Taming The Flame (Characters) [Taming The Flame]


Name: Leonardo "Nagaraja" Venahlso



17. Tiaessban (At the war front)

Age: 24

Appearance: 5'11" 185 pounds

Personality: Nagaraja means "King of the snakes" in hindu, and thats exactly what Leonardo Venahlso intends to be one day. He's already proven his worth since age 16 when he finally became a man in the customs of the Venahlso clan. He wants to be the best and will stop at nothing to be the best. Of course no one knows this, because he has learned to keep his natural loudmouth and jokester personality since it does not work well with the whole assassin occupation. He has learned discipline and awareness over the years, and seems close to a perfect balance of who he is and who his clan needs him to be.

Bio: The beautiful small village of Tiaessban was embedded between deep forest and the foot of the Sky High Mount, peacefully hidden from the rest of the world. This is the reason why the Venahlso clan settled here hundreds of years ago in the first place. The Snake clan, as they are known throughout continent, are still to this day loyal to their Queen and devout protectors of the Emberwell, and thanks to this loyalty they were granted lands. Lands on which the clans younger generations could train in the arts of magic, stealth, and the hunt. However Tiaessbann is no longer a training ground. It is now a war front for this damned campaign.

Unlike many Duender who looked down upon the other races, the ancestors of the Venahlso were very open and interested in learning about different cultures. Hundreds of years ago they traveled all over the mapped world and returned with a lot of information that they kept secret. The clan spent hundreds of years studying and combining the training methods, fighting styles, and techniques of what they learned, along with their magic in order to create a new form of combat. This made the Venahlso clan a pivotal elite force for the Queen. They used what they witnessed from the Nord races aggressiveness and fearlessness in battle and developed their own much lighter Elven weaponry and armor. They even applied this aggressiveness to their Combat magic whenever they were needed on the front lines in order to boost morale. The Venahlso developed strategies based on small groups by watching the Nords two man system and combining it with large scale Dylenor strategies. They also learned how to bow from the Dylenor. Finally the clan ancestors learned how to be in touch with yourself your teammates, and your surroundings by spending time with the Sharians on land and sea. Their breathing techniques made sure that everyone in a teams Essence was one. The Venahlso usually function in five- eight man teams with at least one healer who tends to have no combat value.

This all sounds good so far, but the truth is that the Venahlso clan became so obsessed with becoming stronger for the queen that ultimately there came to a point where many Venahlso members did not know the most basic healing, reanimation or psyonicism spell. They are literally offense only types, which is why they became assassins in order to strike first and quietly without problems. They rely on quick and explosive powered magical and physical attacks in open battle which makes them tired quicker, and deception and stealth in closed and dark areas which makes them confident. Their magic attack distance is not very long, because the ancestors decided this was a waste of time and energy. So if you take away their bows, and throwing daggers, you force them to move close, which may or may not be to your benefit.

Although the job description of the noble Venahlso is usually to assassinate or bodyguard, they will also be sent as agents for recon missions. As well as act as scouts, investigators, and even sometimes diplomacy. They are about 200 strong, intense and intelligent in what they know. And what they know is what you'll never know and thats how its been for hundreds of years.

Now before the events of the war front, The Queen ordered the Vanehlso to save the citizens of Tiaessban and retreat to.... (IDK) but its ok. All the clans secrets are safe... we hope any

Now as for Leonardo or Nagaraja or naga for short. He wishes to be the actual nagaraja after his father, the current one dies. He must compete with his brothers and other young men for this title, because the Snake clan decides leaders much like the Nord race does.... of course not as violently though. Usually nobody dies. Mostly.

Other: Very similiar to assassins creed
except elf and with magic. Can ride horses. Can navigate. Great liar and actor.

Fears: Hedgehogs. The water (mostly whats in it). Hates lightning attacks.

Minke Broz











5 feet even.


114 pounds.


Quick to anger, and slow to calm, Minke often ends up involved in fights far more often than would be expected though she loses just as often as she wins, if not more often. Regardless of her often violent personality, once blows have been thrown, all sins are forgotten, and she can't honestly remember a single grudge still held.


In her early years, it wasn't uncommon for Minke to stay at the orphanage in Bolos while her mother made the trip across and back again. As the children grew older, none of the boys or girls got any less rowdy, not even Minke, though she was quickly outgrown, left a solid head behind any other youth in their teen years. As the orphans grew into adulthood, several joined the army, a great place to find new family, and in this time of peace, not a difficult position to hold.

