Talents of the DragonScale {Please read and give me input}

Kitsumi Mahon

New Member
Many years ago, there was a time when humans were gifted with special powers, or talents, as they called them. Some had the ability to create fire, read minds, shape-shift, and much more. It was unknown how the people came upon these talents, but it was guessed that these people were gifted by the gods. While most of the people used their talents for good, some began using theirs for evil. Because of this, the last living dragon, named Skelbre, decided that for the good of all living creatures on the earth, he would remove the talents from their humans, binding them inside himself. Such raw power would kill him, he knew, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. One by one, he sought out humans with talents, taking them inside himself. When he had removed the last talent from its human host, Skelbre gave in to death. He was given an honorable burial, and was remembered as a hero who had saved the world from the evil of power-thirsty talents.

But no one knew that the talents didn't die with him. They were simply trapped in his scales, unable to get out without a human host. Dragon scales never deteriorate, and so the talents were kept within Skelbre's scales. As time eroded the earth, changing its physical features, Skelbre's scales were scattered, and found by humans in all parts of the world. The first human to handle one of these scales were given the talent that had remained dormant inside the scale.

There was only one person who had kept their talents, remaining hidden from Skelbre. He was blessed with immortality, as well as other talents, and remained in hiding, knowing that one day the talents would resurface, and that the humans who received them would need to be trained to use their talents for good. Now, he is going around, collecting the various humans who came in contact with the dragon scales, and training them on how to use their power. He created an academy, which he named after the dragon hero, Skelbre.

For some reason, the talents are only released from the scales when they are touched by someone under the age of 20. So Skelbre Academy became a boarding school of sorts, a place where these young men and women could safely harness their powers before being sent off into the world, where various talent killers await...

So, I don't really know if anyone would join this if I set it up :\ Anyone have any input?
I'm new at this forum but i have never done a RP like this. It sounds pretty good and it would be great to join you! ;)
:D I'm glad that people might actually join! Once I get the intro and character sign-up skeleton ready, I'll post it (I always spend way too much time on the intro and such xD ) Do you know where I'd post it, though? *blush* I'm still fairly new...don't quite know my way around this site yet.
No worries Kitsumi, to answer your questions:

- You can post the information about the roleplay (if you want) in the Subcategory of the RP-section you want to post the RP in.

( Example: Let's assume this rp goes in the Uncategorized Section, then you'd go in the Info-Subsection and post the information-thread there. )

- The Sign-Up thread is similar, the only difference is that it goes in the section's subcategory called "Sign-Up".

- The actual RP thread goes in the main section of rp genres. (Example: Uncategorized)

I hope this clarifies things, cheers and looking forward to joining your rp. ^^
more than likely the sign-up thread would be in other/uncatergorized unless it was based off of something specific like harry potter, naruto, etc.

also i would also be interested in this RP as is bears a close thought process of a D&D game, were you planning on using dice?

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