Tangled Memories


Cat in Disguise
Please create your characters and post them up here.

~~The form~~

Name: (Only a first name needed, last name optional)



(Description and Picture accepted) (I don`t care what type of pictures they are)

Personality: (At least one paragraph)

NPC: (Optional)

Also, somewhere in your character sheet, specify where you want your character to be awakening/arriving from darkness at. ((Somewhere in Rhode Island, USA))

~~Accepted characters~~

@L u n a (Awakened)

Cyra ~ @dragonslayr (Awakened)

Michael Hollins ~ @The Doorman (Awaiting Awakening)

May ~ @Allina Auburn (Awaiting Awakening)


(My Character)

Isabell 'Izzy'

Gender: Female

Age: 17



Personality: Isabell is a fiery, spirited, and stubborn. When she gets an idea into her head, there is no stopping her. She doesn`t take lightly to bullies and mean people. She enjoys hanging out with other people, and prefers real people to book or television.

NPC: Rin (The young girl in the opening/introduction)

Arrival spot: Central Falls, Rhode Island. In an abandoned/old house on the edge of the city.

Rin (NPC)

Gender: Female

Age: 10



Attachment: (As she is an important NPC, she is attached to wherever each character is placed at when they are brought out from the dark. When you begin, your talking to Rin)

~~Npc`s & Npc rules~~

One of the feature in this rp is going to be an npc system. The Non-player characters can greatly improve the story line and plot. NPC`s can be either linked to a place, player, or other npc.

Form For NPC creation:

Name: (Only a first name needed, last name optional)




Attachment: (Player, Character, Place, Another NPC?)

Personality: (Optional)

Please have your NPC`s form on the same post as your cahracter, unless you are creating your NPC after the creationg of your character. If that is the case, please link the two together.

I have forgotten to mention, your characters are actually descending from another dimension, and have hence lost their memories and lives and are starting a new. Rin has the ability to sense when this happens, and thus why she is the one to awaken y`all. Just thought i`d clear that up.
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Name: Rema

Gender: boy

Age: 16

Looks: Thigh length curly silver hair and mitch match eyes. left is green right is grey. 5'4 petite with pale skin. usually has head phones on him.

Personality: A loner remu isnt used to social interaction. he can come off as shy though he just doesn't give a fuck. A lazy genius he finds most things bothersome including societies morals, opinions and views. He is extremely loyal to those he cares about and wont hesitate to fight for them. DON'T MESS WITH HIS POCKY!
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Name: Akari Arisato


15 years old


Akari has a rather slim (and petite?) body. She has light-brown, round eyes and layered brown hair hat reaches a little below her shoulders. She stands at 5'3 feet. She can be seen in any kind of clothes (even a boy's), as she's not so picky about those things, or anything, really.

Personality: Akari is a very curious and adventurous girl, who chooses to live with instinct and love than logic and things that need calculations to understand. She's a quite reserved yet happy-go-lucky girl who enjoys the sole action of either walking around, staring at the sky, or contemplating (or all of the above). She's awfully fond of exploring, sweet food, and meeting new people and knowing new things. A girl like her isn't so hard to talk to or be friends with, because this free girl just either listens fondly or follows anyone or anything interesting enough around. She always moves and speaks softly, like an innocent little feather, ready to float away any time.
@L u n a Where do you want your character to be arriving at? Somewhere in Rhode Island please. That`ll make it easier.

@kira blackthorn Where do you want your character Ariving at?

And both, do you want NPC`s? if so, please add them, If not, okie dokie. Just remember o link the npc and pc if you make npc later.
I'm not going to create an NPC. ^^ Also, I'd like my character to arrive at... Well, I don't know any specific place in Rhode Island. (-lives at the other side of the world-) Do you mind suggesting an area or something? ou o
Central Falls is a city in Rhode Island, you can arrive there if you want, just specify a building, or park, or mall or or or 
Other than that, your Character is Approved.
Thanks~ I'll have her land at a park in Central Falls then. One that has lots of surrounding trees and stuff. uwu
Name: Cyra

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Looks: Has medium length red hair and green eyes (like in the picture). She is slightly muscular and a little taller than average. She typically wears jeans and a t shirt with a hoodie on top.


Personality: Cyra is very enthusiastic and optimistic. She can be considered a drama queen and loves to be the center of attention. However, she's very kind, loyal, and generally fun to be around. Her favorite things include dogs, fantasy stories, and learning new things. One thing she hates is when food has too much of one thing in it (for example, salt or sugar).

NPC: Maybe later
Alrighty. Your awakening will be after kira blackthorn`s. I`ll have to give Rin a post`s worth of rest beforehand though. seems unrealistic to have her do three in a row. So it may be a little while
Name: Michael Hollins

Gender: Male

Age: 18 Years


Michael stands at around 6'5"-6'6" and has the build of a swimmer, not too muscular visibly but nonetheless strong, narrowly escaping the awkwardness that comes with being called 'lanky'. His hair is a color similar to honey and his eyes transition from green, to blue, and silver due to a strange case of hetorochromia, though the trnsitions take time and colors typically blend.

Personality: Michael is open about his feelings, friendly, and an all around extrovert, despite this he always seems tired and is soft-spoken. That being said, the boy is easily startled, easily entertained, and easy to get a reaction out of. He is very kind and can be a bit of a push over so he is often taken advantage of by others and doesn't really say anything if his feelings are hurt.

NPC: Mebbe later.


Name: May Awoken at the lake




She wears old fashioned clothes and is open to anything she is very frail with very weak bones because she has Anorexica.

Personality:May has always been the little sister and she hates it. She is patient and kind and that is useful for when people get hurt. She loves The arts and sings all day and night. She is the brains of the group and has a photographic memory.
Alright then. Your awakening will be coming up at some point soon, hopefully. 
@The Doorman So long as your okay with it, Im gonna place your character at the same spot mine would be at. So I may just awaken both yours and my character at the same time.






16 years


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/anime-girl-pictures-10.jpg.795dc504db25034da1c9b2eba42793d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/anime-girl-pictures-10.jpg.795dc504db25034da1c9b2eba42793d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mei has long blonde hair with pink strips in it. she wears headphones at all time.

she is tall and slim with blue eyes.


Mei with headphones on will alway tryes to be strong and never show weakness, but if she or someone takes them of she will have a hard time to hide feelings. If she like and trust someone she can be the best friend and a happy person, she will alway protect and Support her friends.











mei's headphones​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/sho.jpg.40fa6bfc7e5bd6dacf7d5661eaa0e888.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/sho.jpg.40fa6bfc7e5bd6dacf7d5661eaa0e888.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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