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Fantasy Tales of the Trimachy (WIP/Worldbuilding/Collaboration welcome!)


Ball of Meat
Hello all!

I've had a hankering for fantasy writing as of late. I started to jot down some notes on an idea I wanted to bring together some months ago, and between recently completing some overseas travels I'd waited far too long to go on and starting a new job back in the States, I've left the idea neglected somewhat. I put a little bit more into it as far as the basic premise goes before deciding to see what other folks thought of participating in a story placed in such a world.

While I was doing that, I thought I might as well go ahead and see what other ideas folks could bring to the table to really flesh everything out, if they were interested in doing so. So, I consider this a bit of a collaborative project for folks who might potentially be interested in the basic idea!

The premise, in a nutshell: A celtic-themed fantasy world set on the continent of Bràite Edin, which has seen two waves of invaders settle its shores and establish foreign kingdoms in recent centuries. All three of the cultures have historically clashed for control of resources, land, and in religious wars especially. Each of the cultures are heavily faith-oriented. Religion is a driving force in all of their social structures. All three of the cultures view the middle of the continent, a massive lake from which three major rivers spawn that feed the farmland and cities of the three kingdoms, as exceptionally holy territory.

350 years before the era the players inhabit, on the eve of a massive three-way battle on the shores of the lake, leaders from each of the three armies convened at their shared holy place and threw down their arms. A new religious school of thought was spawned. Those leaders and the men that joined them from all three kingdoms formed The Trimachy, a religious order and pseudo-government that has since claimed control of the area, its existing settlements, and founded new ones.

While the Trimachy's rule was contested early, the kingdoms were largely too busy opposing each other to dislodge the order. In the centuries since its founding, it has grown in influence, organization, and numbers. It is now viewed as a legitimate government, and has largely remained neutral in continental affairs, essentially becoming warrior-monk and scholarly hermits practicing their strange religion. Newly rising tensions, threats of war, and ties to the highest level of government in one of the kingdoms, though, threatens the stability and neutrality of the order, which has slowly fallen into a state of unreadiness for conflict, should the secular kingdoms no longer respect their neutrality.

You can read more in the spoiler, but I'm looking forward to hearing if folks think the general idea has legs and would be interested. I see a lot of internal and external politicking, high fantasy character writing, and close relationship building as the pillars of the RP I'd like to focus on the most before the coming of a major conflict that would force the characters and the Trimachy as a whole to choose sides. I have designs on a world map, more lore on each of the kingdoms and such in mind, but I would love and welcome outside thoughts.

Cheers all!

Wars are fought, kings undone
The victors gain naught
When all becomes one

The warring peoples of Bràite Edin know the center of the continent, where its three great rivers all originate, by many names. The Aethians, youngest among the modern kingdoms and relative strangers to the continent, call the region Threkia — "The Three Waters." The Vyrik states, the last successful invaders before the Aethians, named it Traeflyr. Centuries before either of them arrived, Bràite Edin's native Lonac people knew it as Sroth Medan, "the middle flow."

It is a site of immense spiritual importance to all of them. Depending on who is asked, it is either the beating heart of the world, the cradle of the gods, or the place all things will end.

Blood has been shed for control of the region for generations, each victor inevitably losing their grasp in time. The ruins of Vyrik, Aethian and Lonac temples pock the shores of the great lake and its rivers, reminders of the centuries' cyclical defeats.

That cycle was shattered 350 years ago by the Miracle of the Dawn and the formation of the Trimachy.

The Miracle of the Dawn was said to have occurred in the early morning gloom, just hours before a clash between the largest armies the continent had ever seen to punctuate a destructive three-way war across the continent. Whether spurred by divine intervention, practical diplomacy or compassion for their fellow man, the high officers of the respective Aethian, Vyrik and Lonac armies met at the convergence of the three rivers and laid down their arms. The warriors supposedly spent a day and night speaking, debating, and learning more from each other at that sacred place.

A new religious philosophy was born that saw the three kingdom's distinct faiths not as theological adversaries, but as the same higher power manifesting in different forms. The heads of the three great armies disregarded orders from their earthly kings and proclaimed dedication to a higher power, becoming the first Trimachy Council and declaring The Three Waters outside the rule of mortal men. Some of their troops joined them, no more than 500 at the time. Many more returned home, confused.

The rulers of each kingdom and the clergy that served them predictably decried the new Trimachy, and their supposed independence, but the ongoing war left them with little time and fewer resources to act. When the conflict finally ended and each kingdom in turn made attacks on The Three Waters to dislodge the Trimachy, they were repeatedly defeated by the new and growing religious order, made up of skilled soldiers and capable commanders from all three kingdoms.

As victories piled up over the decades, the commonfolk began to believe the gods - or god, as the Trimachy proclaimed - truly did favor the upstart brotherhood. The Trimachy went from a secluded order of warrior monks lurking near The Three Waters to the pseudo-government of a number of growing villages that attracted craftsmen, laborers and scholars that had been exiled or otherwise outcast from their homes.

For the last 200 years, the three kingdoms have recognized the Trimachy's place on the continent. No new attempts to claim The Three Waters have come, though conflict between the kingdoms remains. The Trimachy has seen its focus shift from a membership of purely warrior-monks to theological scholarship, alchemy, natural sciences, and research of "higher magics," a budding art that imbues some mortals with the ability to channel powers from the gods themselves. The Trimachy's armed branch, some say, has deteriorated beyond the ability to defend itself should one or more of the kingdoms look to attack them as in the past.

While the current leaders of the Trimachy maintain their aloof and disinterested stance on continental politics, some members worry the order's weakened state could lead to a loss of respect and opportunity for conquest from the secular kings. Another rising school of thought among new, hawkish members of the order pushes for a more active and aggressive role from the Trimachy in international affairs.

Tensions are rising across Bràite Edin. Long years of relative peace have bred a young generation of prospective soldiers and glory-seeking generals eager to make a name for themselves, with minor border disputes escalating to bloody affairs. A new wave of militant religious reformations in Aethia threatens to disrupt the established order, and royal Vyrik ties to a member of the current Trimachy Council may force the group's members to choose sides sooner than later as the secular realms spiral towards instability - and a seemingly inevitable war.

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