Taming the Wild OOC

ok so i thought id put up a little rp xD

The forest:

The city:

This is a modern high tech world. With one catch. There is a forest outside of Candor (the capitol of the country, idk where the country is) This forest is ruled by the wild creatures. The ones that live only within myths. The city tries to save its people by warning them of the dangers in the woods. They create barriers to prevent people entering the woods, the barriers are also used to prevent the cities subjects from escaping this glittering prison. Anyone who escapes is met with certain death. The woods are filled with the cities other defences. People may believe that these creatures have always been but that is untrue. The city took humans along while ago, samples, they engineered their DNA creating new creatures. New animals, new breeds of humans. This way the city could control their people. No one could leave, if they did the cities weapons would find them. The creatures themselves do not know they are the cities weapons, they believe they are free. But no one has tried to leave the woods yet.

if anyone is interested and wants more info i can add some.
I may join :3 Depending on the creatures. I don't do talking wolves and deer and stuff, but centaurs and werewolves and vampires would be awesome.
yup, anything really as long as it has a few human features, doesnt have to be much but just a little, cuz they all have the mutated genes of humans so yeah anything you want really. Its super flexible.
This rp sounds pretty cool, but I'm new to this site, so how does this all work?
I forgot to post my charrie D: Lemme get the bio real quick.

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Name: Alice Searoby

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Class: Werewolf; Born as one.

Personality: Alice is an antisocial. She's cranky, cold hearted, and hateful of all things human. She has explosive anger issues that cause her to shift and tear shit up. She shifts whenever she feels threatened or angry, whether she wants to or not. This causes a problem, she she tend to be more violent in her werewolf form.

Other: She's claustrophobic.

Human appearance: Alice has red hair and freckles, entitling her to Gingerhood. She has hazel eyes and fair skin. Her red hair is past shoulder length, usually worn down with no specific part. She's about 5'4''.

She has scares all over her body from the different torments of the circus. Everything from whip marks to burns mar her skin. She gets a new pair of clothes every week, and wears the same thing until they are replaced. Between the abuse she receives, and her transformations, she's lucky if they aren't in shreds by the end of the week.

Werewolf appearance: She's got reddish-brown fur, and stands at about 6'3''.

History: Alice was born in the forest, but was taken away when she was just a young girl. The man who took her was a cruel sonofabitch. He owned a circus, and she was the new attraction, the "wolf girl". The city knew of this, but let it slide in hopes that people would see just how monstrous the creatures of the forest were.

The man took Alice and stuck her in a cage, paying a couple of the other freaks to yell. throw things at her, even beat her, day after day, until she turned mean and hateful. He wanted a werewolf that would strike fear into the crowds. And Alice does. She's like a vicious animal, snarling and growled, trying to attack anyone who comes her way.


Name: Avan

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Class: Half breed; Half Vampire, Half Wolf

Personality: Avan has trust issues. If you ever give her a reason not to trust you, she will turn on you in a heartbeat. She won’t make herself noticeable at first she likes to observe the person/creature before making a move, whether it would be to talk or to approach. She has total control of her abilities. She tends to be violent, considering she doesn’t trust anyone.

Other: She has telekinesis, she rarely has to use it so most know nothing of it.

Human appearance: Avan has pitched black chin length hair. She has golden colored eyes and fair skin. She has small beauty mark on the right side of her face above her upper lip. She always wears a black leather jacket with black shorts and a black cape with a hood, which she rarely wears (hood). She also wore stocking up to her thighs and black combat boots. She also carried multiple weapons, even some in hidden areas.

Werewolf appearance: Unknown. She has never shifted into a Werewolf form.

History: Avan is originally from the forest. She didn’t come into the city until recently and she doesn’t remember how. She doesn’t remember anything before coming into the city. All she knows is that she doesn’t belong there, and that she is going to go back into the forest. No one is going to stop her either. All her family is dead they were killed when she was just a kid. Not that she remembers, she is tactically trained in all forms of combat

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It's all good, I just hope I can rp decently. It's been a few years since I've last role played.
Name: Rika

Age: unknown

Gender: Female

Class: vampire

Personality: Rika is considered a "dark rocker girl". She loves playing her guitar, and playing pranks on humans, but is very unstable. She refuses to drink humans blood, even if she dislikes them, and sometimes get random violent outbursts when she gets the craving. Because of this, Rika usually hangs out by herself in her abandoned house.

Other: Rika has the ability to fly, or hover a few feet above ground.

Human appearance: Rika is very pale, with long midnight-colored hair that she keeps in a dark blue ponytail, violet-blue eyes, and fangs very sharp and dangerous. Her bites marks are scarlet, but not very noticable. She is about 5'3" when standing.

She always wears a red shirt with black stripes accross, ripped jeans that are cut below the knee, and dark blue tennis shoes.

Werewolf appearance:

History: Rika was born in a small village near a huge waterfall. She doesn't remember how she ended up in the woods, but since she was born a vampire, the new scene seemed decent to live in. So she made a house using her surroundings and usually stayed in it up until nighttime, where she would explore and travel. Unlike most creatures, Rika had a fine childhood, though she doesn't remember much of it.

no picture, sorry. >.<

hope chu liked! ^-^
Okok its going up right now

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Forgot to put my char up, im gonna keep her a mystery except through posts, but here are the pictures of her wolf and human forms.

Wolf form:

Human form:

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Also i put it up!

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