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Teach Me


Stuck in a Solo Adventure in the Trash Bin
Xan was a quiet student, he excelled in most of his classes and was very polite and kind. He had medium length black hair and bright blue eyes, he had a more feminine face and features, which caused him to sometimes be mistaken for a girl, much to his distaste. Still, he tried not to let his insecurities run him, he was at school to learn, he wasn't there to make friend... Though it would have been nice.

Xan sighed as he made his way to his next class, not only was his excuse for a social life a growing disappointment, but he was becoming more terrified with the realization that he had never been attracted to girls... And never will be.

Fujio Sato was a force to be reckoned with within the school. He stood over six foot, had short auburn hair that often was out of place. His eyes were a piercing brown, and most knew to avoid them after a few looks.

Fujio's next class was often the worst. Hardly any of the kids shut up during their class, and therefore, they never learned or understood the lesson. Fujio wanted to build these kids up with respect and intelligence, such as he was. It was proving difficult for him. One day he'd find a few model students. One day.

He noticed there was one student who sat at the far side of his class, who was always quiet, always working. Can, his name was? He decided he would be put to the test.
Xan walking into Mr. Sato's class and sat down at his desk quietly. He took out his notes and got ready for class, wanting to be prepared and treat his teacher with respect. Xan didn't like how most kids were loud and obnoxious during class, not only was it rude, but it made it harder for the class to get a decent education.

Xan looked at Mr. Sato's desk, the teacher was intimidating, but Xan respected him for dealing with the class and attempting to help increase their skills and knowledge.
It took five minutes to get the class settled, but nonetheless, the ball got rolling and he could finally continue on with what he wanted to teach. Even through obnoxious sneers of the book the class was studying, and conversation turners on the gossip roaming around the school, he thought it was about time to review the lesson. Though, there was one boy he set his eyes on for testing.

