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Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] Character Sheets

Seikatsu Mitsunari

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Kitsune

Profession: Sorcerer Apprentice

Background: Khantor, Nameless Village, Skulker

Mistunari was born long after the purge of magic from Khantor, in the village of foxes that has no name. Because the village is so small, he grew feeling as though everyone was family and it hadn’t dawned on him until he became a teenager that they were exiles, living in secret. That was when his older brother died of an illness that they were not capable of treating and Mitsunari truly felt they were prisoners, trapped inside their village. Knowing that a cure or magic was out there that could have saved his brother infuriated the young fox and he could not help but to break the rules. He started sneaking out, moving around the forest and watching the people who would pass by. They did not live in fear like he and his family did, he wanted that feeling of freedom and endless possibility.

In secret he started practicing his magic with the hope of being able to do more than just water plants or do party tricks. But Elder Cho discovered his growing talent and when she insisted he stop, Mitsunari denied. He ranted and raved to all about how their lives were unfair and their existence meaningless. Many dismissed him as a child with too big an imagination, but Elder Cho saw in him a drive and ambition that she herself did not have.

At the Elder’s request, Mitsunari would become one of the village’s Skulkers. Skilled foxes who could move about the forest unseen and drive away any incoming threats. Mitsunari took this chance to learn more about the outside world and would study those who entered the forest and learn from their conversations. He managed to convince his fellow Skulkers to do the same and share with him what they learned.

Years dedicated to the protection of his village and his fellow foxkin have only made Mitsunari more bitter and more hungry for the world beyond the trees.


Kitsune Pearl -Like all kitsune, Mitsunari possesses a kitsune pearl which is where his soul is housed. Should this pearl fall into the hands of another person, he would be beholden to that person.


- Ferocity: /
- Faith:
- Intellect://
- Agility: /
- Presence: /

  • Fox Fire - Intellect / - Conjures an otherworldly, green flame of magic that takes the form of magatama before being launched at a target.
  • Fox Form - Intellect / - The caster is able to shift back and forth between the feral fox form and their humanoid form.
  • Shadow Veil - Intellect // - This spell cloaks the user in their own shadow, concealing their identity but not their form.
  • Eye of The Beholder - Intellect //, Presence / - The user conjures an illusion, one they may cast in someone or on an empty space. The illusion does not produce sound and cannot be touched.
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Stahlavian The Forsaken

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Faeland Silver Dragon

Profession: Bodyguard, Butler

Background: HouseHusband, Exile, Wanderer

Backstory: It is known to none but Stahl himself why or when he arrived on the mainland. He was once a resident of the Faelands Goteem and Hyeet, but arrived in the mainland some time ago. He is by far one of the youngest dragons, and has kept to himself most of his life. He lived in a cave near a coastal town, content to stay by himself without interfering with anyone else. And for a time that is just what happened. He remained alone, and people left him alone. However, one day, he heard in his cave the fearful cries of children, and the call of a beast, one he had known to be around his draconian lair. Spurred by the desire to protect, his form rent itself to become his true body, scales like metal and claws like swords, he raced through his cave and slew the large bear that threatened the children. He did his best to comfort them and send them home, guiding them out of his cave. And with that, he believed the ordeal over. However, he did not know this would lead a chain of events he would not have predicted in all the years his life would give him.

A mere four days after the children had gone home, on a night with no moon shining in the sky, he heard steps unlike those he had heard before. Looking to the mouth of his little cave, he saw an elf woman standing there. He didn’t know why she was there. But her voice was almost like silk in how it entered the cave, and so he listened. And the two from there…. talked. the first true company Stahl had since his arrival on the mainland. And what company it was. A tradition formed, the woman would come to his cave every night on the 5th day of the week, and would… talk with him for hours, sharing their tales and company. Stahl quickly became attached to the woman, who one day told him she wanted him to leave the cave with her. Her sisters and herself were setting out into the world to find true freedom and to find adventure with each other. And she wanted him to stay by her side.

He was apprehensive, but chose to go with her, for any danger that could be found among the world could not scare him more than the thought of not seeing that woman again. And so he left his cavern and the hollow comfort solitude gave him, entering the world with the one woman he had given himself to, and herself to him. His Moira.

Personality: Stahl is a quiet boy, with a rather reserved personality most of the time. He is a man of little words so to speak. On the outside this presents a rather stoic and uncaring persona. However, to those who know him closer, and understand the draconic boy, they understand he is simply too shy to talk much. He is enamored with shiny things and is almost hypnotized by them, particularly gold and gems. However, there is nothing he loves more than his wife, who according to him, “She whose beauty hypnotizes me above all riches.”

Items/Gear: Dragonscale Gauntlets, cleaning supplies, Fae Pendant

Ferocity: //
Intellect: /
Agility: //


Might Untold (Intellect, Faeland Dragon): Stahl calls forth the latent power in his body to summon forth his true dragonian form, gaining access to different abilities and size.

Love Unconditional (Agility): Stahl calls forth a blast of power, speeding himself to intercept any attack that would hit one of his allies.

Silent Power (Ferocity): Stahl calls forth his inborn power to strike with the full might of a dragon in his fist, allowing for a single strike at the power of his draconic form while still in his human state.

Ferocity: ////
Intellect: /


Might Withdrawn (Intellect, Faeland Dragon): Stahl calls forth the latent power in his body to summon forth his humanoid form, gaining access to different abilities and size.

World Unfeeling (Ferocity, Faeland Silver Dragon): Stahl calls forth a deep energy in his body, unleashing his Draconic breath, a blast of ice that burns and spreads like it were fire.

