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Fantasy Tangled Strings of Fate

The princess didn’t seem to be too pressured though, she looked over to the guard which had currently raised his voice and she raised once hand and shook her head softly, indicating it was fine. But all the candidates seemed to be silenced after that one comment made by the guard. But the half-dwarf took in a clear breath and cleared his throat as he approached Erena again.

The question was clearly something the princess wasn’t expecting, she blinked for a moment, she did know that the selection was supposed to be a much shorter time as it would have taken the whole night but then again something unexpected happened last night. But then again this was also a formality for her as well. But mostly because last night was so hectic.

The princess responded with a calm face, “Well, I believe that is it a mix of both. Especially after what happened last night, it was a very short time I was able to spend with you gentlemen, but this is also a formality once again for me. As I know that I cannot pick slowly. I hope this answered your question, sir,” she answered politely to the half-dwarf man.

But in all honesty she did have to choose quickly but… She did have one man in mind already, though she knew it would be rejected by many people in her kingdom. The other four were in honesty was what she was looking for, all the people gathered here were all very polite and kind men but she would have to see herself indivually and see the color of their heart, the closer they were to color gold or near a good color Erena would begin to talk to them to see if they were right person for her.

The princess stood up as she politely told the other candidates that she would grab some water, she walked over to where the pitcher of water was, taking in a refreshing sip of it as she felt crowded by so many people, once again. But she knew that they all meant no harm and they were simply asking questions but she would have enjoyed it if she would have some room.

GojiBean GojiBean
Kyo'da kept an eye on the crowd out of the corner of his eye as he sipped the last of his water from the cup and set it down on the table. A flick of his eyes to the right, and he noticed the guards looking squarely at him now. Not surprising. He was a Tuarva. And well-behaved as he was, it didn't take a psychic to know that these guards were in the mindset that his kind were dangerous and not to be trusted.

The Princess had come to the table for a drink herself. And he couldn't blame her. After what almost turned into a brawl a moment ago, almost anyone would want to get away from that crowd, right?

He did have to admit that the Princess looked quite radiant this morning. And he wanted to say something. But...

"I broke the bed in the room I was staying in. Sorry about that." He muttered.

... WHAT?!?!

Kyo'da knew he wasn't that great with small talk. Especially with people he'd just met. But of all the things he could could have brought up, THAT'S what ended up coming out of his mouth? He cleared his throat and turned his head away as he could feel the warmth in his cheeks as his face flushed.

What an embarrassing thing to say!!

The princess blinked, suprised, clearly not expecting Kyo’da to start a conversation about a Brocken bed but she couldn’t help but have a small smile mand the chuckled of laughter which she tried to muffle. But she tried to appear neutral she could not favor one candidate over another only if she were to pick them as her final choice. She quickly put her free hand up and waved it slightly, “No, no do not worry. I should have expected that. Also do not worry if you thought about paying for the bed. It’s completely alright especially with the diversity of people here in the room, I ought to haver paid more attention, I apologize.” she told him and she dipped her head in a slight apology.

Erena looked at Kyo’da, “On another note I wanted to ask how you spent the night? I understand the bed broke but, I am assuming you couldn’t sleep that well?” she commented, it would be quite uncomfortable to sleep on a Brocken bed, especially for a man his size. “I’ll prepare a new bed as soon as possible. I’ll do my best to find a bed you can sleep in.” she smiled at him, it was her fault yesterday was so chaotic Erena couldn’t think straight at all. But now that she was fully awake and fine she could make things right.

The princes looked at Kyo’da. “Is your injury alright? Did it worsen?” she asked, worried, her eyes showed sympathy because of getting hurt because of the royal family.

She looked down, she did learn slightly of the Tuarva race and how they were not immune to magic at all, but she didn’t learn much about them, especially since they were a race which was scorned and thought to be the race with no brains and just brawls and fights. She should have asked for a medic perpahs to look at him.

GojiBean GojiBean
Kyo'da tried to make it as subtle as possible, but he cleared his throat before taking a breath and turning to face her properly.

"The bed breaking was my fault. I'm a lot heavier than I look."

