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Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

This is the OOC section of the roleplay, where people can chill out and relax as they wait for others to post, to chat about everyday things, to input their questions and suggestions into. However, in order to avoid any mess in this section I will instill rules.

Rule#1: No fighting against another role player. You may have different views, and some may have unintentionally offended you, but that does not mean you should fight it out. Respect their opinions and give them the feedback they need.

Rule#2: No spamming. I do not want this area to be flooded by such things, for they annoy not only me, but other role players as well.

Rule#3: There shall be no release of in rp chatting in here, other than planning, collaboration requests and inquiries.
Yep. I had just finished summer school and most of the issues I've faced have been solved, so I believe I could pull this off better this time.
Hello. Was just wondering if this kind of character would be able to fit into your world in some way.

Well, based on his personality and goals, I would go with Desterrat. The other two don't fit.
[QUOTE="blue nebula]Is it possible for me to have a bloodeyes that doesn't age forever?

Bloodeyes age forever, and that fact is unchangeable. But you can be a young Bloodeye though.

Hmm... after seeing your plot, I dunno if Drahk would fit in this roleplay. I see him more as a character that rises to power more than one that accompanies a quest or tries to ruin a quest as an antagonist.
@Bravest . Not sure if you didn't notice this but your characters height says 5'12 which isn't a thing. Just felt like giving you a heads up.

P.S In the middle of making a character.
Bills352 said:
@Bravest . Not sure if you didn't notice this but your characters height says 5'12 which isn't a thing. Just felt like giving you a heads up.
P.S In the middle of making a character.
Lol thanks. Didn't notice that.


Ire said:
Hmm... after seeing your plot, I dunno if Drahk would fit in this roleplay. I see him more as a character that rises to power more than one that accompanies a quest or tries to ruin a quest as an antagonist.
I remember seeing in somewhere in your cs that says "Drahk seeks for power" or something like that. Maybe you could incorporate that he seeks the power that the ancient relics hold?

In his CS, I put that he seeks more of a political power. I don't know what kind of power the ancient relics offer, so I doubt he would go after them.
@Bravest May I inquire something? Would someone teach me how to use the coding to make a nice and neat CS. I'd prefer it if it wasn't the usual up and down sort of posting that I do, with a few spoilers thrown in here and there.
[QUOTE="Vengeance Spirit]can i reserve a protagonist part O.o ?


ChristinaXIV said:
@Bravest May I inquire something? Would someone teach me how to use the coding to make a nice and neat CS. I'd prefer it if it wasn't the usual up and down sort of posting that I do, with a few spoilers thrown in here and there.
Sure, why not?
Ire said:
In his CS, I put that he seeks more of a political power. I don't know what kind of power the ancient relics offer, so I doubt he would go after them.
Ire said:

Character Goals:

More than his craving for killing, Drahk seeks power. While he physically has reached that goal, he desires the unrivaled political power of a king. He wants to build armies, to conquer, and to destroy those who act against him. He yearns to rule through fear, since love and loyalty have only costed him grief and misery. In his mind, if he can rule, those who follow him will never again leave him to be burned.

The ancient relics are offer all kinds of powers, be it physical, magical, political, etc. Well, since there are a lot of them.


ChristinaXIV said:
Would you PM me?
@Bravest you're awesome!

May I reserve not only a protagonist spot, but an antagonist as well?

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