• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • Nebula
    So this robot's name is Bio-Beta... And he allegedly came from... Wait, so those Necromorphs were just.... There?... And he's asking for their blood sample? Talk about coincidence. Either way, Neb shook his head
    "The only sample we have of them are... Well... They're in the tunnels leading to you, probably being cleaned up right now... But judging from the way everyone coughed funny when they got wounded by those things, I guess...."
    He materialized another scythe with the magic from his Spark. No traces of previous use, and definitely no blood
    "I might go check if the dead bodies are still there, and I'll give you any samples I can find. In return, can you tell me more about where we are?..."

  • flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LUCY222 LUCY222 xLovepupx xLovepupx P PopcornPie

    Natasha glances at Nightshade, and then gives Eric a flat stare. "Is this the one you called 'mom'..?"

    "Also, what were you talking about with me seeming 'younger'? Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

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Alisa McNish: The Outlaw Racer of Las Vegas
tear in the multiverse.jpg

Location: Outside of Tunnel, Tokyo
Mood: Being Quiet
Interaction: Knockout & Ren
Mention: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Crow Crow

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Alisa looked at Knockout in his Transformer form when he said that the Necromorph blood spills in his paint job, she didn’t know at all that he is a Transformer so it could be a quite interesting person to meet at all and he said to the robot known as Bio Beta who he is.

She listens when Bio-Beta says that he is one of the Derelicts on board the Lun Infinus station and it said that a biological sample known as Sample 217 is the key to achieving the spark of life for the robot before she would walk away from the subway tunnel while trying to have both Knockout and Ren following her after it thinks that the mission is finished yet she was so excited to check out Tokyo with her group, We’re gonna stay here until tomorrow because we’re gonna have to take a rest from taking out those Necromorphs, wanna drive around the streets of Tokyo?

She suggested and she walked back to her R8 after she would walk back from the way where they have fought the Necromorphs while managing to have both the Transformer and the Corvette driver to follow her before flicking the keys in the ignition to start the engine and before she could try to drive to find a hotel to take some rest from fighting off the Necromorphs. She sighed and would start driving to find some sort of a hotel but realized that she doesn’t get Japanese Yen in her wallet before she could pull out her wallet to see $48,901 in her own wallet, And I realized that I haven’t got freaking Yen now because I have dollars in my own American wallet, well done to go to Japan for myself without having Yen… Now, I just need to find an ATM that could have my ATM card working if it should be great that it worked.

She mumbled, she had forgotten that she had dollars in her own wallet so she decided to find an ATM or a bank just to have some Yen in her pocket and. Alisa turned on the AUX cord and listens to Laugh Now Cry Later before she would see a ATM that was standing near a shop, she sighed because she must be a bit dumb so she got out of the GTR and tries to have some decent Yen to pay the hotel room then got back in the GTR and would try to drive towards a decent hotel to stay for the day while she was waiting for both Knockout and Ren to follow.

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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Squinting at Lucy and her...sigh. She would look like this in any other place that isn’t Vast. She’d wonder how it were possible, but she tries not to question things like this. Nice to see you, Princess.
I see.” She says as Marvin began to sort of explain things. So she’s in a place that doesn’t hold just Pokemon? It honestly excites her a bit, the idea of meeting something that isn’t the common newborn.
Oh- just her luck!! Nightshade gasps the moment Giffany came up to the group. Human? No. ..Yes? No matter, the plant dropped her guard a bit more. “I...hello! It’s nice to meet you.” Blinking. “I think it would help to be updated on whatever you’ve all been dealing with.


H-hey, Eric! I’m fine, yeah.” Turning as Eric and co. reached the group. She took a moment to look at the state everyone was in. Whatever happened had to have been difficult to deal with, huh? She couldn’t help but be a bit concerned, especially for those she knew here. The one’s she greatly cared for.
Still a bit too nervous to ask about everyone else, sadly. Only nodding when it came to the question of the hotel. Thank goodness for that mood lifter.
Staring at Natasha, puzzled, before trying to contain a giggle. “Mom..?” She knows what that implies. Don’t think it was her, but it surely had to have been…


Location: Tokyo, Japan.
Currently: Doing okay.

flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 LUCY222 LUCY222 P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch MCProvata MCProvata

  • "Agreed." The stench was so utterly revolting that even Cloud couldn't help but cover his nose. Man, they really made short work of those enemies...Perhaps they should spritz the place with freshener while they were at it?

