Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

MrLlama said:
Never use Google Translate. This is what you just typed: If along with the fight you back, is carried out to hit the character of you, how is that it is dramatic much, you will be able to just head smashed glass bottle is the get?
What I came up with was, "When your letter lets you beat together when you come back and fight and performs it, as for the thing much more dramatic how, can a carafe do only profit るで 頭強打?"
MrLlama said:
Wait, but you just used Google Translate.
It's easier to show improper translations with Google, rather than going through it and translating properly. I got the basic gist of it, but I thought this way would emphasize just how terrible Google is at this.
Kasai said:
.-. Moo. I must sleep now. Goodnight, children.
y u do dis.

y u make my character turn into ice.


u make me type liek dis.


I'm back guys. Not for long perhaps because I feel like I'm going to colapse in exhaustion. Anyway, let me sort through my alerts and I'll get started on:

1. Reviewing Sedrian on Page Six.

2. Posting the second part of the event.
Mr llama, this is what you said in Arabic

The nineteenth century is the century of the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, in a long series of European wars vessels and frustration, and the dismemberment of the Turkish Empire by the Revolution, Greek, and Spanish Empire before that from Mexico and South America, and revolutions repeated in France; war in 1813 between England and the United States, and the war between the United States and Mexico, and the war between the States of North and South American Federation, and the unification of Germany, in Italy, and many of the wars of England most of hostilities, the nation amplify the self, the rich and powerful in the modern era), for maintenance and increase its empire and claims, among which competition * should be personalized wars in 1839-1842, to force the impious opium trade, missions and by the way, building on China in 1840, with its allies, to restore Syria for the Turks of affiliated rebel, just as England upheld repeatedly Turks in their lives the scary and wholesale massacres of "Christians" in the Turkish Empire and the Asian provinces in 1854-6, in connection with France and Sardinia, to defend Turkey from Russia in 1857, to maintain the rule in India from the Indian soldier rebellion in 1857-1860 , to open China's best for Trade and missions, and in 1883, to take over Egypt, and lost at the mouth of a cannon and rifle, and the mortgage on her this poor people extreme and, and the defense of shares in the Suez Canal and the shortest route them to India, and of course England, in recent years, in force, by Her fleets, treaties, and trafficking in liquor miserable on India, Sean, Madagascar, Griqualand, etc., degrading heathens much lower than the previous ■ their condition, in order to increase revenue to them, and clear and recognition temporarily, by the European countries, of Providence private and merciful and Almighty to stay in the profession victorious from Napoleon Bonaparte, followed by relapse urgently to infidelity, and liberation almost universal slaves, freeing very wide range of civilized peoples from political oppression; improve public morals indecency society less open, nervousness, profanity and fencing, and the character is lighter than legislation; increase of charities and asylums for people and unfortunate; extend great deal of popular education, and unprecedented progress of scientific discoveries and inventions process, reduce physical labor, and beaten amenities, comforts and luxuries of life, and the discovery and mining of gold in California and Australia, and the establishment of manufactures, and a significant increase in trade, and dedication over the business sector and the money mechanism to obtain; rapid increase of wealth and destitution, and demoral i / at the inn, and, in most civilized countries, recent crime; sympathy for nerds and condoning abuses, and general spread of quackery, puffery and dishonesty; adulterations unmatched foods, beverages, medicines, and increase the debauchery of offers play, and a significant increase of gambling in the forms of old and new, including speculation in grain and cotton futures, and decay gradual but steady appreciation of the sanctity of life of the marriage relationship, and ease divorce laws, and the doubling of the incidence of divorce and disturbing "multiplicity wives, respectively "(England new states in the Union occupies a miserable superiority, and Protestant countries exceeded Catholic countries Romania, in this disregard of corrupting the law Divine for marriage), and increasing the frequency of OBF oatation and kill the fetus, rather than infanticide practiced by the pagans, and corruption Visitors increasing the daily press, in large cities, and the use of the telegraph, raft on all the details of the crime, and helping to make the epidemic of crime, and the tendency infidel from a wide range of literature periodic and science falsely so-called, and impurity and corrupting influence of a lot of modern art , and the fact that nationsof Europe spends, on average, four and a half times more of the war for education, that England spends about twenty