Tea-house Bakery - Sign Up


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Hello! ~ Welcome to the Tea-house Bakery.

The Tea-house was founded four years ago by a young woman who wished to bring happiness into a gloomy London.

While the young woman bakes sweet treats for her regulars, her business partner, a smart young man takes care of a more interesting clientele.

With his ability to seek the past and future within a tarot deck.

Lost supernatural beings seeking advice on how to proceed with their lives, or in need of assistance contacting a human who is unaware of their presence.

There are many creatures out there looking for answers in a human world,

all of them come to Tea-house Bakery.

Are you seeking advice? Please come in, I'm sure we can assist you.

Whether it be with a sweet treat, or a tarot reading of your future.

The Dark side of the Tea-house - Recently a string of murders revolving the female owner's past has been plaguing the bakery. A race of creatures is taking revenge for her seemingly normal life.

(This is a very important plot line that I will lead you through it as the RP goes on.)

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The Rules:

Basic RPN rules

No Mary Sues or Gary Sues

Be as active as you can

Please be literate. I am looking for skilled writers only

Be nice to each other

No god-modding

No one liners. If you're having writers block please PM me and I will help you.

If you are playing the antagonist please do not kill off another character without their permission as well as mine.

- - -

Character Sheets:






Birth Date:

Birth Place:


Ethnicity / Race:

Religion / Beliefs: (Optional could be used as a motivational point for your character to seek advice)

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance: (No anime. Real or semi-realistic pictures only)

Weight: Frame / Build:



Other notable accessories:

Any other identifying mark(s):




- - -

Role play positions.

Female Owner

Male Owner


Humans (3) (2) (1)

Phoenix (1)

Fae (1)

Spirit or Legend of England (1)

Wish granting animal - Can grant three wishes to a human without them knowing. When all three have been granted the animal will die. (1)

More spots will open up as the RP goes on. I will alert everyone when I decide more vacancies come up.

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Name: Harlow Richards

Nicknames: Harley or Rich

Gender: Female

Age: Human age appearance (22) Her real age is 1304

Birth Date: December 4th

Birth Place: Romania

Species: Dragon

Ethnicity / Race: Romanian

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:


Weight: Around 120 lbs

Frame / Build: Harlow has a slim athletic build, although she's much stronger than she looks.

Tattoo(s): She has a small dragon tattoo on the back of her neck, she has no idea how she came to acquired it.

Scar(s): Three parallel scars run from her collar bone to just under her chin


Biography: Harlow was born into a large colony of dragons she lived among them for many years, slowly she worked her way into high ranks in their military. At around one hundred years of her life Harlow became a ruthless killer, often times taking more than just human victims. For more than a thousand years Harlow dominated the world of the supernatural as a blood thirsty murderer, she was respected by her dragon kin for her accomplishments. However her life changed dramatically on her 1300th birthday. A very powerful Fae who's husband had been slain by Harlow's claws, put an end to her rein of terror. Cursing her with amnesia, as the Fae could not bring herself to kill Harlow, the dragon woman lost her memory.

Stumbling through England Harlow found Everett who kindly helped her recover. After three months Harlow decided to become something to fill the void of not knowing about herself. With the help of a small bank loan, Everett and Harlow gave birth to their brain child. Thus the Tea-house bakery came to be. For four years the young woman has thrown herself into baking, helping lost and depressed humans with her delicious treats. It had become her passion to bring sunshine into a dark London.

She has been working slowly with the Everett and his amazing gift to remember her past, as it still leaves her feeling incomplete.

Personality: Harlow is happy-go-lucky when she is working in the bakery, which happens to take up around 18 hours of her life. She's passionate as well as compassionate. Despite not knowing about her past, it is apparent that Harlow is making up for something. Friendly, but quite oblivious, Harlow happens to be a very popular person. Harlow is talented, but is incredibly modest. When out of the bakery or by herself with no clients to help Harlow seems to recede into a different part of her soul, she can be rather quiet and brooding. Not knowing her past makes her rather upset, this become more apparent when she is not helping anyone.
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I shall be taking a human, please!~ This is just a spot holder.


Name: Clyde Williams

Nicknames: N/A, unless you want to make one for him.

Gender: Male, a very girly looking male.

Age: 22

Birth Date: February 14th

Birth Place: France

Species: Human

Ethnicity / Race: French-Canadian

Religion / Beliefs: Catholic

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:


Weight: 154 lbs

Frame / Build: Rather small and petite, Clyde is often mistaken as a girl because of his very feminene looks.

Tattoo(s): N/A

Scar(s): A rather large scar going diagonally across his back from left shoulder to right hip, it seems to be from an accident with fencing.

