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Realistic or Modern π’―𝒢𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒𝒹 π»π‘’π’Άπ“‡π“‰π“ˆ & 𝐻𝒾𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓃 π’žπ“π“Šπ‘’π“ˆ

screw off.

β€œIt is fucked to say she looks hot in that dress,”
Micky said, her face curling up into a look of thorough disgust, β€œbecause, first of all, she’s my little sister what the fuck, and, second, she looks like a rat clogging the shower drain, and, third, she’s my little sister are you fucked?” She punched him in the shoulder, a little bit harder than necessary, because ew seriously what the fuck. β€œI’m supposed to, like, kill people who so much as look at her, don’t you know. Like, it’s big sister code. Be glad that I don’t castrate you right here, you little pervert.”

And at Miles’ acknowledgement of who she knew must be that legitimate little perv, Micky groaned, intentionally looking in the direction opposite which Miles stared. She reached over to turn Miles toward herself when Miles seized her by the arm and looped his arm through hers.

β€œAh, fuck it, c’mon, just don’t make eye contact,” he said, dragging Micky along.

Micky rolled her eyes. β€œYeah, I didn’t plan on it.” She trained her eyes on the drinks, trying not to let her gaze wander.

β€œIf he comes over,” Miles whispered, and Micky looked up at him to see him looking straight at Colby, β€œjust say you’re a nun, yeah? No, no, say your dad said you can’t talk to boys.”

β€œI suck dick in bathroom stalls, you ass,” Micky said, shaking her head. β€œNot really a secret. I don’t think either will work.” And then, β€œStop looking,” as her subconscious morbid curiosity took over and led her eyes over to the two boys.


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


why you mad, bro?

Axel watched Kay’s reactions with amusement.
God, this kid. Even after they’d been best friends for however longβ€”or, well, ever since Axel had all but legally adopted him, more like, but you could call it best friendsβ€”Kay never failed to make him more and more grateful that Axel had the innate charisma and sex appeal that he did and that he’d not been born with the…overwhelmingly wimpishness of his friend who’d never quite grown out of third grade.

His eyes flickered to the pair which Kay had been staring at, and he realized they were headed his direction just as Kay did.

Of course, Kay reacted as Axel would expect him to react when any girl was around.

Axel chuckled, slapping a heavy hand on his taller friend’s shoulder blade. β€œJesus. Don’t jizz your pants, Kay,” he said, though just enough under his breath that the chick didn’t hear him. β€œIt’s not a question of what do you doβ€”don’t think of it that way.” He grinned widely, his gaze switching to Micky. God, she was pretty hot, wasn’t she? In a trashy sort of way. β€œYou don’t gotta do nothing. You just gotta be, and she’ll draw to you like a moth to a flame.”

God, this would probably be a site to behold, huh? But it would be entertainment as a story laterβ€”and, hell, maybe this would finally give Kay the boost that he needed to become some sort of fuckin’ man, right?

Cupping a hand to his mouth, Axel called, β€œOi, Mick!”—and the girl’s head turned up in their direction.

With a chuckle, Axel said, β€œThere’s your shot,” and he gave Kay a shove in her directionβ€”and, naturally, immediately swaggered off.

The badasses always walked away from explosions, after all.

When he was a far enough distance away, Axel, now onto the next thing, glanced around to make sure that nobody was, you know, standing over his shoulder (because you would be surprised with some of the freaks around here) and pulled out his phone to check his messages.

Right. So Jay…should be around soon.


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Whatever makes you happy...

Ellie squealed, reaching over to half-heartedly cup a hand over her friend’s mouth and reaching her other hand to her own face. β€œStopstopstop!” she giggled. β€œMargot, I’m literally going to strangle youuu.”

She snuck a glance over at Colby, who stood flexing his muscles, and she wound up just staring for a moment, totally zoned out and definitely not drooling at all. His small but defined muscles, the way his forearms flexed, the small movements of the veins in his arms, the way his hair flopped when he looked down at them…

Could he get any dreamier?

But then…


Her sister came up.

And Ellie turned away before she watched what happened there.

She didn’t really have to guess what was going to happen.

It didn’t really surprise her anymore. Micky was prettier than she was, anyway, so she could kind of have whatever boy she wanted.

She looked over at Margot, her face a bright red but suddenly much more serious. β€œDo you think I’m Colby’s type?” she asked. β€œLike, do you think that I’m his, like…” She reached up to her hair, holding it up off of her face in a way that she thought might be sort of tantalizing. β€œLike, do you think he thinks I’m hot?” Her brows knit together. β€œHe doesn’t, does he? He thinks that I’m, like, like, and, like…” Desperately, she gripped her face, her shoulders hunching. β€œMaybe I shouldn’t, like…maybe I shouldn’t’ve worn this much makeup. I probably look like a clown. I look like a clown, don’t I?” She pouted slightly, crossing her arms, suddenly less hurt-seeming. β€œMargot, you’re, like, so pretty. Like, why can’t I, like, be like you?”