dollars per year for every man, woman and child, for the spirits, and that the United States spends about seventeen dollars a year in per capita for the same purpose, while spending per capita in dollars only for one year of the religion and about two dollars for education; * significant increase from the madness and idiocy; imbalance Catholic communion Romania (Catholic old, in Europe, the separation in 1870), and Episcopal (Branch Reformed, in the United States, out in 1873), and Presbyterian (Cumberland or أرمينينيسم Presbyterian in the U.S. western and southwestern of the Union, to withdraw from their fellow Calvinists in 1810, and the church free, in Scotland, of the Established Church, in 1843, and a new school , in the United States, and the separation of the old school in 1837, but re-unification in 1860; South and secession from the north in 1861), Baptist (the old school, in the United States, and the separation of the new school in 1828-1843, and The new school separates North and South in 1845; Baptists strict, in England, and the separation of the Baptists, especially in the year 1835), in the Methodist (divided into about a dozen communities; and, in the United States, which separates the North and South in 1844), The Society of Friends (some Quakers, in Ireland, to become an innovated in 1813, and refused to have in the United States, to withdraw from the Quakers Orthodox old in 1827), and decay very wide range of faith ancient among the Jews, Brahmins and Buddhists and Mohammedans and Protestants (and this the latter almost abandoned globally Calvinist native أرمينينيسم Catholic, and goes several off even in Balijnasm and inclusiveness), and the case decayed and deadened from the Greek Catholic, and the revival of flour and the culmination of blasphemy of Koman Catholic (Ultramontauism), restores the importance and impact of such was not has for several centuries (wound killer heal), to re-establish the person mastermind of the machinations and the Inquisition (1814) - The assassination of ofttco hundred female and nearly two thousand Protestants males in the south of France (1815), the revitalization of the Assembly of publicity (1817) - Establishment of propagation society Lyon (1822), and many colleges and theological seminary, and renewed enthusiasm for a large number of ancient Catholic communities in which to buy, by the "Holy Childhood Society of Jesus," of about 400,000 Chinese orphans, in about three cents each, In order to bring the f * 'baptize "them in communion Catholic, and buy several transfers pretended from the lower classes of Protestants in Europe, gathering in thousands of followers of the Episcopal Church in England, and the rapid increase very numbers, in the United States, immigration, and Send three thousand priests on the work of foreign mission, deployment, and among the heathens, and كسويستري Jesuitical most corrupt and idolatry in the name of Christianity, and, in some cases, especially in remote islands, in licentiousness French most shameless, and worse still practiced by heathens themselves , confirmation, by Pope Pius IX., in 1854, of sinlessness (Immaculate Conception) of the Virgin Mary, "Mother got! , And Queen of Heaven "(and thus still more than ever justify and encourage greater Roman Catholic Mariolatry, or pagan worship of Mary, which is addressing many of the prayers, begging her to persuade or order her son Jesus to graut petitions from supplicants) - version by the same Pope, in 1864, of the "curriculum of errors," claiming still "church" poirer to use the power of time, and denounced the school is Catholic and the separation of church and state, the announcement of the Vatican Council, July 18, 1870. in the midst of the storm gorgeous clonds Black and continuous flash lightning and thunder peal, of the infallibility of the Pope (which makes him God in the land, and JSupreme judge last of the race rights in all matters of faith and moral *, who resolution is not that one can deviate loss icithout of salratio * to see These 3 and II. 8.4), followed by, in retaliation divine future, in the very next day, July 19. General 1870, before the declaration of war against Germany by Napoleon III., supporting the political of the papacy, in which competition in two months destroyed Empire France and the temporal power of the Pope and published a letter from Pope Leo XIII. November 1.1885, "De Civitatum Gubernatione Christiana" (Regarding governmental Christian states), conspired upon all Catholics to devote all their energies to influence and control the policy in the world, and restores all nations and their constitutions on the principles of the Catholic (and therefore carry the world back to the middle of the night from the Dark Ages, and political basis, as well as a formal basis, legal and ceremonial and police, religion and pagan Rome, and unspiritualize and corrupting the Kingdom embrace Christ, making it the Kingdom of this world) , and the emergence of new evidence that God has people even in the Catholic Romanian, or mystical Babylon (from which he invites them to attend, and the revelation eighteenth 4 Fellowship), in the presence of religion spiritual real-between. few Catholics from southern Germany, which leads them to a sense of worthlessness of pomp empty and