Other notable accessories: A blue headband that his sister always made him wear.

Any other identifying mark(s): N/A


Biography: Clyde was born without a father and into a family of six women and himself. Being the youngest of his family, Clyde's older sisters would often dress him up and pretend he's their little sister instead of a brother. Because of this Clyde didn't have many friends and was bullied as a child. Doing his best to keep away from his family, Clyde was quite the delinquent during his high school years, always getting into fights and causing trouble. As a young adult, Clyde has much problems in his lifestyle that he can't handle by himself and is a regular customer to the Tea House Bakery.

Personality: A rather sweet and generous man, Clyde is often trampled by others because of his selflessness. Much too soft spoken and flexible, Clyde doesn't really have the confidence to stand up for himself and was frequently bullied and harassed by everyone around him. After growing up in a family of women, Clyde himself also acts quite feminine even though he has a small fear and hatred for females. Never one to get angry, Clyde is rather mellow and tends to get upset than irritated.
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Name: William Scott

Nicknames: "Billy"

Gender: Male

Age: 23 / Actually 756 years old

Birth Date: August 5th

Birth Place: Greece

Species: Phoenix

Ethnicity / Race: North American

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance: (No anime. Real or semi-realistic pictures only)


Weight: Frame / Build: Muscular skinny mix, 18o lbs, 6'2"

Tattoo(s): A tattoo of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, surrounded by flames, on his back reaching up to his shoulders.

History: Being born as one of the few of his race, he chose a life of instead harming the humans, helping them, instead of being in his typical flaming bird form, he had the ability to shift into a human, which he did. He began to live his life as a human, moving from one place to another, helping them out where they needed it. There was one thing he needed to hide however, his birth and rebirth, he continues to die and be reborn over and over again. He doesn't remember his family, just where he is from..

However his past does not go without darkness, when in the 1880's he visited the United States in its very early age, and began a life of trying to move out west, however his life turned into a mess when he ran into a group of raiders and he turned them all into ash because they tried to shoot him, not realizing that he was impervious to their rounds.

After he continues his life of helping humans out, doing the occasional side job where his actual form would not be discovered, bringing him to multiple places. He then moved towards England, where he heard that another phoenix supposedly was to see if he could find another of his race.

Personality: Generally a nice person at first, doesn't come off as a bad guy, but does try to leave a nice impression as he wants to live with humans, and not scare them. Billy is a very honest person, he is a very friendly guy and when it comes to other people, he likes to be social. He is talented among other things in various skills as well from his history of being with the humans.

Thank you so much!

And I was just wondering...

Is the Fae that cursed Harlow with amnesia the same Fae that I will be playing?

If not, should I have my character know about how Harlow lost her memory?
TheInfamousHavoc said:
Thank you so much!

And I was just wondering...

Is the Fae that cursed Harlow with amnesia the same Fae that I will be playing?

If not, should I have my character know about how Harlow lost her memory?
No problem at all ~ I'm very happy someone wanted the Fae character :3

Oh! It's very much so your choice. I want everyone to be able to uniquely make their character without my influence

If you choose not to have her as the Fae that cursed Harlow, I would say it might be common knowledge among the Fae's of Harlow being cursed so she may know of it. :D Hope that helped.



I was thinking maybe just have her know of Harlow's past, but since I plan on making her a tad bit childish and immature, she could be more curious, rather than frightened or cautious. What do you think?

That sounds really good, I like the idea a lot ~

Just remember that Harlow doesn't remember anything about her past, so having your fae have that knowledge may need to come in a little later when Harlow knows a little bit more about herself. :3

Name: Ayra Sampson

Nicknames: Aya

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (At Death)

Birth Date: January 12

Birth Place: Ireland

Species: Spirit

Ethnicity / Race: Irish

Religion / Beliefs: N/a

Physical Attributes.


Weight: 160lbs

Frame / Build: Petite

Tattoo(s): N/a

Scar(s): A star shaped scar on his chest. This is where the knife that killed him was plunged.

Other notable accessories: His right ear is pierced three times and he wears a necklace set.

Any other identifying mark(s): N/a


Biography: [Placeholder]

Personality: [Placeholder]
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Name: Annina Chase

Nicknames: Nina

Gender: Female

Age: 20 in appearance; actually 339 years old

Birth Date: Oct 26

Birth Place: Russia

Species: Black Barn Owl

Ethnicity / Race: Russian

Religion / Beliefs: There are some humans that don't deserve wishes.