Bound No Longer (Ferocity): Stahl calls forth his inborn power to strike with his forelegs, slamming down and creating an earthquake beneath himself before sweeping with his wings to strike those knocked off balance.

Rage Untethered (Ferocity): Stahl lunges forward with his long neck, biting at any targets in range with his large jaws to crush and bite them.

Hide like Steel (Ferocity): Stahl raises his wings around his body defensively, forming a dome to protect any close by with his impossibly tough hide and body.
Marakasha Ilunaag
Age: Appears 20 ( 800+ years)

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Profession: Princess - True Vampire

Background: Ancient Khantor

Backstory: Marakasha is a member of the ancestor Vampire race. Who predate modern Vampires back to the felling of the Tree of Life. Born from the power of Anaag as one of the first undead these Vampires were representatives of "Unending Death" in spite of the "Unending Life" the Tree of Life once granted. These Vampires considered themselves inheritors of the world that came after the Great Tree's death and to that end they sought to build an eternal dynasty in what would become Khantor. Using their Mystical Eyes of Enchantment they subjugated and enslaved the ancient Beastman using them as slaves and blood cattle. With their natural abilities the Vampires considered their dominion to be absolute. However they soon ran into a fatal flaw within their very being. Over time the Vampires became consumed by their lust for blood losing their sanity in the process. They could no longer recognize their peers becoming monsters that only sought to kill and feed their desires. The Vampires who lost themselves came to be called "Demons" by their brethren. Consumed by their impulses these Demons were stronger than the ancestral Vampires requiring many to kill even one. As more and more Vampires fell to their Vampiric Impulses prophesizing the end of their entire species. They sought a solution to this existential threat. A solution to their "death".

Thus Marakasha Ilunaag was born, or rather manufactured. In order to defeat the fallen Vampires they needed a being even stronger than them, a perfect organism that did not possess their weaknesses. A True Vampire. A Vampire that was never converted or altered to become undead, but one that had been born that way with utterly pure blood. Using ancient magic from before the Tree of Life fell they were able to create the ultimate Vampire. Marakasha was a hallmark of their species. Her power unrivaled. She was resistant to sunlight while other Vampires required a century to even bear standing in the light, her raw strength was more than a match for the Demons and most importantly she possessed none of their Vampiric Impulses. Marakasha would never fall to bloodlust, or so they believed. Thus she was their perfect weapon and she was treated as such. Given the role of executioner she was only taught what she needed to know to hunt her targets and nothing more. And she performed splendidly granting final death to every Demon she encountered. In recognition of her power the Vampires came to call her "Princess of the Crimson Moon" or simply "Princess", but in the end she was nothing more than a tool. So great was her ignorance she did not even understand the very things she killed were the same kind of creature she was, or that she was even a Vampire at all. After she had completed her purpose by killing the last of the rampaging Demons she was sealed away, and put to sleep within an empty structure built entirely to house her. The "Millennium Castle" a grand shrine to a sleeping princess. From then on she would be awakened to kill Demons again only to be put to rest over and over. She could hardly be called an individual.

During this crisis the Vampires had become distracted and their control lax, as more lost themselves and were then killed by Marakasha. In the end they could only slow the inevitable. Sensing opportunity the Beastman organized another rebellion, lead by the First Khan Stormhorn. Coming from parts unknown Stormhorn's forces fought back against the Vampires seeking to take Khantor away from their influence. To complicate the matter further, the Shamans of Khantor seemed to attack practically at the same time spreading the Vampires forces thin. While the Vampires were powerful they were few and the magics the Shamans employed were tailored against them. The Beastman thralls were simply cut down even as they were turned by the Vampires mystical eyes while the Shamans paved the way to their defeat. No matter how strong they were against such numbers they were fated to lose. Despite the advantages the Beastman had over the Vampires, the war would still have dragged on till the idea of a "victor" became muddy. But that was not the case, instead the Vampires end came at the machinations of a scheming Necromancer and their greatest tool. The Necromancer had been an aid to Stormhorns conquest along with the Shamans though Stormhorn had been unaware of this. This Necromancer had managed to discover the existence of Marakasha through whisperings of the "Princess". With this knowledge amassed a plan began to form. He would use the tool the Vampires had so foolishly locked away and wasted to his advantage. Intruding upon her sleep the Necromancer awakened Maraksha, and simple as she was the "Princess" did not understand the one awakening her was someone she should be wary of let alone question. He then whispered an insidious order "This land has been taken by Demons, kill them all" And finally he added one more variable, a corrupting influence the Vampires had thought her immune to. He offered Marakasha a vial of blood. Unknowing of the consequences she was easily tricked drinking the blood dutifully. She went berserk, like a force of nature she tore through her targets starting with the very Vampires that had created her and any Beastman that happened to be in the way. The blood was too much for so pure a Vampire. Marakasha became the very monster she was designed to kill. She had become a "Demon Lord". That was their final death knell, just like that the eternal dynasty the Vampires wished to create was destroyed completely vanishing like ash in the wind. With Stormhorn as the Beastmans Khan the rest of Khantor was conquered. The Khan had never fought the Vampires directly, wary of their magical power yet all the same they no longer stood in the way of his ambitions.

From then on the progenitor Vampires of Khantor were all but forgotten. History went on with the Beasts ruling Khantor. When the last Vampire was killed by her own hands, Marakasha finally regained her sanity, but by then it was too late. There was nothing left of the life she knew, empty though it was. Now that she had tasted blood her mind threatened to slip from her grasp like any other Vampire, so she sealed herself away once again going into a deep sleep in order to suppress her urge to drink blood. From then on she would have to use a portion of her power in order to overcome her bloodlust constantly. Weakening her considerably. As the world continued to turn, the Princess slept for a millennia. Only awaking after her people had become a long forgotten dream.

