Dazed, confused, but chugging on.
Julia's harsh glare managed to frighten away the anxiety mist the other four were trapped in. They bowed their heads and muttered "Yes, ma'am" in unison.
"I'll still feel better tonight if I helped lock down the hotel." Giffany raised her hand.
"Yeah, you can probably patrol better than us." Hinaro's ears perked up. "With your powers, you can get into every nook and cranny!"
"Well, let's see..." Giffany tapped her fingers with each power. "I can travel through wires and monitors and stuff, I can make a ball of electricity to use as a light, I can change the color and texture of my hair to camouflage-"
"Hold up."
"Yes, Rex?"
"I can believe the other two, but why can you camouflage?"
"Oh, it's because my father was an octopus." Giffany's naïve smile reappeared.
Rex, VV, and Hinaro all started to gag.
Condition: Fine. (Remaining self-confidence: 100)
Mood: ...Shit, we're stuck in Tokyo.
Location: Tokyo streets
Items: Buster Sword
Text Color: dedb72
Interactions: Open (Chomusuke Interactions: Idle)
Condition: A bit scuffed, but nothing serious. Certain memories have been wiped.
Mood: Sad, guilty
Location: A subway system in Manhattan
Items: Manatite Staff, Chomusuke
Text Color: BD1431
(Chomusuke Text Color: 562020 )
Condition: Scraped underbelly and electrocuted. Certain memories wiped. Self confidence has slightly recovered. (+5) (Remaining self-confidence: 95)
Mood: Worried
Location: Tokyo basement
Items: None
Text Color: d2661d
Condition: Triple fried Lopunny, bleeding injuries from Necromorphs. Sustaining injuries to her back. Self confidence has been destroyed. (-100) (Remaining self-confidence: 0)
Mood: Enraged
Location: Tokyo subway
Items: None
Text Color: bf8955
Condition: QUADRUPLE fried Glameow. Self confidence has slightly recovered. (+5) (Remaining self-confidence: 60)
Mood: Trying to relax
Location: Tokyo basement
Items: Focus Scarf, bundle of berries, cell phone
Text Color: 91a9cd
Condition: Spooky scary ghost. Physical body is on the surface. Self confidence has taken damage. (-25) (Remaining self-confidence: 115)
Mood: Very angry.
Location: Unknown
Items: None
Text Color: f1a113
Condition: Moderately injured by Necromorphs and VV. Self confidence has slightly recovered. (+5) (Remaining self-confidence: 44)
Mood: Hopeful
Location: Tokyo basement
Items: Her bag, Oswald, A backpack mainly filled with TMs, HMs, and TRs, but she probably has other items inside, too.
Text Color: ed7fac
Vegan Velociraptor:
Interactions: Open
Condition: Fine. Self confidence has slightly recovered. (+5) (Remaining self-confidence: 95)
Mood: Confused
Location: Tokyo subway
Items: Soybean minigun
Text Color: 2ebf27
Interactions: Idle
Condition: Fried Zalak. Heavily injured due to Necromorphs. Self confidence has taken heavy damage. (-78) (Remaining self-confidence: 22)
Mood: Sad, worried, confused
Location: Tokyo streets
Items: Standard fire equipment (minus axe)
Text Color: 7e604e