    As they emerged, Eric put his concern about being stuck in Tokyo to bed, only to awaken another one. "Lockdown? From what?"

    Next thing he knew, he-presumably Tifa, Aerith, and Kassandra, too-were brought to a weird Pokémon reunion. It was sweet, but he couldn't really make a comment.


  • P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

    Julia looks at Hinaro and shakes her head. "She's beyond reason...but maybe she'll have calmed down a bit by now."

    The Espeon glances at Rex when he brings up Emer's body. "Speaking of which, what exactly are you planning on doing with it? Last I checked, none of use are the Medic with a capital M."

    While the others talked, Julia closes her eyes to take a look around. There was a large group exiting the subway including Natasha and Eric, but presumably Marnie would have done that earlier. But she couldn't have gone far in her condition, which meant she'd be around...

    "Ah, I think that's her." She opens her eyes and points in the direction of the hotel. "Marnie's at the same hotel from before. Either someone took her there, or she went there herself...to hide, perhaps?"
When Oba agreed that there were more important things to worry about, she nodded. “Yeah, there’s clearly more important things to worry about. I’ll come with you after I take these guys to where I’m staying.” Before she could walk off, she glanced up at the rooftop to see something getting ready to jump down which prompted her to quickly put her phone away and take out her pistol, aiming it at the figure. Once it jumped, she started firing at it while it was in midair and hopefully she landed at least one shot on it as it landed on Oba and began to drag her into somewhere.

Skye tried to aim for a spot where Oba wouldn’t be at risk but she found that to be a bit hard to do. “
Damn it!” The Siren began to head towards the spot where whatever took Oba went, trying to find a way through it.

The Floran hadn't gotten very far at all.. no.. not before she felt a force knock her down.. and then..

Lurking on the rooftops, the alien predator waited for the moment to strike.

The moment didn't seem to arrive, instead sounds of conflict filled the air.

One of those voices heard was in fact the culprit.

He knew he could not go in for the killing strike in that open space.

But he also knew he could not lurk like this undetected forever.

Subject Four thought could steal the target and kill it elsewhere, that he can do provided it had no hidden tricks.

This was his only option at this point.

Repositioning himself on the rooftop he calculated the best possible angle to pounce.

Springing from the rooftops Subject Four landed on Oba knocking the Floran down.

He had to act fast or fear losing his quarry, with his human like hands he grabbed the floran by the head and upper arm letting out a low hiss.

With his upper more alien appendages he held his claws out as a threat, he then dragged the floran away through the hidden spaces he once lurked in.

His quarry will Fight back but Subject Four knew he could dispatch one alien target currently.

His current objective was to escape with his quarry and then survive afterwards.

Should he fail, his only objective would be....

The Floran let out a raspy, loud growl, feeling herself then be picked up. Rather uncomfortably too.. PAINFULLY even!!


Oba obviously began squirming, kicking the creature as best as she could, even trying to clamp her jaws down desperately on any flesh she could see!!


Zane raises his rifle and fires a volley of bullets in the direction of Subject Four, aiming wherever Oba wouldn't accidentally be hit. Unfortunately, Subject Four is far too swift, and the Vault Hunter's bullets miss. Quickly, he looks to the others in his team.

"Alright, play time's over. Stop arguin' and get off yer' arses. We need to rescue that flower lady. Even if she's crazier than a shitefaced Psycho." Zane turns to Skye with his signature smirk. "Skye! Ya' got any tricks this time around, lass?"

