Tattoo Artifacts and Magic Runes


Prancing Kobolds!
I have a few questions about Tattoo Artifacts. Mostly it is how are they created, Crafts, Lore, Occult, or does it use the rules for Form-Fixing Method? And why does it seem like they are only available for Lunars?

With that said, if the Tattoo Artifacts are based around Form-Fixing Method, which seems to be the case given that "a Lunar who already has moonsilver tattoos cannot add a tattoo artifact" (MoEP: Lunar P.112), why can't there be a lost Charm to allow other Exalted to do this sort of thing using the same rules?

Then, I also have questions about creating a Linguistics or Lore Charm to make Magic Runes. Taking some lead from Changeling the Dreaming, there is an Art called "Rune" which lets you inscribe a rune onto something that provides a bonus for one action. The bonus isn't always automatic successes or extra dice because it is dependant on the Rune inscribed. I realize this one has a very big potential for being used incorrectly (I prepared Explosive Runes this morning), but I guess that is where the rules come into it. Does this sound like a good idea or is it too broken (I know it's hard to judge without rules)?
I can't help much on the magic runes, but as for the Tattoo Artifacts, I had a forum thread discussing the ideas for other groups having such tattoos, with a limited discussion of it at least, but nothing beyond brainstorming.

Good timing, the DB in my group wants a Jade tattoo armor because he thinks it would be cool. ^^

But I'm a bit hesitant in just randomly giving him that, because it sort of feels like the Lunar's schtick.
QuasiMortuus said:
Good timing, the DB in my group wants a Jade tattoo armor because he thinks it would be cool. ^^
But I'm a bit hesitant in just randomly giving him that, because it sort of feels like the Lunar's schtick.
You can't tattoo Jade armour. You just can't. Moonsilver's use as artifact tattoos was an entirely unexpected development from the form-fixing tattoos. It's ability to shift between solid and liquid forms almost at its own will allows it to be tattooed like ink, but still be useful as armour or other artifacts. Jade, even Black Jade, does not have this ability.

I've spoken with Oedanol's Codex and he agrees with me....

Captain Hesperus
QuasiMortuus said:
Good timing, the DB in my group wants a Jade tattoo armor because he thinks it would be cool. ^^
But I'm a bit hesitant in just randomly giving him that, because it sort of feels like the Lunar's schtick.
You can't tattoo Jade armour. You just can't. Moonsilver's use as artifact tattoos was an entirely unexpected development from the form-fixing tattoos. It's ability to shift between solid and liquid forms almost at its own will allows it to be tattooed like ink, but still be useful as armour or other artifacts. Jade, even Black Jade, does not have this ability.

I've spoken with Oedanol's Codex and he agrees with me....

Captain Hesperus
Well, getting Jade studs embedded in your skin might work like armour. ^^
Remember, jade is powdered and then alloyed with steel to make artifacts. You could possibly make an ink out of powdered jade. it wouldn't be able to make armor, imo, but rune and sigils that give you magical benefits, like soak or hardness. it's a subtle difference.
Blue Jade sigils that coat the attuned Exalt with a craclking aura of lightning so that any who dare strike her suffer a -1 internal penalty on subsequent actions due to the lightning arcing to them and electrocuting them.

White Jade sigils which apply layers of granite over the Exalt's skin, granting her a Hardness equal to the lower of her Stamina or her Essence.

Red Jade sigils cause mundane weapons to superheat on striking the Exalt, melting swords and other metal weapons to slag and incinerating wooden weapons.

Black Jade sigils send floods of elemental water gushing out from the Exalt's body, causing all attackers with [Essence] yards to suffer a -2 external penalty on Accuracy against the Exalt as they struggle to keep their feet in the outrushing current.

Green Jade sigils send coiling tendrils of ivy and other climbing plants tumbling out from the Exalt's body, allowing her to Clinch [Essence] targets. She makes a single Clinch attempt, with each target resisting separately. Targets who fail to break the clinch are Held and become Inactive, as per the rules.

Captain Hesperus
Any chance that there could have been a plant or animal that was bioengineered to produce an ink that could be used to create magical runes (either on paper or as a tattoo)?

I had thought of a few different ways to create magic runes, one of which would be to create an ink that can channel Essence and "twist" it to create an effect designated by the rune itself. I still have a bit of thinking to do on the mechanics behind it, but I was thinking the total effect of the rune wouldn't be able to be greater than the Permanent Essence rating of the person providing the Essence to be "twisted". The Exalt could spend up to Permanent Essence x2 in motes to power the rune per session (I was originally thinking of per scene, so let me know which seems better).


