Taking Flight

BloodiedMagpies submitted a new role play.

You can have up to 3 characters :D

Character Sign Up


Human or Angel:

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year):


Tribe or Loner (If you're Human: City or Loner):


Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me? Don't mind this if you're Human):



Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy:

{{SORRY, just put in what rank you want to be if you live in a tribe and I'll think about it}}

Name: Aaliyah
Nickname: Ali (Ally)

Human or Angel: Angel

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): (Human years) 120, (Angel years) 24

Tribe or Loner (If you're Human: City or Loner): Loner *sobbing*

Appearance: Tallish (shush I'm not using numbers), pale skin, black hair with dark blue streaked through it and gray (grey idk) eyes.

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me? Don't mind this if you're Human): Black Billed Magpie (Pica [Pica] Hudsonia) {Search for a photo or look at my photo that's basically what Ali's wings look like).

Personality: Bit crazy, short tempered, patient with Humans not so much with Angels, easily excited, jumpy, more of a follower than a leader.

Weapons: Two Tessen (Japanese War Fans), Daggers.

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy: Nah, I'm cool here.

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Name: Celeste

Nickname: None

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): (human years) 95, (angel years) 19

Tribe or loner: Tribe

Appearance: Pale, fairly tall, lithe, dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes.

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?): Blue jay (They have the coolest wings)

Personality: Loves to laugh and appreciates bad jokes, she has a bit of a hot temper and can be very impulsive at the worst of times.

Weapons: Bow and arrow (despite her youth, she's an excellent shot). She uses daggers as a last resort.

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy: nah I'm good
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WhisperingLies said:
Name: Celeste
Nickname: None

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): (human years) 95, (angel years) 19

Tribe or loner: Tribe

Appearance: Pale, fairly tall, lithe, dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes.

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?): Blue jay (They have the coolest wings)

Personality: Mischievous, loves to laugh and appreciates bad jokes, she has a bit of a hot temper and can be very impulsive at the worst of times.

Weapons: Bow and arrow (despite her youth, she's an excellent shot). She uses daggers as a last resort.

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy: nah I'm good
Coolio, accepted.
Name: Deirk Wolf

Nickname: Wolfy

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): ( Human ) 110 ( Angel ) 18

Tribe or Loner: Tribe

Appearance: Very Tall (6'10), Blue almost Pale Eyes, Black Hair, Muscular.

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?): Crow

Personality: He is a quiet but deadly person and if you get close enough which is very rare he will show his emotions.

Weapons: Spiked gauntlets on both hands that are stained with his enemies blood.

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy: A scar on his right eye that start near the middle of his fore head and ends at the middle of his right cheek.
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Zak Knight] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/resources/taking-flight.1214/ said:
Name: Deirk Wolf[/URL]
Nickname: Wolfy

Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?):

http://www.rpnation.com/resources/taking-flight.1214/ ( Human ) 110 ( Angel ) 18
Tribe or Loner: Tribe

Appearance: Tall, Very Tall (6'10), Blue almost Pale Eyes, Black Hair, Muscular.

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?): Crow

Personality: He is a quiet but deadly person and if you get close enough which is very rare he will show his emotions.

Weapons: Spiked gauntlets on both hands that are stained with his enemies blood.

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy: A scar on his right eye that start near the middle of his fore head and ends at the middle of his right cheek.
Name: Dara Hansika

Nickname: N/A

Age: (Human) 100, (Angel) 20

Tribe or Loner: Loner

Appearance: Extremely skinny, pale skin, 5' 9", white hair that reaches her mid-back, and emerald green eyes.

Wings and Bird: She has the wings of a swan (Which is her bird)

Personality: She's quiet, somewhat depressed (And depressing), somewhat bipolar, has extreme paranoia, and is over-emotional. She's very serious and doesn't open up to people easily

Weapons: Twin daggers

Anything Else You Wanna Add: She loves music, art, and poetry
[QUOTE="Darkrose Kitten]Name: Dara Hansika
Nickname: N/A

Age: (Human) 100, (Angel) 20

Tribe or Loner: Loner

Appearance: Extremely skinny, pale skin, 5' 9", white hair that reaches her mid-back, and emerald green eyes.

