)

As Tesla had been working on an invention in his lab, a tear had opened several miles away. Lovecraft had talked about alternate dimensions before and so Nikola's curiosity had gotten the better of him as he put his lab under lock and key, geared up and walked through the portal. According to maps he had found, this was New York city but not the New York he knew.

As he wandered the streets, Tesla passed a man reading a newspaper. According to the date it was 2015. Had he travelled in time just as the character from the H.G Wells novel had done? He attempted to talk to the man but he took no notice of the inventor.

"Pretpostavljam da je moguće. (I suppose it is possible)" He muttered, running a hand through his hair.

As Nikola continued to ponder in the theory of time travel, he heard someone yell. The yell was so mighty and ferocious that even on the ground Nikola was able to hear it. He spotted the Ultimate Warrior, a large and ferocious looking man who Tesla immediately assumed fitted the yell. He kept the Ultimate Warrior in his sights but was prepared to make a getaway or even fight if the man turned out to be hostile.


Location: San Francisco (Terminatorverse)

Mil had been tasked by the Citadel government to investigate the disappearance of a joint Asari-Quarrian science team who were studying an anomaly on the ice planet Mavigon. Upon reaching the research site, Mil discovered that the two members of the science team were dead but the others appeared to have gone through the anomaly.

Following it's objective Mil had stepped through the anomaly after reading some research notes confirming that travelling through the anomaly was possible and had been greeted by a wasteland on the other side. There was little time for recon, as Mil had soon come under attack by humanoid machines and sought cover inside the remains of a building where it set to work on repairing itself.

Several miles from Mil's location several Terminator units approached Ultron's sentries and started to scan them. Upon identifying them as "unknown machines" and thus a threat the Terminators opened fire on the sentries. The Sentries returned fire and the two forces engaged in combat as several HK Ariel units and tanks opened fire on the Ultron's forces.

Mil raised it's "eyebrows" and reached for it's assault rifle as it heard the battle begin. If the humanoid machines were distracted, it could use the opportunity to try and locate the survivors of the science team. Mil stood up and left the building from the back entrance. If the science team was somehow still alive in this wasteland, Mil's primary objective was to find them. Everything else was secondary.

Harley Quinn

Location: Blüdhaven, Arkhamverse

Harley led a team of ten of her goons as they burst open the doors of a bank. Each one of the goons was armed with either an assault rifle or machine gun and they fired into the air, causing the civilians to scatter and scream in fright.

"None of you bozos move!" Harley shouted in a threatening tone, firing her own pistol into the air. As a security guard aimed his pistol at her he was quickly gunned down by one of the goons causing her to smile. She kept this smile on her face as she approached the bank clerk and learned over the desk.

"I'd like to withdraw a deposit, please." She spoke in a humours tone, aiming her pistol at the clerk's face in one hand and holding a bag in the other. Two other goons stood at separate clerk desks, also holding bags.

"You'd better do as the lady says." One goon spoke in a threatening tone

"I don't need you to speak for me!" Harley snapped

"Yes boss." The goon replied

"Now open the vault!" Harley demanded, she nodded at one of her goons who directed the bank clerk from behind her desk.

With a gun to the clerk's head, Harley made her way downstairs. The clerk entered a code into a keypad next to the vault's door, causing it to open.

"Please don't kill me." She pleaded. In response, Harley hit on the back of the head with her pistol, knocking the clerk unconscious. Harley ran inside the vault with her bag and was accompanied by four of her goons. The five of them emptied as much as they could carry into the bags and ran back upstairs.

At this point the police had gotten word of the hiest and were on their way. Harley took one of the civilians hostage, as did several of her goons and they walked outside. Waiting for them were several SWAT cars and multiple police cars.

"Any funny business and we redecorate the walls!" Harley threatened. Using their hostages, Harley and her goons made their way to an armoured car. It had belonged to the police but not only had they stolen it, they had also re-branded it with black and red spraypaint as well as the smiley face of a clown on the front.