Personality: As a Vampire Marakasha is a bloodsucker who is a natural predator to life. As a True Vampire she is a being above both man and other Vampires, a unique existence. She may have been called "Princess" marking her as Vampire Royalty, but that is not strictly true. The ancient Vampires did not have a hierarchy or structure that could be recognized as a civilization. To them power denoted status and as the strongest of them Marakasha could only be considered "royalty". That did not mean she had any domain or governance merely that she was the most powerful. The Vampires did not work together to achieve survival like a nation but more as disparate individuals who just so happened to act in a way that coincided with each other. For beings like that their end was inevitable. Compared to modern Vampires the ancients did not possess a common sense that could be understood by people. They enslaved and conquered without passion or hate it was a matter of course to them. The natural way of the world. Hence why despite being above them in both status and power Marakasha was simply a tool, it was what she was made for and so thats all she was used for. Anything else was seen as "unnecessary" which is also why the Vampires never had her fight in the war, only coming out of her sleep when she had been ordered to by someone else entirely.

Marakasha fittingly has a rather regal bearing about her. This was not something she learned instead it comes naturally to her, as if by instinct she adopts this way of holding herself. Rather than Marakasha acting the way she does because she is royal, it's closer to say, because she acts the way she does she is royal. Despite being over 800 years old she spent most of that time asleep and knows nothing of the world or how to properly interact with others. Due to her upbringing her behavior is almost childlike and pure often causing her to come off as incredibly frank or ignorant. Marakasha will do things simply because she can, caving to just about any whim that comes to her. Her sense of morality is different from a humans, she enjoys exercising control over things and does what she likes without considering things like "good" or "bad". Irritate her too much and you may find your throat ripped out. Do something she approves of and she may offer you her blood just like that. She is in fact capable of genuine affection and compassion, and she does not dislike any other species even if they would be deemed "lesser". Though she will likely talk down to them. Her bloodlust is something she is constantly battling though it may not seem so as she portions off some of her power to keep it in check. Meaning if she ever grew too weak she would no longer be able to keep it at bay and once again revert to a "Demon Lord".


- Ferocity: //
- Faith:
- Intellect: /
- Agility:
- Presence: //


  • Ultimate One - Presence // - A True Vampire who stands at the apex of Vampire kind. A being alien to both common undead and the living alike. A persons body will react to Marakasha before their mind does as their nerves fire, their blood pulses rapidly and their breath hitches in their throat. Essentially their fight or flight response is triggered. While they may not definitively know what she is her presence intimidates them, like a mouse standing before a tiger. Due to this many may find being near her unnerving. Those who realize what she is will either react in fear or seek to kill her out of self preservation. Vampires and other undead may be struck with a sense of awe or wariness as they realize the difference between them and Marakasha. Those with strong beliefs anchoring them such as Faith, Intelligence, or Presence may resist the full influence of these emotions without reacting too strongly.
  • Otherworldly Beauty - Presence // - Like a sculpture Marakasha was hand crafted. Using ancient magical rituals from the time of the Tree of Life she was given form as a "perfect" being. While having the appearance of a young woman with blonde hair and bright red eyes Marakasha posseses a unique charm that is above many. While she would not care to be held to human standards she could easily be compared to the most beautiful noblewoman, though her looks are completely natural. Things like makeup are a non-factor in Vampire society. She is the ultimate femme fatale, a pure but dangerous beauty who can capture the hearts of the average man with a glance.
  • Mystical Eyes of Enchantment - Intellect / - An ability that naturally manifests in Marakasha's race Her magical eyes enable limited control over others such as the ability to implant suggestions, or paralyze her targets. After her long rest and the sealing of her Vampiric Impulses her eyes have greatly diminished in power unable to fully control a person actions or turn them into a thrall. While she can exert minor control things like forced suicide or killing someone a target cares for is beyond her. Those with powerful ego's and sufficient intelligence are able to resist her influence if they realize what is happening.
  • Crimson Moon - Intellect / - A power displayed in Marakasha's battle with the Fallen Vampires known as "Demons" which earned her the title "Princess of the Crimson Moon". She can manipulate and shape blood within a 10 meter radius. Though in the past this was once without limit. While she cannot manipulate the blood within a person body, she can impose her will upon it the moment its spilled. She prefers to manipulate her own blood forming it into spikes, tendrils or waves that shoot across the ground. Though unlike living creatures her blood holds no purpose for survival it is merely a means to exercise control either through her power or by turning others into lesser Vampires.
  • Vampiric Claws - Ferocity / - Marakasha can lengthen her nails into razor sharp claws that can rend through flesh like bladed weapons. As Vampires do not possess the common weaknesses of mortals their own body is considered a weapon; the use of tools is unheard of among the ancient Vampires.
  • Sunlight Resistance - Ferocity // - The natural enemy of the Vampires; the light of the sun, conquered. Marakasha was made to be greater than common Vampires, a being who would not suffer to their greatest weakness. The ancient Vampires who created her thought of her as their victory against the sun. However that time has long passed. At one time she could stand in the light unimpeded but her sealing has robbed her of much of this power. She is able to withstand the light of the sun for a brief few minutes uncovered but after that she will grow increasingly uncomfortable until even her "perfect" body bursts into flames. Fallen from grace the night remains when she is strongest. She considers this somewhat embarrassing.
  • Regeneration - Ferocity / - The undeath of a Vampire that allows no life yet no end either. A state of stasis where one's cells no longer divide, regress or grow. They only maintain a single point in time with which the Vampire returns to abolishing disease, ageing and wounds. Through this a Vampire can survive most wounds, save for one done by Holy Weapons or Magic, Conceptual Weapons that attack the spirit, and sunlight. Marakasha can regenerate from damage, with the time it takes to heal ranging based off the extent of the damage taken. While she can still regenerate this power has grown weaker after her long slumber. And despite having some resistance to sunlight it does drastically slow down her capability to heal making her more far more vulnerable in the day.
  • Supernatural Strength - Ferocity // - Vampires usually possess strength that outstrips the living, Marakasha's strength is greater still. As it was necessary to combat the rampaging strength of the "Demons". While weaker than she once was now that she has sealed away her bloodlust she is still capable of killing easily. There are few who can match her in strength that yet live. Breaking an arm is childs play, and her preferred method of dealing with an enemy is to just rip chunks out the ground and throw them if she can't just punch through them.
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Neramo Von Romaniel Contivier
(Nerry by his friends)
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Profession: Noble Cleric