Minke's training for military life in Uskortai was comical to behold to keep stories brief, for she was too small, and too weak to use the shield, so it was expected that she use a greatweapon, which of course also came with its difficulties, her being too short for many of them. Three years Minke spent in that training camp, and over those three years, she'd earned herself a nickname, not terribly original, but true nonetheless, "Mini"


-Finished her training with the military last year, and was assigned as greatswordswoman, being granted a single-edged sword more akin to an enormous cleaver, as depicted above in its sheath.

-Minke was initially referred to as Mini when accidentally buried beneath a pile of shields, though she shared a frenzied kicking with those responsible.

-Despite being military trained, Minke more or less works as a glorified guard in Bolos at present.

-While it's not terribly often that she is involved in a hunt, generally preferring a barroom brawl, Minke worships Huren, the same as her neighbours.

-So~ Flame?
Funny fact; Mara means Bitter... How unfitting.

  • "My mother named me Mara, my father calls me Ederra and my sister often addresses me as Rayan..." Mara Rayan Ederra Ro'khle


  • GREEN EYES! Like this ----> @_@

  • Mara is a woman of few words, her soft-spoken, gentle nature often misunderstood as shy. She carries herself with pride, not arrogance and while most Duenders find themselves above others, she does not. On the other hand, she does feel offended when she is not recognized as a Duender, as she truly believes that it is their right to protect the Emberwell.

    Mara has a caring soul, and a deep motherly instinct for both animals and children alike, to the point where she has specialized in healing magic. Known for her spirituality, and her knowledge, Mara is nearly never angered but one thing that fuels her rage is the improper care of nature. And while she is trusting, she is not a fool, do not treat her as one or face the consequences.

    To add, Mara is one to worship all of the Aeons slightly but not as much as she dedicates her time to Syrae.

    • She carries a leather bag wherever she goes, it contains scrolls, 65x parchment [blank], lots of charcoal, herbs, change of clothes and special reagents that one can only find in the Aleoth forest. It also contains a few different pouches with different coins and rubies.
    • Equipped with twin daggers at all times, and a bow [with arrows :P ] when she sees fit.
    • The little knowledge-lover has read more than one fourth of the Library of Infinity's Healing Magic section, a third of The Arts of Nature and has nearly completed her studies on the history of Aeon Syrae.
    • Due to her many 'deals' with the Aeon Syrae, Mara has gained skills with handling animals and has tamed quite a few wild beasts, like her friend Gryphon 'Georgie'
    • She is one of the lucky few who converses with the Aeon Syrae on a regular basis.
    • Mara has a mount by the name of Aylar {[>.>] [<.<]} {I plead innocent! O.o ]

Char: Taming the Flame

•Name: Soph'ana Eleda-nuri

•Race: Duender

•Gender: Female

•Hometown: Nir'Amen

•Age: 17



A short girl for her age, she has no very visible definitive features except for a dark black streak in her otherwise perfectly bright golden hair. Her fingers are long and slender from her musical talent, as well as her art practice. She is generally well-kept and tidy, clothes never torn or worn out, her hair neatly brushed and her skin slightly pale from lack of sun.

-Height: 5'4"

-Weight: That's personal! (Approx. 125 lbs.)


Soph, as she prefers to be called, used to be a cheerful girl, if a bit dry in her humour. Now, she is very serious and pointed in her speech, though her sense of humour remains. She points out the obvious in any situation, not because she is slow-witted, but she assumes there is always someone in her company who is. She is very introverted, mostly preferring to keep to herself when she can, though she does not mind the occasional company. She is highly artistic, with the mandatory obsessiveness that accompanies that trait, usually carrying a small paint set and pad of paper in one of her pockets, and her sad singing voice accompanies her lap-harp playing rather well. She does not start many full conversations, preferring to listen and absorb the information while making sharp comments when she can, but she will always talk about her art if anyone asks about it. Soph's overall personality may seem rather gloomy now, but she can be cheerful and deeply cares about those she holds dear, though her quick tongue may sound otherwise at times.

•Bio: Soph'ana was born to a middling-class Nie'Amenian family, her parents being officials on the community. Her mother was a Speech-Scryer for the Nir'Amen Council, while her father was an officer in the Hunting and Wilderlands Preservation Guild. She spent most of her childhood alone, due to her parent's highly consumptive jobs, only kept company by her younger sister, Finna'vere. Soph amused herself and her sister with her singing and painting, and discovered her magic talent through it. She woke her gift as a Plane-Shifter by accident, carving a wooden figurine for her sibling as a toy, as it took shape in her hands when the knife touched it. It formed details and patterns she could not hope to copy with her dull knife, and the doll took the shape she pictures in her own mind, becoming a perfect image of her little sister, who was delighted by the gift. Soph'ana continued to work on this skill, much to her parent's delight, and she was soon able to perform minor Shifter magic, forming forming sculptures from rocks in her hand or crafting a small stringed-instrument from only sticks and a few blades of grass.