They climbed inside with the majority of the hostages going in the back. As the car was chased by the police, two goons began to throw hostages out onto the road in an attempt to stall the police. Harley sat in one of the front passenger seats with her bag at her feet. A goon sitting next to her handed Harley a sub-machine gun before she leaned out of the right window and opened fire, laughing as shot at the police.

"Um...Boss." The driver spoke

"What the hell is it!?" She shouted, leaning inside. The driver did not speak but only pointed at something in the road. A tear had just opened right in front of them

"Well go around it!" Harley ordered threateningly

The driver swerved to the left, turning down a street while some police cars and SWAT vehicles drove straight through the tear. Others continued to pursue the armoured car. The cars had driven through into a small town in the Buffyverse, crashing into other cars and causing a build-up.


Location: American Frontier, 1780 (Assassins Creed Universe)

From atop a tree Connor watched a man wearing strange armour walk through the snow. He was walking towards the smoke of a log cabin a hunter had set up. Connor had been tracking the man for several hours, assuming he was connected to the strange tear that had opened up the day before. Other tears had opened in the area but as far as Connor could tell nothing else had stepped through them yet.

If he could follow the man to the log cabin, he would try and question him. Connor was not going to go through the tear himself for he was afraid of what lurked on the other side so maybe the man from the tear could provide him with some answers. If he became hostile, Connor was prepared to take him out.


A woman wearing a suit and glasses, carrying a blue file appeared in Angron's control room. She fixed her glasses and began to stare at him, smiling.

"Hello there, I was wondering if we could have a little chat." She spoke in a friendly tone, her accent was a mild Texan one.
Confused as to how the strange women manged to enter his ship undetected, Angron begins to speak to her while a few Berzerkers armed with chains swords gather around her. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"Oh, who I am and what I want don't really matter right now. It's what my clients want...And one paid me a pretty big price for dealing with you." She spoke, shooting him a sinister grin. She took several steps towards Angron, causing a Bezerker to attack her. She blocked the sword by holding it with her bare hand, continuing to shoot the smile at Angron as the sword burst into flames, followed by the Bezerker that attacked her. He appeared to be burning alive from inside his suit as he screamed in agony.

The woman let go the sword and fixed her glasses while continuing to stare at Angron while the Bezerker fell to the ground.

"Do you want to have that chat now?" She asked
Annoyed and somewhat impressed that the strange women manged to defeat one of his Berzerkers, Angron gets off of his chair and walks closer to her with his sword in his right hand before speaking." Who sent you and what does he want from me?"
Warrior approached the Serbian scientist, and held out a Slim Jim as a sign of peace. He

"I can't discuss client details. It's a breach of confidentiality." She replied "My client does want one of your abilities, though so naturally, I have come to collect it. You can hand it over willingly, or I will take it by force." She shrugged her shoulders before continuing to speak "Your choice."

Nikola Tesla

Nikola took the Slim Jim in hand, not wanting to anger the warrior and nodded in response before eating it.

"You're not from around here, either?" Tesla asked when he had finished "I'm curious as to what this place is, perhaps you can tell me."
Enraged at the demand of the strange women, Angron releases a loud roar before swinging his blade at her head at full speed." You dare demand something of me you insolent welp!"
Warrior stood there, slowly turning in circles, and pumping his fists to the gods "I AM FROM PARTS UNKNOWN, I AM FROM THE LAND WHERE THE GODS MEET THE MEN! THE LAND WHERE DESTINY TRUCES WITH REALITY! I AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He pointed to the ground. "And this...IS NEW YORK CITY!"
Tesla half-smiled in response to the Warrior's speech. "Is this, a...Perhaps different kind of New York?" Tesla asked "As in, a different New York than the one you are used to?"


The woman folded her arms and laughed in response, a laugh consisting of multiple voices as Angron's sword appeared to hit some kind of ward or barrier, unleashing a powerful shockwave against the deamon prince in response to his attack.
Stumbling a little from the force of the shockwave, Angron quickly recovers and begins to relentlessly attack the barrier as he becomes consumed with rage.