And then, β€œI wish I could make out with Colby,” and then, β€œAnd I want to drink.”

I Miss What I Have

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


jealous much?

Had Donna ever mentioned his history with, y’know…romance?

It had started in kindergarten, actually. He was sitting in the living room with his plate of celery and peanut butter (a smackin’ classic snack, by the way) and crunching away when an advertisement came on for a jeweler. And in the end, there was this couple kissing and then a big ring showed up that had the text, For your forever love, written over it. And something about that had made him feel the need to, the next day at school, walk right up to some random girl and say, β€œI love you and I wanna buy you a ring. Wanna marry me?”

He couldn’t remember what had happened with that, but he didn’t really talk to girls after that.

Sure, he had things for girls here and there, and sure, there was a moment in, like, ninth grade where there was a chick he had a crush on in his math class who he pecked on the lips after a football game, but he’d never really had much to do with it. After that moment where he’d had to explain to his dad that he wanted to buy a ring for this girl who he loved and his dad had looked him square in the eyes and said, β€œYou don’t know what that means yet, Don,” there was some desire in his mind that was severed. He’d had a few girls whom he’d held hands with at school, sure, and who he’d ghosted a couple weeks after, or some chicks who he’d made out with in his car a few times, and sure, he’d always been a flirt, and girls were pretty, and sure, he’d have sex with a girl if she really wanted it (though he’d never done it yet), but it just wasn’t something that he really…

He didn’t know what to say.

But now, there was…this girl. And he didn’t really know when it started, or how he got here, but somehow, he was here, and he was smirking and glancing down at their hands as she pulled him away. β€œIt works better when I say things about that, because they’re true when I say them,” he said breathily, before he breathed out a sigh, β€œbut I’ll let you flatter yourself by thinking that I was waiting on you.”

He paused a moment, staring at her side profile for a second, and he just took her in for a moment, tried to memorize this angle of her face. And then, with a chuckle, he said, β€œAs for what I was thinking…” He shrugged, grinning. β€œI was thinking whatever you were.”

how bad can i be?

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


  • Like father, like son

    If he was a real good, real loyal cousin, then Miles would've told the blonde that they were busy when he started swaggering his way over.

    Except that Miles was basically anything but that.

    As Colby made his way over -- which he saw with focused eyes, 'cause he'd forgotten to divert his attention, so he'd seen the way that Axel Reid immediately shoved Colby's skinny frame towards them.

    "Oh shit, oh fuck," he whispered, or at least tried to whisper, to Micky. "He's coming over here, you seein' this shit? What do we do, what do we--"

    But Miles cut himself off when he realized that, to be quite simple, there was nothing that could be done.

    "Hey, Colby Jack," he greeted the blonde, and then Miles released his hold on Micky, before giving his cousin a loving pat on the back. "Ya know I think I ah... heard someone callin' my name, so how 'bout I just," -- here, he gave a wink in Micky's direction -- "leave ya two kids at it, eh?"

    As he started away, he paused only long enough to call back: "Don't forget condoms!"

    'Cause ya know, he really worried about his cousins.

    come hang out

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Are you looking?

When the twins were apart,
Jay always felt like his other half was missing. He could barely even function without Donna there to finish his sentences and to push him into doing dumb shit, and--

Nah, he was fuckin' with you. If anything, Jay ended up with a few braincells when his brother was gone.

(Let's be honest, both their parents were smart -- the boys had to be smart. They just tended to bring out the dumbest in each other or something along those lines.)

And sometimes being brother-less was better, 'cause Jay was a lot smoother with the ladies and the gentlemen when he was all by himself. So he'd made his way through the party, hanging with some of the football players, chatting it up with some cheerleaders (Tiffany hopped on his back, too, and wouldn't stop giggling -- he was pretty sure she still had a crush on him), and finally his ambling brought him full circle until he was nearing the drinks and what do you know.

Axel Reid.

It was... complicated to discuss what they were, but Jay was having fun with it. Like, a lot of fun with it.

Mostly because it was sooo funny to see Axel getting mad.

Ever so quietly, Jay tiptoed his way up behind Axel, and then--

"BOO!" he yelled as he grabbed Axel's shoulders, before he let go, laughing as he did so.

tik tok

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It was all fun and games, really, until Eleanor's sister kind of had to ruin it.

The smiling, and the giggling, and all the rest of it was burned away when Colby and Micky started talking. It was like, even at this party that was totally going to be their moment to shine, both Ellie and Margot still somehow fell over to the sidelines, and Margot couldn't even keep her smile together.

β€œDo you think I’m Colby’s type?” Ellie asked, and Margot tore her gaze away from Colby and Micky to study her best friend.

And as Eleanor rambled on, about not being hot, about the makeup she wore, and calling herself a clown, Margot like... wanted to go and slap Colby and call him a dick because Micky was not nearly as pretty as Ellie. And she wanted to grab his stupid blonde head and force him to look at Ellie.

β€œMargot, you’re, like, so pretty. Like, why can’t I, like, be like you?”