Unfortunately, soon after she received her gift, Finn fell ill to an unknown disease while their parents were assisting with a relief effort of a foreign town, and Soph was left alone with her crying and ailing sister. The Nir'Amenian healers could not understand how such a healthful, spirited young girl as Finna'vere could suffer such a terrible illness, and soon they exhausted all of their treatments with no success. Though word that her parents were returning brought some small light, Soph lost heart as she lay next to her quivering sister night after night, wrapping her arms around her shaking from as she slowly slipped from her sanity. She awoke one morning to find her sister in a coma-like state, her eyes shut and her breathing low. Soph broke then and there, she found she could not walk and could barely move or speak at all, and so she lay for several days. She may not have survived if not for her sister's doll, who suddenly began to move on it's own, bringing her a glass of water and a piece of bread at every meal time, sitting silently and limply in the corner in-between. When her parent's arrived, they were in a frightful state of mind, rushing Soph to the Healers as fast as they could, then returning to see to poor, almost lifeless Finna'vere. Soph returned several days later with crutches and a slight limp in her right leg, only to find that her sister had not changed in the least.

Soph'ana's spirit was altered that day, her previously happy nature gone, replaced by an obsession to heal her sister whose current coma she blamed on her own lack of skill to save her. She spent days on end at the Infinite Library, searching through old tomes for spells and cures, and found almost nothing. But, she happened to find a dusty book with mysterious symbols on it, locked shut and no key, simply titled "Mortis Umbra". She was unsure of why it was so restricted, but she was desperate for any way to save her sister's life. She stole it from the library under her coat, and proceeded to work at it day and night, slowly pouring her Shifter magic into the lock, trying to change it into something less sturdy. Her sister's doll watched her as she did this, as soon as her parents were out of sight, the book would come out from under her bed, the doll would stand over her as she sat on her floor, her hands held over the lock as she poured her desire to break in into it. She spent several weeks this way, only moving from her room to eat, only getting up from the floor to crawl into bed and sleep, until the lock finally snapped. As she opened it, the room seemed to darken, and she could feel this book was never meant to be read again. As she paged through it intensely, one page that stood out to her talked of a spell that would transfer the life from a person into an image of themselves, creating a soul-golem that would do the spellcaster's bidding. There was no written way of the undoing of this spell, and as Soph realized the significance of this, she also realized what she had done and what she must do now. She packed a satchel with her essentials, some food, her paint set and carving knife, and the accursed book, wearing her simple clothes, and some light leather armour from her father's storehouse. She took three last items, her sister's beloved hair comb, a present from Soph on her last birthday; her father's spear, which she stole from the family's armoury; and the doll with her sister's spirit in it, now acting on its own. Soph knew she may not return, but if she did, she would only come back with a cure for her sister, a means to redeem herself.

Other: Be polite. Don't Flame :)

•Soph'ana has talent in Plane-Shifting, and her skill will increase as time goes on. She has shown proficiency in her ability to strengthen and weaken objects, used on the lock of the Mortis Umbra. Her only other skills so far has been in changing the size of objects, E.g. Lengthening her father's spear in practice/ Shrinking her pencils and pads of paper to better fit in her satchel. She has yet no real talent in changing one object into another, though she is practicing it.

-She also has very minor (so far, completely passive) skill in Reanimation Magic, as was seen with her sister. This is slowly reinforced as she reads the Mortis Umbra, collecting information on the spells, though she has no idea how to use them yet.

•Soph's sister-doll accompanies her, she keeps it on the end of a wire like a puppet to keep it near. It has shown some strength of it's own, equal to her sister's even at its small size, and can carry items like the spear or Soph's satchel on it's own.

