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Take these broken wings and learn to fly

Layla smiled and watch her dad make breakfast " daddy is Sarah is busy today that's what she said yesterday before she had to leave. We can be here alone until you get back and I will make us grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch" she said and looked at her dad then to Alistair. She smiled and sipped her orange juice slowly.
Dr. Dorian thought about it for a minute. "Yes you can stay here. I will only be gone for a couple of hours. But no cooking without me or another adult. I'll make some pot pies down to the fridge so you can reach them. If you get hungry use the microwave to make them. Got it?"

Alistair listened as the two talked and was a bit curious to what a microwave was. He knew what most of the things were in the kitchen, but the microwave was one he hadn't seen before. He knew the rest because he had gone to homeless kitchens.

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