Margot blinked.

β€œI wish I could make out with Colby. And I want to drink.”

And at those two things, Margot couldn't help but giggle.

"I bet he kisses you later tonight, when Micky blows him off, 'cause you know she's going to. And then he'll look across the party and see you, and be all like 'omg she's perfect, how did I never notice my best friend's little sister's best friend?'" Margot giggled again at her own little imagination.

"You look so pretty tonight, Ellie." She corrected her friend. "Here, let's umm... you have your phone, right? Let's take some pictures and then you can post them and Colby will see them later and be all like omg wow ya know? And after that, we'll go get totally drunk and make Axel drive us home."


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Just getting by

Ari scoffed, and there was a little roll of her eyes.
He was really always like this, wasn't he? Teasing, and refusing to admit that Ari was totally right and he's sooo been waiting for her.

It would've been less hypocritical, of course, had she been willing to admit that she was also looking for him.

"You were so waiting for me," Ariana echoed once again, but didn't push it aside from that -- at least for now.

β€œAs for what I was thinking…” He shrugged, and Ari glanced at him. β€œI was thinking whatever you were.”

Ariana let out a loud, super deep huff as she rolled her eyes, turning her eyes away from him. "You're killing me right now, Freud, like... for real." She huffed once more and now that they were some distance away from the party, she paused so she could turns towards him.

"I was kind of thinking, like... maybe a date, doing like..." and here, Ariana was seriously trying to wrack her brain to think of something super cool to suggest because like, yeah, maybe, maybe, she was trying to impress this guy for whatever reason. "We could--"

And as she started to speak, Ariana went to lean back against the random car that was behind her. However, somehow, somehow because like, cars shouldn't be that sensitive, she hit it in such a way that the alarm started going off.

Her heart jumped into her throat as she pulled away from the car, before she spun around to look at the blinking lights and the blaring sound of the siren that echoed through the woods.

"Oh shit-- go, go, go. We were never here," Ari hissed, as she pushed Donna away from the car and the scene of the crime.


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


screw off.

β€œShut up, shut up, shut up,”
Micky hissed, punching Miles hard on the shoulder. β€œJust don’t acknowledge him, okay? Act like he doesn’t fucking exβ€”β€œ

β€œHey, Colby Jack,” Miles interrupted, letting go of Micky’s arm and patting her on the back.

β€œShut the fuck up, dumbass, shut up,” she mumbled, trying to slip behind Miles. β€œShut up, shut up—”

Miles continued. β€œYa know I think I ah…”

Fury and panic was written in Micky’s expression. β€œβ€”you better stop, that’s what you think—”

β€œHeard someone callin’ my name,, so how β€˜bout I justβ€”β€œ Miles gave a wink to Micky, who, by pure anger and stubbornness and in spite of herself and her self-preservation, was anchored to her spot just behind Miles’ shoulder. β€œβ€”leave ya two kids at it, eh?”

At that, Miles did some sort of evasive maneuver to get around Micky, and Micky was left glaring down Cold with an eyebrow unimpressedly poised up. β€œDo I know you?” she asked in a flat voice.

And of course, Colby responded, in a sort of blurt, β€œI-I got condoms.”

Micky rolled her eyes, scowling in disgust and scoffing. Call her a psychic, but, β€œYeah, no you don’t.” Not unless he stole them from Axel, but she doubted that it would even cross this idiot’s dumb ass mind. He didn’t strike her as the type to, you know, like, think ahead. About…anything.

β€œI ah…are you thirsty?” Colby asked, holding an opened beer out to her.

She scowled at it for a second, and then looked slowly up to his face. β€œAre you…serious?” she asked in disgust, but the more she looked between him and the drink, the more she felt like, fuck it, it was a drink and she needed one, so with an eye roll and a deep sigh, she reached forward, snatched it, and downed it all.

β€œYou look real, real pretty tonight,” he said, as she dropped the empty can to the ground and muffled a burp behind a fist. She eyed him from the corner of her eye, and then looked into the distance for Miles and Axel and found neither one.

β€œGet me another beer,” she commanded, β€œorβ€”no, find me something stronger, β€˜kay, Kay?”


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Whatever makes you happy...

Ellie smiled slightly at Margot’s comment.
β€œThat’s so not happening,” she said, though she giggled at the thought of…swoon.

She’d never kissed anybody. Not unless you counted her third cousin that one time on accident, which she didn’t. And tonight probably wouldn’t be the night. Not if Colby wasβ€”

Oh, wait! That was right! There was always Jay. She perked up slightly at the thought. Nevermind.

(In her head, she was in a love triangle.)

β€œYou really think I’m pretty?” she asked Margot, smiling softly.

β€œHere, let’s umm…you have your phone, right?”

β€œYeah,” Ellie said, and she reached into the leopard purse on her shoulder and pulled out the panda-covered four-year-old Samsung. She tapped the back and frowned. β€œBut I broke the glass out of the flashlight.”