•Her weapons include only her carving knife and her father's spear, while she also carries her paint set with some extra scrolls of paper, the Mortis Umbra, and her small lap-harp. She wears her leather sparring armour over her plain clothes, and her sister's comb in her hair, shaped like an orchid flower. Her (father's) spear has been carved with a rune "finger grip" that allows the wielder to channel Essence into it easier, making it simple to extend the spear's reach or widen the blade with the proper amount of Essence and Plane-Shifting Magic.
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Full Name: Zanna Gracelyn Xylander

Nicknames: The Scarlet Seductress, Zany Zanna

Hair Color: Medium Brown

Hair Length: Upper Chest

Eye Color: Deep Brown

Eye Shape: Almond

Nose Shape: Duchess

Face Shape: Oval

Makeup: Light

Skin Tone: Medium Beige

Scars: None

Body Build: Fit Hourglass

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 4"

Race: Dylenor

Occupation: Warrior

Relationship Status:

Virgin: No

Smoking: No

Drinking: Yes

Orientation: Men

Birthday: October 14th

Hometown: Sirecy, Mloik

Mother: Iole (Van Archer) Xylander

Father: Ulric Xylander

Brothers: Nato Xylander (29)

Sisters: n/a

Strengths: Persuasive

Weaknesses: Narcissistic

Fears: Assault

Dominant Hand:

Primary Skill: Spear Combat

Secondary Skill: Melee Combat

Likes: Spears, knives, men, fire, hunting, sunlight.

Dislikes: Undead, magic, rain, spiders, being left out.

Unique Apparel:

Zanna wears a red, silk handkerchief over her nose and mouth. Her body is usually adorned with a small set of silver jewelry; rings, bracelets, necklaces, those sort of things. Her armor, to say the least, covers what is necessary. The set includes an extravagant piece of leather that wraps around the upper half of her arms and chest, and a short, matching skirt that allows her to move freely. She wears brown, leather boots that come up to the middle of her calf, where she hides a small, steel dagger, and carries a large, steel shield engraved with Deunder influenced designs. Often times there is a wide variety of spears strapped her to shoulder.

Personality Traits: Sirecy, Mloik

+- Seductive

++ Persuasive

-- Narcissistic

+- Daredevil

- Oblivious

Hometown: Sirecy, Mloik

One of the eleven towns located in Mloik, and can be found East to the capital, Kwovat. The vast area is lightly dotted with trees, a fine area for hunters. Many also enjoy fishing along the coast, or hiking through the various trails. Not too many people populate the area, but it is not considered secluded either.


  • Born in Sirecy, Mloik.
    Was the first child to Iole and Ulric Xylander.
  • Both parents were professionally trained soldiers.
  • Woodland area provided perfect training grounds for young Zanna.
  • Said to look a lot like her father.

[*]Younger brother, Nato, is born.

  • Never really got to know her younger brother due to her training.
  • The only bond they really have together is that they share the same parents.
  • Nato never cared for fighting, and preferred to study magic.
  • It is said the siblings look nothing alike.

[*]Professionally trained in spear fighting.

  • Found the skill to come naturally.
  • Because of her natural talent, she did not feel the need to practice as often.
  • Also learned how to craft her own weapons out of natural materials.
  • Recruited into a special training school by the age of twelve.

[*]Begins taking promiscuous actions.

  • Kicked out of the special training school.
  • Has no place to stay, and must fend for herself.
  • Was never able to see her family.
  • Earned the nickname, "The Scarlet Seductress'.


Spears: She carries several of them at a time on her shoulder in a long, leather bag. They vary in size, tip shape and material.

Dagger: The small weapon is conveniently secured in the leg of her boot, ready for action should the chance arise. Though she is not professionally trained to work with fighting knives, she likes to think of it as using a miniature spear.
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~Character Sheet Template~


















Athalia is no fool when it come to fighting. she has been trained by her father.Athalia was training to be just like her father but after the death of both of her parents she got blinded by vengeance to kill each necromancer.she can be really stubborn and careless at sometime.but she is brave,heroic,kind and care like her father was.but she blames her self for her parent death .if she can help she will try her best to help. Athalia never give up. she wont give up until the world is rid of the evil he has


Athalia always had a deep connection with her father. for small age she wanted to be like him . the heroes she saw him as. at age 12 her father started training her in hand to hand combat,swordsmanship and archery . at age 18 she started a warrior and her father gave her his sword called: the Reckoning.he said it was blessed by one of the keepers.at age 20 necromancers attack there village.her and her father where sent to protect the village.but her father was killed a resurrected. as undead her father attacked her and she had no choice and she killed her father with the blade he gave her. after she went to go get her mother they had to escape . but while escaping they got attack her mother died . she kept moving until she found an abandoned house. where she hid. she spend 3 in that house mourning her parents.blaming her self for what happened.but from that day she change. she was blinded by anger,regret and revenge.


the Reckoning


heaven's gate


(Weapons used, mounts, pets, anything that doesn't actually fit in the other categories)
Name: Tobiah Winter

Race: Sharian

Gender: Male

Hometown: Never had one, was born on a trading vessel.

