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One x One Tangled Strings

@A Guileless Fable Whoo boy your character sheet leaves open so many fun routes for world building and future plots, it's awesome!

I think maybe I should start just due to the plot set up, but regardless of whoever starts I have a feeling my first post is gonna be long as hecky cause there's a lot to cover so I hope that doesn't freak you out (that has......happened before). (OuO)
Yes xD Don't worry about length!

The longer it is the more fun i'll have reading :3!

Sorry to make you wait such a longtime, but

now you may go wild X3. Also I changed

that dude three times Lols!
Haha I noticed you changed him! But that just means you saved the best for last. B)

Well thanks to the weather my daily life has been greatly delayed, but I can get on it as soon as I get home. I guess if you wanted to throw up something you could, otherwise I'll get on it this afternoon. ( ;) )

And good about the length...well I tend to be pretty free-form so my posts can either be rather long or relatively short.......but oh yeah I linked you one of the longer ones so I guess you saw beforehand what you're getting into xD
Sorry I slept for 1000 years when I got home lol. oTZ

Working on post now. I made a small profile for Absolon's girlfriend because I thought that while she won't be showing up right away she's kind of important and probably will be talking about her a lot cause jilted lover syndrome soo...well, there she is as I imagined her. x'D
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Well I was thinking that it's been fairly recent since Chunta came off the mountain, so Absolon is also in the mountain range somewhere in a forest.

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Finished! Had a little writers block near the end,

so the ending is a bit eh, but I think

it does the trick. Didn't kill the horse.

You decide that ;3
It's been 3 posts and we're already killing each other

Brilliant (':3)

IDK man horse vs. tiger I feel like the winner's an obvious choice (;_\)
Lols. Yes, hunger

makes the beast do anything.

Didn't want to outright kill

the horse since it was yours and

you might have wanted to keep it.

I'm sorry Vikrom had to die ;-;.

But you can't say I didn't try to help ya :D
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He's gonna die o-o

I'll bet he survives! Just waking

up and gotta go to school expect my post to be around

the evening ... or the middle of the night in your case.

I think. I'm not good at times X|

Tiger FTW
Here I thought we were gonna go on this magical animal-filled adventure and--

one post in and a tiger comes out of nowhere and eats my horse


its all cool

actually it's horrible but I'm still laughing

Right now I should be studying for finals anyways. :'')

I will go back to doing that >,>>;;

If it's middle of the night for you will probably be afternoon for me...maybe? Also not good with times haha. It's already the middle of the night here though >,> <,< >,>
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