β€œLet’s take some pictures and then you can post them and Colby will see them later and be all like omg wow ya know?” Margot said. β€œAnd after that, we’ll go get totally drunk and make Axel drive us home.”

β€œYeah!” Ellie cheered. She didn’t mention how she overwrote Colby in her head for Jay now but instead said, β€œWon’t Axel, like, probably, like, be drunk, too? Not in an offensiveβ€”like, not in a rude way, but, like…I could drive?”

She could not drive. She had no license and had never learned. But she was a fast learner.

β€œBut yes! Drunk!” she cheered, not wanting to object too much.

I Miss What I Have

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Last edited:

why you mad, bro?

Fucking asshole was never going to fucking show up.

Axel grunted in irritation, crossing his arms tighter. He realized, with a hissed, β€œShit!” that he’d somehow gotten distracted and not picked up a drink for himself. He itched his forearm frustratedly.

Then, something gripped his shoulders and made a loud sound.

Axel’s eyes widened, his muscles tensing and his heart dropping to his feet for a moment, thinking for an instant that, oh fuck, this was it, he was going to fucking die.

Then, to the sound of choppy laughter, Axel growled, β€œJesus, fuck, Jason,” and punched him hard in the shoulder, then stood back to look up at him, crossing his arms again. But he cracked a grin in spite of himself, and then huffed. β€œI oughta fucking pummel you for that, but…what the hell, I’m feeling merciful. Don’t take it for granted.” He cocked his head at him. β€œBut also, what the fuck took you so long?”


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


jealous much?

β€œOh, you’re asking me out on a date?”
Donna teased, putting a hand over his mouth and feigning deep flattery and shock. β€œWow. Didn’t know you had that in you.”

Ari continued, β€œWe couldβ€”β€œ


She jumped back from the car that she’d just leaned against and hissed, β€œOh shitβ€”go, go, go. We were never here,” as she pushed him away.

Donna laughed. β€œYou’re not very good at this getting away with shit thing, are you?” he asked, taking ahold of her hand again and starting to run, dragging her behind himself. β€œWe really gotta work on that,” he said breathlessly as he led her to his car.

When they reached the vehicle, he tossed himself inside, slammed the door, and started the car in one swift motion. Revving the engine and then speeding away in a random direction, Donna, still slightly panting, asked, β€œSo where to?”

how bad can i be?

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


turn that frown upside down

He laughed, because he didn't really know what else to do.
But Micky was feisty, and he kind of really liked that about her. 'Cause ya know, it meant she was playing hard to get and that was oh so very charming to him.

(Yes, Colby knew that Micky got around a lot, but he chose to ignore that and instead think that she was playing hard to get him for him and him only. Obviously, everything else that she did was simply to try and get his attention -- and it was working.)

β€œGet me another beer,” Micky commanded, β€œorβ€”no, find me something stronger, β€˜kay, Kay?”

"Oh-- oh, yeah, yeah, of course," Colby said, his face breaking into a smile as he hurried away from her back to the coolers, where he knocked the top off of one and accidentally broke it off. With a slight cuss, he grabbed two canned margaritas out in one hand while he used his other hand to try and place the lid back on until it looked kind of not broken.

As he headed back over to her, he passed one to her while he popped the top on his own. With a smile, he took a sip of it and-- oh fuck. It was a lot stronger than the piss watered beer they'd been drinking before, but also fruitier, and he couldn't quite decide whether or not that was better or worse.

Topic, topic, he needed a good topic.

"My dad gave me some alcohol the other day," Colby started. "It ah... it was whiskey or something -- you know, something really strong. While we were driving around in his sports car. He's gonna get me a sports car, ya know? For my birthday when I turn ah... sixteen... to drive."

(It was literally the most impressive thing that Colby had going for him right now.)

crocodile rock

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Right, there was no doubt that Axel was going to end up drunk.
Not that it would be a surprise by any means, 'cause Margot couldn't really remember when her brother wasn't drunk.

"If we're all too drunk, we'll just call my mom. She said to call her, ya know? If we needed anything, so," Margot shrugged. "We'll just umm... make her pick us up way down the road so that she doesn't embarrass us." Not that it was like their social standing in high school could get much lower, but Margot could just imagine what her stupid brother would have to say if their mom showed up at the party to get them. And there wasn't much she feared, but angry Axel was near the top of the list.

She giggled, following after her friend as they made their way over to the drinks. And Margot made sure to toss her hair over her shoulder all cool like as they passed Micky and Colby, because maybe it would get his attention and he'd see the super hot smoke show (did kids even say that these days?) right next to her and he'd forget about stupid Micky.

Thankfully, Axel had wondered off a bit, leaving the drinks relatively unattended. Margot popped open one of the coolers, poking through it but only finding beer, which was like, eww so gross.

"Have you had beer before?" she asked Ellie as she held out a can. "It's kinda gross, but if you wanna try it..." she shrugged, although she figured that Ellie's dad must've given her alcohol at some point. Like, that's how Margot had tried it -- sipping one of her dad's beers once, and nearly gagging when she did.