Age: 20


Soft, flame coloured fur coats his lithe, short form. His one green and one blue eye are both keen and can pick up the smallest movement.

Height: 5ft 2"

Weight: 99lbs


Quick witted, sly and friendly, Tobiah is a wanderer through and through. He gets bored staying in one place too long and has a love for adventure. He's a night owl and tends to stay up quite late, often sleeping until mid-morning unless he's awoken.


Born in the middle of spring on an trading vessel, Tobiah's family took a break from their sea-faring life to raise their son on land. When he was four, they resumed their life travelling from port to port selling and trading various goods.

Tobiah was a restless child, leaping from the ship as it docked and spending hours running around the docks exploring everything. It was uncommon for him to not get into trouble. The older he got, the sneaker he became and at 15 he struck out on his own to explore the lands.

Of course, being young and impudent he had no idea how to survive and turned to theft to eat. The thrill of stealing even an apple became like an addiction to the young Sharian and over the years he taught himself to move quickly and quietly. He now wanders from town to town, exploring the lands and stealing enough to get him to the next place.


Tobiah uses two sharp daggers for melee fighting and also has a shortbow and quiver for ranged fighting. His shot with his bow is not the best, but it is improving slowly.

He rides a dun gelding called Quickstep, for the way he trots quickly in place when he's anxious.

Lucien Ashford

  • Lucien has a fairly uncommon appearance for a Dylenor with his short kept hair and sharp facial structure, however he displays key physical attributes common of Dylenor native to Kwovat. His eyes are of steel, his complexion fair and his physical structure is common of a Ranger. A large, but faint scar crosses from his upper right shoulder blade to his lower back giving evidence to a grievous wound inflicted upon him in his earlier years.

    Race: Dylenor

    Age: Twenty One

    Home: Kwovat

    Height: Five Feet, Eleven Inches

    Weight: 187lbs (85kgs roughly)

    Hair Colour: Dark Brown

    Eye Colour: Steel

    Complexion: Fair

    Facial Hair: None

    Scars: Upper right shoulder blade to lower back

  • Lucien has been noted to be cold by his few companions, as he seldom seeks the comfort of others. However this was not always so, Lucien was once a compassionate young boy, but strife would harden his heart and give him to rage. His birth into the Noble House of the Ashfords placed heavy expectations upon him, molding him to be articulate, resourceful and exacting. The mass murder of his family by corrupt members of the nobility, have given Lucien great cause to be distrustful of the Kingdom of Asralshar and those who govern it. His fellow Rangers work endlessly to rekindle his cold heart but to no avail, the only thing that seems to give him a fleeting moments of life are the whispers of his family where ever they may be.


  • GwK0a44.png

    The ancient artifact of the Ashfords that has been in the care of the Ash Guard since the founding of the Kingdom of Asralshar. Black Fire was once the weapon of a great and terrible necromancer that would harvest the essence of the victims he burned alive.

    It is always seen to be slung on Lucien's back, wrapped in a dark cloth with various seals sewn into the material.


  • Black shadowy flames engulf the blade of the dreadful Black Fire, these flames crackle with whispers of death. [Primal Evocation and Artifice]


  • bate_raven_drawing_lg.jpg

    Lucien's pet and messenger bird: Sigurd.

Almost forgot to flame this thing.
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Brae Irvette








Nalor(From the look of the map, it looked like both a colder northern climate coupled with mountains settled upon an island.)


Edit: My hand's acting up due to an old injury and impeding my drawing. So for now have a khajiit =P When I'm able to I'll get my own drawing down and up.

Just with no spots, green eyes this colour, two piercings on the outsides of her eyebrows and 'sharkbite' style on her lips, and a mid back length of braided hair. She wears a dark brown leather, black furlined and trimmed vest and dark brown leather, black furlined pants. Also wears adye white cloak that is lined with white furs for camoflage out in the snow.

A slight and svelte girl, Brae was born undersized, a trait that has stuck with her for the rest of her life. Despite this, she has done well. She possesses a wiry strength and nice tone to her muscles from years of trekking through the icy, frozen hills she resides in.

Her coat is sleek and soft despite the harsh weather and it matches the oft snowy climates with a silvery-white hue that is lighter on her throat, chest and stomach, inner thighs and the inside of her arms. Her eyes and a sparkling seafoam green that have once or twice, to her amused embarassment, been complimented to appear as fine jewels. Brae also has a fascination for piercings, having an number of them herself.