In the distance, Stealth grabs Kieron by the wrist. "Alright," he begins as he faces the crewmate. "You wanna survive in this world, you gotta follow my lead. I'm, like, 99% sure your captain's in danger right now. That, or he's ABOUT to be. We've got a crazy looking monster in the area, and if you split off from the group... I DUNNO what's gonna happen to you, but it probably won't be good. Follow. Me. Got it?"
At that exact moment, as he had almost stood up, Four finally reveals himself. The monster jumps from the roof of the wreckage, leaping upon Oba and rushing away back into the ship... with the Floran in his hands. Voss, since he was right next to Oba, nearly got swiped away as well. Instead, Four's body as he rushed in accidentally hit Voss. The sea captain ended up tumbling a short distance toward the direction Four went. Voss ended up on his face as well as a strange feeling that something was missing where his left peg leg should be...

His prosthetic runner's leg ended up caught on Four's body as he passed, causing it to dislodge from Voss' body. The leg, just as Oba, was stolen away by Four. It wasn't even clear if the monster even noticed it was on his side. Voss could only helplessly watch as Oba and his leg were kidnapped.

As for Abbott, once he saw Skye's sudden change in behavior, he glanced toward where she was pointing her gun anD OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?? Abbott screamed and ran a safe distance from where Four entered and left the scene. After that, when he saw Voss on the ground, Abbott yelled for him while maintaining his spot behind Zane and Skye. Voss didn't answer, likely because he was trying to process what the fuck just happened.


"VOSS!! Are you okay??"
The Floran had no idea what she was meant to do now.. keep struggling?? No that wasn't working.. Fight?? NO.. well actually...

It occured to the Floran, she still had the dagger from threatening Voss...

She gripped, before digging it straight into the creature's hand, snarling at him still.


The chances of the others still being able to hear Oba's cries were very likely..

Vermin King Vermin King Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

  • "This place is cool! Eric says it's kinda as bad as Vast, but.. I dunno. Maybe. I mean, you probably can avoid trouble easier. Especially since everyone here seems pretty friendly and also can destroy any bloodthirsty newborn in the blink of an eye.
    but.. I'm glad you're here!! Maybe. I hope it's not too bad. mh gf,hb nm,!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Excited robot.
    "i've told p[eople abouty ou ngihtshade!!! like hwo sweet and nice and cute you are and,.,.sfkjbnvkbmhkldjoisjahya0e53qjpbnjghaw690yufey0RJDASJFOIESWYHRGJSJ"
    This is completely normal behavior for Marvin. Just happy and making noise.

    "and.., how is that lucy. theyre so fuckng big how"

    xLovepupx xLovepupx LUCY222 LUCY222

Assassin, Sasaki Kojirō
status: In japan, mission end, and a potential question.
condition: normal
It has been made clear enough after the short interactions, and the robot's reassurance over a lack of those creatures, that the conflict has came to an end. So as everyone else started vacating the hideout constructed by Bio-beta, Sasaki sword was reinserted back to it's sheath with a simple sound of the guard hiting wood.

Given what he said to the pokemon, it would imply that Bio has a large recollection of human history, includeing such fictional beings like himself. Who is to say that he might have something of note to enlighten him with? And as much as it would be interesting to see a "simulation" of a few outher possible events, he would have to explain the very nature of magi and servants. The former in this case is absolutely lacking in that regard. Only that vixen he formerly served could explain such things.

"You said that you have a record of all of human history. And from what you told those pastel colored creatures, that also includes works of fiction, correct?" He continues "...if that is the case. What can you tell me about myself. I am the assassin class servant, Sasaki Kojirou." With only that fur ball around, it felt reasonable to say his name at this time...unless something of note occurred.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch SkipTheKip SkipTheKip Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
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  • My head soon turned itself around as I saw that one of the girls from before was sound and safe, and not horribly mangled because of this dude. A sigh of relief came from me- okay, they could take a hit just like me. That's good to know. But still, I could slooowly feel the adrenaline getting itself out of my body, and the pain of getting shot at high speeds through the metal hull of a massive fucking warship started to catch up to me. It wasn't...Awful, I've been through worse, but by God, it hurt a lot, ahaha.