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Mystical_girl_by_cabotinecco.jpg.d66ae3bdffdeceb90b0db1ba9b8b7ec3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Mystical_girl_by_cabotinecco.jpg.d66ae3bdffdeceb90b0db1ba9b8b7ec3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weight: Frame / Build: 110 lbs, 5' 2, Runner's build (Skinny, lean)

Tattoo(s): Can't describe it. I'll put a picture of it. Its between her shoulder blades. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/flying-owl-tattoo-design.jpg.478cde2c10bad0ddb51aeedcdbd65d25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/flying-owl-tattoo-design.jpg.478cde2c10bad0ddb51aeedcdbd65d25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scar(s): none

Other notable accessories: Tends to wear some of her feathers in her hair.

Any other identifying mark(s):

History.Biography: Some may call her life a blessing to grant the wishes of any human she wish, but Annina didn't share their views as its frightening to know when you are about to die. Even though the rest of her tribe praised her of being a black barn owl during her childhood, claiming that the spirits have foreseer that she'll accomplish something great in the future. As soon she left her tribe Annina spent most of her time flying around , she would occasionally watch the humans from the roofs of buildings. Watching them with her dark eyes, as the years passed she learned the difficulties of life for the mortals but the evils that some humans commit to others always left a feeling of sadness and hated within her core. When Annina came upon her 200 birthday she gained the ability to alter her form into a human, even though she preferred her feathers over skin Annina would partake in that form once in a blue moon or whenever it was necessary. After her 'coming to year', Annina decided to settle down her nomadic life and stay in the London.

Personality: Annina is a kind despite preferring to be alone than go talk to a few strangers. She is caring towards the ill and would leave parcels of herbs and medicine to those in need of it but tends to be overly cautious with humans, thinking that thinking that if she doesn't associate with them she won't feel guilty about leaving them to face their problems. She is insecure and confused on whether her refusal to grant wishes is selfish and a disappointment towards her ancestors before her.



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Name: Everett Mubarak

Nickname: Ev

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birth Date: August 6th, 1984

Birth Place: North Hillingdon, London

Species: Human; Clairvoyant

Ethnicity / Race: Caucasian/Egyptian

Religion / Beliefs: Everett was raised in a Christian (Coptic Orthodox) household, however for the most part, he has abandoned the rigid church. He still believes in Christianity to a degree, but he is by no means devout.

Other: He is Harlow's business partner, and the Tea House's resident tarot card reader. Although he does use his card deck to perform readings and the like, he uses it mainly as a visual aid to his actual clairvoyance. He has no problem admitting to people he is close with that he has no faith in the 'power of the cards'; he really only uses them to appear more 'official' to those who might be doubtful of him.

Physical Attributes

General Appearance:


Weight: 165 lbs

Frame / Build: Everett is of above average height at 6'1", quite thin, and has very little muscle mass. (Because of this, he isn't quite good at hand to hand combat, and likes to avoid fighting at all costs.)

Scar(s): A few defensive scars on his outer forearms from especially violent clients before he met Harlow and opened the Tea-House Bakery.

Other: He will often wear out-of-date, yet rather fancy clothing he buys at thrift shops.


Biography: Everett grew up in the suburbs of the borough of Hillingdon in London, England to a pair of second-generation, middle-class Egyptian-English parents. His clairvoyance was evident even from a young age, and he would see things both in the past, present, and future that had little to nothing to do with him much of the time. When he informed his parents of his ability to see such things, they discounted it, and told him to stop pretending. For a while, Everett tried to do just that. He lived in denial, pretending that all the things he saw were simply 'silly dreams'.

However, at the age of fifteen, when Everett met a non-human being for the first time in the form of a spirit at an old local restaurant, he learned to accept his 'gift'. He had been in a long hallway leading to the establishment's bathrooms, when he felt a presence nearby. He saw nothing, but he could hear muffled whispering and feel the temperature drop. Everett had waited in the hallway for quite a while, until the whispering became loud enough for him to decipher. The being, whatever it had been, had whispered, "Help me." to Everett. To this day, he knows not what the being wanted, he only knows that the experience in the restaurant resonated with him, and caused him to seriously reevaluate his gift.

After the incident, Everett researched extensively about Clairvoyants, Mediums, Psychics, tarot card reading, the occult, and supernatural things. Although his parents were not thrilled with his interests, they dismissed it as normal teenage behavior. Their opinions changed, however, when Everett explained that he wished to use his gifts to help anyone that may need it. His parents all but told Everett to not bother coming back home if he chose to do what he wished to do. Not wanting to betray his family, Everett went to college, and received his associates degree, he mainly studied psychology. His parents weren't thrilled with their only son's accomplishment, or what they deemed a lack of.