Wings and Bird: She has the wings of a swan (Which is her bird)

Personality: She's quiet, somewhat depressed (And depressing), somewhat bipolar, has extreme paranoia, and is over-emotional. She's very serious and doesn't open up to people easily

Weapons: Twin daggers

Anything Else You Wanna Add: She loves music, art, and poetry

*boop* Accepted :D
Character Sign Up

Name:Oloben Fletcher


Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): (human years) 95, (angel years) 19

Tribe or Loner:loner

He has blue eyes

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?):red wings/Cardinal

Personality:Oloben Fletcher is not very smart and acts spontaneously and violently, and is extremely sadistic in his killings, but still has a fun-loving, childish innocence to him. Oloben Fletcher has an affinity with name-calling.

Weapons:what is in the picture

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy:
[QUOTE="Blood dog]Character Sign Up
Name:Oloben Fletcher


Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?): (human years) 95, (angel years) 19

Tribe or Loner:loner

He has blue eyes

Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?):red wings/Cardinal

Personality:Oloben Fletcher is not very smart and acts spontaneously and violently, and is extremely sadistic in his killings, but still has a fun-loving, childish innocence to him. Oloben Fletcher has an affinity with name-calling.

Weapons:what is in the picture

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy:

*tapping buttons* Yep, you're in :D




Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?):

(Human years) 100 (Angel years) 20

Tribe or Loner:




Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?):

Vulture. Her wings are a deep black with flecks of auburn in them.


She's mysterious and sadistic. This is a reason she's a loner. Lucifer was once a leader of a tribe, before going basically insane and violently murdering all of them. She has a lust for blood, and that was a reason she changed her name to Lucifer, it resembled her more.


A scythe she's named Reaper

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy:

Lucifer likes the dark, She's rarely seen out in the day as she resides in the shadowy parts of trees until nightfall.

Pitch Black] [CENTER] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/resources/taking-flight.1214/ said:



Age (5 Human years is 1 Angel year, OK?):

(Human years) 100 (Angel years) 20

Tribe or Loner:




Wings and Bird (If you have a flamingo as your bird transformation you will have pink wings, you get me?):

Vulture. Her wings are a deep black with flecks of auburn in them.


She's mysterious and sadistic. This is a reason she's a loner. Lucifer was once a leader of a tribe, before going basically insane and violently murdering all of them. She has a lust for blood, and that was a reason she changed her name to Lucifer, it resembled her more.


A scythe she's named Reaper

Anything else you wanna add just don't go crazy:

Lucifer likes the dark, She's rarely seen out in the day as she resides in the shadowy parts of trees until nightfall.

*thumbs up* Awesome, accepted :D
Name: Jack

Age: 20

Species: human

Status: loner

Personality: he is usually calm even when his life is in danger, caring, nice, cautious with who he trust, doesn't think people should hunt the angels.

Weapons: has a dagger, revolver, and a bow and arrow

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/images5ZRTYWFE.jpg.ae533e424fb0dcdccda3f1cc77b5f01c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/images5ZRTYWFE.jpg.ae533e424fb0dcdccda3f1cc77b5f01c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • images5ZRTYWFE.jpg
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leefirefox said:
Name: Jack
Age: 20

Species: human

Status: loner

Personality: he is usually calm even when his life is in danger, caring, nice, cautious with who he trust, doesn't think people should hunt the angels.

Weapons: has a dagger, revolver, and a bow and arrow

Appearance:View attachment 40552
You're in :D And yay our first Human rp character woo

Name: Alia Blackwell

Nickname: Lee-Lee (only kids are allowed to call her that)

Age: 89 (about 17 or 18)

Species: Angel

Wings and Bird:

Violet back starling. Her wings are a deep purple with different shades of purple and black, and have some white feathers underneath the wings.

Appearance: Profile pic. Light brown hair, pale skin, 5'9" curvy fit body, green multicolored eyes

Personality: Alia is the calm motherly type who matured way faster than the kids who age. She loves being around kids and is only soft around the little ones. She is usually calm, sarcastic, but she can get upset and can be vicious if needed. She is reclusive and would rather not be around other people since she has terrible trust issues, but she is a hopeless romantic.