He gave a side glance to the other candidates who were trying to make it look like they were enjoying small talk, but were clearly watching them out of the corners of their eyes.

"I'd say I slept well enough, given the circumstances. But thanks for the offer of a new bed. I asked the attendant who fetched me this morning to provide one with a metal frame and she said she'd look into it. So you don't need to trouble yourself."

After her inquiry of his injury, he checked his hand and gave it a flex.

"It's doing fine. But it'll probably be a few days before I can close my fist again." He muttered while trying to clench, but being unable to push further than his thumb touching the first knuckle of his curled fingers.

"How about you and your folks? No serious injuries, right?"

Erena smiled slightly, this man so humble, no wonder he holds the heart of gold. But she couldn’t pay mind to Kyo’da the whole time, as she knew other candidates were looking at them.

The princess eyes rows furrowed slightly when he said his fist would take a few days to close, she felt utter guilt and sorrow. She put her hands together clenching them hoping that the others would only see it as holding her hands together. She nodded. “I do hope it feels better Sir Kyo’da.” she told the gentleman in a soft voice.

The princess nodded, her eyes revealing gratitude and sympathy. “Yes, I am well and uninjured, because of you sir, and I’m sure my parents, the king and queen are at the moment fine but had a fright which just has taken a toll on al our hearts. But we are deeply in debt to you, thank you.”

She looked at the other candidates who would soon think she was favoring one candidate she hoped it wouldn’t be abrupt to leave a conversation and that sir Kyo’da would be fine with her taking in a little bit of interest in the other candidates. “How have you other gentlemen slept? Has anything been unsatisfying or uncomfortable for you gentleman? If there is please let me know right away and I will do my best to fix it.” she commented looking at the other candidates with her dark ocean eyes, putting her mind on them. She would fine five candidates suitable and she found and already knew one. Just four to go.

GojiBean GojiBean
Kyo'da gave her a nod of her head in understanding, and watched as she made addressed the others asking if they'd slept well and had any other issues of comfort or satisfaction with their accommodations.

"No serious complaints, Princess." Said a half-elf.

"Do you have minor complaints?" Asked a human.

"Hm? I suppose I was slightly put off by the size of the room I was placed in. It was large enough for a two-person bed, a desk, chair, wardrobe, mirror, and a few other things. But still, it felt cramped to me."

"Our rooms were all the same size, and I found it to be rather large. Almost unnecessarily so, even if we are candidates for the Princess's hand." Replied a full-blood elf who'd kept largely quiet until now.

"I suppose we simply have different tastes."

Kyo'da subtly shook his head as his lips pursed a bit in quiet disapproval of where this conversation was going, and the guards seemed to feel the same as they quietly, and slowly, inched closer to where the Princess and Kyo'da were standing to try and nonchalantly wedge themselves into a position to break up any potential physical disputes.

"Aye. Our rooms be quite large."

"Coming from a Dward, that's not surprising."

"'Ey! Watch yer tongue, laddie!"

"Oh, no need to get so upset. You know it's true."

"It's not about truth and lies, sir. It's about the obvious rudeness of your words. And in front of the Princess, no less."

Kyo'da took a cautionary step up to stand right next to Erena, almost shoulder to shoulder. Wounded hand or not, a fight between these men could cause her undo harm if they got too carried away.

Erena felt tension once again gather around, she quickly dipped her head, feeling ashamed how she had missed height difference but the candidate who obviously seemed to try and calm them down was a good sir, she looked up to see which candidate it was for a second before, she should have memorized all the candidates taste and asked beforehand.

"Dear gentlemen, I apologize for not paying attention to your needs. I will attend to this matter as soon as possible and do my best for your fitting." she murmured as she had realized that Sir Kyo'da had taken a step closer almost shoulder to shoulder. She cracked open a faint smile.

He was truly a kind person.

She gave a small dip of her head to the gentlemen around her, "Now, let us settle down a bit. I would love to hear stories from all you candidates and what it is like on your land." she smiled genuinely toward those around her.

"Does anyone want to share first?"

GojiBean GojiBean

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