ceremony, and sinfulness and disability than men, and absolute dependence him on the mercy of God, and the need for the Union of the inside with Christ through repentance and faith, sparking much hatred more bitter and persecution, even disbelief, raises the followers of the fanatical of Pope and in the presence of spirituality humble similar, looking beyond all creatures to God, and serve with love and spontaneous and praising cheerfully to him in the midst of a life of deprivation and suffering, among some of the elderly, Catholics poor and ignorant people of Ireland, oppressed severely by the House of Lords for their English; * Iceberg remarkable spirit of God, in the early years of this century, England and the United States, and large ingatherings in the handling of Protestantism, and a significant increase of the profession, in recent years, without possessing a clear, from Christianity (More members having been added to the " Churches "in this century, mainly since 1850, the number of full members at the beginning), especially deception and gather in large numbers of young people, and young women in particular, through Sunday school, and preaching the doctrine of loose or no faith, and other human means countless machines (often conducted by the so-called "evangelists" at a price stipulated from $ 25 to $ 300 per week), lengthy meetings and distracted, deviations from the Bible, fairy tales, seats anxious, and seats mourners', affecting tunes, and sobs, sighs, groans, convulsions, and decisions of Rights, shaking hands, etc., etc., etc., and secularization or absorption mundane of professing "church"; bring societies based on the money for the church of God, and htiman learning and councils rights for the Spirit of God; ancient distinctive and essentially the principle of Jesuitical of indoctrination systematic minds yonng with false * religion, screening nearly population events all through the "School Saturday," Replacing the effect is weak and humanly, developed from the "Saturday School "Teacher of strength and in writing - enjoined house effect and the church, and resulting in a large proportion of cases, according to the latest investigations and extensive and reliable, in the mobilization of the mind with the young religious irreverent and hatred of the Bible and the Church; t create or get control of the institutes, colleges and universities for the purpose of proselyting himself, (Protestants, in this as in many other issues, just copy the methods of the Catholic old), and character sordid lot of imagination found in libraries, "Sabbath School"; preaching the play, greeted with laughter and applause, and a significant increase from the tenant "sponsors", who, instead of feeding the flock, and feed themselves on the herd, and care not for the sheep (who rush to leave at any time to get the biggest price elsewhere), and lording over of the herd in order to gain ugly (Ezekiel xxiv, and John S.; work XX 33-85, 1 Peter vs 2, 3), and beatings of all kinds almost amusements mundane in connection with the so-called "churches," to entertain and retain members of the young people who, having no spiritual life, you can not partake of spiritual food, and to raise funds for purposes such as religious pretended as strawberry festivals and ice cream, dinner oysters and concerts, carols comic, and music videos, and role-play for amateurs, Sunday school trips, picnics , logos, and slogans, trees Holiday Christmas, cards holiday of Passover, balls charity, and "Exhibition of the Church" (with rafflings or gambling), rightly called "amateur of horrors," mixing * Trade with Sham Sham charity, and get money under false flimsy, teaching patrons selfish and thoughtless how to be "good without charity, and charity charity without, devout without devotion, and how to give without tender and to be paid for 'doing good,'" and thus try serve both God and money, and turned what is claimed to be the house of God to pray in the house of Trade and cave for thieves, and call loudly for the scourge of Masters to cleanse the temple of her. defilements (Jews and Catholics and Protestants, all the exercise of these abominations), and the growing tendency, as is the case in the latter part of the Dark Ages, in framework of the teachings of the Pope of Rome, to reduce all the commandments, to one, give gold, as though this was needful one thing, and everything else is worthless, for the salvation of the soul; * tendency almost universal people try to pull the mote from the eyes others, and not to think about the beam in their own eyes to concern chiefly with the means and ways to improve the moral of others, without starting improve own moral, resulting in waste and abortion, and the exhumation and deciphering records archaeological ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia, and All tend to clarify and! confirm, in the most wonderful way, and the truth is exactly the Bible Old Testament, at which time it looks like this emphasize most needed by the world infidel; many new translations of the Bible; into the languages of civilized peoples alike and uncivilized, and the Federation of Lutheran and "churches" repaired in Russia, in command1 of the king, "the Evangelical Church" and the revival of "Lntheranism Old" there, and the