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Realistic or Modern Tarasp School of Excellence – Mafia Boarding School

"Mr Andersen" she spoke crisply and clearly, voice travelling easily over the silence that was rapidly spreading from the man's actions. "Such behaviour is unbecoming of The Snow Wraith" She took a steadying breath, hoping that calling out his professional persona might help prompt him to control his actions. "The teachers here are more than capable of dealing with unruly students, you don't need to involve yourself in this matter." Yara's control over her expression was iron clad preventing her from forming any expression, the only tell of her nerves was the slight shaking in one of her hands hidden from Emil behind her back.
Emil Sr.

Emil Sr. focused his frozen blue eyes on Yara, and his lips twisted into a sneer. A moment later, he marshaled his self-control. These were idiot children, he reminded himself, and sons of dangerous men. Gutting them like fishes would be immensely satisfying, but even the Snow Wraith could recognize the risks in wounding the child of some crime boss who’d hunt him to Antarctica to avenge the injury.

His knife vanished up his sleeve, into one of many hidden sheathes in his suit.

“I trust your judgment in this matter, girl.” He glanced at his son, still frozen in terror, and nodded grimly at him. This place truly was not a good influence.

“Well, I suppose I have places to go, secrets to steal, men to kill… stay in school, little girl. And keep an eye on my boy.”

He shouldered past Yara on his way out, tired of ransacking the tables for food.

Andalusite Andalusite

He passed close to Lidija, and shot her a glare that could have frozen over the pits of Hell. Did he know it was her? Perhaps not. But everyone was a potential candidate.
Yara Deremer
Location: Assembly Hall

Yara stayed rooted in her stance, not trusting her body to move. Her head was the only movement as it rotated to follow the assassin out of the room. Her body remained stiff as a board until he had left the room before all of the tension left in a massive sigh. She brought her shaking hand in front of her face for a moment and examined it. It wasn't the first time that she had stood up to trained killers but it was the first time without her families men at her back.

With a deep breath in and out Yara focused herself on the now, the shaking in her hand receding. Now it was at an acceptable level she examined the room before turning as if to make her way over to Lidija.

🦀Ratko Bogatović🦀
Location: Assembly Hall
Ratko heard the commotion, the gasps of onlookers, and the awkward silence that followed, but paid none of it any special attention. Had he known, however, that his precious little angel was just meters away from the deranged man, he would have rushed to protect her. But for now, he couldn't even be bothered to turn around and acknowledge the drama unfolding behind him when there was an entire platter of fresh salmon for him to devour.

First in line and just restocked. Excellent.

As the Serbian man took his share of fish, he stepped into Iliriana's line of sight and winked at her.

“Send my regards to Ilja for a job well done,” he complimented, holding up his replenished plate with a pronounced grin before turning away to snack on his spoils to make some space for a slice or two of chocolate cake.


Iliriana Makolli
Location: Assembly Hall
Tags: Emil ( Selee-01 Selee-01 ), Yara ( Scavenger Scavenger )
Iliriana maintained a neutral expression throughout their brief interaction, knowing that any genuine outward display toward his indifference would signify more than just a formal acquaintance to those around her.

Seriously, Rado? How can you even think of food at a time like this? chastised Iliriana in her mind.

Before the Kosovar could find the appropriate words to criticize Ratko for his surprisingly foolish disregard of the situation, one of the students, a silver-haired girl, decided to take matters into her own hands. Iliriana's heart stopped as the girl stepped in front of the knife-wielding brute and called out to him. She reached once more into her purse, her eyes scanning her surroundings cautiously as her fingertips brushed up against cold steel. Her distrustful glare fixated on the nape of the Nordic man's neck. If he continued his brazen display of disrespect toward the academy’s code, then he’d leave her with no choice but to take matters into her own hands.

Fortunately, it did not come down to that. Whatever that girl had said to the man managed to convince him to put away his knife and exit the room. As soon as it was clear that he wasn't coming back, Iliriana's finger eased away from the trigger. She nonchalantly retrieved her phone instead, pretending to check the clock on her lock screen as if that had been her intention all along. The time was a lot later than she expected, and yet Dr. Criado and the headmaster were still nowhere to be seen. Iliriana sighed. It was for the best, she reminded herself. A grown man brandishing a knife at students in the presence of a new hire certainly wouldn’t have reflected well on the academy.

She retrieved her plate from the table, but hesitated to pick up the tongs and start serving herself when she noticed a boy with platinum blonde hair frozen in place, not too far from where Emil Sr's violent outburst had occurred. Iliriana set the empty plate back down and sighed as she began to make her way over. She couldn't leave him standing there like that. It was her job after all to ensure that all students felt welcome during their stay at the academy. But first things first...

Iliriana approached Yara from behind, placing her gloved hand on the girl's shoulder as she passed by.

“Next time, leave the interventions to faculty,” she commented over her shoulder, though she had to admit, she was glad that she hadn't been the one to deal with the violent glutton. With a dignified poise, the dark-haired woman continued forward a few more steps, the netted veil of her fascinator brushing against her cheek at each click of her stilettos as she shifted her gaze from one student to the next, studying their demeanors before stopping in the spot where Emil Sr once stood. She turned around to face Yara. “Is everyone okay? He wasn't hurt, was he?“ Iliriana asked, gesturing directly toward Emil who seemed the most shaken up by the incident.
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“Is everyone okay? He wasn't hurt, was he?“ Iliriana asked, gesturing directly toward Emil who seemed the most shaken up by the incident.
Emil Jr.

Emil shook his head as if cleaning out the cobwebs, still looking unsettled and disturbed. Part of him was back in the cold wet darkness, choking on ice. But the larger part of him recognized that his father was gone, and not coming back anytime soon.

“I’m fine, ma’am,” he said, trying to project more confidence than he actually had. “No injuries here.”

Emil let the stress melt away, taking a deep breath, then another. Yes, he was just fine.

At least, that’s what he told himself.

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