All according to my Scenario
Emil Sr."Mr Andersen" she spoke crisply and clearly, voice travelling easily over the silence that was rapidly spreading from the man's actions. "Such behaviour is unbecoming of The Snow Wraith" She took a steadying breath, hoping that calling out his professional persona might help prompt him to control his actions. "The teachers here are more than capable of dealing with unruly students, you don't need to involve yourself in this matter." Yara's control over her expression was iron clad preventing her from forming any expression, the only tell of her nerves was the slight shaking in one of her hands hidden from Emil behind her back.
Emil Sr. focused his frozen blue eyes on Yara, and his lips twisted into a sneer. A moment later, he marshaled his self-control. These were idiot children, he reminded himself, and sons of dangerous men. Gutting them like fishes would be immensely satisfying, but even the Snow Wraith could recognize the risks in wounding the child of some crime boss who’d hunt him to Antarctica to avenge the injury.
His knife vanished up his sleeve, into one of many hidden sheathes in his suit.
“I trust your judgment in this matter, girl.” He glanced at his son, still frozen in terror, and nodded grimly at him. This place truly was not a good influence.
“Well, I suppose I have places to go, secrets to steal, men to kill… stay in school, little girl. And keep an eye on my boy.”
He shouldered past Yara on his way out, tired of ransacking the tables for food.

He passed close to Lidija, and shot her a glare that could have frozen over the pits of Hell. Did he know it was her? Perhaps not. But everyone was a potential candidate.