movement of [Trkiran] or Anglo-Catholic "Church of England," which led to the ritual, Romanism and skepticism, and the formation of a broad church (hello addition to the high church and low church) party, in the "Church of England" - "wide so you can not see through it," says Mr. John Gadsby, of London, "the Church of England," says Mr. AVG Allen, Cambridge, Massachusetts, "and so remain open to all the tide of thought and spiritual life that has swept across the country, and thus able to keep with it those who are not another form of Christian organization can tolerate, and" appearance, in 1880 , from the rational "Essays and Reviews," which was written by seven Oxford teachers Episcopal, and, in n "Bishop investigations" for "and from Joshua," assault on the health and credibility of those books with arguments worn or surrendered current long in Germany, and the acquittal of the charge of heresy, both from the book and articles, by the Privy Council, the highest court of the Church in England; solution and the Episcopal "Church" in Ireland in the year, with formalized the future holds in England, too, before the lapse of many years, and Reunion, in 1846 from Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist new school Methodists, المورافيون, and other Protestants triangulation, of all countries, "wea dramatically before, in his welcoming speech, heart mirage stirring! "), The doctrinal basis of nine articles, Chairman of the object stated as to oppose the progress of the papacy, and more than half; Union of all Protestants almost in other societies and associations and diet and councils and committees and conferences, and the organization and operation of large numbers of Bible and Tract and advocacy, and chastity and relief societies, and for Sukalid "Salvation Army", with eccentricities her, insults and delusions, and gathered around two million communicants in the "church" Protestant land and bend; in continued inside and enthusiastic missionary foreign المورافيون, which began in 1732, - " achievement, "he said," The results are the most extraordinary icith lowest number of means, "trust in the providence of God, choose fields of the poor and humble (not from India and China, but) from Greenland, Labrador, and the West Indies, South Africa and Australia, and do championship rough work that would others do not touch, and obliterate almost all aspects of discrimination between the various Protestant "churches, and" blocking of the shallowness of blasphemy under assurances popular that there should be no dogma, no creed, no church, but freedom perfection In all these matters; idea that the truth, regardless of what is believed to one, of any religion or no religion, is all that is necessary for salvation, and doubt, repression or denial, by most Protestants, many of the facts vital to Christianity; feeling squeezed from sin, and are convinced fainter than dispense blood atonement of the Son of God and for the renewal of the power of God's Spirit, and the principle of Frisian from the conversion of debt from the reality home to save on display outside in vain - glorious, and contempt for the public and abuse revealed religion; disbelief in Providence, especially from God extends to all events Itfe rights; disbelief in the literal and verbal and inspiration General of the Bible, and this kind of disbelief permeate, more or less, almost all Protestant "churches", declared by the book unblushingly their most recent and reliable, and in fact degrading books to the level of all the other books, which contain a mixture of errors, which left to the reader to recognize and accept what he wants, and rejected what he wants, and stigmatization of those who belong to the facts ideological unpopular old proclaimed prophets and apostles by Christ And, as "a hundred years behind the times," and also the application of the principles of understanding cold to the language of passion and imagination, and also literally finding the doctrines of the kinds of bold and metaphors, while at the same time admit objectors that the old system of doctrine is made honestly and logically enough , but very strictly, from the language of the Bible, and the firm commitment and immovable property of the "remnants of a very small according to the election of grace" to the principles and practices (Isaiah 9 i.; Rom atheist ten 5) apostolic original, in the face, ridicule and slander and contempt and persecution (Matthew 10-12 V;. Rom III 8; work xxviii 28) Only those who have eyes see to be able to discern the motives naive and spiritual for these employees despised and calumniated of the Most High God; rise (or revival) of cosmic Unitarianism, and natural, anti,,, ISM superficial, and moral, Transcendentalism, paganism, pantheism, humanism and liberalism, a new expression, Campbellism, Irvingism, Darbyism, Puseyism, Mormonism, Millerism,, two,, but,, Universal, pseudo- spirituality, utilitarian, rationalism, Balijnasm, scientism, agnosticism, Omniscienceism, Presumptuousism, Stoic, and materialism, evolutionism, fatalism, and atheism, optimism, pessimism, socialism, communism, debauched, Republican red, internationalism, nihilism, Destructionism, DynaTiiitism, Atrocicism and anarchism. - see more at

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