Weapons: Alia carries hidden daggers and a claymore sword for battle and protecting her tribe.

Anything else: She is an excellent swordsman and is unmatched in her skill with a blade. She trains very hard every day just in case her tribe needs her skills.

[QUOTE="Angel Is Falling]

Name: Alia Blackwell

Nickname: Lee-Lee (only kids are allowed to call her that)

Age: 89 (about 17 or 18)

Species: Angel

Wings and Bird:

Violet back starling. Her wings are a deep purple with different shades of purple and black, and have some white feathers underneath the wings.

Appearance: Profile pic. Light brown hair, pale skin, 5'9" curvy fit body, green multicolored eyes

Personality: Alia is the calm motherly type who matured way faster than the kids who age. She loves being around kids and is only soft around the little ones. She is usually calm, sarcastic, but she can get upset and can be vicious if needed. She is reclusive and would rather not be around other people since she has terrible trust issues, but she is a hopeless romantic.

Weapons: Alia carries hidden daggers and a claymore sword for battle and protecting her tribe.

Anything else: She is an excellent swordsman and is unmatched in her skill with a blade. She trains very hard every day just in case her tribe needs her skills.

You are in in in :D  

[QUOTE="Angel Is Falling]

Name: Alia Blackwell

Nickname: Lee-Lee (only kids are allowed to call her that)

Age: 89 (about 17 or 18)

Species: Angel

Wings and Bird:

Violet back starling. Her wings are a deep purple with different shades of purple and black, and have some white feathers underneath the wings.

Appearance: Profile pic. Light brown hair, pale skin, 5'9" curvy fit body, green multicolored eyes

Personality: Alia is the calm motherly type who matured way faster than the kids who age. She loves being around kids and is only soft around the little ones. She is usually calm, sarcastic, but she can get upset and can be vicious if needed. She is reclusive and would rather not be around other people since she has terrible trust issues, but she is a hopeless romantic.

Weapons: Alia carries hidden daggers and a claymore sword for battle and protecting her tribe.

Anything else: She is an excellent swordsman and is unmatched in her skill with a blade. She trains very hard every day just in case her tribe needs her skills.

Might I ask what Rank you are?
Name: Kioshi Kyoshy

Nickname: Kio

Age: (Human) 105 (Angel) 21

Tribe or Loner: Tribe, Hunter would be good if possible :D

Appearance: Slim but agile, pale skin, short black hair, deep sea blue eyes.

Wings and Bird: He has the wings of a Golden Swamp Warbler (which is his bird as well)

Personality: Shyish (is that a word??? I don't think so :P ) funny, but sometimes can get snappy if annoyed and once he doesn't like someone, he doesn't like them.

Weapons: A katana (or samurai sword) short bow and arrows (is an average shot)

Anything Else You Wanna Add: His favourite food is pineapples :D  
Just tell me if there's anything I need to change or add :)
DrHuggies said:
Name: Kioshi Kyoshy
Nickname: Kio

Age: (Human) 105 (Angel) 21

Tribe or Loner: Tribe, Hunter would be good if possible :D

Appearance: Slim but agile, pale skin, short black hair, deep sea blue eyes.

Wings and Bird: He has the wings of a Golden Swamp Warbler (which is his bird as well)

Personality: Shyish (is that a word??? I don't think so :P ) funny, but sometimes can get snappy if annoyed and once he doesn't like someone, he doesn't like them.

Weapons: A katana (or samurai sword) short bow and arrows (is an average shot)

Anything Else You Wanna Add: His favourite food is pineapples :D  
Just tell me if there's anything I need to change or add :)
Awesome. What hunting group do you want Kio here to be in? Alpha, Beta, Delta or Omega?
Hmm, maybe read over the whole rp and pop up somewhere or explain what's happening in the tribe.

WhisperingLies (Celeste's roleplayer) will be back in an hour maybe.
BloodiedMagpies said:
Hmm, maybe read over the whole rp and pop up somewhere or explain what's happening in the tribe.
WhisperingLies (Celeste's roleplayer) will be back in an hour maybe.
ok thanks a lot

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