    From what I could guess, the authorities were gonna come here soon, principally after this whole fight. I tsked under my mask. This would mean they would take the unconscious body of the Guardsman away, and I wasn't sure I wanted to risk staying here- I figure the authorities wouldn't be too kind to me and try and arrest me too. But...Maybe these girls and this 'general' was related to them? Maybe if I appeal a little bit, they would let me go...But there's also the issue of them letting me speak with the Guardsman. And I needed answers to figure out where the hell I was, and what the hell was going on with my bod-

    My body once again seemed to glitch out, once again waaaay more violently, my atoms moving about, and to anyone watching, like the General and the other two, it would almost appear as my entire being went like some sort of 3D blur effect, which in actuality, was my atoms slowly separating themselves from my being. Now that hurt.

    "GAH! MERDA!" I don't like swearing, but hey, even Spider-Man has his limits! ...Still, I fell on my knees and began panting. Very heavily. "I...Um...Sorry, ah...I have no idea what I'm gonna do, probably find a way home, honestly! My atoms don't like being here..."

Two COOL eyes draw themselves to Marvin. COOL. DID I MENTION I’M COOL? Yeah probably.

“IT’S NOT! I UNDERSTAND LUCY AND I SHARE THE SAME HUGE, HULKING, MUSCULAR, COOL FIGURE, SO SURE IT WOULD BE EASY TO MIX US UP... BUT IT’S NOT! Princess Iced Cream Sparkles! Yep- that’s the name. And um... I’m like really fucking hungry ohmygod can we please get food please“

I could literally eat one of you right now. Can you hear it? Like the very claws of hell rattling at my stomach, prepared to rupture it- prepared to turn my belly into a cavity of flame and anguish. BBWWBWEEBRRBRBRERBBR- that’s what it sounds like. Growling. Revving like some kind of engine. Either I eat something or that motor erupts afire- either I eat something, or... i dunno i’ll just be hungry i guess. BUT STILL!!! FOOD! PLEASE! GOD I’M HUNGRY I AM SO FUCKING HUNRGYYRGDFYGD.
Tokyo, Japan

Meanwhile, Leighton's been with Eric and his group as well, but he's been silent up until now. The pink & purple Latios, still solid and metallic-looking due to forgetting to disengage his combat mode, has just been politely quiet, so as to not interrupt. However, a very clearly inorganic-looking birb-plane-derg-thing probably draws at least some attention to itself, right?

Location: Manhattan
After resting at the bench for a bit, Lilith gets up from said bench and yawns. "Hmm. I wonder what's going on back in that subway." Lilith thinks to herself as she rubs one of her eyes. "Whatever it is those people probably got it covered, I know I couldn't go through all of that by myself." She then looks around for a bit before deciding to explore Manhattan a little more. "I should get going." She quiet says to herself before leaving the area.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Anyone in Manhattan

  • "Umm...The magic people don't seem to be here..." Giffany shuffled her feet on the ground. "I do have another way to heal myself, kind of, but it's something I haven't really felt brave enough to show anyone..."

    "I don't want to." Rex replied with a grimace. "Giff does. She wants to revive the physical body and then seal Emer's ghost back inside it." He shrugged. "Her plan, not mine."

    "Marnie does cool down quickly, but seeing as she blames herself for everything that happened, somebody needs to set the record straight." Hinaro gulped. "But yeah, that's Marnie, going to extreme lengths to prove a point..."

  • Subway Tunnel

    Eric's eyes go wide at Natasha's question. He looks between the Lilligant and the Glaceon, his cheeks a bright pink. Now Nightshade knows of his slip-up, too. "N-no! This is, um, Nightshade. Who I called..." He murmurs the word 'mom' really, really quietly. "...is someone else entirely." Eager to change the subject, he turns to the Lilligant again. "Uh, Nightshade! This is Natasha. She's a... close friend. I never told you about it, but before I came to Vast, I was helping out around Natasha's mom's guild on a continent named Celestia. We've been through... a lot together. Natasha, meet Nightshade, another Lore Hunter like Marvin."

    His blush becomes even more intense when he hears Natasha's second question.

    "No, no, I mean I literally come from the future where you're older and we're..." He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "...formally dating, I think? I might've taken you to a couple restaurants, but my memory's a little murky. Gh... talking about this with younger you is so weird. And speaking of restaurants," he smiles at Princess Iced Cream Sparkles (whose name both writer and character still have to contain their laughter at) "You guys might've missed it, but there was this huge robot attack that forced everyone into shelters around the city. But it's been around an hour and the army should be lifting shelter orders soon, so I can take you guys to eat at the ramen place I work at!"