"Teens are not good at this," she mumbled. "Where's the, like, straight liquor and stuff, right? It's all... weird mixed drinks." Margot explained, frowning, as she finally found a couple little packaged shots buried in the bottom of one of the coolers. With a smile, she tugged them out before she stood up, holding it up for Ellie to see.

"Let's get wasted."


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Are you looking?

He couldn't stop snickering, even as Axel punched him in the shoulder.
Jay stumbled back -- more for show than anything -- and rubbed at his shoulder, pretending like it had hurt.

(Okay, it had hurt a bit.)

β€œI oughta fucking pummel you for that, but…what the hell, I’m feeling merciful. Don’t take it for granted.” Axel said. β€œBut also, what the fuck took you so long?”

Jay shrugged, his hand dropping from his shoulder as his hands went to lazily rest in the tops of the pockets of his jeans. "You know how it is -- I had to say hi to some people. Football dudes, and then the cheerleaders were all, 'omg Jay! You have to do shots with us!'" And yes, as Jay mimicked the cheerleaders, he did indeed make his voice pitch a bit higher.

"And Tiffany -- you know her? The little blonde chick that giggles a lot -- anyway, she wouldn't get off of me, so..." he gave a shrug, as if it was no big deal, and really, it wasn't.

What could he say? Jay just radiated sexiness. He couldn't stop the girls from clawing at him.

(Yes, he was joking here, too.)

"Finally, I just had to be like, 'Tiffany please, Axel's waiting for me 'cause he's madly in love with me.'" He grinned, definitely speaking a little too loud, but hey, what could he say?

Jay didn't really care.

tik tok

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Just getting by

"Wait!" she squeaked out, when she realized that she'd dropped her drink, but alas.
Ari looked back, watching in horror as he fell over in the grass, spilling all over the place.

RIP to today's drink. She'd miss you greatly.

β€œYou’re not very good at this getting away with shit thing, are you?” he asked, as he started dragging her after him. β€œWe really gotta work on that.”

"Work on-- oh my god, they're right, you are a bad influence." Ari joked, with a rather dramatic gasp, which was quickly exhaled as she struggled to keep up with Donna while also glancing over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure that they weren't being chased. Because hey, she was new to this whole bad girl thing and who knew how it worked.

Once they got in the car, Ari had barely gotten her door closed and managed to fumbled her seatbelt on before Donna was driving away. She sank down in the seat, so that you know... no one would see her in the vehicle. Not because it was Donna Freud's car, but because she did not want to be seen running from the scene of a crime.

(She was taking this very seriously.)

"Where... go? Oh god," she said as she righted herself in the car, letting out a shaky breath. "Umm... I don't know but like, nowhere too far. I have to get my stupid siblings back home or else my dad will literally kill me."

And yes, she referred to Miles as her brother sometimes. It was just easier than being all like "oh yeah, that's my cousin who is being raised by my dad because his dad -- my uncle -- abandoned him when he was a baby and we don't know what happened to his mother" and generally, no one ever asked questions.

Micky she actually claimed as her sister a lot less.

Of course, her dad was likely to kill her if he knew that she was currently riding in a boy's car.

"There's nothing to do here, anyway," she huffed, sinking back down in the seat. "Like, there's the movie theater and a park. Oh wow, so fun, so amazing."


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

screw off.

Micky watched Colby really sad display with the coolers.
This kid became, like…more and more of a loser every single fucking second. It would kind of, like, tragic if Micky had a single sympathetic bone in her bodyβ€”but unfortunately for everybody else in the world, her give-a-shit-o’meter was broken ever since her mom’s egg met the fastest sperm.

She put a hand on her hip, shifting her weight to one foot and absently kicking at the ground as she checked her other hand’s nails. Ugh, her acrylics were growing out. It was time to get them redone. She’d have to remember to steal some more money from her dad later. Oh well.

She looked up when a drink was held out to her, and she instinctively flashed a small smile before she stifled it and rolled her eyes. β€œTook you long enough,” she drawled, popping open the canned margarita and taking a sip. Shit, this was so much better.

β€œMy dad gave me some alcohol the other day,” Colby started.

β€œOh?” Micky said, poising an eyebrow up, though her face read more judgmental than curious, because, well, duh.

His dad probably let him have a single sip from his beer can. or some shit.

β€œIt ah…it was whiskey or somethingβ€”you know, something really strong,” he continued.

β€œI’m sure it was,” she said.

It definitely wasn’t.

β€œWhile we were driving around in his sports car,” Colby said.

Micky blinked. β€œHis…?” she repeated.

β€œHe’s gonna get me a sports car, ya know?” he said. β€˜For my birthday when I turn ah…sixteen…to drive.”

β€œSports car?” she repeated skeptically. She studied his expression, and then, chuckling, crossed an arm over her chest and took another sip from her can. β€œYeah, sure, Kay, I definitely believe you,” she said in a way that was so obviously sarcastic that probably a literal infant could tell she wasn’t being serious. β€œWhat, I bet your dad’s famous or something, too, huh?”


