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Multiple Settings Take Off to Worlds Beyond — 1x1 for F/F


Space Cadet
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T-20 to Landing
Name: AstraNova
Experience Level: 12 years
Looking For: Long-term & literate to adv.
Location: North America, EST
Pairing: Female x Female only
Age: 26

Welcome to my side of the galaxy. Where imagination gets you further than anything else. Because without it, what would we have?
After nine years of professional writing, I am besides myself with the want and need to get back into the swing of writing for pleasure. Back in the day, I used to role-play on Neopets and Proboards (geez, that feels like eons ago). Ever since then, role-playing became a part of not only what I enjoy doing, but who I am. Which sounds ridiculous, maybe, but it is part of what landed me my career. I am an executive serial entrepreneur by trade and need a way to reset my mind from the stress of writing for work instead of using it for what it used to be — a profoundly meaningful coping skill.
To kick off that search, I am putting energy and effort into this post to indicate the amount of equal parts energy and effort I will be willing to put into our potential role-play. I am looking for something long-term, literate to advanced, and is consistent and reliable. I do not waste anybody's time, which includes both yours and my own, so please, I implore you, if you are the sort to ghost, look elsewhere. I get too attached to what is being created and am admittedly human with insecurities; while I understand anxiety (I suffer from this myself), a busy lifestyle (guilty at times), etc., I just do not have the capacity to put my all into a plot, character, etc. only to have the other party bail. I was going to use some gallows humor to lighten this up, but it was a bit dark, so I'll forego it. If you're still interested in take off, let's explore further.

  • i. Mutual respect.
    This means we operate with utmost consideration towards one another.
    ii. Literate to advanced.
    Highly prefer proficient writers. I do not want one-liners. No semi-lit, unless you are looking to advance your skill-set and wish for me to guide and teach you. I am not a snob when it comes to this, I just want writing styles that vibe with my own.
    iii. Proper grammar and spelling — to the best of your ability.
    iv. Pairings will be Female x Female ONLY.
    Please respect this and be prepared accordingly. I prefer operating within the scope of my own sexuality and this is what makes me comfortable. Refer to rule i.
    v. Communicate with me.
    If there is/are going to be long delay(s), just let me know and I will adjust my expectations accordingly.
    vi. No power playing.
    This means we will not be controlling one another's characters.
    vii. Introduce yourself OOC.
    Let's have an idea of who each other is before we jump into things.
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