    That explanation should answer Cloud's question, too, as evidenced by the glance Eric gives him.

    "...oh. Wait. You guys don't know what ramen is, huh."

    The Espeon continues on, finally leaving the subway tunnels and stepping out into the fresh air of Tokyo. He takes a deep breath as he looks up at the sparsely-starred night sky. Out on the Tokyo streets, life is finally being restored to the whole city. Army patrols wander the roads, civilians and other weird-looking creatures from other universes being escorted by officers and soldiers.

    Eric leans down and stretches, much like a cat would. "Told you guys."

    flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 xLovepupx xLovepupx LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Monarch381 Monarch381 P PopcornPie MCProvata MCProvata @anyoneelseimforgettinghelp

    Bio-Beta's Hideout

    "I have no information on you," Bio-Beta admits to Sasaki, sounding a little regretful of the fact. "There is little information I have on many of you. I suppose the intricacies of human culture was not on the forefront of my creator's minds... until the day I supposed humanity was destroyed. Only the most basic of knowledge is stored within my data." The robot turns to Nebula. "My inquiry is the same as yours. I suspected at least one of you would be able to tell me my current location. It seems confusion is a common theme here," he states with dry humor.

    Laix_Lake Laix_Lake SkipTheKip SkipTheKip

    Basement Group

    "Marnie?" Crescendo looks around in confusion, staying close to Syl in order to comfort her. "Who's Marnie?"

    Honestly, not even I know where Rene went. Man just up and disappeared.

    LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck


    Yeahh, something's happening alright. Tokyo is filled with some rather shaken-up looking civilians and army patrols escorting them out of shelters below ground. It looks like a recovering warzone- especially with the debris scattered here and there. No major damage, but something definitely happened here.

    One of the soldiers out and about the streets comes up behind Vitan, asking something worriedly in Japanese. Sure, she probably won't be able to understand the exact words, but it definitely sounds something like, 'excuse me, are you okay?' or something like that.

    Chungchangching Chungchangching


  • As Eric spoke, Cloud felt his big pool of thoughts be pumped full of new material. If Eric was from a future, that must have meant the phenomenon sending them here was capable of transcending time. What if Eric was from a future where humanity was wiped out and replaced with pastel animals?

    "We were down there all day...?" Cloud mused at the night sky. Perhaps Necromorphs weren't as weak as they seemed. Yet, lo and behold, Eric had been telling the truth about a robot invasion; The city was still recovering, the army trying to get everyone back to normal life. Made one wonder just how dangerous those robots were.

    But there was about to be ramen. Ramen was awesome.
    Basement"Oh, Marnie's my best friend and partner. She's a Lopunny bounty hunter, you might have heard of her in passing." The Glameow explained. "Usually, she's laid back and cheerful, but then all this grief got piled onto her. I think getting kicked out by Julia was the finishing-" Naturally, he had forgotten about Julia still being there as she let it escape her lips. "-Um, never mind."
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  • flowerfan19283 flowerfan19283 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LUCY222 LUCY222 xLovepupx xLovepupx P PopcornPie Monarch381 Monarch381

    Natasha nods. "Oh, okay...wait, WHAT?!"

    The Glaceon takes a moment to process that, blushing at the thought of them formally dating. Sure, she liked him, but... "What in the...well, you sure haven't changed much. Do I even want to know how old you are?"

    She raises an eyebrow as the conversation continues. "You work at a restaurant now?"

    Natasha glances up at the sky. "Damn, it's been that long?"
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Denzel initially opened his arms to prepare for the hug, but he quickly retracted them back toward his body when Giffany changed her mind. "Contagious..? Oooh... Are these dudes, like, zombies or somethin'...?" The surfer paused for a moment. He used his arm to wipe some of the blood off his face, but it couldn't help to remove the large stain on his bandana or his hair. Some of it had dried already. "... Uh... Is gettin' this on me bad...?" Denzel said, sounding a little concerned.