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Whatever makes you happy...

β€œSay cheese!” Ellie said,
holding up a peace sign, winking, and making kissy lips in such a, like, hot and tantalizing way before snapping a couple of pictures of herself and Margot.

β€œIf we’re all drunk, we’ll just call may mom,” Margot said.

Ellie cringed. β€œEesh, call your mom?” If Margot’s mom knew, then Ellie’s mom would probably know, somehow, because Ellie’s mom somehow found out everything, and if Ellie’s mom knew, then Ellie was so effing dead, and this would be the first and last time that Ellie was ever allowed to leave the house unsupervised, and thenβ€”and then, what would happen to Ellie’s glorious, like, blossoming, blooming YA fantasy?

β€œShe said to call her, ya know? If we needed anything, so. We’ll just umm…make her pick us up way down the road so that she doesn’t embarrass us.”

Ellie shook her head. β€œNo, no. Your mom is really really cool and stuff. She rocks. But my mom? Like.” Ellie shook her head again, making an X with her arms. β€œThat’s a no-go, Maggie. Moms say that, but they don’t really mean it. Because if you call her, then you’re, like…you’re bothering her. Plus, like, we’re responsible on our own!”

As Ellie said that, she was struck with an irking unease. Was this…wrong? If she couldn’t tell her mom what was happening, was this…a bad thing to do?

But she shook her head, physically shaking those thoughts out of her head. It was too late to think about that! Especiallyβ€”and she started to walk toward the drinksβ€”now that she was walking over to the drinks.

β€œHave you had beer before?” Margot asked Ellie as Ellie took a can from her.

Ellie shook her head and eyed the can in her hand suspiciously. That’s illegal, actually, she thoughtβ€”and she’d told her sister that when she’d been offered a drink before.

β€œIt’s kinda gross, but if you want to try it…”

β€œI mean…” Her brows furrowed as she struggled to pop open the can, straining with all of her might. Eventually, the can gave a loud crk!, and she stared at the open hole. She held it up to her nose and took a whiff, then grimaced. β€œThis smells like…I should not be drinking it,” she said.

Meanwhile, Margot fussed with a coolerβ€”and then, she came up and held out a packaged…something or other.

β€œLet’s get wasted,” Margot said.

Ellie reached out for one of the things in her hand. β€œUhm…Margot…? What are those?”

I Miss What I Have

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


why you mad, bro?

The more that Jay talked, the less that Axel cared.

β€œGet the story on with,” Axel heckled halfway through, crossing his arms tighter.

And then, eventually Jay finished with a, β€œFinally, I just had to be like, β€˜Tiffany please, Axel’s waiting for me β€˜cause he’s madly in love with me.’”

Immediately, Axel’s face flicked into fury, and he punched Jay again. β€œLike fucking hell I would ever even touch you,” he said, scowling in genuine anger, the irony of his statement completely lost on him. β€œYou bag of shitβ€”you’re late and then you say dumb shit like that? You really fucking trying to test my patience like that?”

Axel looked away, blowing out a long puff of air. β€œLook, it’s been a fucking shit week, and I don’t need you and your fucking prissy ass gelled quiff over here making it even fucking shittier, okay?”

He pulled out his phone, and he began to, without explanation, type out a message.

β€œGot that?” he asked as he pressed send (and probably Jay’s phone vibrated). β€œNow fucking piss off.”

Axel pointed with his eyes at Jay’s phone in his pocket, trying to mentally send, And read the fucking message.

With that, Axel walked off, hands shoved in his pockets, to wait for the right time to be at the right place.

As he got further away, he opened his message again to read it over againβ€”just because:

Normal place 10 minutes. You know not to let anyone watch your fucking dumb ass leave or you’re dead


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jealous much?

β€œFuck responsibility,” Donna said, completely unironically.
β€œThey can find their own way home. They’re grown.” He waved a hand dismissively. β€œI didn’t ask about them. I asked where we’re going.”

She sank back in the seat. β€œThere’s nothing to do here, anyway. Like, there’s the movie theater and a park. Oh wow, so fun, so amazing.”

Donna chuckled. β€œJeez, you really haven’t gotten out much, have you?” He shook his head, humored. β€œThere’s no thinking outside of the box anywhere in your radar, is there?” he muttered under his breath, speeding up as the speed limit went down and taking a right. β€œFine. You want me to choose? I’ll choose,” he said, grinning widely.

He drove for a few minutes silently, headed with determination in an unclear direction, until he finally made a turn right at an empty gravel parking lot in front of a poorly gated area packed with of clutter, metal, and other random assorted decrepit items.

β€œWe’re here,” he said, and he stepped out of the BMW and onto the familiar, rough β€œparking lot”. He grinned back at Ari. β€œI bet you don’t even know what this place is, do you?”

how bad can i be?

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


Are you looking?

Axel was anything but subtle with getting Jay to check his phone,
although that was probably for the best. Because Jay was not at all good at picking up on subtle little hints.

