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Fandom Takigakure: Kokko no Taitō {OOC}

Woah, so much going on while I was gone haha.

Anyways The Silent Z The Silent Z , I noticed on your genin that you said he's rather tall for his age, but 152 cm is approximately around 4.9/4.10 ft? I don't think that's very tall haha. I only realized this because my genin, Luna is the same height as him xD

Also just to be sure, Rui's kg won't be counted against the list of Kgs of Takigakure, right? Since her clan is originally from Suna? (i just wanna be sure so that others can make a kg!)
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I'm really sorry about my absence. It's Friday, and I sorta put myself on a sudden hiatus after failing one of my exams. I understand that my previous position was taken, and I understand why. Just wanted to apologize and wish you guys luck!
Edit: Witty blessed me with their, er, blessing. As long as the GM is cool with it, I'll have the ANBU Captain up soon! Again, sorry about any trouble I may have caused.
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Woah, so much going on while I was gone haha.

Anyways The Silent Z The Silent Z , I noticed on your genin that you said he's rather tall for his age, but 152 cm is approximately around 4.9/4.10 ft? I don't think that's very tall haha. I only realized this because my genin, Luna is the same height as him xD

Also just to be sure, Rui's kg won't be counted against the list of Kgs of Takigakure, right? Since her clan is originally from Suna? (i just wanna be sure so that others can make a kg!)
Hmmm.... Gotcha, used googles calculations and that's what it kept popping up for the height I put in, I'll fix it later though with his bio stuff. Thanks for the info!

She will be having a adopted Kg not takigakure Origin.
I'm really sorry about my absence. It's Friday, and I sorta put myself on a sudden hiatus after failing one of my exams. I understand that my previous position was taken, and I understand why. Just wanted to apologize and wish you guys luck!
Edit: Witty blessed me with their, er, blessing. As long as the GM is cool with it, I'll have the ANBU Captain up soon! Again, sorry about any trouble I may have caused.
We can give this a shot, sure.
Hmmm.... Gotcha, used googles calculations and that's what it kept popping up for the height I put in, I'll fix it later though with his bio stuff. Thanks for the info!

She will be having a adopted Kg not takigakure Origin.
That's strange because when I calculate it, 152 cm is definitely less than 5 ft.
Alright sounds good
I finally finished my character sheets, sorry guys. I decided to spend my off days having a blast, but since my work picks up right when my off days ended, I found I really had not spent enough time on this website this past week. Am I still allowed to drop off my characters or nah?
I finally finished my character sheets, sorry guys. I decided to spend my off days having a blast, but since my work picks up right when my off days ended, I found I really had not spent enough time on this website this past week. Am I still allowed to drop off my characters or nah?
I'm pretty sure you're fine, I mean we still don't have all characters cs posted yet anyways~!
I finally finished my character sheets, sorry guys. I decided to spend my off days having a blast, but since my work picks up right when my off days ended, I found I really had not spent enough time on this website this past week. Am I still allowed to drop off my characters or nah?
She's been approved though keep in mind Tokubetsu Jonin start out with two elements and not three. So til she progresses into a third element she will only have access to two of those for now.
She's been approved though keep in mind Tokubetsu Jonin start out with two elements and not three. So til she progresses into a third element she will only have access to two of those for now.
Okay cool I'll subtract one once I get home. Also I'll hold off posting my genin cause I still wanna work on his back story.
The Silent Z The Silent Z
Yo would you mind if I edited my genin's sheet to change his weapons and fighting style a bit? I decided I don't want him to be a carbon copy of my jonin even though they're father/son
The Silent Z The Silent Z


Name: Akira Kakegurui
Nicknames/Aliases/Moniker: Some of the jonin refer to him as "The Chickling" When speaking to his father, which he resents a little.
Age: 12
Gender: Male

Birthdate: December 31st
Affiliation: Takigakure
Team: (To be assigned)

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 134lbs
Bloodtype: B-

Clan: None
Hiden: None
Kekkei Genkai: None

Classification: Genin
Occupation/Role: Genin
Ninja Rank: Genin

Appearance Description: Akira has long messy hair, despite many remarks from his father about how it looks unprofessional. Perhaps this is why he keeps it like this, only choosing to cut it when it gets in his eyes. He also dresses somewhat contemporary with a long scarf and comfortable layered clothing. He is long and muscular, like his father, and as a result of his hard taijutsu training.

Personality Description: Akira is a jokester. He often has a very sly grin on his face as well as a pep in his step. he is high energy and extremely enthusiastic about training, even though this is often met by sternness from his father, Yuma. Being a Shinobi is not all he cares about. He enjoys drawing and games, but everything relates back to the Shinobi arts. "Know the way broadly and you will see it in all things" He often remembers his grandfather saying when he was a young boy. He takes this saying to heart, and likes to get into philosophical debates about the ninja way. Akira is also somewhat of a trouble maker, this rebellious streak perhaps brought on by the strict nature his father takes in raising him.