"Xander," Fujio called down the classroom, leaning heavily against his desk at the front. He flicked through a few pages of the chapter they had studied, and ordered, "Give me a short overview on what our main protagonist learns in this chapter."
Xan tensed slightly at becoming the center of attention. He looked up at Fujio and then down at his desk, part of him hated being noticed by people, he just wanted to blend in and go unnoticed. "In this chapter the main protagonist learned that though they wish to seek justice for their father's death... Revenge is not the answer. The protagonist's search for revenge only hurt him and those he was close to in the end... being blinded by it, he missed out on the joys of life, and what could've been great friendships and the love of his life.." He says, his voice quiet and hesitant. After a moment Xan looked up to Fujio, searching for any sign that he did a successful job while explaining.
Fujio stared at Xan with intent throughout his explanation. It was clear that he was clued in, that he was at least learning something. He didn't seem to bluff his way through it, though he hadn't confidently expressed the overview, unlike the few in the classes he hosted over the years. An d once he finished, the way he looked up to Fujio to see if he succeeded in his overview...it gave the man some sense of pride, hope. Though, he had forgotten to give some sort of feedback, and just as he remembered, the bells for class had rang, and the class felt as if it was over as soon as it started. Already people began to pack up and file out the doors, and with an inaudible sigh, Fujio started to gather up his own papers, expecting Xan to leave just as quickly as the others.
Xan seemed a little dejected at not getting feedback, but still took some time to pack up his things. He wasn't in too much of a rush, lunch was next and he didn't really have anyone to socialize with. He decided he might as well as Fujio if his explanation was adequate, by getting feedback he would be improving his own skills. As people rushed out of the classroom Xan stayed behind and hesitantly went up to Fujio, he wasn't used to talking up much, so he was a bit nervous to speak to him, even if he was his teacher. Xan took a small breath to calm his nerves before speaking up, his voice quiet like always. "Excuse me, Sir... I was just wondering if um... If my response in class was sufficient.." He says, chewing his lip slightly as he looked up to Fujio.
Fujio glanced over his shoulder, finding the younger boy enquiring for feedback. Though he was rather pleased being approached for the feedback, he didn't show it in his expression, keeping it blank. He turned, organising his papers as he spoke. "Very sufficient. It's a rather hard book, you know. Not a lot of students catch onto it easily." His tone made him sound as if he was proud of that fact, especially someone for once getting the story and the words hidden inside it. Fujio looked up from the papers at Xan, seeing the younger boy bite his lip. He swallowed back, looking away as he walked around his desk to his chair, though he had no intention of sitting down in it. "You're a smart boy, Xander." Fujio remarked, slamming the papers down onto his desk once again, where they probably wouldn't be acknowledged for another three days as usual. "Keep up the good work."
Xan's cheeks went a little pink at the compliment and he smiled, he was happy to hear such kind words about him, especially from a respected teacher. He made a small nod "I will, thank you so much." He said, he had noticed the proud tone in Fujio's voice and was even happier to make someone proud of him. He was relieved that he had also done something right and wanted to continue making Fujio proud. He wouldn't admit it, but he did like the attention from the teacher. After a couple moments of hesitation Xan went to leave. "Have a great day.. And I won't let you down." He said quietly.
Fujio nodded to him, and once, and this was a rather rare thing for him to do, he smiled a little at Xan, seeing him quite overjoyed at his words and his reaction. There was something about it the man took pleasure in. He knew that he had felt something similar to this before, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Soon, Fujio ceased his smiling, and sat back down in the chair. "I hope you enjoy your lunch, Xander. If you need me, you know where to find me."
Xan seemed surprised to see Fujio smiled, but he wouldn't complain. He personally thought Fujio looked attractive when he smiled, though he would never say that or think about it much, knowing that was a dangerous thought to have. He made a small nod at Fujio's words, in a better mood than he had been when he first got to school. "Thank you, and okay." He says and leaves, heading towards the lunchroom with a small sigh. He didn't enjoy going to the cafeteria all that much and being alone, but he didn't want to let that ruin his mood. He was still glad about the praise he had received.
At least one of his pupils listened in his class. At least one of them could actually get things right for once too. Fujio sat back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He really was quite a nice boy. He had nice eyes, nice hair...even his blush couldn't be ignored...Fujio quickly shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head. What the hell was he thinking, thinking those kind of things about his student? No, there was nothing there. Just a teacher and his student, that was all...though, the prior few words exchanged seemed to peak his interest in Xan. He at least wanted to speak to him more. Maybe after the next class.
Xan kept thinking about Fujio after that, he wanted to make the teacher happy again and be able to talk to him more... Maybe even learn more about him. He was sure Fujio was nice and not as intimidating as he lead out to be. At least not to those who tried to treat people with respect. He knew he shouldn't think about his teacher that much, but he couldn't help it. He was wondering if he could get closer to him and get his attention more often... At least make him smile more often and be even more proud of him.