Background: Noble, Head of House, The Sole Disciple

Backstory: Neramo is a noble from the land of Dagnia, born to a rather well off house, with a good amount of pull. However, with that sort of pull there comes enemies. And his father and mother suffered an attack from one of these when Neramo was only a boy of 6. Without any other heirs to the house, Neramo was placed at the head without any experience or knowledge, the boy simply wanting his mom and dad back. However, without bodies to recover, resurrection was not possible. And so the boy was placed at the head of his house, and instructed by his nurses and butlers. The boy was told to distrust everyone, and that the outside world was his enemy. They all sought his downfall, they all wanted him to share the fate of his pare-... You get the idea. As such, the impressionable mind of a young 6 year old became wrought with disdain and hate for those around him, never finding trust in any around him. However, there was one light in his life of good influence. A priestly caretaker, who came to teach him not belief in the gods, but rather the remnants of the tree itself. Finding hope in the stories and faith that he was taught, he began to be willing to speak with others, which was quite a big step from before. He began to consolodate knowledge and wealth as he grew, particularly knowledge of anything pertaining to the Great Tree. Upon his 20th birthday, Neramo set out to find others who would join in his expedition to the Great Trees remains, believing in all his heart that a piece of it must have survived, and it is his destiny to find it.

Personality: Despite the best intentions that Neramo holds in his heart, his outward exterior is much more hard to read. He seems to never drop his calm demeanor, as if he were purposefully keeping every aspect of himself secret except for that which he shares. He seems to never get caught offguard, nor lose his control of situations, due to how any genuine reaction never crosses his face.

Items/Gear: A wooden staff used to channel his faith and magic, a cloak enchanted to disperse magic that hits it, and buttloads of money


  • Ferocity:
  • Faith: ///
  • Intellect: /
  • Agility:
  • Presence: /

Constant Composure (Presence): It appears outwardly impossible to shake Neramo's composure, as no matter the circumstance he keeps a steady face and calm tone of voice, giving him an incredible poker face.

Creation Abhors Thee (Faith): Neramo holds his staff in prayer, as he prays to the Great Tree, the sky opening to reveal a beam of light that is cast towards his opponent. Buildings and other obstructions of the sky will not stop this, as the beam will pass harmlessly through ceilings and objects or creatures that are not currently designated as Neramo's enemies.

Mind and Soul Consoled (Faith, Intellect): Neramo's mind is fortified against mentally compromising affects, or anything that would adversely effect his mental state. This paired with Constant Composure makes it near impossible to break Neramo's poker face.

Thou Are Not Called Yet (Faith): Neramo is capable of incredible healing acts and revival should he reach the body in time. He can heal most mortal wounds and minor scrapes.

Light That Burns The Sky (Faith): Neramo's ultimate technique, he holds his staff aloft, causing persistent damage in a large area around him. This targeting is not based on ones undeath status, but rather their alignment to good or evil. If Neramo believes them wicked, they are burned as if they had been cast into a furnace filled with boiling oil and fire all at the same time. If he sees them as good, they are unaffected beyond a warm comforting feeling, like being tucked in a warm bed with nice blankets by a loved one.

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Beast / Half-Human

Profession: Internal Affairs Agent

Background: Khantor, Fodder, Trader, Appa, The Church, Dagnia, Internal Affairs

She was born the half-blood offspring of a of a male beastmen and human mother in Khantor. Thanks to being born in rather questionable circumstances through Unadesh, her father was cast down as Fodder and she was raised among their ranks. Being a half-blood didn't help either.

Thanks to being rather shrewd from a young age, she somehow managed to work her way up to becoming Appa, becoming a trader within the nation. She was quick to take a liking to being able to boss around some Oodesh Slaves and the occasional Fodder, being neither cruel nor kind, but definitely enjoying the newfound sense of superiority more than she should. Whilst she'd rarely harm them, let alone use them as actual 'fodder', she was quick to command them to do even the most trivial of tasks for her and even quicker to verbally reprimand them for doing it in a way she disliked. It earned her the nickname of 'Rat Queen' before long, a dubious title if any.

Her ambition, however, didn't stop at that. She had her eyes set on the Council, which she learned quickly enough to be a hollow dream. She might've had the wits, but not the strength to rise above her current status. To make matters worse, she soon realised a lot of her current efforts ended up being underappreciated due to her relatively low status.