As Axel wandered off, Jay pulled his phone from his pocket to see the text message, and his face broke into a wide grin. Sure, it would've been nice if Axel could be more upfront and not have to be so fucking sneaky about this sneaking off shit, but he got it. Plus, Jay was pretty sure that if there wasn't the whole sneaking around thing, that he wouldn't have actually kept his interest in Axel.

The dude was kind of a dick -- I know, what a surprise.

Slipping his phone into his pocket, Jay oh-so-but-not-really sneakily snuck into the woods. As he stepped over branches, he managed to stub his toe against a rock that he failed to see in the dark. He let out a steady string of cusses as he managed to finish stumbling his way through the dark until he came to a small clearing with half a dead stump.

He huffed, leaning back against a tree, while he waited impatiently.

Bored, he was soon trailing around, kicking at rocks and branches, until his phone dinged in his pocket.

Curious, he pulled it out to see a text from a number that just read Unknown.

It insisted it was Axel, and told Jay to meet somewhere else -- somewhere that was deeper in the woods. This old abandoned house that he'd visited a handful of times throughout the years, mostly to fuck around and break shit with Donna.

Using the dim flashlight from his phone, Jay started into the woods. He wove his way through the trees until he hit a path that led down to the house.

A few times, he heard things shifting in the woods, but he brushed it off as animals late at night. He wasn't worried because, well, why would he be? He was young, he was tall, he was strong, and Jay was still riding that high of life where he felt that nothing bad could ever happen to him.

As he got to the house, he hopped up the dilapidated steps that creaked under his weight before he stepped past the door, which hung by a single hinge.

"Reid?" he called out, his voice echoing off the walls. "Dude, where you at?"

He started to explore through the house when he heard a creaking in one of the rooms, and a smile broke across Jay's face. He shouldn't known -- of course Axel couldn't handle having Jay scare him and not get revenge, but the silly dude was simply too loud to have the same kind of effect that Jay did.

So with a chuckle, he started towards the room, tiptoeing as he did so to try and not make a ton of noise. And once he got to the doorway, he jumped through it, prepared to scare Axel once again--

Except no one was in there.

He started to turn around, prepared to try and find that sneaky little bastard, when something smashed against the side of his head. Blackness flashed across his vision, and Jay stumbled before he fell to the ground, his head hitting the dusty floorboards hard. His eyebrows drew together, a hand coming up to press against the side of his head. His fingers brushed against something sticky, and he pulled his hand back to see--


"What the fu--"

A hand pressed a cloth over his mouth and nose as two figures, the details of their faces obscured by the darkness and the throbbing in his head, moved into his vision.

His hands, already sluggish, moved up to try and claw the hand away, but he wasn't able to before his eyes closed and he gave into the darkness.

tik tok

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

why you mad, bro?

Ten minutes came and went, and there was no Freud in sight.

β€œFuck,” Axel muttered in agitation, scratching the back of his neck and looking around. Typical fucking Freudβ€”could never be on time, probably didn’t even know how to read a fucking clock. Axel leaned his head back against the tree and slammed the meat of his fist against it, pressing his lips into a firm line.

Axel needed his fucking fix, and it was taking too fucking long.

He drew in a deep breath, his eyes shifting around to watch for any movement, but minutes came and went and came and went and came and went and came and wentβ€”and no fucking Freud. Where the fuck was he?

Axel pulled out his phone, his jaw clenched in impatient agitation. Thirty. Fucking. Minutes. Thirty fucking minutes since Jay was supposed to be here. Axel went to his text messages. His last sent text stared him down, reminding him even more of how fucking pissed he was at the absent boy.

Get the fuck here, he texted, and immediately angrily shoved his phone in his pocket.

He felt it buzz; his hand flung down to his phone again in knee-jerk excitement.

The message was grayed out, and above, in angry red letters, it read:


Axel stilled for a long moment.

Well, fuck.

He looked around.

Well, fuck..

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

β€œFuck this,” he muttered, his hand (which he was unaware was trembling) shoving his phone back in his pocket. Ducking his head, he shoved his hands in his pocket and headed back toward civilization, his eyes flitting all about in an almost paranoid manner.

Fuck this. His gut said something was wrong, and his gut instinct had never led him astray.

Shaking his head and whispering half-formed words, Axel emerged from the woods and made his way into the middle of the crowdβ€”hoping this time not to find a fuck but instead to just get lost in the crowd.

And as he shoved his way around, looking everywhere but nowhere, his shoulder rammed into somebody.

In a jerk, he turned, a fist instinctively curled, and faced down the asshole who hadβ€”

He dropped his fist, scowling, but his eyes flitted away almost anxiously. β€œOh, fuck off, Maggot,” he muttered, beginning to turn away again.


β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘



As her brother and the cool kids would probably say,
they had gotten real lit.