//Should we time skip or do you have a plan?//

Fujio was actually looking forward to class that day. In all of his years of teaching - bar his first year starting out as a teacher - he had never looked forward to a single class of teaching. So, when he new for sure that Xan - and of course, all of other students - had entered, he threw himself straight into teaching. He talked through the gossip and through the people who clearly weren't listening, and if anything, just seemed to talk straight to Xan. His eyes laid on his a couple of times, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just by accident. But the more he looked at him, the more he couldn't seem to pull himself away from looking at Xan. He had to speak to him after class, privately. No way could he not speak to the boy.
Xan listened intently as Fujio spoke, he noticed moments when the teacher would look at him and couldn't help a small blush creep up on his cheeks. He noticed how inspired Fujio seemed today, and his passion of teaching was showing through. Xan was happy to see Fujio so excited, and was glad to be getting such a great lesson. Xan liked to think that he was the one the lesson was aimed towards, even though he doubted it was true, it was a sweet thought to have. He was totally captured by the lesson that he didn't notice the time flying by. All he was paying attention to was Fujio's voice and teachings.
After countless answering of questions, notes, lectures, and more, class seemed to finally end, something Fujio had felt he had waited ages for. As all the students started to get packed up to leave, he announced, "Don't forget, we have a class test tomorrow on what we've recently been studying. Make sure you get here on time." As many of the students got up and left, Fujio walked down to Xan's desk. He started off quietly, "Listen...I've seen you eating on your own at lunch..." Fujio cleared his throat a little, not believing he was actually going to suggest this. "...if you want, you're welcome to eat lunch with me here at anytime."
Xan looked up at Fujio and at the offer his eyes widened slightly, surprised that he was being allowed to do this. After a moment he let a small smile cross his face and he nodded "Okay, thank you." He says, happy to be able to spend time with the teacher more. Though he was a bit embarrassed with Fujio knowing he didn't have anyone to eat with, he felt special that he was given this offer rather than anyone else. It pleased him that he could grasp the teacher's attention once again.
Fujio simply gave him a nod, not wanting to give away as many smiles as he had done before, and walked back up to his desk, opening a drawer from it. He wondered what he should say now. He was never all that good with social intereaction himself. You can't ask people anything too personal, yet, you can't have a set of boring questions laid out in front of the other person. And that was the problem - Fujio would only ask boring questions. Sitting down, sorting through things as he always did, he glanced up at Xan as if he would get some inspiration. He got quite the opposite.
Xan sat at his desk still and took out his lunch. He glanced at Fujio a couple times as he did, wondering what he should say to him. He didn't want to seem too quiet... He wanted to be interesting to the teacher... But would it be weird to ask Fujio questions about his life? It probably would be annoying and prying... He sighed and shifted awkwardly in his seat. He wanted to learn more about Fujio but knew he shouldn't be getting into personal matters. Nonetheless, he wanted to be close to the teacher and still keep his attention... He looked up to Fujio again to see the teacher looking back at him, a small blush creeped up on his cheeks. "So um.. What do you do... Other than teaching? Do you have any hobbies..?" He asked, it was a boring question, yes, but maybe he could learn more about Fujio that way, and he could always say he was just curious. That was a normal thing.
Fujio sat silent for a few moments after Xan had asked that question. Did he even have any hobbies? He was bound to have something...of course he did, how could he forget? Fujio cleared his throat a little, sitting back. "I...actually find painting rather therapeutic." He explained, licking his bottom lip a little. He realised he never told anyone that before, and now he was spilling the beans to a student whom he barely knew. "I'll paint anything. Landscapes, objects...anything." He murmured, before he realised he was rambling somewhat. Fujio shook his head, and simply started organising his lunch. "You yourself are bound to do more than study, hm?"
Xan perks up when Fujio said he liked to paint and smiled. "I like to paint as well, though I prefer to draw. I love drawing on both computer and paper... I also enjoy writing. I always think of different stories so.. I can't help but write them. They aren't that great though. I'm more confident in my drawing skill.." He says rubbing the back of his neck. After a moment he looked up to Fujio then back down to his lunch. "Cooking has also been a hobby of mine for a while.." He says as he opened up a container of some pasta and vegetables he made the night before.
Fujio raised an eyebrow at Xan's hobbies. "A painter and a writer, hm?" He mused. "Jack of all trades and a master of none..." He murmured, before he had listened on to find out that Xan cooked as well. Fujio was a terrible cook. He did like to do it, by all means, but anything he cooked tasted horrible. One thing was for certain though. "There's nothing I love more than good food," Fujio remarked, opening up his lunch...and seemingly unimpressed with it. That's what he got for buying shop-bought food. "Been awhile since I've experienced good home cooking."
Xan blinked and looked up at him, surprised to hear that. Xan's parents traveled a lot, so he usually was home alone. Learning how to cook was basically a necessity for him. Xan got an idea and got up, bringing his lunch over to Fujio. "Here, we can trade lunches today. I made this last night." He says, smiling to him as he held out his lunch. He was hoping this would get Fujio to smile at him again, he wanted to make him happy.
Fujio just stared at Xan's lunch, unblinking. He was dumbfounded at how Xan had suggested trading his lunch for his. He would have politely declined it, like one was supposed to do, but instead, he found himself taking it, a small smile forming on his face. He looked the the boy and nodded a little. "Thank you...you...didn't have to do that." The teacher added, not wanting to seem overly desperate for the boy's food.
"It's okay, you should be able to have home cooking... I cook for myself everyday so I can spare it for lunch." He says going to take Fujio's old lunch. He seemed happier that he made the teacher smile and couldn't help but stare for a couple moments. He didn't catch himself fast enough when the words slipped out. "I like it when you smile.." He said softly. Almost immediately after his eyes widened, surprised he even said that, and his cheeks went red. He went to quickly return to his seat, hoping Fujio didn't catch what he said.

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