It's why she eventually set sail on a 'trade mission' to the richest city state around, Dagnia. Except for the fact that she never planned to return afterwards. She was planning to become a merchant there and run her own business, outside of the hierarchy from home. She'd have to give up on her servants, but in turn, she'd no longer have to serve. An acceptable trade-off. Or so she thought...

To her own surprise, it wasn't the city's trade that ended up fascinating her most. It was their religious fervour. The shrewdness that got her into trading was what eventually got her in with the church as well. First she'd served as a simple tax collector's assistant. Then as a tax collector of her own right... then she decided to go for a more dangerous career option: becoming an Internal Affairs Agent.

With so much money and wealth going around, there was bound to be corruption both inside and outside of the church's ranks. The Inquisitors could handle corruption on the outside. Internal Affairs handled corruption on the inside. It was easy to see how this job didn't get her all that popular, except to those with an utterly clean slate. Considering her lack of power, she had only her silvered tongue to rely on to get her out of trouble. Even so, she believed that the goddess she'd genuinely come to serve would keep her safe.

Besides, even though she no longer had ratkin to boss around, she now had undead servants. They were even smellier than the rats had been, but it seemed like her days of being in charge weren't going to be over just yet.

She likes to talk her way into (and out of) trouble. She loves the feeling of being in control, even though she's magically and physically powerless.


  • Ferocity
    Overall physical combat effectiveness, durability, stamina
  • Faith /
    Spiritual integrity, religious understanding, holy magic
  • Intellect
    Strategy, tactics, magic prowess, rune keeping, magic item affinity, retention
  • Agility
    Speed, limberness, dexterity, lock-picking, stealth
  • Presence ////
    Charisma, leadership, intimidation, guile, cunning
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Johann Versailles

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Profession: Legionnaire (Ex-travelling merchant)

Background: Failed Merchant, Craftsman, Soldier

Backstory: Johann was originally a boy who wanted to be a travelling merchant, believing as a very young boy he was good at making things when he tied sticks to rocks and used them to hit trees. However, when he pursued this career, he hit... many roadblocks to say the least. He tried to make a bag with infinite capacity with magic and craftsmanship, but the spell he used failed, and instead turned the bag into something that only he could use, and all it did was produce spears. Eventually after his merchant cart was destroyed, he decided to give up and join the military to get some kind of income.

Personality: Johann is a rather outspoken man, eagerly talking whenever someone will spare him the time, his main issue being that he has a hard time shutting up, and will simply ramble on when prompted to talk in the first place, seeing as he doesn't have much of a filter there.

Items/Gear: Bag of Holding (My Spears), armor made himself

  • Ferocity: /
  • Faith: /
  • Intellect: /
  • Agility: /
  • Presence: /

Bag of MY spears (Intellect): Johann's spears cannot be held by anyone who isn't him for more than 27 seconds, because at that point they aren't his spears anymore, and they thus return to his bag to become his spears again. He can produce up to ten spears at a time from his bag.

Spear Throw (Ferocity): Johann pulls a spear from his bag, throwing it with enough force to pierce 2 inches of Iron

Spear Twirl (Agility): Johann twirls his spear above his head, creating enough draft to jump incredibly high and slow his falls.

Friendly Fellow (Presence): Johann just has an aura about him that makes people typically more warm to him than they otherwise would be, like how one wouldn't normally be able to get mad at a cute dog being around them.

Solus Spear (Faith): Johann empowers a spear with solar magic before he throws it, making it go farther and hit harder.
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Titus Adrastus


Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Human Imperial

Profession: Centurion (Primus Pilus)

Background: Patrician, 10th Legion, 1st cohort


Born to former Censor Severus Atilius and his wife Odetta, Titus lived a life of abundance, both in lifestyle and in time. Time split wisely between training and apprenticeship. Under the tutelage of Senator Celsus Priscus, Titus learned the ins and outs of politics and policy, foreign and domestic. Under the guidance of Lanista (Arena Trainer) Scipio, Titus would be honed to a capable fighter long before military service, often sparring with training gladiators as a youth.

At the age of 22 he joined the legions as optio of a century in the 43rd legion, skipping up the chain of command as a result of patrician backgrounds. In this legion he would rise up the hierarchy, making centurion of a century in the 6th cohort of the 43rd legion by the age of 26. Titus would act as centurion for a handful of different legions over the years before finally landing into the position of Primus Pilus, first spear Centurion. (Commander of the entire first cohort - 6 double strength centuries)

In the famed 10th Legion Gemina Solia Victrix*, in command of the first cohort, he would earn the cognomen of Adrastus after pursuing a raider throng of Ettlefrost natives into to the wilds after an attempted sacking of Cambrium. Over the course of 3 weeks Titus and the 1st cohort decimated and tracked the band back to a settlement of allied clans.
All who did not hide were slaughtered and those who fought were immolated for effect. The town was left a burning testament to the Empire's intolerance for their advances.

Returning to the greater empire a hero or sorts after the 28th replaced the 10th in Cambrium, Titus tried his hand in politics, entering the Comita Centuriata for a sojourn of 4 years before returning to the 10th.
A year later, Titus Adrastus and the tenth have been tasked out again. Though this time in deployment, rather than station.

*10th Legion Gemina (Twined) Solis Victrix (Sol's Victorious) is a veteran and specialty legion of two legions merged. This makes the legion a gargantuan 11,000 soldiers with accompanying animals and warmachines.*


A stern and audacious man, Titus isn't one to mince words or speak in purple, though having the command of language to be known for his adlocutio. Having a patrician upbringing and generally successful military career has engendered him with a sense of dignity that he carries with him into every interaction. This often serves him well.
No one can doubt Titus' devotion to the empire and loyalty to his subordinates, there are few things he cares more for.
And despite his typical austere mien, he's more than capable of compassion and revelry; should the situation call for it.
Like most imperials he bears no fondness for the heretical and alien.