A fire rune tattooed on the palm of your hand could channel Essence into whatever weapon you are holding to give it a flaming aura. For 2m, it would provide +1 to Raw Damage and convert the damage to Lethal. Each additional 2m spent would provide another +1 to Raw Damage.

A health rune on a bandage could help to mend wounds faster. For 2m, it would heal 1 level of Lethal Damage or 1 level of Bashing Damage. Each additional 2m would heal an additional level. This could alternately be a repair rune on a piece of “duct tape†that could fix damaged equipment.

A light rune written on a piece of paper could be used as a “flash paper†to create a distraction. -1 External Penalty to Perception rolls for the round per 2m spent.
ghoti115 said:
A fire rune tattooed on the palm of your hand could channel Essence into whatever weapon you are holding to give it a flaming aura. For 2m, it would provide +1 to Raw Damage and convert the damage to Lethal. Each additional 2m spent would provide another +1 to Raw Damage.

A health rune on a bandage could help to mend wounds faster. For 2m, it would heal 1 level of Lethal Damage or 1 level of Bashing Damage. Each additional 2m would heal an additional level. This could alternately be a repair rune on a piece of “duct tape†that could fix damaged equipment.

A light rune written on a piece of paper could be used as a “flash paper†to create a distraction. -1 External Penalty to Perception rolls for the round per 2m spent.
It sounds like these things could easily be esoteric thaumaturgy (art of enchantment/alchemy) techniques, or maybe an entirely new art if you prefer. Alternately, you could probably make some of them into 1-dot artifacts.
Well to argue against the 'only moonsilver tattoos make sense' issue in a different way, I'd look at the mechanics of the Background. The point of it is to have an Artifact built into your tattoos. But say you had no tattoos. You may not want to join the Silver Pact just to get some unique things, so lets look at alternatives via the desired mechanics.

The biggest bonus and drawback of these guys is they cannot be removed or unattuned. Once you have them, you are stuck with them (Actually ironic for the shapeshifting Lunars I think, but I digress). Your attunement can never be taken back, and you are stuck wearing that armor/weapon/item for all time in plain sight of everyone. Tough on Solars wanting to hide, tough on Dragon-Bloods trying to set-up a date with mortals. So, if copying traditional Lunar tats is not your thing, perhaps a variation of it could be done. Surgical implants already exist, though many require bio-techy bits. Maybe steal an Alchemical image or two, and have a DB venting their element in precise locations due to their bones getting replaced with Jade facsimiles charged with elemental essence. Or a Starmetal nervous system put in a Sidereal to keep those reflexes top-notch. If the goal is to not be disarmed or caught with your pants down, there are ways to handle it, just don't expect to look as pretty as the Lunars when they do it.

Now, if they want the benefit of the actual Tattoos of the Lunars, that's a whole different ball of wax, and should probably be covered elsewhere.
This is sort of tangental but:

The DB in the group (an Immaculate Monk with Earth Dragon Style) wants to make a charm that allows him to take a existing Jade artifact armour with a maximum of -1 in Mobility Penality and turn it into an tattoos that give him the same bonuses but without the mobilty & fatigue penalties (since it's only a tattoo) and it wouldn't count as armour for the purpose of Martial Arts. 'Twould be a indefinite charm where I suggested that the cost would be equal to the amount needed to attune to the armour (he didn't quite like that idea ^^).

Worth pointing out that the charm would only gives you soak & hardness, no other potential benefits from the armour your using, but that can be bad enough with the form & capstone charms of the Earth Dragon Style. :P

Also worth pointing out is that he is the only DB in a group of Celestial Exalts, where he was given quite a few extra BPs...

I'm a bit on the fence on what I think about this, so any thoughts?
Revoke said:
It sounds like these things could easily be esoteric thaumaturgy (art of enchantment/alchemy) techniques, or maybe an entirely new art if you prefer. Alternately, you could probably make some of them into 1-dot artifacts.
I hadn't even thought about thaumaturgy, guess I will have to do some reading before really continuing this idea. Personally, I was thinking along the lines of 1 Dot Artifacts or an item that can be created through a Linguistics Charm (because I wanted something else for my Eclipse character to be able to do).
QuasiMortuus said:
This is sort of tangental but:
The DB in the group (an Immaculate Monk with Earth Dragon Style) wants to make a charm that allows him to take a existing Jade artifact armour with a maximum of -1 in Mobility Penality and turn it into an tattoos that give him the same bonuses but without the mobilty & fatigue penalties (since it's only a tattoo) and it wouldn't count as armour for the purpose of Martial Arts. 'Twould be a indefinite charm where I suggested that the cost would be equal to the amount needed to attune to the armour (he didn't quite like that idea ^^).