Of course, he was more concerned with Giffany's health than anything else. Especially when he considered her open wounds. "Well, okay, I guess. I don't know what this stuff'll do to you, but you should probably get some help soon, dudette." Giffany diverted her attention to someone she called Nightshade. It was someone Denzel had never met before, so the surfer formally greeted himself for not only Nightshade but anyone else present who hadn't met him.

"Whoa-ho-ho! Wassup, new peeps? The name's Denzel. How do ya do?"
Denzel empathized that last sentence with a short bow, complete with a fancy twirl of the wrist.

Of course, how could he ever forget Cass? She recognized the surfer as being one of the pirates, causing Denzel to suddenly frown. Oh yeah, the crew wasn't here with him.

"Oh, yeah, uh... Speakin' of which, have any of you dudes and dudettes seen the others? They didn't come here with me. I'm kinda worried."

At that time, somebody new also came by. It was Eric, who had suggested that the group join him in finding a safe place to stay. Denzel leaned on his surfboard. "I mean, I don't really have any other place to go right now. That'd be real appreciated, man. Thanks a bunch, dude!"

Denzel remained quiet as everyone else spoke. But he made plenty of shocked facial expressions, especially from Giffany's account of what she'd endured during the last few minutes. Denzel was far from the original group, so this all... a lot of information to take in, as to be expected.

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
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  • Nebula
    Well... Since everyone's just as confused as he is, he might as well brush it aside and do whatever it is he needs to do. He decided to take his leave for a while
    "Soo you're also as lost as I am... Oh well... You still need those samples, right?... I'll go get them, if I still can...."
    He went back the way he came in, and decided to cut up some more of those Necromorphs... err... What remains of them. The tunnels here reek of death, and Neb was a bit disgusted by these buggers... He decided to keep the samples floating by him. Best not to stain his fur that much, considering it sent a lot of people into a coughing fit.
    Neb returns to Bio-Beta, presenting him with a complete array of flesh, bones, coagulated blood... And whatever else those Necromorphs were made of. All of which are decently-sized. Should be enough for the robot to work with. He also presented his magic scythe. Perhaps there's a few more stuck to it?
    "I'm back, Bio-Beta! And the samples you were asking for... Here they are..."

World Wide News:

Right after everything seemingly calmed down, and that everything seem to be perfectly handled for the heros... the news team finally got all the footage they gotten, and decided to pack up and head home today, after especially since they were dancing with death earlier when fighting began, especially since they needed to rely on the others to carry them to safety. So with final goodbyes, the trio now began traveling out of the tunnels, going to the nearest portal station in order to get a portal home... as the camera now changes scenes back to Abelgard Müller who was still sitting in his seat after all of this, as he now began to speak once more:

“Well, it seems that even with a event such as this, you could always expect your friendly neighborhood heroes to go and save the day, but also make sure to show some credit to the news team as well, for them willingly going into combat in order to not only record everything in detail, but also help the heroes in taking down the hordes of those undead humanoids as well, so make sure to thank a hero or two the next time you see them roaming the streets of your city.”

As the main host then stacked a pile of papers together, now getting ready to go on with the next part of the report.

“In other news, it seems that the fighting within Rio has seem to calm down for the most part, and to those who are watching this live over there, we wish you the greatest of luck in order to survive the battles going on in Brazil... but the main event today, is also located within Tokyo, it’s like they are a magnet that attracts this kind of stuff... in a bad way.”

As the scene then changes to a district within Tokyo, a residential district named: Shinjuku, the streets seem to be less empty during the day, especially during the night periods of the city, where it was completely empty... like a ghost town, as the voice of the masked man could be heard again:

“In the Residential district of Shinjuku, there seems to be signs of unexplained disappearances of both regular humanoid species as well as some animals, even those considered sentient in some cases... and while it is unknown who is pulling the strings behind the scenes here, the people are still nonetheless afraid of being the next missing individual, and the fact that not many clues exist other than this one symbol does nothing to calm their nerves....”

as the camera then changes to a shot of some strange symbol, like it was meant to signify something, even as simply the shape may be.... but it seems to be a bit... uneasy to the eyes upon those who looked at it:

“This symbol right here might be a way of marking the territory or places that this mysterious faction has struck throughout Shinjuku, and while it may be a symbol of a Gang... or even possibly something else entirely, to those living within Tokyo, I wish you the best of luck... and remember these few words...”