Crista Pinnata Transversa helmet (Andradi Steel)

Lorica Segmentata (Andradi Steel)

Andradi Gladius (Andradi Steel)

Solar Clipeus (Shield able to reflect magic attacks better than physical attacks. As opposed to the scutum, which is the opposite.)

Thalassonikan Bullet Sling (sling for launching metal projectiles)


Ferocity //
Faith /
Agility /
Presence /


Bullet Sling Deadeye- Masterful use of the Andradi bullet sling able to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy and an extra bit of already devestating force with the help of rudimentary Sol magic.

Imperial Imposition- Striking ability to sway other's decisions and actions through strength of presence and reputation.

Parry, Riposte- An expert of the counter Titus can often not only parry but redirect magical attacks using the solar clipeus.

1st of the 10th- Aided by the prestige and pedigree as a member of the 10th in raising morale and inspiring his cohort and those around him.

Gladiatorial Bloodlust- Grows stronger in battle as it rages on, invigored by the fight rather than fatigued. Equipped to win through attrition when might is not enough.

Sol Invictus- A single, daily use self-heal for otherwise potentially fatal wounds. (Must be daytime.)

Sun's Favor- Increased resistances and vigor when exposed to sunlight, harder to detect in moonlight, no benefit in overcast or indoors.

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Tiber Decimus Zerzes
Age: 451693027678740.png
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Profession: Andradi Legate of the 8th 'Lupus' Division
Background: Fisherman


Tiber was born in Cecilia, an Andradi island port where his parents lived a modest life of fishing. Tiber grew up being trained by his brash, but loving father and wise, nurturing mother. Tiber a quicker learner with the sword and shield than he was with words or algorithms. An admiration for the peace and abundance his father for grew into military service the moment he was of age.

Losses, and victories decorated his tenure and features over the many years he served faithfully for the empire. A dedication engraved in his body for Sol. A faith he wielded with conviction against that was made manifest.

Personality: Brash, Boisterous, Loyal, Fierce


Ad Hoc - A maul he had special made in commemoration of his legion's inception. It has become his main force on the battlefield, and has gained infamy for the weight it brings wielded by it's master.
-quid valet facere valet superabundare-

Mea Culpa - A military issued Sagum he had blessed by the church with protection against the elements.

  • Ferocity: //
  • Faith: //
  • Intellect:
  • Agility: /
  • Presence:
  • Tarpeian Rock Slide - Ferocity //, Agility / - Tiber rushes toward an enemy he can see, digging his heels in before jumping into the air, using the momentum to drop onto his enemy with incredible force.
  • Hewn Lariat of Jupiter - Ferocity //, Agility / - When in melee range, Tiber swings his arm savages across the head of his enemy, attempting to put them into the ground for good.
  • Rosary of Sol - Faith // - The Legate raises his hand up to the sky, shouting a prayer to Sol; A lash of brilliant gold materializes in his hand and slacks in spools on the floor. Tiber uses this holy whip for those whom have challenged Sol's ideals foolishly.
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Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Profession: Fairy Dust Saleswoman

Background: Fairy Isles, Sullen, Princess, Aysu, Water Fairy

As alluring and magical as fairy-tales are, not all of them decided to live their lives like a Fairy Tale. Cansu's original clan, the Aysu, in particular, had taken the Sullen's aspects of Sadness, Fear, Understanding and Acceptance to their extremes. They have been living as secluded from the rest of the world as they could. Due to their small size and physical weaknesses, many of them were prone to fall prey to the claws and teeth of predators. Despite the fact that their intellect matches that of any other, they didn't exactly strive to overcome their physical weaknesses with intellectual strengths. For generations, Faeries within her clan accepted dying for the sustenance of predators to be a natural part of life. Only those that were fast enough or that possessed strong enough healing magic were able to thrive, thereby making sure the Faery clan was at its strongest. Such was the belief, at least. Fear of predators, sadness over loss to their kin, understanding that it was their place in nature and acceptance of such, were the key pillars of their society.

As the ages passed, things got progressively worse for the Faeries within her clan, as they started to suffer from increasingly hostile surroundings. The amount of predators that were hunting them increased, while the amount of areas that were suitable for maintaining a thriving Faery clan of their peculiar disposition decreasing.

It's why Cansu grew up to resist her clan's interpretations of Sullen's teachings. Her efforts were often in vain. She saw many of the other Faeries fall prey to predators, over and over again. Unlike most Faeries, she wished not to accept this, but to rid all Faeries of this disastrous fate. Cansu wished to create new ways for them to take on their predators; ways for them to climb up the ladder in the food chain. This clashed with the believes and habits that many of the other Aysu had adopted throughout their lives. The stronger Cansu grew in her conviction, the more she lost her popularity. The more Cansu tried to find new ways to fend off against predators, the more she became an outcast. Eventually, her father decided to denounce her for going against the natural order of things. Having once been nicknamed the “Princess of the Aysu”, she was now left as nothing more than an abandoned loner.

With little left to live for, she decided to start roaming the world. Either to find a new purpose, or to simply die trying. That 'purpose', however, turned out to be darker than one might wish for. After all, she got caught by some slavers wanting to harvest a certain 'Fairy Dust' from her, a painful process in which her body was drained from as much blood as she could miss before dying, after which the dried blood was mixed with some herbs and powder to be sold as a drug. Even with the tiny amounts they could harvest from her, the Fairy's blood was potent and thus she was worth a lot.