132 Centimetres(4 feet 4 inches)


5.1 Stone(71.5 lbs.)


Cheerful and good natured, Brae lets little get her down. Despite having a somewhat morbid understanding of her mortality, Brae views many things as gifts, including the fact that she is alive to begin with. Ever ready to make friends, Brae can sometimes be a too friendly, not always thinking about the idea that either she or someone else could actually be considered a threat. Despite this, she is extremely serious when she is working and while she may seem oblivious often understands the severity of problematic circumstances better than most.

Beyond this, Brae simply wants to be able to spend her days relaxing and with friends, something she's found herself lacking in. Her loneliness makes her eager to please and also gives her a fear that friends she may one day make could abandon her.

Due to the above traits mixing, Brae allows herself to appear seemingly unaffected by many things in public but often feels crippling fear or sadness when in more private and alone settings. She can be emotionally fragile as glass to harsh critiques or rejection by those she simply wants to help.

Finally, due to her small stature, Brae is naturally wary of anyone over 30-40 centimetres taller than she is.(About a foot to a foot and a half.)


Born to bow fishermen parents in the frozen ranges of Nalor, a complication caused Brae to be born underweight and under sized. The Mjulnir midwife that aided Brae's mother advised throwing the kit into the frozen sea, thinking she would not survive the night. Despite this both black furred parents took the snowy fur as a sort of omen that they belonged here and kept her. Having survived the night, and subsequent years to come, the only 'defect' Brae seemed to show was that she was simply smaller in both width and height compared to anyone else.

Brae never allowed this to get to her and soon took up her parents trade, bowfishing with them during the days despite her trouble handling the weapon due to her size. Over time Brae's out of the box thinking led her to seek out a weaponsmith, Hrothmund, in the main part of Nalor. Performing odd jobs such as clean-up for Hrothmund, Brae managed to work enough to 'pay' for an invention. A week later Brae was back out with her parents fishing, now using a one of a kind lever action crossbow.

About a year after her friendship with Hrothmund and the construction of her tool both her parents passed away when the ice gave out under tem and they were swept away by an under current. Hrothmund aided in the organisation of a funeral service as well as helped Brae cope, becoming her 'uncle' of sorts. This was also about the time Brae made the choice to move into the main town of Nalor.

After this Brae changed her profession and began hunting elk for meat and furs as well as helping the local guard ward of the occasional pack of wolves. This allowed her to also befriend a younger drinking pal of Hrothmund's and member of the guard, Aldritch, who Brae has become close friends with as well.

When not working, Brae can be found in a local tavern, usually in the rafters drinking, or outside the town walls walking.


Brae makes her own jewelry(Her piercings) out of bone, and occasionally sell trinkets to the townspeople.

Brae also owns a special made crossbow that is re-drawn and loaded from a disk shaped bolt holder via lever pulled on the underside on the stock. (Will also be drawn at some point)

Brae carries a firemaking kit and has learned the bests ways to coax out a flame.

~Character Sheet Template~


Jenesari Sahan






Jenesari was born in captivity, and therefore was born on the road; so he has no hometown.










Jenesari has the temperment of a Slave. All his life he has had to keep his emotions inwards; lest he face punishment. For the most part Jenesari appears to be timid, scared, and overall unimpressive. Inside however, he is a raging firestorm of hate, resent, and sorrow. Every single negative emotion that he has bottled up, every single is just a ticking time bomb; just waiting for the time when it can explode forth and unleash it's power upon some poor soul.


Jenesari, as you all know by now, was born into slavery; and knows nothing but being a slave. His earlier memory was one of pain and suffering, and nearly every memory after that one was one of pain and suffering. The only shining light was his mother and father who attempted to fix every single drop of damage that stuck to him; but for all of their work, all of their love, they couldn't save his mind from the constant abuse. At an early age his mind had been filled with dark images; dark images that most likely would have gotten him uthenized. He had always told himself that any other person in his situation would have thought of them as well; and that kept him from thinking himself an oddity.

That has been his life up until just recently. It had happened all so quickly, he didn't know what had happened. One day he just....blacked out; when he awoke he found that he was being cornered by dire bears. He was covered in the blood of the Sharians that laid on the ground before him. His sight went to the cavernn and he remembered the screams of pain as Duendors were torn apart. He couldn't remember if it was the bears...or something else that had done it.

Well, you know the story beyond this point, now don't you?


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