Worth pointing out that the charm would only gives you soak & hardness, no other potential benefits from the armour your using, but that can be bad enough with the form & capstone charms of the Earth Dragon Style. :P

Also worth pointing out is that he is the only DB in a group of Celestial Exalts, where he was given quite a few extra BPs...

I'm a bit on the fence on what I think about this, so any thoughts?
It might be a bit of a tangent, but it’s a good one for the topic.
I don’t know about turning an existing artifact into a tattoo, it seems like more work than it’s worth. Why not just design a Hearthstone or an Artifact for the player to find that would allow it to be used with martial arts? It would be along the lines of a two dot artifact that would take the existing armor and turn it into something similar to Discreet Essence Armor. The downside is that the change would be permanent, it would cost 3 motes to turn it on, and it would increase the committed Essence value for the Armor by maybe 2. The up side is it remains hidden until it is activated, it can be used with Martial Arts, and it stacks with other armors.
QuasiMortuus said:
This is sort of tangental but:
The DB in the group (an Immaculate Monk with Earth Dragon Style) wants to make a charm that allows him to take a existing Jade artifact armour with a maximum of -1 in Mobility Penality and turn it into an tattoos that give him the same bonuses but without the mobilty & fatigue penalties (since it's only a tattoo) and it wouldn't count as armour for the purpose of Martial Arts. 'Twould be a indefinite charm where I suggested that the cost would be equal to the amount needed to attune to the armour (he didn't quite like that idea ^^).

Worth pointing out that the charm would only gives you soak & hardness, no other potential benefits from the armour your using, but that can be bad enough with the form & capstone charms of the Earth Dragon Style. :P

Also worth pointing out is that he is the only DB in a group of Celestial Exalts, where he was given quite a few extra BPs...

I'm a bit on the fence on what I think about this, so any thoughts?
Making a charm that lets him subsume his armor isn't very thematic for him. Especially since, as someone using Earth Dragon Style, he can wear armor with his Martial Arts style and be fine. Heck, I think with some Artifact rating (especially if he has extra BPs) he should go whole hog and wear proper Jade Armor (Reinforced Breastplate or better) and a Grand Goremaul. If that plus his charms isn't enough, throw in a little Silken Armor and Jade Bracers.

On the other hand of things, the more he wears item wise, the less essence he has for charms, which is purposefully done and is half the reason why DB charms are more cost-efficient, to balance that out. I believe all of the Immaculate Dragon Styles allow for armor (just checked, all of them do), so all their charms stack with armor. The only reason to not have the 'tattoos' count as armor would be to wear another set on top, not really necessary at that point I would hope, as minimum Essence still gets through even at 100 soak. I'd suggest he invest in other places better, like getting 'Weapon Breaking Defense Technique'. In errata it breaks attunement on Artifact weapons (pre-errata it destroyed the artifacts!), which are the only thing that could likely cut through Artifact Armor anyways. So then safe.
The capstone charm of Earth Dragon style disallows armor usage, but yeah, I see your point.

And since his goal in life is to become the new Mouth of Peace he thinks it would be awesome to have all his future disciples only having tattoos and no visible armor.

Also, the charm as he wrote it would not stack with other armor, forgot to mention that...
QuasiMortuus said:
The capstone charm of Earth Dragon style disallows armor usage, but yeah, I see your point.
And since his goal in life is to become the new Mouth of Peace he thinks it would be awesome to have all his future disciples only having tattoos and no visible armor.

Also, the charm as he wrote it would not stack with other armor, forgot to mention that...
Well he can always try to get moonsilver tattooes (I highly expect many sidereals and DB tried to copy lunar moonsilver tattoes after encountering them) Personally I am against tattoo armors which uses magical materials other than moonsilver. Tattoo armors (not sure about all tattoo artifacts) can be made because of moonsilvers unique property.
If he wants a way to get around armor restrictions on martial arts, it probably shouldn't be any better than existing ways to do that (silken armor, discrete essence armor). I'm not sure if absorbing armor is in theme for a dragonblood charm. Perhaps if it's limited to the right colour of jade. In any case I'd look carefully at what other charms and artifacts with similar effects can do.

Greenstalker said:
Well he can always try to get moonsilver tattooes (I highly expect many sidereals and DB tried to copy lunar moonsilver tattoes after encountering them).
It's my understanding that moonsilver tattoos require the lunar exaltation to be present to work (I can't give you a page reference to back that up, but the way that the tattoos interact with the lunar anima seems to be in line with this). More generally, magical tattoos are very much a lunar schtick, so I'd be disinclined to say any other group had them.

Perhaps biomagitech could accomplish a similar thing, without encroaching on the lunar's thematic space, if you wanted to use an artifact (rather than a charm).

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