She'd spent a few years living her life in horrible conditions, being drained of her blood and being force-fed to recover as much blood as possible to increase the harvesting, kept locked away in a bird cage in some dark basement. When someone finally slipped up and allowed her to escape, she had to relearn flying again all over. Worse, even, was that she needed a ways to stay alive... which forced her to do the very thing she'd suffered through already. Selling her own self-made Fairy Blood.

Moody, Trust Issues, “Friendly”, Depressed, Needs a Friend


  • Ferocity
    Overall physical combat effectiveness, durability, stamina
  • Faith
    Spiritual integrity, religious understanding, holy magic
  • Intellect /
    Strategy, tactics, magic prowess, rune keeping, magic item affinity, retention
  • Agility ///
    Speed, limberness, dexterity, lock-picking, stealth
  • Presence /
    Charisma, leadership, intimidation, guile, cunning

The Aysu are known for being able to use water magic. Sometimes covering more advanced forms like mist, ice and steam as well. Cansu is a relative beginner at it, hence she earned the nickname 'Raindrop'.
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Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Fae

Profession: Entertainer

Background: Imperial, Servi Privati

Having been stolen away from the fairy isles at a very young age, Paralipomena early childhood wasn't one of calm or comfort. Life as spoils taken by Beastkin raiders was anything but pleasant and she spent most of her early life trading hands of different slavers before eventually ending up in the Andradi Empire.

Given the strict Imperial sanctions on immortal slaves and the practice of executing them upon discovery, many slavers made a practice of permenantly removing a fairy's wings and selling them as human. Several of the larger slave operations had resident fairies, tasked with teaching new stock the magic of resizing, a trait that made fairies not only easier to hide but more valuable as a whole.

Once sold into the empire, most fairy slaves would remain human sized out of fear of slaughter. This sort of infiltration of Imperial society was at the forefront of domestic politics in the Empire.
Here, Parelipomena was raised from age 6 to 23 as a servi privati to a Patrician house that purchased her under the impression she was from the Ettlefrost.

The patriarch of the family, Marcus Rasmus Maris, was a military man, and as such was very often away on duty. This left the several estates and their workforces under his wife's supervision. It was by her that Paralipomena was named and whom she served most directly. Livia Messalina, was a loyal wife of good standing and mother of 3 boys. It was she who purchased the young girl when tasked by her husband with supplementing the tenant farmers with slave labor. Initially, Livia kept her existance a secret in letters to her husband, knowing his likely disapproval, only revealing her on his visit.
Despite his initial reproach, he did warm up some to the child. Though, he knew his wife better than she knew herself, and knew immediately where the impulsive purchase took root. He warned of the social stigma of and forbade treating this girl as the daughter she's yet to have. She was a western slave.

On the night of his visit, they conceived their final progeny. Another son, Varius.
Despite her husband's warnings, Livia often defied the demand raising the 5 children something like siblings. To the outside world, Paralipomena was presented as a home and entertainment slave, trained in music and dance as well as guest service. Behind closed doors she was Paralipomena, "sister" of Varius, Philippus, Argus and Columba.

Eventually, the bored and malicious wives of Patricians took special interest in the lives of the family. It wasn't long before there was talk and shorter still before talk became rumor, rumor became accusations of adultery. That she was the fruit of Livia's transgressions.
The scandal soon got the attention of the Censor, who sent word to the church. Within a few days an Adjudicator and Inquistor were pressing the family about the nature of the claims.
In discovery, the sister inquisitor was able to conclude Livia had indeed remained faithful, at the same time however, she was made privy to the true nature of Paralipomena's being.
Duty bound, she reported her findings to her Adjudicator. Who immediately branded her a contraband being and her date of execution for three days and nights. Though, seeming callous in his judgement, in reality it was the greatest mercy he could have bestowed. That was more than enough time to smuggle her out of the empire and claim she escaped, at which point the execution notice would expire and the family would simply need to pay the fine a for contraband slave and handle the backlash of the scandal.

It took the rest of the evening for everyone to come to grips with what they had just learned and there was a fair share of emotional distress, feelings of deceit and helplessness. However, by next morning everyone hurried to do what they could to keep Paralipomena alive. Livia consoled her how she could while her adoptive brothers made preparations to secretly transport her to the current station of their father.
When it came time to part ways, Livia Messalina sent her away with a memento, fairy jewelry she had been purchased along with, a cryptic admission to potentially having always known. To Philippus she gave a letter to give to Marcus upon arrival, claiming he would know what to do.

In two days, time they arrived at the Castrum of the 19th guised as camp followers. Sub rosa, Philippus slipped Marcus the letter. That evening he "inspected the cargo" himself.
He said nothing at first, taking hold of Paralipomena's hand with all the warmth an old veteran like him could muster in such a sudden and conflicted position.
"Don't come out until sunrise."

Under the cover of night two of his auxilaries drove the wagon out of Imperial jurisdiction and abandoned it, with Paralipomena inside.

She's wandered the ever since.


Social and friendly
Clever and silvertongued
Flexible and agreeable
Musically and artistically talented
Adverse to conflict and somewhat fickle

Items/Gear: Necklace and matching headpiece made from the mountains of her ancestral home.

Faith //
Presence ///
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Name: Rowan Thorn


Gender: Female



Background: Travelling Bodyguard-

Backstory: She was born to a family with the wildcard blood- every member blood related to her grandfather had a wildly different ability, with hers being able to control a force-field type force. She left her family to strike out on her own, as they wanted to keep the family extremely insular to preserve the magic. She wants her freedom but also the chance to strengthen her magic.

