Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

paipai900 said:
Cool story, bro. Are you going to finish your character or should I take him off the pending list?
I'll finish him I just haven't gotten past a writer's block 
Jeez... what page was I on? 4? 6? I don't even...
My CS is going to be so bad... :'C

How old can a dwarf be? Normal, human age or long, OOOOOLD 130ish year old age
That too big of a difference in my opinion. We haven't allowed others to go that high.

Pai, you said it's 8+ for Dwarves, right? In that case, he woul be 232 in human years.
TheKaosophile said:

|General Information|

  • Lannian Farad

|Biography of Lannian Farad|

  • Lannian is always very calm and collected, relying on diplomacy and wit rather than his bow if he can help it. Lannian is very comfortable with nature and has never visited a big city. He often meditates for long periods of time, simply taking in the sounds of nature and absorbing the energies, purging negative energies from himself. The only time he is at all irritable is when he is kept from performing his weekly meditation. Lan is very curious of the world outside his woods, but his father said that humans can be cutthroat, and Lan took this literally. He is kind and caring to the point of empathic, helping anyone in need, no matter their past, as he cannot bear to see anyone die unnecesarily.

I think that covers it... I probably missed something but I dunno 

MrLlama said:
wiggle, waggle, wiggle
you missed the Elder Scrolls reference
*Gets sweetroll* *uses that one dashing crap shout* *Chases you, we end up at a cliff.*

"Mwuahahahahahahaaha." *Throws sweetroll at you*


"FUS ... RO ... DAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *you fly off the cliff and into a dragon's mouth*
*turn's into vampire lord crap; comes after you*

Now I want to do a Skyrim Roleplay, thanks a lot. -3-

LOL. I just realized what I said I turned into.

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