Background: Akira's father is a jounin of high esteem, and as such he trained Akira hard from a very young age. His mother may have spoken out and said Yuma pushed the boy too hard, if she were there. She passed away when Akira was too young to remember. Akira knew this was hard on his father, and thus never pressed him too hard for conversation on the subject. This bred a mutual understanding between the two, as Akira wanted to make his father proud and Yuma wanted Akira to be strong and honorable to hold his own so that he wouldn't have to worry about him too. This, unfortunately, stunted the emotional growth of the relationship. The day Yuma openly tells Akira he loves him will most likely be on his death bed. Yuma sees much of his mother in Akira, namely his lively joking personality. Yuma often remarks that his son is not serious enough about his training, despite the boy being nearly on the level his father is in Taijutsu technique.

Now that he is a Genin Yuma has lightened up a little on the boy's personal training with him, most likely because he has to train with another master. Yuma realizes this is important for the growth of a shinobi, yet still insists on regular sparring matches. Whether this is more for training or because this is the only father-son bonding time the two have together is anyone's guess. Akirafeels a little relieved that his father isn't his full time trainer, because there was a lot of pressure to be perfect. He still feels the weight of this pressure to make his father proud with the upcoming Chuunin exams, however not being under his watchful eye he feels is a good opportunity to surprise him, especally with him being the head proctor and all. He knows he will not be given any slack for just this same reason.

Abilities Description: While Akira has a basic understanding of ninjutsu and is capable of using things like transformation and replacement jutsu, his skill in the field is comically underdeveloped. He knows one or two genjutsu, such as the basic sleep spell jutsu and fake kunai attack. He is much more versed in Taijutsu, being trained by his father Yuma at a very young age. His father pushed him hard, and as such bred a fighter with an understanding of Taijutsu a league above most other genin in technique as well as retaining a solid physical prowess. He is also very smart, able to use his techniques in outside the box ways to gain the upper hand in battle. He most favors techniques which can help aid his taijutsu specialty, feeling that a good taijutsu fighter can be just as powerful as incredible ninjutsu.

Signature Technique:

Body Amplification Technique: A technique recently taught to Akira and invented by his father, Yuma. It is still in it's developmental stages, and Yuma has treated Akira as a test subject more or less. It is a way of artificially amplifying one's own physical prowess through diverting almost the entirety of their chakra reserves into a single area of the body, with the cost of exhaustion and potential damage to the user. It is similar in this way to the opening of the chakra gates, however it targets specific aspects of a human body rather than amplifying all at once. The technique can be divided into three categories; Speed, strength, and defense. If the user pours their chakra into their legs, they receive a speed boost. Their arms, a strength boost. Their torso, a boost to their durability and defense. The technique can be used in three gears. In first gear the user gets an additional 25 percent boost to whatever aspect they're boosting with little blowback from the technique besides maybe a little muscle soreness. At second gear the user gains an additional 50 percent of their maximum potential. This usually results in the user being out of commission for a little while. At third gear the user completely doubles their maximum power at the cost of nearly incapacitating themselves for as much as a week. The more often the user uses the technique the longer they can sustain each level, but because it's effect is directly correlated to the user's base power level the effects are always the same.

Ultimate Defense Technique: A style of Taijutsu said to be taught to the Shinobi of Takigakure by the Herons. They are able to direct a tremendous amount of chakra to their palms in order to take blunt force attacks and redirect them with minimal damage. The name is misleading, however, because while they can minimize damage they cannot completely nullify it with this technique.

Chakra Nature: Water
Weapons: Bladed yoyo's with ninja-wire strings. Can also be used as makeshift-grappling hooks.
Summoning Contract: Heron

Indan is the son of Indo, whom has a summoning contract with Akira's father, Yuma. Indan and Indo's family are very familiar and close with Akira and Yuma, and were also with his mother. To the point that they dine together if Yuma and Akira go to visit them in the Heron Pools, which are hidden to most. Their territory exists in a valley with many waterfalls not far from the hidden waterfall village, with which the Herons are allied. The herons do not have many chakra-creation powers like the jutsu of the shinobi, however it is said that they once taught the shinobi of Takigakure how to fight not using brute strength but with skill. The herons are mighty and quick, making them incredibly useful foes to have in battle. Indan is six feet long beak to foot, and his beak is so sharp and strong it can pierce metal.
Databook: Head Ninja-36, Jonin-34, Anbu-32, Elders-30, Tokubetsu Jonin-28, Chunin-24, Genin-20

Ninjutsu: 2
Genjutsu: 1
Taijutsu: 4
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Stamina: 3
Hand Seals: 1
Total: 20

Other: Feel free to throw in extras that don't apply above. Likes, dislikes, fears, quirks, hobbies and what not. It's optional though so totally up to you the individual here.
Asking for forgiveness instead of permission. I made him a little more versatile, figured you wouldn't care since we haven't started yet.
Kobe Nathan Wade Kobe Nathan Wade
Yeah it's fine! Only would matter if major changes were made and effected power scale and etc. but minor changes to fighting style and weapons is fine as I'm not seeing anything overboard changed here least based off memory. One of those weeks for me ^^" But anyways your good, no worries here.
Ahh yeah my bad, I've just been sorta busy and battling a serious lack of inspiration. Now that I have a gimmick in mind you can expect the next two CSes within a couple days.
Sorry about my end too. Things are kind of crazy here at the moment. Lots of personal issues going on. I'll try to have my characters up within the next few days too.
And posted my last char after 3212312873618361836 days of delay. Sorta rushed since I actually didn't plan this one at all and wrote it from scratch after discarding the four other character sheets I made.

Gotta appreciate the wonders of being a goddam retard.

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