“Goodnight and goodluck”

as the report finally finished, having reported the latest of the world news... but it seems that something ‘big’ was about to pop up in Tokyo soon... but it is not clear of how long it would be until they will finally make a slip and reveal themselves to the world..... but while it seems like anyone could go and throw in their dice and try to catch the people behind the scenes.... but remind yourself....

That Overconfidence is a slow and Insidious Killer...

@ To those watching the news
Cameron Wilson-Müller: The Water Absorbing Mercenary
tear in the multiverse(2).png
Location: Tokyo Basement
Mood: Being His Most Quiet Yet
Interaction: Julia, William, Aqua, & Talria
Mention: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢.....

Cameron laughed when Talria said not only did he showed a lot of promise because of his very decent aim and communication and he is informally joined the Global Vanguard until Commander Zavala formally accepted him in the near future if he would go back to the GV Headquarters in Manhattan, the half-German would look at some sort of talking Pokemon at a basement of some sort before he could walk towards them in the basement while managing to get curious on why they are in the basement after they too fought off the creatures in the subway earlier on before they could meet the robot hacker known as Bio Beta. He looked at his holster in order to check if there were some magazines left of his M4A4 and looked back at the basement group, Guten tag, guys!! I was wondering why there is some sort of a keller with some of you going to the basement if all of you would like to want some help.

He said, he would look around the basement with a curiosity look in his eyes while managing to wait for the female Titan and Aqua if the two could follow him as well in the basement. He could just wait out while he actually pulled out a bottle of water which he bought in a supermarket store before he took a sip of the water when he opened the cap with ease and closed back the water bottle with the cap after he absorb a bit of the water in order to have some water left in his powers when he sighed in relief because of the water which he absorb. Cameron waits out for one of the members of the Pokemon group to respond and the half-German could just to be dependable on why the group entered the basement.


  • "I see..." Hinaro nodded with an understanding smile. "I think Marnie was mostly upset that she disappointed you, but honestly, having a rug pulled out from under her isn't exactly a new thing. She's looked up to you for years, you know, I think even a little ways before she evolved. She has always wanted to impress you."

    "Oh, no, Denzel, I haven't seen any of the other pirates, I'm sorry..." Giffany bowed her head. "But everybody who knows everybody seems to be spawning here, so they've got to be around here somewhere, right?"
Aaaaaand there we go! I was right! Well, that didn't take too long to happen. I'm in Tokyo, for God's sake. Crazy crap always happens in the capital of countries. Speaking of which, a soldier came from behind and asked me if I was okay. I had my guard up, so it didn't surprise me that much. My body jolted itself straight from my somewhat slouchy posture. My heart skipped a beat there as I turned to the man, eyes widened. I expected something crazy since we're in a recovering warzone and all. It's just a normal soldier asking me if I'm okay. That's a relief, there's still that lingering feeling that something bad will happen. Had a pretty bad experience with soldiers, hell, armies in general. I will maintain my cautiousness.

I've been here for quite a while now. Of course I know Japanese. A little broken, but it's understandable.

"[Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. I was just going home to feed my little sister. Do you speak English? Can we please switch to that if you can?]"

Now that somebody stopped me. I looked around the area. Might as well ask what even happened here. I don't pay attention to the chaos that doesn't directly affect me since I have a slight case of Bystander Syndrome, but the mess I'm seeing piqued my curiosity.

["Okay, uh, what happened here? If you don't mind me asking."]

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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  • P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

    Cass shakes her head. "Nnnnope. Just you."

    As the news continued playing on the TV, people started freaking out, again.

    Julia turns off the TV and glares at them. "Stop panicking. It'll get you nowhere. If you act like this every time something happens, you're going to have a heart attack."

    She rubs her head. "Just be careful as always. You can worry about it if and when you get involved, and know more about the situation."

    The Espeon looks at Cameron and waves a paw. "We're fine, thank you."
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