As in, after Margot had explained to Ellie what was in her hand, they had then preceeded to drink the little shots. And sure, there were only four, but those two accompanied with the bit of alcohol they had already had, and then the fact that neither knew what getting drunk was actually like, and of course being terrible lightweights soon meant that just that little bit had her wobbling about.

And she'd continued to wobble about until soon, she'd bumped into someone. Margot had figured it would be some hot guy, or some popular girl that would flip her and Ellie's lives over night-- except that when she turned around, her smile instantly dropped.

"Axel," she sneered, her words slurring together (and not because she was drunk because to be perfectly honest, Margot fell more into the category of being buzzed) as she faced her stupid brother.

And she might have hated her brother in many ways, but Margot could still tell when something was seriously bothering him.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Doesn't he, Ellie?" she giggled, glancing at her friend. "Awww, is Axel scared? Should we call mommy so she can come get you?"


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Just getting by

She supposed that he was right, you know...
that her siblings were grown and everything. Ariana should be able to leave them without a second thought, right? Like their safety wasn't her responsibility, and clearly, Donna didn't have the same hang ups about his own brother -- but there was still always the whole...

It was complicated. Her dad had always impressed it on her that she needed to keep an eye on them, and as she'd grown older, she had a feeling that it came from his own blindside to his brother when they were growing up. So her dad had become an odd mixture between being a helicopter parent, and letting his kids do their own thing.

You know, as long as Ariana was going to be there, he didn't worry about Micky and Miles as much.

It was a lot of weight on her shoulders.

β€œJeez, you really haven’t gotten out much, have you?” He shook his head. β€œThere’s no thinking outside of the box anywhere in your radar, is there?”

Ari gasped, feigning offense. "I think out of the box plenty," she responded, even though that was a terrible lie. She was very much a stick in the lines type of person. "But there's literally nothing to do around here. That's why everyone's in the woods getting drunk." Well, nothing legal to do.

As the speed picked up, she realized that whatever was going on in his head was the opposite of legal.

Her heart beat a little bit faster as she leaned back into the seat, but no one was out at this hour.

β€œFine. You want me to choose? I’ll choose,” he said, grinning widely.

Oh god, was all Ari could think as she tried to work out where they were going -- until he turned into an empty parking lot. There was a small, rundown building, and then a fenced in area with an assortment of junk behind it. And her jaw dropped when she realized exactly where they were, because she'd been here on occasion -- generally when her dad insisted on picking through the junk for something he needed, or on the rare occasion that he was scrapping something himself.

β€œWe’re here,” Donna said as he hopped out of the car, and Ari was slow to follow him. β€œI bet you don’t even know what this place is, do you?”

She glanced in his direction, rolling her eyes as her hands slipped into her pockets and she started walking towards the dilapidated gate. "I know what a junkyard is, Donna," Ariana responded as she came to a stop by the gate, which was held together by a chain and padlock, but with a wide enough gap that someone relatively small and thin could easily slip underneath and through it.

Aka her. With a glance back at Donna, she did just that. Ducking down and sucking in her stomach so she could slip through the gap. Her jacket momentarily caught on the fence, and ripped slightly before Ari freed it and popped up on the other side of the fence. She turned around, wide beaming smile on her face.

"Bet you can't climb over it," she said, glancing towards the top of the gate, which was definitely crooked and bending inwards from years of use.


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turn that frown upside down

"Well, actually, yeah, kind of,"
Colby admitted to Mickey's remark about his dad being famous. 'Cause like, well, he kind of technically was famous? Even if being an influencer was...

Well his dad wasn't the coolest of influencers. It was actually a tiny bit embarrassing, the kinds of things that he did, but his dad was known for... doing the stuff he did. So he supposed that he was the son of a star, and then the grandson of an even bigger star, if Colby wanted to really flex his fame muscle.

Actually, grandparents on both sides, if he was really going to flex it.

"Yeah, Lindsay Kay? Lin Kay? That's my dad -- he's got a whole bunch of ah... videos and stuff. Lotta them with his dog, 'course. His dog's pretty cool." Colby started to explain. "Oh and his dad -- my grandpa -- was this umm.... famous musician for a real long time, 'cept he's kind of a shitty person, so we don't really talk to him."

Colby took a sip of the alcohol in his hand, until it clicked with him that his mom's side had some fame going on, too. Just nothing as flashy or cool as the fame on his dad's side, 'course.

"Oh and my mom, her parents, they're uhh... well, my grandpa was a reporter or something like that, and my grandma used to write like... these really cheesy romance novels. And then my umm, aunt, she's ah... she's got a whole bunch of novels, too, 'though I don't know if any of them have been turned into movies or anything cool. She did say that she was speaking with some producers 'bout it, but she didn't think she'd go through with it, but..." he shrugged, all casual like.

(Seriously, though, this boy was born from people with wild backgrounds. And then his stepdad's only claim to fame was that his dad was a dentist.)

"What 'bout you?" he asked. "Any cool family? Other than that ummm.... your sister and that... brother... of yours...?"

(He'd said brother in a way to hopefully figure out if Miles was, indeed, a brother.)

crocodile rock

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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