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Teacher's Pet

She got out the graded papers and set them face down on each desk so that when they walked in they could review their scores. She finished and sat back down. Of course Justin didn't receive any because he didn't turn any in to her. She began to get all the quizes together so that after studying they could get to work. She looked across at Justin. "You don't have to stay with me, you can go and talk with your friends, just be back for class. She felt like he really hated it here. She frowned. Someone like him should smile and be happy more.
"It's fine I'm good being here thinking about the quiz" he said and put his head down trying to get some rest while he has the chance.
She nodded and went to go and get her cup of coffee for the day. When she reached the teachers lounge she was hounded by the other teachers asking her about the student that was sent to live with her. She answered them with short to the point answers then left as quickly as she could. She never in a million years thought she would be responsible student. And Why did he have to be a more attractive student at that. What was their age difference? 5 years. Thats not alot. She blushed dark red and shook the thoughts away. She thought about ways she could get Justin to brighten up. She wanted to know what he looked like when he was happy. Being down was normal for everyone, but never being happy....that is impossible.

Sayuri returned to class and put her cup down and turned to write on the bored. Vocabulary Quiz Today: I hope you studied Then sat down at her desk and sipped on her coffee until the bell rang and students began filing in. The class filled with chatter and moving chairs as the students sat and reviewed their grades some groaned and some got excited. "Okay class you have 15 minutes to study your words and then I will hand out the tests." She called over the commotion.
Justin sighed as he was prepared since he cheated. He just waited for Miss Tate to hand out the quizzes. Justin sighed, some students was whispering about him living with Miss Tate but he acted like he didn't hear.
She let the time pass, she too heard whispers. "Okay class." She clapped her hands together. "Time for the quiz. Everyone put your things away. You know the rules." She stood in front of the class holding her stack of papers. Once she saw everyones things were concealed she began to pass the papers out and double check or any cheaters.
She looked up at Justin, being the first one to turn it in. She was expecting him to hand her a blank paper but it was filled up and from what it looked like from a glance they were all correct. She looked up at him at he turned and walked back to his desk. She looked at the paper. Not even her smartest student finished that quickly. She looked the paper over. All the answers were correct. She pulled out the answer sheet, and his answers mirrored hers exactly. She frowned. She shouldn't automatically think of him cheating....but all the signs were there.
(Pshhh no cheating)

Justin sat down hoping she wouldn't find out that he sort of cheated. He waited for her to give him his quiz back and he sighed.
When all the tests were completed she began to grade them with her red pen. It was an easy talk for her since she knew all the definitions. The only reason she referred to the answer sheet is for cheating cases. When she was done grading them she passed them back out then went to the front of the room. "Okay, you may turn them over." She said and the class quickly flipped their papers over to see how well or poor they did. She didn't want to look at Justin when he flipped his over. There was a "0" on it which told him she knew that he had cheated. She buried her face in her book to get the next days assignments together. "The rest of the day is free time." She gulped her coffee keeping herself distracted.
[sorry I've been away for so long. I'm usually off on weekends but the weekdays have been crazy too. We're about to move so I'll be packing boxes between responses. Also I was going to ask If you weren't feeling this rp? I can usually tell when someone likes it because they respond with a few sentences. If you have any ideas to make it more interesting for you go for it. I don't want you to be bored. Lol]

The bell rang for the students to change classes. She said goodbye to her leaving students and hello to her homeroom students. She got up and went to the teachers lounge to get herself some more coffee. She was very disappointed in Justin. After their talk last night she was sure that he was going to study and pass it...She sipped on her fresh cup of coffee and headed back to her class room.
(Lol understandable and i like the rp but I'm usually busy too. I'll reply in a bit.) 
Justin sighed at his grade staying in the same classroom and he was sad at the grade he hoped she wouldn't figure it out.
[okay :) Just making sure]

Sayuri returned and sat back down at her desk. She continued to work on getting her classes together and going over what she was going to teach for the day. The students chattered noisily in the class room with their free time. One of the students went to Justin it was a male student, average. "Hey, so I hear you're staying with Ms. Tate. Is that true?" He asked and a grin on his face.
"How lucky! She's so hot!" The guy said and nudged him with his elbow and laughed. Sayuri of course wasn't paying any attention because she was used to her homeroom being loud. She sipped her coffee and read up on her material.
"I just live with her not anything else..." He said to the boy and sighed. They were probably thinking that they were dating and he sighed. Though the idea made him blush slightly.
[Hi! So sorry it's been so long! I am back now though :) ]

The guy laughed and shrugged. "Yeah, she'd never go for a guy like you anyways." He said smugly and walked off. Sayuri finally decided to look over at Justin and gave a shy smile. She didn't want to upset him. Living with a student was difficult. Finally the homeroom bell rang and the students were getting up and heading out to their next classes.

"Justin." Sayuri said, standing, before he could get out of ear shot. She fiddled nervously with her fingers.

He heard miss Tate call his name and he wondered what she wanted. He walked over to her and he sighed "Yes miss Tate?" He asked her and smiled kindly.
She blinked at him. Although she was older by a couple of years he was still taller and broader than her. She tucked a stray auburn hair behind her ear. "I wanted to talk about your quiz." She paused wondering if he would chime in. "I can tell that you cheated, so I put a "0" on your paper." She still fiddled with her fingers. "You should study and retake it tomorrow morning." She knew that this 0 would only hurt him more and he would never have a chance at passing if he kept this up.
"Yes ma'am" he said and walked off and he sighed as he left the class room he was just gonna remember the answers he had from the test he did today.
She sat back down and sighed. "Okay..." The rest of school went by in a blur, teaching the same thing in each class. When school was over she gathered her things like always and went to wait for Justin. When he walked out of his class she suddenly felt....some sort of attraction towards him. She pushed those thoughts away. When he reached her she smiled. "Do you have everything? Are you ready?" She looked up at him with green eyes.
He smiled at her and nodded and smiled. He looked at his papers he had and sighed "I guess it's time to go already." He said to her and smiled.
Sayuri smiled back at him, glad that he didn't seem to hate her. "Okay." She hugged her brief case to her chest and led the way out to her car. The lights flashed when she unlocked it. She got in and started it. "Are you hungry? Do you want to get take out?" She asked as she pulled out of the schools parking lot.
She nodded. After a bit she pulled up to a Chinese take out window. "What do you want to eat?" She let him think on it while she ordered what she wanted.

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