The woman continued to laugh as Angron stuck the barrier. Each strike offered a shockwave in response. As Angron was unleashing another strike, she reached for his face with her right hand in an attempt to grab it.


"Men could fly around in armour at the dawn of the twentieth century." Tesla muttered, taking the Slim Jim "Unless...Of course." He paused in mid-thought "The eighteen eighties were before the war, before the technology was invented. Both of us have travelled to the future of our world...Although." He looked at the half-eaten Slim Jim "That does not explain the presence of these. Where did you find them?"
There were only two explinations to Tesla's explination. Either he was related to Max Moon, or alternate universes are involved.

Vance had just entered town when loud crashing was heard. He ran onto Main Street and saw cars piled up. His eyes widened he saw a strange tear in the air? He walked towards but tripped over broken bumper. Vance fell in a pool of blood and felt himself shift on instinct. He turned as he heard footsteps approaching him. Vance was faced with several teenage girls who carried wooden stakes. The head girl stepped forward and pointed at him. "Kill the werewolf!" Vance's eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet. He looked for a way to escape and his eyes landed back on the tear. Vance made a split second decision and ran towards it. 5 of the slayers followed behind him. He entered into it and was flung onto some type of road.

Seeing that the women was reaching for his face, Angron puts his blade in front of his face and precedes to jam it into the barrier as he attempts to create and opening in the barrier. As Angron is attacking the barrier with his sword, he pulls out his plasma pistol with his left hand and begins to fire it at the women's head. While this is happening, the five remaining Bezerkers begin to fire bullets with the explosive for of a grenade at the women with their bolter pistols.
"At least the undead hordes never rose again." Tesla sighed "I think you're right, this universe, this dimension is not our own."

The pigeon from Tesla's lab landed on his shoulder and he fed the remaining Slim Jim to it before gently stroking the pigeon on the head.

"I think the bigger question now is...What caused these tears and just how widespread are they? Is it more than just our universes and this one?"

Just as Tesla was in thought, a car pulled up and several armed men and women, all wearing SHIELD uniforms stepped out. They were all equipped with night-night guns instead of offensive weapons.

"Get on the ground!" A man demanded


Harley Quinn

From the car, Harley noticed several people chasing a humanoid creature out of the tear, all armed with stakes. She replied to this by opening fire on not just the people chasing the creature, but the creature itself. She heard the gun click and reached out to one of her goons, who handed her another clip. She laughed as she continued shooting at everyone who had emerged from the portal as well as the remaining police cars.

This hiest had gotten a whole lot more interesting.


The woman brought her hand away from Angron's face and brought both of her hands together. The bullets fired by the Bezerkers stopped at the barrier for several seconds only for a swam of their bullets to fly back at them. The rounds fired by the plasma pistol also stopped at the barrier and the woman aimed them for Angron's head, preparing to unleash them.

"Now, be a dear and surrender will you?"
Ignoring the women's threats, Angron throws his plasma pistol aside and precedes to grab his massive sword with both hands before delivering a attack at the barrier with all of his strength." I will crush you like the insignificant worm you are!"
The muscular man started shouting "PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS! He puts himself in-front of Tesla. "This is a man of science. And I...AM THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He points at the man shouting at him "YOU...YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A NORMAL! YOU DON'T DO SERVE TO BREATH THE SAME BREATH AS ME!" He shouted.
Vance ran away from the slayers and the hail of bullets, jumping behind a police car. A slayer jumped behind the car with him and he got in position to fight. He head butted her and slashed her arm. Vance grabbed her by the neck and threw her backwards into another 2 slayers. He really had to escape. If only this shooting could stop... Vance sucked in a deep breath and looked at the sky. Even though the moon wasn't full there was still a certain power to even looking at it. The street became darker and darker as lights were busted. Soon Vance was bathed in darkness and stood up straight. From an outsider's perspective all that could be seen were two chilling shiny golden eyes. Then, Vance let out a roar. A roar that sent chills down the spines of everyone present and made goosebumps rise on their skin.


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