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Realistic or Modern Tales of Shade House


A Faded Ghost
The stench filled the house, leaking through the walls, seeping into clothing and skin. Weeks went past, months went past, and the smell only worsened. Not even the strongest air fresheners could cover it. No matter what they did, they could not get rid of it, nor could they find the source. Eventually, they had enough. They sold the house, before disappearing as quick as they could. It all happened so fast, the neighbours didn’t realise they had left for a few days. When they did, they just figured that they must have left overnight. Who knew.

Not long after, a group of new people moved in. Strangers it seemed, part of a new house-share program, each person paying a fraction of the already low house price. None of them noticed anything unusual about the house, other than a locked closet in the largest bedroom that none of them could find the key for. The house was smaller on the inside than it appeared to be from the outside, but it was still quite big. Fully furnished, a full loft conversion, even a basement perfect for use as a games room, or whatever else they wanted it to be. The house was perfect for them. Until the day one of them disappeared...

Hey all. So, today is Easter, the one day of the year you can eat your body weight in chocolate without getting judged, so I thought it's a perfect time for... A horror-themed RP.

It'll be fun to see if people have any guesses as to what is happening with this house, but anyways. The story will begin when the housemates move in, before one of them disappears (it will be one of my characters disappearing, hence why I've got two characters). There are five housemates altogether, so three open spots. That number might change, depending on how much interest this gets.


1 ~ Follow all site rules
2 ~ Romance, violence, swearing all that stuff is allowed
3 ~ One character per person
4 ~ Post your character here
5 ~ To show you've read these, put 'Easter Eggs' somewhere in your character sheet
6 ~ If you've got any disagreements with other people, keep it out of the roleplay
7 ~ Please note that breaking the rules will result in your character dying.
8 ~ If you have any questions, about the rules, ideas, or characters, don't hesitate to ask ^-^

Character Sheet Template






1 ~ Jacob "Jakey" Mikela ~ Maxx
2 ~ Luna Lilith ~ Maxx
3 ~ Olive Hale ~ AshleyTheNarwhal
4 ~ Penny Green ~TerrinX
5 ~ reserved for LindsMagee
6 ~ reserved for AshleyTheNarwhal
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Easter Eggs

Name Olive Hale
Age 19
Gender Female



Olive grew up in a typical family. Her Dad was in the Military then became a Cop, her Mother is a elementary school teacher and her big brother is also in the military. Most of her family is either law enforcement or military and she didn't go down either path. Olive has always had a passion for the arts. Performing theater, dancing, and classical art and painting. It wasn't until about a year or so ago she started her tattooing apprenticeship and wanted to move out on her own. Being a tattoo apprentice she doesn't make really anything so she also dances at a gentleman's club to make ends meat. She is excited to start her life on her own and to meet her new interesting housemates. She has her whole life in front of her...right?

Easter Eggs

Name Olive Hale
Age 19
Gender Female



Olive grew up in a typical family. Her Dad was in the Military then became a Cop, her Mother is a elementary school teacher and her big brother is also in the military. Most of her family is either law enforcement or military and she didn't go down either path. Olive has always had a passion for the arts. Performing theater, dancing, and classical art and painting. It wasn't until about a year or so ago she started her tattooing apprenticeship and wanted to move out on her own. Being a tattoo apprentice she doesn't make really anything so she also dances at a gentleman's club to make ends meat. She is excited to start her life on her own and to meet her new interesting housemates. She has her whole life in front of her...right?


Accepted! ^33^
Name Penny Green
Age 20
Gender Female



Penny was raised as you would expect. Her parents pushed her for grades, she did well in school but ignored the social aspect to focus on her studying.
After high school, Penny was quickly ushered out of home and into college which wasn't much different to from her perspective. Two years later she's taking a year off. Her dad having passed from cancer she decided that it was best to slow down. Inbtween diplomas and college debt Penny couldn't pass up the chance for a cheap place to stay.


Name Penny Green
Age 20
Gender Female

View attachment 566424


Penny was raised as you would expect. Her parents pushed her for grades, she did well in school but ignored the social aspect to focus on her studying.
After high school, Penny was quickly ushered out of home and into college which wasn't much different to from her perspective. Two years later she's taking a year off. Her dad having passed from cancer she decided that it was best to slow down. Inbtween diplomas and college debt Penny couldn't pass up the chance for a cheap place to stay.


Accepted! ^33^
Name: Jacob “Jakey” Mikela
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Jakey is 6 foot 2 inches, with a slim but muscular build. He has a seemingly constant tan, most likely due to his relationship with spray tan. His brown hair is usually styled with excess amounts of gel, and the look in his gray eyes tends to give the impression that he feels he is better than everyone else. His attire reflects this, with his immaculate shirt and smart trousers, worn even when he has nowhere to be.

Jakey was born the only child of an extremely wealthy couple. Growing up, he always got what he wanted from his parents. He was popular in school, due to both his money, and the fact he was the captain of many of the school’s sports teams. Like most rich kids, he got into a fair bit of trouble, which his father always bailed him out of. Following an argument with his parents, some stupid thing about them buying him the wrong easter egg, he moved out. He was given enough money to cover his share of the house he was moving into, but that was it.

He does have work… As a librarian in a local library. Not that he lets anyone know this.

Name: Luna Lilith
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Luna is a girl of average height, about five and a half feet tall, slightly underweight, and paler than most as a result of preferring to stay inside, even when it’s wonderful outside. Her naturally black hair has been cut short and partially dyed electric blue, and her eyes are a bright green. She mostly wears varying shades of black, blue, and purple, mainly in the form of leggings, a tee shirt, and her ever-present black hoodie, with which she always wears the same pair of trainers she’s owned for the past four or five years.

Luna is the second child of a single mother, with two younger siblings coming along later. Her mother worked long hours to make sure everyone was fed and clothed and had a roof over their heads. In school, Luna was ostracized for the way she dressed and behaved, but it never bothered her. So what if people didn’t like her, it weren’t like their opinions mattered. When she was about fourteen, she nearly got in huge trouble on Good Friday. Her mother had been ill and unable to work. So Luna stole a few easter eggs, as well as other easter chocolate, for her siblings. The security guard in the shop noticed, and she narrowly avoided being arrested. Instead, someone who looked similar was arrested, and her siblings enjoyed their easter. Recently, Luna got a job in the local Mcdonald’s, giving half of what she earns to her mother, and moved out of her childhood home.

As well as her hoodie, Luna is never seen without her headphones, whether they are over her ears or around her neck.​

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