Upon his graduation, his parents required he move out of their house. He did just that, taking up residence with a friend he had met during college. Everett was at ease, as he then could focus on his true passion, and give his gift the attention it had been demanding while he was studying at college. Everett's 'gift' never was silent. He could put it in the back of his mind, but it was something he could never completely turn off.

After perfecting his tarot card reading skills for the sake of showmanship, and honing his 'gift', Everett moved out of his friend's apartment into a small one of his very own situated atop a laundromat. Holidays came and went without Everett hearing from his parents. He had contacted them numerous times since his departure, only to hear nothing in return. Still, he tried not to let it get to him; he had a bright future ahead of him, and nothing could deter him from accomplishing what he wanted in life!

By the age of twenty-six, Everett had not accomplished nearly as much as he would have liked to. Most people automatically made an assumption that he was a phony. With the exception of a few repeat customers, Everett had nothing. Until he met Harlow Richards. He finally had someone to help. And with her, he knew he could branch out and help more people. Soon, he and Harlow did just that, and opened the Tea-House Bakery with the assistance of a small loan from the bank.

((This was probably a bit too long. And yet I still feel it wasn't enough.))

Personality: Everett is a rather intelligent, confident young man who is often seen with a smile, be it a happy or a cocky one. He is very empathetic, generous, and comparatively more sensitive than most men his age. When it comes to things he is passionate about or believes in strongly, Everett is extremely stubborn, and it is extraordinarily hard to get him to change his mind about things. He dislikes sharing too much about himself, despite knowing so much about others and seeming so open and joyful; because of this, he can come off as a bit mysterious. When attempting to help people that may come into the Bakery, Everett can be rather theatrical and showy, however, he does have a serious side. (Although he has a penchant for cracking jokes at inopportune times.)

I really wish I could like a post more than once ~ Omgosh I love Everett soooooo much ~

@Little Sister

Awe ~ Nina is so cute, I love the way you decided to have her not grant her wishes!

I can't wait to see them both in action!!

ACCEPTED both of you.. You already knew that though.


Avalon Magnis



Gender: Female


Gasp! Never ask a woman what her age is! *slaps

Let's just say she's nineteen...

Birth Date:

May 18th

Birth Place:




Ethnicity / Race:


Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:


Other Images:







110 lb.

Frame / Build:

Very short and petite


There is a tattoo of kind of a line of butterflies, flying upwards next to her left collarbone.

Avalon also has a few song lyrics on her left shoulder written in an old Elvish language.

Other notable accessories:

There's a nose ring on her, well... nose.



xxxxxAvalon had always been a generally carefree girl. She danced around at the royal balls just as much as she did at the high school proms. She grew up living in the lovely Cheshire, England, her parents trying their hardest to keep her home, safe and sound. Being the curious and rebellious teenager she was, she went out to attend parties as well as ding-dong ditch some houses. Her parents were paranoid about her safety, grounding her for any reason they could find just to keep her home, but it only made the pink-haired girl leave the comforts of home even more.

xxxxxThey always told her of some type of vicious and ruthless dragon to watch out for, but she never paid much attention to it. As long as the dragon didn't come to tear her to shreds, she generally didn't care. One day, one of her closer friends came to her in a mess. She had tears streaming down her face and the poor girl looked like she hadn't slept for days. It took a while to make sense out of what her friends was saying, but she calmed down after a bit.

xxxxx"My father... this-this dragon just murdered him and-and..." was all she could manage before she would burst into tears again. Avalon comforted her, but her mind constantly wandered to the dragon. She wanted to know more about it. Her parents talked about it, keeping her from the world so the fate of her friend's father would not come upon her or themselves, but it never exactly worked that well.

xxxxxGoing home that day, she managed to get out of her parents that the dragon had been cursed with amnesia, never to remember a thing she had done again. This disappointed Avalon. Her interest had been in the dragon's ruthlessness, and her ability to be so cruel, but her memory loss made her lose some interest.

xxxxxIt wasn't long before Avalon lost interest in the dragon completely and went on with her carefree life, moving out at the age of ?nineteen (Appearance-wise). To most people, they wouldn't have been able to support themselves, but Avalon managed to find a decent place to live as well as a job in London. It wasn't long before she heard of a new cafe in town, as well as the rumores about supernatural beings meeting up there. The one rumor that piqued her interest, though, was that the manager of the cafe was the dragon who had been cursed with amnesia. Surely if a tarot card user was working there, she would know of her past.


xxxxxAvalon, as mentioned before, is a carefree, curious, and almost childish girl. She can be irritating at times, but it's just how she is. Avalon is constantly smiling, and is the go-to person for if you need to brighten your day. Though she may not be the happiest person alive, she gives off the kind of vibe that makes a person want to smile.
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