Personality: She has a stubborn streak that prompted her to make her own way, even against her family’s wishes.

Items/Gear: A pack with money, food, clothes, the essentials


Ferocity: //


Intellect: ///




-Intelligence ///- Force Field- The magic she commands can create a strong force field, protecting herself and others at various sizes, fitting it to her skin like armour, or in a bubble about the size of a carriage. This force-field is breathable.

-Intelligence ///Ferocity//- Magic Weapon Fighting- She cab form her magic into sharp weapons and use those weapons to attack others.

-Intelligence///- Force Shape-She can make her force fields into items, molding it to a keyhole or something similar, nothing too complex, but simpler shapes like key shaped, circles, rectangles, etc.

-Intelligence///-Stairs- To combat difficult terrain, she can make platforms that could turn into stairs over things and to go higher than she can.

-Ferocity// Intelligence///-Enduring Endurance- Magic has soaked so into Rowan that it has physically affected her body, changing it to become more hardy while also increasing her endurance. Her body can tank hits that a normal person could not, and she can stay standing.

-Ferocity//Intelligence///-Force Fighting- She can use normal attacks but leaves a thin layer of force field on her arms and legs, similar to a brass knuckle, to aid in fighting, so it doesn’t look like magic.
Drecish Zorqiroth

3bc421ff1fa117c8b43bc2c1fee29eec.jpgAge: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Beastkin, Lizardkin

Profession: Merchant

Background: Appa

Backstory: Born in Khantor, Drecish wasn’t content being just an Appa, he wanted to leave Khantor so he could leave to find a place in the world that was better for him. Sure, he wasn’t Fodder but he wanted to be so much more than what he grew up as. Using his brain and his charm instead, Drecish became a merchant. He started small, working in other shops as a teen and learning the markets around him one at a time to find the best niche. He found that in Blood Jewelry. He began to work for another Appa’s shop, learning the industry before a unique opportunity fell into his lap. His employer wanted to become international, asking if Drecish would open a shop in Eldoria. He would receive shipments of Blood Jewelry and in exchange, he would send military goods back to Khantor. Medicine, weapons, materials, anything. The startup costs were partially being covered by making this an opportunity to collaborate with the Warrior Class and Council. Today, he runs a successful shop, having made friends with people in high places including Harry, who he exchanges goods directly with rather frequently.

Personality: Calculating, charming, always on the hunt for the next best thing

Sexuality: Bisexual

Items/Gear: Cane swordScreenshot_2023-08-28_192027.png

  • Ferocity:
  • Faith:
  • Intellect: //
  • Agility: /
  • Presence: //
Silvanus Argentum

Age: Old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Profession: Wanderer, Wizard

Background: Ex-Magister of War

Backstory: Leading an eventful and adventure filled life, the following is just the glossed over boring history.

Born in the Empire, he spent his "early years" as an arcanii, in dutiful service to the legions and the Emperor. Retired from the battlefield with honor, but rather than live a quite life as a teacher and advisor, the man simply put more focus into learning and expanding his talents, becoming one of the Empire's most respected mages. Years later, receiving the Emperor's blessing to extend his studies upon receiving an invitation to Ao. Though he frequently returned.

There, he took to the magesterium like a duck to water. Thinking to spend his remaining years satisfying every curiosity he had ever had of magic. Yet the years kept ticking by, beyond the normal human lifespan... more he learned, and more he found himself further integrating himself into magesterium. With the monsters from the east, there was always a use for those who new war. And he knew war.

Before he knew it, he found himself wrapped in armies and battles all over again. Earning as much respect in Ao as he had in the Empire, for a sharp mind and skill. Until the day came he found himself among the Circle as the Magister of War. A bit young, perhaps. Only about two hundred years old at the time, but know one could deny he lacked the credentials. He served as Magister for many years thereafter, until the day of the unprecedented incursion from the east.

Against all odds, a vast army of monsters traveled undetected a great distance from the east in a surprise assault. The military was barely readied in time, and was forced to split their forced to guard multiple passes through the mountains. Silvanus oversaw things personally, to buy time while more armies mobilized. So it was he found himself at Ao Gaian Pass. Facing a swarm larger than any anticipated, and a behemoth coming to storm the mountain. With less than half of the manpower he needed to hold back just the lesser monsters, Ao Gaian pass became a slaughter. The Eastern fortress was overrun in a matter of hours and the pass was breached, but he and his men fought on, killing them by the thousands. Until the behemoth reached the pass, and Silvanus was all that was left. Ripping a hole in the planar fabric, Silvanus banished himself and the behemoth where he could continue the fight without letting it enter Ao. A battle between he and it that traveled through time and planes, until at last Silvanus stood the victor. A broken victor, weakened and near death, he finally found his way back to the material plane.

As luck would have it, kind villagers helped heal him back to a semblance of good health, as well they revealed to him that years had passed. Now he wanders, in a world that had once thought him dead. Though a shell of his former power, there is still good yet he can do in this world until Sol sees fit that his years are up.

Personality: A very wise and mysterious man, Silvanus is nigh unflappable. Is always willing to pass along his knowledge to those who want it, and even sometimes to those he doesn't. He is quite patience, when he wants to be, though fools can easily draw out quips and irritation when they push the bounds of stupidity too far. Yet lack of stupidity will not prevent him from being amused at others at their expense.

Still, he is normally willing to lend aid when he can, as well to put down evil when it presents itself.

Items/Gear: Nothing notable

- Ferocity:
- Faith:
- Intellect: /////
- Agility:
- Presence:

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